Blue & Gold Ball 2018
Welcome to this week's Nurrunga newsletter. Check the Head's message for a number of important notices; read match reports on the final rounds of rugby and football; check details for the forthcoming Track and Field Season and don't miss all of the news from Waterford.
More News and Events
Holdsworth Community Ball - A Night at the Oscars
Each year Waverley and St Clare’s host a ball for the Holdsworth Community. The Holdsworth Community is an organisation that supports children, young adults and their families living with disability, providing them with recreational activities and employment support.
This year the ball will be taking place on Saturday 1st September and the theme for the night is “A Night at the Oscars”. The hard work has well and truly begun planning the night and in order for the night to be run successfully, fundraising and donations are needed to pay for costs such as; food, drinks, decorations and further marketing of the event. Over the next few weeks Waverley boys and St Clare’s girls are going to be running a number of fundraising events to pay for the running of the night. Additionally, any parents, friends or members of the Waverley Community that are able to donate prizes to be raffled on the night would be greatly appreciated and would contribute significantly to the success of the night. The event is one of the key highlights in the Holdsworth Community annual calendar.
For more information, please contact Mr James Horrocks – jhorrocks@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Junior School Canteen Roster
Mon 13/8 Patricia Eldridge (incl. b/fast) & Christina Santangelo
Tues 14/8 Shane Filipek (incl. b/fast) & Nicki Cole-Mohi
Wed 15/8 Elaine Cutton & Mary McGreevy
Thurs 16/8 Lisa Tucker & Kim Lorimer
Fri 17/8 Sherene Taylor (incl. b/fast), Nicole Mutton & Fiona Fitzpatrick
We are looking for more parent volunteers – if anyone wishes to help in the canteen please contact Sharon or Julie on 9369 0772.
HSC Exam supervisors wanted
We are looking for people to supervise the HSC exams. If you are interested please contact Chris Soden csoden@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Big Library Book Sale
Outside the library – Week 5
Bring a gold coin or more to buy great stories.
All money goes to the Kids Cancer Project.
99 Bikes Bondi Junction
99 Bikes has just supported Waverley College’s Blue and Gold Ball and would like to extend an offer to all Waverley College parents with $20 off your next purchase at 99 Bikes Bondi Junction on a spend over $80*

*Only available at 99 Bikes Bondi Junction and with mention of the Waverley Blue & Gold Ball. Offer available only to Club 99 Members; non-members can join in-store for just $5 when making their purchase. Offer valid until 30 September 2018.