From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis
Commencement Mass 2018
We will be asking for God’s blessing, for the year ahead, at our Commencement Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral next Thursday 8 February, 10.00am. College Chaplain Fr Bernie Thomas ofm will be celebrating this Mass.
Mr Brian Sheedy Memorial Service
A Memorial Service for past staff member Mr Brian Sheedy will be held in the College Chapel on Tuesday 13 February at 6.00pm. Mr Sheedy was a member of the Waverley College Staff from 1982 to 2008, and was Year 11 Coordinator for much of his time at the College.
House Masses
House Masses will begin at 8.00am this year in the College Chapel, with the Aungier House Mass happening on Friday 16 February. Parents are most welcome at the House Masses.
Timor-Leste Immersion
The Timor-Leste Immersion will take place on Sunday 15 July to Thursday 26 July. Information and Expressions of Interest have been emailed to Year 10 and 11 students and parents. Expressions of Interest are required by Monday 19 February.