Graham Leddie
From the Head of College, Graham Leddie
End of Term 1
Thank you for supporting your son and the College this term. It has been a busy, long and productive term. Most boys have worked towards their semester goals effectively and have a well-deserved break just ahead. I am hoping parent/teacher interviews earlier this week provided you with some areas to focus upon in partnership with your son for his academic improvement.
The Power of Data
All year 12 students were invited by Ms Cassie Foster recently to book an appointment during their study periods next term to attend a literacy mentor session aimed at improving their writing skills. This service would benefit:
- Students undertaking the written components of major works and need assistance with proofreading their grammar, spelling and punctuation.
- Students who are confident with the content of their subjects but need assistance in communicating ideas through writing.
- Students who are disappointed with their examination results and believe assistance in writing would improve their results.
In checking the data on boys that attended these sessions last year, a clear improvement was evident for each boy. The data does not lie. If your son is in Year 12, encourage him to take advantage of this opportunity and also ask him about his holiday study program that Ms Knowles handed him at a recent briefing regarding half yearly examinations.
Building on the Success of Waverley College – the importance of your views
To assist us to continually improve the quality of education we provide to our students. I wish to provide you with an opportunity to express confidentially your views of the ways in which we meet your needs and those of your son.
The College has commissioned MMG Education to conduct an online survey of all stakeholders of the College. MMG Education is a specialist education research consultancy that works with some 160 Australian independent schools throughout Australia.
Parents, staff and students will be invited to complete questionnaires commencing on Friday 13 April 2018 (Year 7-12) and during June for parents, staff and Years 5 and 6.
Parents will be invited to complete confidential questionnaires over a two-week period commencing on Friday 1 June 2018. On that day you will receive an email from MMG Education that will provide you with access to your own, unique questionnaire.
To ensure confidentiality and to encourage you to express your views fully and frankly:
- all responses will be treated by MMG Education in strict confidence
- no individual will be identified to the College by MMG Education on the basis of questions asked or responses made
- all data collected by MMG Education will remain under its control and archived according to research protocols: The College will not be able to access it.
At the conclusion of the research period, MMG Education will provide me with a report. I will then provide opportunities for members of the school community to receive feedback from the research.
Please remember that, by completing your questionnaire, you will be making an invaluable contribution to the future of the College as we strive to ensure that we are providing the best opportunities possible for your son.
I look forward very much to your participation in this important project and to receiving MMG Education’s report.
STEM Tour US Space and Rocket Centre (Year 10 and 11 students 2019)
This tour to the NASA Kennedy Space Centre will captivate your son as he learns about the past, present and future of space science. This is a once in a lifetime experience for the students of Waverley College. They will be exposed to a whole new realm of learning which could, in turn, develop into an exciting and prosperous STEM-based career, as well as creating lifelong memories. The STEM tour will be leaving on Sunday, 14 April 2019 (the first Sunday of the school holidays) and returning on Thursday, 26 April 2019. If you would like further information about the tour or would like to express your son’s interest in the tour please contact Garth Aird as soon as possible via email gaird@waverley.nsw.edu.au.
History Tour 2019
The History Department is proud to offer students the opportunity to take part in an intensive historical and cultural tour of Europe during the June-July holidays of 2019. The tour will explore significant Western European sites in Italy, France, Belgium and Germany. Students from Year 9 to 11 are invited to attend. The tour offers many cultural and cross-curricula opportunities in addition to the enrichment of their study of senior Ancient and Modern History. An information night will be held in early Term 2, and further information will be provided to students currently in years 9 to 11. Queries can be directed to Miss Alice Walker from the History Department or Mr Barry Smith, Head of History.
50 Years’ Service as a Christian Brother
Congratulations to past Head of College Br Paul Oakley who is celebrating 50 years as a Christian Brother. Br Paul is the current EREA President, Chair of the Council of the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons and the new Chair of the Council of the Federation of Religious Institute and Ministerial Public Juridic Person Catholic School Authorities in NSW and ACT.
