Welcome to the first edition of our new newsletter format. Our newsletter is now web-based, which will make for much easier reading on all of your mobile devices. Enjoy!
More News and Events
Junior School Canteen
Mon 17/10 – Juliette Fernandez & Debbie Wong
Tues 18/10 – Carla Roberts & Laura Vonwiller-Rutter
Wed 19/10 – Kelly Garwood & Carolina Kraljevic
Thurs 20/10 – Sarah Everett & Lindy Kennedy
Fri 21/10 – Julie Gavin, Tanya McDonald & Jackie O’Connor
Music Department Upcoming Events
Thursday 13 October 7.30am, Jazz Band Rehearsal
Monday 24 October 6.00pm, Year 10 Recital, PAC Recital Room
Sunday 23 October 2.00pm-5.00pm, Senior Concert Band and Jazz Band Rehearsal
Friday 28 October 7.00pm, PAC Theatre, Waverley College Festival of Bands (All Members of College Bands)
Friday 11 November 11.00am Cadet Band, Remembrance Day Ceremony, Waverley Park
Career News
October 10, 2016, Careers
Junior Apprentice – Grant Walker Electrical
We are looking for a junior electrical apprentice to join our awesome team of guys. Mainly working on pubs and restaurants in the east and city. Great conditions, all long term employees, lots of perks. Interested applicants should be pretty good at Maths. Please give Renee a ring today for a chat 0404 632 385 or email renee@grantwalkerelectrical.com.au
Tabma is looking for two apprentices – one in Carpentry and the other in Joinery. Please see Mrs Knowles for more information.
NECA Electrical Apprenticeships
Electrical Apprenticeships NSW / QLD / ACT is a not-for-profit organisation owned by the peak industry association, NECA. Electrical Apprenticeships NSW / QLD / ACT currently employs over 600 Electrician and Telecommunication Apprentices and is seeking to recruit up to 150 more to commence in early 2017.
Qantas Apprenticeship Program
Qantas offer apprenticeships at Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane airports. Applications for 2017 open in August/September.
Landscaping apprenticships
I have been operating a Landscaping company in Sydney for the past 12 years, In that time the company has grown and we have employed many apprentices. We are starting our employment drive for 2017 and wanted to get in touch with enthusiastic young workers that may have an interest in the landscaping industry. I can be contacted via email at phil@antscapes.com.au or phone at (02)94172111.
USYD: Sydney Summer School
Summer School allows students to take units outside of semester, for those students who have completed year 12 this will provide the opportunity to get a head start on their degree or just have a taste of academic study. All units are full-fee paying, although FEE-HELP is available for eligible students.
Gap Year – Applying for Uni – Scholarships
Students planning on taking a gap year should apply for university this year and if accepted into a course they can then apply for deferment for 12 months.
ACU Pathway Programs
Successful completion of a pathway course can provide eligibility into your chosen ACU undergraduate course.
ACU Early Achievers Applications Open
Applications open 8th August
Applications close 17th October
Students who have made contributions to their community or shown leadership potential can apply to ACU’s Early Achievers’ Program. Successful applicants will receive an offer before the usual tertiary offers round.
AIE Open Day
Sat 19th November, Sydney and Canberra Campuses
Learn about the courses designed to get careers started in game development, 3D animation and visual effects. The day will include a presentation on different areas of industry to get into as well as information about AIE full-time and part time courses.
New York Film Academy Open Days
12/11, & 10/12
Sydney: Suite 127, Building 61, Fox Studios Australia, 38 Driver Ave, Moore Park
Tel: +61 2 8964 9321 RSVP at: rsvpsydney@nyfa.edu
New York Film Academy Summer Film Camps
Students looking to spend their summer making films need look no further than NYFA’s digital film camps offered at the Academy’s locations in Sydney and the Gold Coast.
Entry Pathways to UTS
Almost half of UTS’s current students came through a pathway option, rather than directly from high school. These pathways included an external TAFE or VET course, as well as the university’s own pathway program courses such as Foundation Studies or those that area offered by Insearch.
