Big brother, little brother program
Welcome to this week's Nurrunga newsletter, where you can read about our plans for International Women's Day, changes to the HSC minimum standards testing and our new 'big brother, little brother' program. We have updates on our recent Welcome Cocktail Party, as well as all of last week's sport reports and details about upcoming presentation nights. NEW for Nurrunga: You can now generate great looking printed pages from the newsletter for your records or as a memento.
More News and Events
Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Brigid's Parish Coogee
The Sacrament will take place at 12.30pm Sunday 27th May at St. Mary’s Cathedral.
Confirmation enrolment will take place at the Parish Office
- 1-3pm Tuesday 20th March
- 2.30-4.30pm Thursday 22nd March
To be eligible for enrolment the child must reside at Coogee within the Parish boundaries. Parents need to bring to the enrolment a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate and $30.00 fee.
Convict Escapades - Auditions 17 March 2018
Convict Escapades is a four-day event, which will be held in April at the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Hyde Park Barracks Museum. Working with one of the country’s leading Youth Theatre directors, Danielle O’Keefe, participants will have the opportunity to create a convict character, rehearse scenes and participate in a production with a cast of six professional actors.
Cyberbullying myths
The national conversation around cyberbullying gathered intensity with calls for a total ban on smartphones in schools making front-page headlines across Australia.
Algorithmics programming education for 7 to 12 year olds
Enrolment into a programming class for children at Bondi Junction is starting now.
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 4.30-5.30 pm
Place: Waverley Library (Ron Lander Centre)
Our teachers know how to make the learning process simple, understandable, and fun. Besides programming knowledge, we will help our students to:
– increase curiosity;
– develop their project management skills;
– develop algorithmic thinking and logic.
We guarantee a personalised approach in groups of 8-12 people, the optimal frequency of classes, course and software designed by world-renowned experts.
Visit https://au.alg.academy/ or call (02) 8056 3591 for more information
Senior school canteen roster
Week 6 | 05-Mar-18 | 06-Mar-18 | 07-Mar-18 | 08-Mar-18 | 09-Mar-18 |
Marcia Scally | Joanne Faglioni | Melissa Cahill | Tania Nand | Moira Mannion | |
Lori Arambasic | Rae Norman | Narelle Moore | |||
Week 7 | 12-Mar-18 | 13-Mar-18 | 14-Mar-18 | 15-Mar-18 | 16-Mar-18 |
Mia Ferguson | Claire McGaffney | Lee Bonani | Alison Gibson | Stephanie Schofield | |
Leisel Gabriel | Nony Roy | Nina Augoustis | Kerry Antonius | ||
Athenia Pascoe |
Junior school canteen roster
Mon 5/3 Catherine Shand (b/fast), Colette Wilson & Chontelle Lyons
Tues 6/3 Larissa Marzol & Jade Stewart
Wed 7/3 Tina Lee & Ivana Girardi
Thurs 8/3 Michelle Sullivan (incl. b/fast) & Shilo Poynting
Fri 9/3 Trish Ferguson (incl. b/fast), Michelle Finegan & Lucy Barrett
UNSW Year 12 Medicine Information Evening
Thursday 15th March 2018
6.30pm to 9.00pm
Registrations for the 2018 Year 12 Medicine Information Evening are now open. Find out more about studying Medicine at UNSW.
Leighton Hall
UNSW Kensington Campus
How to register
Students can visit whatson.unsw.edu.au to register.
Music Update
Under the direction of Sean Windsor Waverley College is offering an exciting new extra-curricular ROCK BAND program as part of the music ensembles. The program will offer students the opportunity to form a group, learn songs, write and arrange their own material, perform and record their own music.
The first meeting of the senior school ROCK BANDS was held this week. The junior school group will commence on Monday 5 March at 7.45am.
Any student interested in joining the programme at either campus needs to complete the online form. Please email Mrs Kossenberg: kkossenberg@waverley.nsw.edu.au or speak to one of the staff in the Music Office Ph: 9369 0623.
Last Thursday the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band under the direction of Mr Dan Williams performed for Years 7 & 8 students from St Clare’s. The various instruments were introduced to the students as a means of inspiring the girls to take up an instrument and hopefully join a Music Ensemble.
Mr Williams and the band gave an entertaining and professional performance and they were joined by two ex-students, Jamie McCarthy and Lucas Polivis, who are both studying at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
Year 7 Band Day
A number of Year 7 students attended a Band Day last Sunday from 11.00am to 4.00pm. Chris Balkizas, Dan Williams, Susannah Pinter and Cameron Reid gave of their time to prepare the students to be a member of the College Ensemble. Activities included ‘getting to know you’ games, instrumental sectionals, a BBQ lunch and final group performance. A good time was had by all!