Welcome to the latest edition of Nurrunga Vol 44, No 14, Thursday 22 August.
More News and Events
Parents' Association Meeting - 4th September - Come along!
Wednesday 4th September – 6-30pm to 8pm in the Grange Boardroom – All welcome to attend.
All parents are warmly invited to attend Waverley College Parent Association (WCPA) meetings. The Head of College usually attends and presents a report on College activities and developments. WCPA meetings are normally held once per term. Parents will be notified via Skoolbag if there is any change to location and/or time.
ICAS Science Examination - Thursday 5th September
From Assistant Head of Science, Keith Gawman
The Science International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) will be conducted at the College on the Thursday 5th September 2019. The ICAS Assessment is an independent, online assessment, designed to recognise and reward academic excellence. Students are asked to demonstrate a deeper, integrated, and thorough level of learning.
The ICAS Science Examination assesses‚ the following skills:
- Observing and measuring
- Interpreting data
- Applying data
- Investigating
- Higher-order skills
ICAS is not compulsory, it is run by the University of NSW and will be conducted at the College. If you would like your son to undertake this examination, please email me by Monday 26th August 2019 at kgawman@waverley.nsw.edu.au