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Social Justice

Social Justice News – Matthew Talbot, White Ribbon, Advocacy Centre

From the Social Justice Co-ordinator, Geraldine Cullen

Matthew Talbot Appeal

Many thanks for all the beautiful gifts for the homeless men of Sydney. We had an ex-homeless friend of mine come in and talk to all students in Years 7 and 8 this term. Andrew told the boys that when he was homeless, the only gift he received at Christmas was from the Matthew Talbot Refuge. Thanks to Mr Chen and Year 7 for their gold coin donations for The Talbot, raised through their Mufti Day.

White Ribbon Day

We had an amazing turnout for the White Ribbon Day March this year. When I was walking down to meet the students, I passed a teenage schoolgirl at the bus stop. She was smiling. When I asked her why, she said she felt very proud that so many men cared so much about this cause and were prepared to stand up and be counted. Hundreds of men turned out to say “enough is enough”. Adam Goodes was the guest speaker on the day. He spoke from the heart about how it was time for good men to stand up and be counted. I was very proud of our students as they reverently took their pledge to “stand up and speak out”. I just hope they do.

Well done to the Year 12 Prefects who raised almost $500 from a sausage sizzle on the day.  The money will go to a refuge for women and children in Surry Hills.

Volunteer opportunity for parents and children

Each Christmas I have parents who wish to volunteer with their children. Thread Together is a good place to start. Under sixteens are welcome here. To read more about them, click here.

Advocacy Centre

I have been allocated a classroom to use as an Advocacy Centre next year. I look forward to running campaigns with each of the House groups. I will also be teaching students how to lobby the government for change. Onwards and upwards!

Thank You

As always at Waverley, it’s been a busy and productive year. A huge thank you to the staff, students and parents who are so supportive of the Social Justice Program at the college.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!