Graham Leddie
From the Acting Head of College, Graham Leddie
Term 4 Welcome
Welcome back to Term 4, I hope all students had a restful break. The Head of College, Mr Paxton sends his best wishes for the Term ahead. Over the holidays and this first week of term, Mr Paxton is representing us at the Edmund Rice Beyond Borders Congress in Kolkata, along with all principals of Edmund Rice Schools across the world. I am sure he will share his experience and learnings with us upon his return next week.
We started the Term with a brief assembly where students were challenged to set short and medium term goals for the final term of the year. We emphasised finishing the year strongly and being resilient. Life can be quite challenging at times and being more resilient will help the boys to cope with and grow through life’s challenges. Being resilient is more than just surviving; it’s about growing through adversities and being able to deal with the challenges that life brings, whether big or small. Resilience is not found by hiding from the world but by meeting the challenges we face with authentic actions. For the students at Waverley College, acting with resilience means they are prepared to stay committed to their studies and responsibilities and will work through changes that are happening around them.
Year 12 Finished Well
I would like to congratulate our Year 12 cohort who participated wholeheartedly in their end of schooling processes and displayed great respect, grace and poise. The Mass, lunch, graduation, dinner and formal were all wonderful events and on behalf of the entire Waverley College Community we wish them all the very best for their HSC examinations which start on Thursday 13 October.
Staffing Changes
We welcome back to the College the following staff who are returning from extended leave: Mr Frank Mastroianni, Mr Scott Bailey, Mr Bill Roberts, Ms Belinda Buchan and Mr Richard Moylette.
Welcome to the College: Ms Susanna Pinter who replaces Ms Anne Fahy on Long Service Leave and Mr Thomas Harwood-Stevenson who replaces Mr David Reidy also on Long Service Leave.
A warm welcome also to Mr Matthew Porter, our new Director of Student Wellbeing who joins us from Warawa College in Melbourne where he was the Deputy Principal and Head of Teaching and Learning. Matthew’s office will be directly behind mine during Term 4 whilst we refurbish the top floor of the Conlon Building for our Student Wellbeing Centre.
Early Finish Next Tuesday
A reminder to all parents and carers of Years 7 to 12 students that there will be an early finish to the school day at 2:30pm next Tuesday as all staff are required to undergo mandatory child protection training. Junior School students will not be affected.
New Student Leadership System Announced
We are embarking upon an exciting time at Waverley College for 2017, with the House System driving wellbeing, student management, student leadership and a closer connection to our Junior College. This will bring a more connected and supportive Waverley College community into action.
The College sees every Year 12 student as a leader, with a positive role to play in shaping the year ahead and the future years of this great school. For Year 12, it is their final year at the College as a student and as a collective they have the opportunity to learn, develop themselves, work as a team and leave a legacy.
At the end of Term 3, Mr Paxton appointed eight staff as the new Heads of House for 2017:
- Mr John McCoy Aungier House
- Mr James Horrocks Brennan House
- Ms Cathy O’Sullivan Conlon House
- Mr Scott Coleman Green House
- Ms Olivia Kite Quinn House
- Mr Matthew Barr O’Connor House
- Mr John McCallum Tevlin House
- Mr Damien Thompson Lacey House
(Mr Thompson currently works at Loreto College in Toorak Victoria as the Professional Teacher Coaching Director and Retreat Coordinator. Previously, Mr Thompson has worked as a Head of House at St Ignatius’ College and Aloysius’ College in Sydney. Mr Thompson will start with us officially in January, but he will visit during Term 4.)
New College Leadership Positions
The College has this week called for applications from Year 12 for the following leadership positions. You will note that there are now more leadership positions and a greater focus on student and peer leadership opportunities under the new wellbeing model.
- 4 College Captains (College Captain + 3 College Vice Captains)
- 32 College House Prefects (4 House Prefect per House – Two prefects per house will focus their energy on running each Senior College House (Years 7 – 12) and two prefects on running each Junior College House (Years 5 – 6). There will be many opportunities for each house to meet in their entirety (Years 5 – 12) throughout the year.
- There will also be an opportunity for an end of Term 1, 2017 Prefect appointment. Sometimes students show outstanding leadership during Term 4 and Term 1 and this may be recognised by the College.
Each Captain and House Prefect will have a portfolio that they are responsible for developing. The Leadership portfolios are:
Key Portfolio – SPIRITUALITY
- Support the initiatives of the Mission Team
- Support the initiatives of the Justice & Solidarity Team
- Assist with Masses and Liturgies
- Actively support the Earth Charter and the environment
- Support the Charity commitments of the College
- Encourage interfaith dialogue and understanding
Key Portfolio – ACADEMIC
- Liberating Education
- Innovation
- Developing a Learning Culture
- Healthy Study Practices
- Improving Academic Outcomes
- Competitions
- Awards
Key Portfolio – COMMUNITY
- College Spirit
- House Spirit
- Junior College
- First Peoples
- Inclusive Community
- Right Relationships
- Community Relations
- Peer Leadership
Key Portfolio – WELLBEING
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Cultural Appreciation
- Sport Participation and Sportsmanship
- Activities
- House Competitions
- Behaviour Management / Bullying
- Student Formation
All Year 12 students have now received a Leadership package that includes the following five documents to assist them with their application:
1 – Leadership Letter
This document outlines leadership positions available and the leadership portfolios and invites each student to apply for a role
2 – Application Process
This document outlines the details required in their application including a cover letter, curriculum vitae (based on the 4 EREA Touchstones of Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Education, Justice and Solidarity and Liberating Education). The document also outlines the selection process: This will include a Year 12 cohort, House and Staff vote, as well as interviews with the Heads of House and Executive.
3 – Leadership Thinking
This document outlines the College’s emphasis on servant leadership, as well as Sir Peter Cosgrove’s outline of leadership character traits and Kouzes’ and Posner’s ‘Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership’ model.
4 – Captain and House Prefect Role Descriptions
This document outlines role descriptions for each position, its purpose and core responsibilities.
5 – Leadership Opportunities at Waverley College
This document outlines all of the leadership opportunities that are on offer at Waverley and will assist students to remember how they have developed their leadership skills.
We will announce the appointment of our new student leadership team in the next few weeks.