In this edition the Head of College considers the meaning of leadership; we look at the benefits of the Waverley College co-curricular program; and we remind students that there is more to life than an ATAR. Parents are also encouraged to attend the P&F Special Meeting & AGM on Tuesday 8 November at 6:30pm, and also the Official Opening of The Cosgrove Centre by the Governor-General on Friday 18 November at 2pm.
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HSC Student D&T Final Work Features on Channel 9 News
HSC student Finley Lewis featured on Channel 9 News this week with his outstanding Design and Technology Final Work, a drone designed to deliver lifesaving medical supplies. Find out more.
Junior Canteen Roster
Mon 7/11 Kate Galeazzi
Tues 8/11 Karen Tuqiri
Wed 9/11 Jodie Mitchell & Jane Parish
Thurs 10/11 Samantha Leet & Irene Trosti
Fri 11/11 Gloria Reimer, Maryanne Larkin & Athenia Pascoe
Senior Canteen Roster
07-Nov-16 | 08-Nov-16 | 09-Nov-16 | 10-Nov-16 | 11-Nov-16 |
Cathie Richie | Mirtha Brbot | Nadja Paolella | Kim Kerns | Dianne Sweetman |
Jeannette Marshall | Maree Tsoukalas | Paula Tsaousis | Racheal Keneally | Michelle Dodd |
Kate Bell | Megan Hickey | |||
14-Nov-16 | 15-Nov-16 | 16-Nov-16 | 17-Nov-16 | 18-Nov-16 |
Susan Su | Jackie Gandy | Claudine Tinellis | Rochelle D’Ettore | Lee Bonani |
Michelle Beckley | Martine Brenac | Cathy Sodan | Tony Rynberg |