From the Director of Wellbeing, Matt Porter and School Counsellor, Glenn Fleming
Ways Bondi Parenting Classes
Free parenting classes will be run in November by WAYS Bondi, a not-for-profit organisation. Topics covered include understanding adolescent development, reflecting on your parenting, setting limits and boundaries and skills and other special topics.
For more information, download the flyer at the end of this article.
Parenting Boys Course
Parenting Ideas are offering an online course called ‘Parenting Boys’. This course delves into the minds of boys, exploring emotions, behaviour, communication, learning and sexuality. The Parenting Boys course contains 12 videos (between 20-30 minutes in length) each with an accompanying handout and activity covering the 12 most important topics for parenting boys. There’s also an additional 3 bonus video sessions that include experts talking about their personal experiences and insights parenting their own sons. To get a sneak peak at the videos and to get more information, click HERE.
Free Parenting Course Flyer
WAYS Parenting Courses | Download |