Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you and your family are well and that your son has still been able to enjoy a less busy time during the school holidays and feeling refreshed and ready for Term 3.
The NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian announced that the Sydney lockdown will continue until midnight Friday 16 July, 2021 and that students within greater Sydney are required to work online from Tuesday to Friday inclusive next week.
In response to these government and health directives, the following will be in place at the College:
Monday 12 July – Staff Professional Learning Day as planned
- Staff will use this day to set up online learning. This will include lessons uploaded to CANVAS and the setting up of timetabled Google Meets.
- Students may attend the College on this day to collect any books they need between 8am and 2:30pm. If students are coming on campus they will need to sign in with a QR code and wear a mask.
Tuesday 13 July – Online Learning
Over the next few days, staff will be setting up Google Meets for students across Years 5-12. Can I ask that you support your son in managing these invitations as he will be receiving quite a number of them while the classes are initially set up? Your son will manage this by regularly checking his email over the next few days and accepting these invitations from teachers.
Tuesday’s schedule will be slightly different due to Assembly (5-12) and Wellbeing Groups (7-12).
Years 5 – 6
- 8:40am – Whole School Assembly (link sent by Nikki Smith)
- 9:15am – Classroom Teacher (Google Meet)
Years 7-12
- 8:40am – Whole School Assembly (Link sent by Nikki Smith)
- 9:15am – Wellbeing Group (Google Meet)
- 9:30am – Period 2 (Google Meet)
It is important to note that the College has refined its Online Learning Model for Years 7–12 based on feedback and evaluation from 2020. Click this link to familiarise yourself with the Online Learning Guidelines.
Students will follow an adjusted timetable (Senior School and Junior School) and participate in their regular periods via Google Meet. It is important that your son has a copy of the online adjusted timetable so that he is on time and attending all his lessons.
Supervision on campus
- Students of parents who are ‘essential workers’ or who cannot be properly supervised at home, will have the option to do their online learning at school in a supervised setting in line with social distancing protocols.
- Both Junior and Senior students will be supervised in the Junior School Learning Hub at 44 Henrietta Street between 8:30am – 3pm. The Senior School Library will be closed.
- If you are sending your son to the Junior School for supervision, please complete the following survey by Friday 9 July so we can ascertain the number of students who will be physically attending the campus for online learning from Tuesday 13 July. Click here to fill in the survey.
- Permission has been granted for Year 12 students to attend campus if needed. Teachers of Year 12 practical classes will liaise with their students if they are required to attend the College.
- All students and staff who come on campus will need to sign in with the QR code and wear a mask.
- The College will continue our enhanced cleaning and hygiene processes with increased touchpoint cleaning across both campuses and hand sanitisation in all general and teaching spaces.
- The uniform shop will remain closed, however, you can still shop online and use the home delivery option. Click here to shop online.
- We ask that parents do not enter the campus unless they have an appointment with a staff member.
- If your son requires technical support please contact iassist@waverley.nsw.edu.au between 8am – 4pm.
I want to assure you of our commitment to continuing the learning journey of your son. Waverley College has invested considerable time and effort to ensure that online learning arrangements are in place. Importantly, the wellbeing of our community is paramount. Our wellbeing team of mentors, psychologists and Heads of House are committed to supporting your son/s during these challenging times.
I ask families who are in difficult circumstances to stay in conversation with us. We recognise that these current times are unique and challenging for all. Thank you for your ongoing support, understanding and partnership throughout this time.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Graham Leddie