Rex Dupain, Dechantel Green, Dylan Quirk, Maria Lacey, Deputy Mayor Sysan Wynne, James Campbell, Mayor Toni Zeltzer and Tanya Schnieder
From the Head of Visual Arts, Tanya Schneider
Visual Arts and TAS Exhibition 2017
On 23 August 2017, Waverley College and St Clare’s College held a three day exhibition showcasing Years 7 to 12 Visual Arts and TAS Body of Works at St Clare’s College.
The opening night of the Visual Arts and TAS exhibition was a wonderfully lively evening. St Clare’s College created a superb “street food market” that generated a great deal of buzz and excitement. Students showcased works in various expressive forms such as Photomedia, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Film in various areas across the school with Year 12 Body of Works in the Main Hall, Years 7 to 11 works in the Library, and Years 10 to 12 films in the Drama room.
The exhibition consisted of artworks that reflected a diverse range of themes and topics such as environmental issues, politics, social justice issues, nature and global warming, human condition, portraiture, street art, landscape and much more.
The artworks are a product of the Visual Arts and Photography and Digital Media programs.
The Year 8 artworks were based on Dutch Vanitas and Mexican still life painting. The Year 9 artworks were a reflection of a Portraiture unit based on the Archibald Prize and the practice of the famous American artist, Chuck Close. Year 10 students created art works based on William Kentridge’s practice and contemporary drawing practice as an expressive form. The Year 11 students produced a series of paintings based on Surrealist philosophy and the practice of Rene Magritte and Joseph Cornell.
Students who study Photography, Digital Media and Film Studies in Years 9 and 10 produced works based on themes and concepts related to surrealism, photo journalism and commercial photography. Year 9 students created films based on film conventions related to “the chase” and the horror genre. Case studies included: Horror and Psychological Thriller Film makers: Alfred Hitchcock, Tim Burton and Surrealists Maya Deren and Ingmar Bergman and contemporary, David Lynch.
Year 12 student HSC Bodies of Work’s ranged in Expressive Forms. Thirty three Year 12 HSC Visual Arts Students and eight Non-ATAR Year 12 Photography, Digital Media and Film students displayed their artworks at the exhibition. Their works are visually engaging; sophisticated with meaningful personal and intellectual intentions.
The fabulous St Clare’s College A Cappella group performed a piece which officially opened the exhibition and Mrs Lorraine Kypriotis, Fine Arts educator from the National Art School, delivered an inspiring speech to a very large crowd of students, parents and friends. Visual Arts students across Years 7 to 12 were awarded certificates of achievement from Mr Graham Leddie and Ms Antoinette McGahan at the awards ceremony.
It was a fabulous evening and all the students in Years 7 to 12 and staff including Ms Dechantel Green, Ms Joanna Kitas, Mr Graeme Bannerman, Ms Annabelle Kilpatrick, Mr Stephen Byrne, Mr Bryn Gregerson, Mr Simon Potter, Ms Suzi Wright, Mr Garth Aird, Ms Kerrie McDiarmid, Ms Sharon Tofler, Ms Helen Galettis, Mrs Linda Furka and Ms Maree-Louise Smith as well as many parents and friends must be thanked for their support and hard work in making this exhibition come to fruition.

At the Art & TAS Exhibition with staff and guest speaker Lorraine Kypiotis of the National Art School.
Woollahra Photography and Film Prize 2017
Every year students across Sydney participate and enter into the prestigious Woollahra Photography and Film Prize competition. This year there were 200 entries from across Sydney schools and three of our Waverley College students were nominated for a significant award. Congratulations must be extended to Dylan Quirk (Year 12), James Campbell (Year 12) and Bradley Marzol (Year 10). The category and title of their body of works are below:
- 1st Place Secondary Category: Dylan Quirk, “Nature’s Embodiment” Photomedia
- 1st Place Narrative Category: Bradley Marzol, “The Fading Past” Photomedia
- Highly Commended (3rd) James Campbell “The Medicine of Salt” Documentary Film
The awards were presented by Toni Zeltzer, Mayor of Woollahra, on 7 September at the Woollahra Library, Double Bay.

James Campbell and Dylan Quirk
Illinois University Chicago Exchange Program
On 25 July, eight 3rd Year Fine Arts students from the University of Illinois, Chicago, along with their lecturers Professor Judith Briggs, Professor Colleen Brennan, and ISU School of Art Director, Mr Mike Willie, attended a one-day workshop at Waverley College.
Students from ISU wanted to learn about the Visual Arts Curriculum and how we teach Visual Arts and Digital Media at Waverley College and in NSW. Tanya Schneider delivered a series of lectures on Visual Arts and photography and digital media programs, practice in different expressive forms, a show reel of student works 8-12, HSC Marking procedures and processes, marking guidelines and performance descriptors. Two of our Waverley College Year 12 students Dylan Quirk and Ryan Lewis delivered a 10-minute presentation about their Visual Arts Body of Works to the ISU students.
It was a very exciting and industrious day and we hope to continue our wonderful exchange with ISU students and professors. It is important to continue fostering an exchange of dialogue in Fine Arts Education, pedagogy and practice with the University of Illinois, Chicago now and hopefully into the future.

Visitors from the University of Illinois
Ravenswood National Women’s Art Prize 2017
Ms Joanna Kitas, a member of the Visual Arts Department, entered into the prestigious Ravenswood National Women’s Art Prize and was shortlisted from 800 entries into the final 30 selected for the exhibition. Her painting titled “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is a stunning, radiant abstract painting.
Congratulations must be extended to Ms Kitas for her achievement.
Other Accomplishments and News
We extend our congratulations to Ms Dechantel Green who has recently graduated from the UNSW completing a Masters of Educational Leadership.
Mr Graeme Bannerman will be exhibiting his ceramic works at the Gauge Gallery. The exhibition opens on 19 September from 6-9pm.