Paul’s significant contribution to the Brothers, Catholic education and Edmund Rice Education Australia is widely recognised and much appreciated.
Executive Director EREA
Our thoughts and prayers go to Dr Wayne Tinsey who has been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Wayne’s prognosis is positive. Our thoughts and prayers also go out to any member of our community who is struggling with ill health themselves or one of their loved ones.
Sydney University Gifted and Talented Science program
Congratulations to Michael Hamill (Year 10), Lachlan Muir (Year 9) and Hayden Wild (Year 9) who have all been accepted in the University of Sydney’s Gifted and Talented Science program. The boys had to sit a qualifying exam where only the top 5% are accepted into the program. Please read more in Mr Gary Kennedy article (Head of Science) later in this edition.
Sydney University Year 10 Academic Award Evening
Congratulations to Luke Harris (now Year 11) who was the Dux of Year 10 2017 and this week was invited along with other top students from each school to the University’s academic award recognition celebration in the ‘Great Hall’. I was lucky enough to attend with Luke’s parents to watch him being awarded. The evening certainly brings home an insight into exciting times ahead at University and studying in such a rich learning environment.
South African School Exchange
Kearsney College is one of South Africa’s premier schools and Year 10 student Finn McClean left Waverley this week to spend term two immersed in this different learning and cultural environment. I commend Finn on his courage to step out into the unknown and challenge himself in a different context. I wish him a safe and rewarding experience.
Waverley will be hosting a boy from Kearsney College in Term 3 and we hope this is the start of many opportunities to provide a global learning experience opportunity for our boys and reciprocal visitors.
Podcast Success
Old boy Cooper Silk has been assisting one current student, Josh Nathan and one recent student James Markham (WCOB 2017) with regards to podcast production. These two boys have recently been announced as finalists in the Best Newcomer Category at this year’s Australian Podcast Awards. A great achievement in their 1st year.
Congratulations to our swimmers who have qualified for the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships:
These boys qualified for NSW All Schools in the following events at CIS:
- Erwan Le Pechoux – 200 FS (2nd place at CIS)
- Stuart Swinburn – 100 BK and 200 BK (1st place in both at CIS)
- Liam Davis – 200 FS (3rd place at CIS)
These boys have also qualified for NSW All Schools by time submissions:
- Stuart Swinburn – 400 FS
- Erwan Le Pechoux – 400 FS
- Liam Davis – 400 FS
- Robbie Beal – 1500 FS
Staff Changes Term 2
We wish Mr Tony Banboukjian (Term 2) and Mr Steve Ghattas (5 weeks) all the best as they take LSL. We congratulate Steve and his wife Kristy who just had a baby boy.
As a result of these changes, I would like to congratulate and thank the following staff who will take on positions of added responsibility:
Mr Greg Harris – Acting Director of Waterford.
Mr Matt Ryan – Acting Assistant Director of Waterford
Mr Anthony Gill – Acting Assistant Director of Mission
Mr Ben Meadley – Acting Waterford Head of Sport
Mr Anthony Proudfoot – teacher
Mr Jack McCarthy – teacher
We farewell and thank Mr Jose Carlos Burgos-Macedo – Science Lab Technician
Welcome back Ms Nina Strzechowski – Science Lab Technician and Mr Chris Blenkinsopp (Music Teacher) who is returning on 0.5 load for Term 2 and sharing classes with Ms Susannah Pinter. Thank you to Ms Marilyn Tanner who has been taking Mr Peter Langdale classes whilst he has been away on sick leave.
Ms Agi Lebek will be taking on further responsibilities with regards to Blue and Gold Ball and some other key events, therefore the College has employed Ms Emma Laurence two days a week to assist with publications in the marketing team.
Thank you
Thank you for a great Term 1, I wish all of our Year 12 students all the best with their study programs over the break and all students a restful and safe holiday break.