Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell
Please click here to view the weekly fixtures.
House Swimming Carnival 2021
Date: Friday, 5 March 2021
Venue: Des Renford Aquatic Centre
Dress to and from venue: Waverley Tracksuit and PDHPE attireSwimmers or Waverley swim shorts (no regular board shorts. Old sports uniform is not permitted)
This is a popular, well-supported day which strengthens our House system. The emphasis of the day is fun, participation and involvement. There are events for students’ differing levels of abilities and the day is an excellent opportunity for students to display their House Spirit, talents and have fun in a supportive environment.
Any student getting a bus from school to the venue must be at school by 8am.
All students have the option of making their own way to and from the venue and must be at the venue by 9am. The carnival concludes at 2.15pm.
Buses are scheduled to arrive back at school by 3pm.
All students need to bring sunscreen and a hat. We will provide shaded areas and students are strongly encouraged to seek sun protection at all times.
The event is a compulsory day for all students – rolls will be marked at the start of the day by Heads of House and absences reported on students’ files.
Mobile phones can be brought to the carnival but students will be requested to have them stored in a secure box in the announcers’ booth at the venue along with any other valuables.
Students are encouraged to bring their own food for recess and lunch. A cafeteria is available, although prices are quite high.
In case of wet weather, the wet weather line will be updated by 7am and if the carnival is cancelled it will be a normal school day. (Phone: 8250 3780)
I am certain the day will be enjoyable and the cooperation and involvement of all students is expected.

Waverley student in his swimming cap
- No parent spectators are permitted
- Students will not have access to the indoor shower and toilet areas – portaloos will be provided at the venue
- Any student who is catching a bus or public transport, including the ones provided by the College, MUST be wearing a mask
- No chanting or singing is permitted
- Carpooling and ridesharing is strongly discouraged
- Students will not be able to share swimming caps for this event
- Students must remain in their designated areas at all times
- Students must bring their own water bottles and must not share food or water
- All instructions and signage at the venue must be followed
- Students must only compete in their designated age group for races
- Appropriate hygiene practices and use of supplied hand sanitiser need to be implemented
- Any person displaying any flu-like symptoms or who is ill is not to attend this event and is strongly encouraged to seek medical advice and obtain a COVID-19 test
- Face masks will be supplied to any student or staff member at the venue who wishes to use one
- All students and staff members are strongly encouraged to have the COVIDSafe App on their phones and ensure it is working
- Appropriate social distancing where possible is required
- All staff and students need to avoid any mixing with members of the public at and outside the venue