Summer Season Sport: Cricket
From the Head of Senior Sport, Steve O’Donnell
Trials and Pre-Season
Welcome back to Term 4 and the start of the new Summer Co-curricular season. This Saturday many activities have their trials for selections for Round 1 of CAS. A number of our Cricketers have already started their season with the 1st XI being a stand out. A number of cricketers also travelled to Rockhampton in the holidays for a great development tour and I want to thank the staff involved for giving up time in their holidays to ensure that our Cricketers got the most out of this tour. Our basketballers also played in a couple of tournaments in the holidays as well as having training camps. Thank you to all of these boys and coaches involved as well.
All of Water Polo teams have trial fixtures this weekend as well as some CAS selection trials for a number of our 1sts players. I want to wish these boys well. We also have a number of boys competing at the NSW All Schools Athletics this weekend and I wish them well also.
Great Individual Results
We had some great individual results we heard about at the start of the holidays and I want to congratulate and make note of the following:
- The stand out performance was by Stuart Swinburn who late last term competed at the Australian National Swimming titles in Darwin where he won gold in the U15/16 100m backstroke and silver in the 200m backstroke
- Antoine Gizardin-Pradeau claiming bronze in NSW Schools cycling championships
College Expectations
As we start a new Summer co-curricular season I would like to reinforce a number of expectations for our students:
- Punctuality to games and training is essential as well as full correct sports attire
- If a student cannot attend a training session then a note is required
- Only the Head of College can grant any Saturday leave requests with 2 weeks written requests being required where possible
- Team selections are fluid with good performances resulting in selections in higher teams
- Both Waverley College and the CAS have Codes of Conduct for players, spectators and parents that needs to be adhered to.
Sports Assembly
Next Thursday October 20th we will have our Summer 1sts and Captains assembly from 12.15pm and parents are more than welcome to attend.
Training Schedules
To see the Training Schedules for Term 4, click here
Good luck to all teams this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’