Waverley College students have free access to the Typing Tournament program, which helps develop typing skills through 16 fun, levelled lessons. This is a great way for boys to gain confidence and speed when using their computers in school, and for homework, especially with the introduction of NAPLAN online.
Accessing the program is very simple, and a link can be found on the Power Learning Haiku page, via the About the Library / E-resources / Digital Learning Resources tab.
Or go to https://www.typingtournament.com
Here you will see a list of logins arranged by Year level. The program allows you to log in on any device, and students can either begin at the first lesson, or jump in at their current typing level. They then complete the 16 lessons, or battles, which are based in a Medieval Realm.
Perhaps your son would like to log on in the holidays, and get a head start for next term!
For any login questions or help please call the Library (there will be a staff member on hand during the school holidays to take any questions, 9am to 3pm, ph 9369 0639).