From the Convenor of Public Speaking and Debating, Cassandra Hill
On Monday night Waverley College hosted a CSDA Public Speaking Adjudication Accreditation Seminar.
This is where teachers, ex-students and university students undertake training to become accredited to adjudicate in official competitions.
In order for these people to understand the criteria of a successful speech, five of our students bravely stepped up to deliver speeches for the purpose of training.
These students were: Samuel Hall, Stephen Croft, Callum Stuart, Jackson Flynn and Ayden Smith. They are to be commended on their speaking prowess but also for selflessly giving up their time to support Waverley and the prospective adjudicators. In the process they received some valuable feedback that will help them prepare for the first round of the CSDA competition which occurs this Friday 3 March at Marist Sisters, Woolwich.