Below are all the Conversations, News Posts, Events and Information Posts for the Creative Arts category.
Creative Arts,
Read the winning pieces from the Junior School's 2020 writing competition, part of our COVID-19 online learning journey.
Academic, Creative Arts, Development, Junior School,
Creative Arts, Past Events,
OnSTAGE: in 2019, Waverley College received 8 nominations in NSW's annual HSC Drama showcase.
Creative Arts, Development, Events, Extra-Curricular,
Keep your eyes peeled for the Year 12 Art Showcase of major works which will be appearing in the next...
Academic, Community, Creative Arts, Past Events,
On Tuesday 12 November, Waverley College participated in round 2 of the Theatresports School Challenge (TSC). I could not have...
Important dates and notices from the Music Faculty
Creative Arts, Extra-Curricular,
Come along and enjoy a Christmas Music Concert to be held in the College Chapel! You’ll have the pleasure of...
Waverley College and St Clare's College, Guys and Dolls Musical
Creative Arts, Events, Past Events,
A list of notable people who have studied at Waverley College.
Academic, Archives, Beliefs & Life, Community, Creative Arts, Sport,
Presentation night details for 2018
Academic, Community, Creative Arts, Events, Past Events, Sport,
The Waterford music festival is on Thursday November 15th at 6pm
Creative Arts, Junior School, Past Events,
Waverley College supporter groups are made up of parents who are keen to support the extra-curricular activities in which their...
Community, Creative Arts, Extra-Curricular, Sport,
A Festival of Waverley College Concert Bands performing on stage with the Fire and Rescue NSW Band and Precision Drill...
Creative Arts, Events, Extra-Curricular, Past Events,
drama, performance,
The music program at Waverley College Junior School is extensive and varied. The boys have two music lessons timetabled into...
Creative Arts, Extra-Curricular, Junior School,
Discover our talented students at this exhibition from our two great schools
Our junior students on stage at Australia's largest performing arts event for schools.
Senior School music and learning and instrument at Waverley College.
A profound and moving story by Debra Oswald, 'Stories in the Dark'
Congratulations William Anstis!
music, event, AGM, supporter,
A special BAND DAY will be held for all Year 7 students who play band instruments
All students in Year 9 will participate in an organised dance with St Clare’s College, led by The Joan Carmody School of Dance.
Creative Arts, Development, Events, Extra-Curricular, Past Events,
Art works from students in Years 7 to 12 will be on display from 23 to 25 August at St...
Join the Art Club in Term 4
Waverley College Music Festival 2017
Year 10 and Year 11 Performance Night
Academic, Creative Arts, Past Events,
Music Supporter Group Meeting
2018 European Music & Cultural Tour meeting
Years 5-12 – book now!
The parents and friends of the 2024 HSC Drama class invite you to their HSC Showcase! HSC Drama students are...
Waverley College opens auditions for Little House of Horrors