To learn more about these entry options, visit:
Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process
The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case office will contact applicants once applications are received.
Australian Defence Force Academy Education Award
This award is presented to Year 12 students in recognition of leadership potential and academic and sporting achievements achieved during Year 11. The award includes a tablet device and certificate for you, along with a plaque for your school. There are up to 50 awards available on behalf of the Navy, Army and Air Force, which will be presented to suitable applicants who have applied for entry to the Australia Defence Force Academy (ADFA). Current Year 11 students have until 28 February 2017 to apply for this award. The award is unbonded. That means you do not have to accept an offer to attend ADFA. https://www.defencejobs.gov.au/education/adfa/howToApply/educationAward.aspx
Australian Defence Force Academy applications are now open for 2018. While this may seem like a long way away, the application process can take 3–12 months depending on your circumstances. To avoid having to do the application when you are busy with year 12 exams, think about starting your application soon!
Defence Jobs Information Sessions
Parramatta – 18 October, 6:30pm, Army Reserve
Parramatta – 19 October, 6:30pm, Army Officer
Parramatta – 24 October, 6:30pm, Pilot Careers
Parramatta – 31 October, 6:30pm, Comms, I.T. and Intelligence Roles
University of Sydney: Introduction of Mathematics Prerequisite
The University of Sydney will introduce a mathematics prerequisite for some courses in 2019. The courses that will have the prerequisite will be listed in UAC’s 2016 Year 10 guide.
Bateman Battersby Lawyers Law Bursary
Applications close: 28th October, 5pm
Bateman Battersby Lawyers provide a $10,000 bursary to a student who, upon completion of their Higher School Certificate or International Baccalaureate, intend to apply for admission to a full-time University law course in Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle or the ACT. The bursary is awarded to the applicant who receives the highest ATAR or IB equivalent.
Release of Results: Time to Update Your Information
Students about to undertake their HSC exams should update their personal details so results can be sent to the correct address or texted to the correct mobile number.
ATO Tax File Number Applications
A tax file number is a unique nine-digit number issued to individuals and organisations to help administer tax and other Australian Government systems. Students need a TFN before they can start any type of paid work.
For information on how to apply visit: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Tax-file-number/
Study Tips: Flashcards, Mind-maps and more
TSFX: HSC Study Tips – Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students
UNSW: Stay Motivated During STUVAC with These Study Tips
Tips for note-taking
UK Private Schools
UK Private Schools lists over 200 schools & colleges around the United Kingdom and can be of use for students looking for a school to work in during their gap year.
Careers in Sport
This website is for anyone interested in a career in sport and fitness. There is information about recommended qualifications and pathways, along with a list of available positions and courses.
Where could STEM take you?
TSFX: How to memorise things quickly and easily
TSFX Exam/Study Tip #4: The Most Effective Learning Tip Known to Man
TSFX Exam Study Tip 6: Getting more out of Learning Sessions
TSFX Exam Tip: HSC Exam Advice Chemistry
TSFX Exam Tip: HSC Exam Advice Modern History
TSFX EXAM/Study Tip: The Smartest Way to Work Through Past Exam Papers
TSFX Exam Tips
- Exam Day Machinations
- Mark Boosting on Day Exam Strategies
- Managing Panic Attacks & Mind Blanks in the Exam
Top Tips from Past Year 12 Students
TSFX Free HSC Survival Guide
The School for Excellence (TSFX) have put together a 36 page guide to help year 12 students achieve the best possible marks in end of school exams. The guide has advice about goal setting, managing stress and procrastination, time management skills, effective learning techniques, planning study timetables and more.
Download it here: https://www.tsfx.com.au/hsc-survival-guide-edge-teachers
TSFX: Creating and Implementing Effective Exam Study Timetables
5 things to consider when picking a degree
Career FAQs: 10 Arts Degree Majors you might not have considered
Hobsons Course Finder: Year 12 Survival Tips
Tips for note-taking