Stories in the Dark
From the Head of College, Graham Leddie
2018 Spirituality Lecture: “What are we doing on Earth for Christ’s sake?”
Next Tuesday, 29 May at 6pm, you have a chance to come along to hear from one of the most entertaining and enriching Catholic speakers, Jesuit priest, Fr Richard Leonard. Richard is a Parish Priest, author, teacher and film critic who is known and respected on four continents.
You may read this and think, “that’s not my thing,” but I can highly recommend him as an engaging presenter and educator. You will certainly come away with new perspectives and he will challenge your thinking. I have read his book Where the hell is God? which examines the theme of suffering and where God is in that process. Grounded by his own sister’s tragic car accident that left her a quadriplegic, Richard offers an insightful perspective in the most difficult of times of pain.
Dinner and refreshments are included in the evening. We have extended an invitation to members of the Parish as well as parents and staff of St Charles’ and St Clare’s to join us for the evening. You are also welcome to bring along interested friends and family. Students in Year 11 and Year 12 may also attend. You will not be disappointed if you can find the time to come along. The lecture will be held in the Senior Library.
To assist with catering please register your attendance at: https://waverley.nsw.edu.au/events/2018-spirituality-lecture/
Blue and Gold Ball almost sold out
Blue and Gold Ball tickets have been selling very fast with only a limited number of tables left unclaimed. Don’t leave it too long to organise your table of ten or you could miss out on the best night of the year. If you don’t have a group, there are still some spaces on Year Group tables available but I emphasise that you need to be quick to avoid disappointment. Book your tickets here.
Our Marketing and Development Team are working hard, together with the Blue and Gold Ball Committee, to secure prizes and sponsorship for the event. I’d like to encourage you to be generous in your support because all of the money we raise will go directly towards improving our school campus and learning facilities. Next week we will begin unveiling some of our exciting sponsors and auction items, but we need many more. If you can assist, please contact Agi Lebek on 9369 0565 or alebek@waverley.nsw.edu.au.

Beanies for Brain Cancer World Record, Bondi Beach 2018
Beanies for Brain Cancer
On Thursday 24 May, Channel Nine’s Today Show sports segment with Tim Gilbert broadcast LIVE from Bondi Beach, to launch the NRL Beanie for Brain Cancer Round.
During the course of the morning, Waverley College students, staff and families took part in a World Record attempt of “The largest gathering of people wearing beanies”.
A huge thank you to the Callander family, Mr John McCoy, Aungier House Prefects and all of our parent volunteers who contributed in the lead up and on the day. The total figure was 3,629 people wearing beanies on the beach which easily surpassed the existing record. Over 300 Waverley boys from Year 5-12 got themselves out of bed early to do their bit to support families impacted by brain cancer.
At last count we have sold over $15,000 worth of beanies to generate much needed funds for this cause and support one of our own, the Callander family.
A Magical Drama Production
Congratulations to all of our students involved in Debra Oswald’s “Stories in the Dark” drama presentation which ran three shows this week. It was a spectacular and engaging production. I had the opportunity of attending both evening shows and I was highly impressed with the boys’ character portrayals, timing, elements of surprise and vulnerability. Our Entertainment students supported the acting team with accurate lighting, sound and effect. The above video gives a sneak peak into all of the hard work and inspiration of staff and crew that goes in to making the magic that is theatre. Congratulations to all involved:
- Cast: Ethan Vella; Riley Klotz; Andrew Badger; Carter Killigrew; Daniel Pomes; Remy Crompton-Lamb; Perri Quirk; Thomas Walker; Dylan McCulloch; Maddox Grebert.
- Crew: Alison Jinga; Peter Lamb; Angela Holmes, Deirdre Burgess; Peter Mussared; Aaron Speed-Johnson; David Thomas; Simon Finnegan; Johnathan Edwards; Luca Galeazzi; Alison Carlile; William Woodward; Ryan Bakels; Freddy Felix.
- Special Thanks: John Kara; Jennifer Divall; Steve Arkle; Rob Spooner; Stephen Byrne; Keiran Kossenberg;Lachlan Child; Matthew Danzey; Nicole Goldspink; Dechantel Green, Angus McPherson; Oliver Pether; Toby Rabinowitz; Nicholas Lane.
Year 7 students on Q&A “Behind the News” Special
Some of you may recall that in Term 4 2017 our College Captains and Senior Prefects were invited to take part in the Q&A School Special. Unfortunately, on that occasion none of our questions were fielded by the panel of experts. On Monday 29 May it is the Year 7 Student Leaders’ time to shine. Seventeen Year 7 members of our Student Representative Council will participate in a pre-recorded “Behind the News” 50th Anniversary Special. This episode will go to air on the ABC some time in June.
The episode will follow the tradition Q&A format with the following panel.
- Maya Sathiamoorthy BTN Rookie Reporter who covered the 2016 federal election
- Daniel Yim School Debating Champion
- Solli Raphael Teenage Australian Slam Poet champion
- Geordie Brown Aspiring filmmaker who just finished year 12 in Tamworth and appeared on the Q&A High Special in November 2017
- Pinidu Chakrasekera A Melbourne High School student who appeared on the first Q&A High School Special in April 2017
I am sure the boys will gain a lot from the experience, here’s hoping that the panel choose one of our questions this time around.
ICAS Science Examination
Good luck to the over 200 boys who will sit the ICAS Science examination next week in years 7-10. The exam is great practice and a great way to test your ability against a huge cohort outside of our own school.
Congratulations to our SurfAid team that placed fifth out of 14 teams. The team raised $4300 with the overall event raising $120k towards providing water, sanitation, food and health services to remote Indonesian communities. I have had a number of reports our boys were great ambassadors of the College. Well done!
Holford Family Fundraiser
Vale Andrew Holford (Class of 1998), who tragically passed away on 3 May 2018 leaving behind his beautiful wife, Diana and three sons, Hayden, Billy and Jack. A fundraiser for this family is being staged on Friday 15 June at 6.30pm at the Juniors Maroubra. Tickets are $50 can be purchased at www.trybooking.com/383784
For further information please contact Peter Kondilios on 0414 517 924.