AFX Camp
Welcome to this week's edition of Nurrunga. Read about setting clear boundaries for our young men, see our Year 12 students on a field trip to the Hunter Valley, save the date of the Blue and Gold Ball, congratulate our summer co-curricular award winners, and much more
More News and Events
Learn to Code and build your own Iphone app!
Are you interested in coding. If so, a Codecamp is running at the Junior School during the School Holidays. For more information, please CLICK HERE
Senior School Canteen Roster
27-Mar-17 | 28-Mar-17 | 29-Mar-17 | 30-Mar-17 | 31-Mar-17 |
Marcia Scally | Kendall Hamill | Noni Roy | Narelle Moore | |
Sonja Rodriguez | Joanne Faglioni | Zorica Vuk | Jannine O’Bryan | |
Joan Faglioni | Caroline Harley | |||
03-Apr-17 | 04-Apr-17 | 05-Apr-17 | 06-Apr-17 | 07-Apr-17 |
Staff Day | Melissa Cahill | |||
Rae Norman | ||||
Winter Uniform reminder to Year 5 and Year 7 parents
Please be reminded that all students are expected to wear their Winter uniform from the first day of Term 2.
For information about uniform shop hours, please CLICK HERE
The Uniform Shop is open each day of term and there is no need to make an appointment.
Sacrament of Confirmation: St Mary Magdalene's, Rose Bay
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for children in Year 6 at the Church of St Mary Magdalene Rose Bay on Friday 26 May, 2017, at 7.00pm.
Children from local schools who have completed their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are invited to celebrate their Confirmation.
Please visit www.rosebaydoverheightscatholics.com.au to enrol your child. Enrolments close on 23 April.