From the Head of TAS, Garth Aird
Year 10 prize winners, Rocco Evans and William Davidson
Each year the University of Wollongong’s Engineering and Information Sciences Faculty recognises student achievements in the STEM field of study. In 2017 Waverley College produced two recipients of Major Awards and Prizes, who will be recognised at the NSW Junior High Schools STEM Competition Presentation evening in February. Rocco Evans and Will Davison are two highly motivated and hardworking students, who demonstrated a great aptitude in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Rocco Evans will receive a Major Award for his design and manufacture of a scaled prototype of a stair climbing robot, which allows wheelchairs to progress up stairwells with ease. Designed with Lego MindStorm robotics and coding, this design could revolutionise travel and mobility for anyone using a wheelchair. The design utilised numerous input sensors to ensure the safe and comfortable travel up staircases.
Will Davidson will be recognised for his design, manufacture and documentation of a futuristic Mars Rover. Will used Python programming language and Lego MindStorm to build the Mars Rover prototype. The Martian rover was designed and programmed to test ancient formations created by the erosion of water on the surface of Mars. It used an atmospheric sensor and high resolution camera to send information back to a control sensor via a long range information antenna.
Congratulations to Rocco and Will for their fantastic contributions to the pioneering year of 10 iSTEM. We wish them the best for their future pursuits within the field of STEM.
Rocco Evan’s “Stair Climber”
Will Davidson’s “Mars Rover”