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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Staff Spirituality Day

Sam Clear walking in Montana, US (Photo: Tribune Photo/Robin Loznak)

From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis

The Staff Spirituality Day for all Waverley College staff took place on Monday, July 17. The focus for the day was the theme chosen by the student leaders for 2017: Strength Through Diversity as well as the Beliefs and Life aspect of the Waverley College Strategic Plan: Phase 2: 2015-2018 which states: The College will create opportunities for staff to engage with indigenous, church, Christian and non-Christian communities in relation to shared beliefs and understandings (Section 1.4). With this in mind, the day consisted of a presentation by Mr Sam Clear and then several excursion options which staff nominated for.

Sam Clear walked around the world, covering some 15,600km spanning 568 days. He did this in the name of seeking Christian Unity, trying to make the point that the Christian Churches should be able to acknowledge their differences but still be united and working together in the name of Christ.

During his presentation, he discussed the range of people he came across, focussing mainly on Adolfo, whom he met in an in a small village outside of Panama, and who shared the little he had when Sam was in a fairly desperate situation. Sam also spoke about prayer and his trust in God in achieving the aim of his mission.

The afternoon consisted of staff nominated excursions to the following:

  • Auburn Gallipoli Mosque
  • Edmund Rice Centre
  • Sydney Jewish Museum
  • St Mary’s Cathedral
  • La Perouse – Kadoo Tour (a study of Aboriginal history and culture)

Staff at La Perouse, Kadoo Tours

These diverse options meant that staff groups would be gaining familiarity with other religions, receiving a closer understanding of indigenous culture, becoming more knowledgeable about the Catholic Church’s origins in Australia and finding out more about people who have carried on the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice concerning those at the margins of society, especially refugees and those affected by climate change.



150th Anniversary

In May 2018, the Christian Brothers Oceania Province will be commemorating the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Christian Brothers in Melbourne.  Invitations will be issued by the Treacy 2018 Committee limited to 200 participants to a Gathering in Melbourne.  Prior to the Gathering, the establishment of Circles of Conversation, involving people in the wider Edmund Rice Movement across Australia and New Zealand, will occur hopefully leading to a public expression of the desire of the Brothers to further their efforts of reconciliation and healing with those who have been mistreated while being part of a Brothers’ school or institution.

Details of the Circles of Conversation and Melbourne May 2018 Gathering will be circulated in due course.

If you would like to find out more about these events, please email the Treacy 2018 Committee at