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State Championships

We would like to congratulate all our students involved in the State Championships last weekend. It was pleasing to hear the success stories and lifelong memories from a number of Waverley College students involved with various club teams. Well done!

CAS Round 2 Vs Knox Grammar School

This weekend, the final weekend of rugby for Term 2, Waverley College will have a big test against Knox Grammar School. Knox are always a wonderful competition across all age groups, and all our teams will need to be at their best for this encounter.

Our 13s, 16s and Opens will play at Knox, while our 14s and 15s will play at Queens Park.

For those travelling to Knox, it is important that you allow plenty of travel time, as the traffic heading up towards Knox on a Saturday can be busy. We do ask that all players ensure they arrive at least 30 minutes before kick-off. It certainly is disappointing to have players turn up 5 to 10 minutes before the game, as this can really interfere with the team preparations.

Representative Honours

We would like to congratulate Jed Holloway (Waverley College Old Boy) for his selection in the Wallabies Squad for the upcoming series against England. Jed has had a terrific season with the NSW Waratahs, and this opportunity is very well deserved. We wish Jed all the very best.

In a different sporting code, we would also like to congratulate Ronald Volkman (Waverley College Old Boy) as he makes his NRL debut for the New Zealand Warriors this weekend. Ronald was part of the 2020 CAS Premiership team, scoring the winning try against Barker College.


On behalf of the Waverley College Rugby Community, we send our condolences to Mrs Maureen Andrews, Waverley College Supporters’ Club Secretary, and her family, following the passing of her beautiful mother last week. We send our love, thoughts and prayers to Mrs Andrews, and I know that all members of the community are right behind the family at this difficult time.

We wish all players the very best in a big week of rugby against Knox Grammar School.



Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


Directed by Mr Peter Lamb, Produced by Ms Alison Jinga

Louis Nowra’s Così tells the story of Lewis, a recent university graduate who in a desperate search for cash, ventures into the world of directing in the early 1970s. Except he’s not just directing any normal ‘Brecht’, or even any normal actors. Instead, he’s been given what seems to be an impossible task – to direct an adaption of Mozart’s opera Così fan tutte, starring the patients of a Melbourne mental asylum. The ragtag group set about the task in what has become an Australian classic, praised for its humour, compassion and vibrancy. For years, audiences have been blessed to see this play brought to life by incredible production teams, and the 2022 Waverley production is no exception.

Cosi Production 2022

Director Peter Lamb’s vision is beautifully brought to life in the time capsule production. As soon as the audience enters the theatre we feel as though we’ve been transported back to the 1970s, and admitted into the hospital ourselves. Designer Peter Mussared has perfected the aesthetic of a shabby, thrice burnt-down theatre. We can almost smell the smoke and lighter fluid spilling from Doug’s (Jules Cibej) pockets or hear one of Nick’s (Michael Richmond) anti-war protests march its way past the doors. The costumes for each character are so beautifully crafted. Cherry’s spectacularly eccentric headpieces are a standout throughout the show, and in such wonderfully tailored contrast to the relaxed style of Julie, Madison Crosby (Penklis). Every small detail of the characters and relationships are reflected in the world around them.

Cosi Production 2022

This is amplified by the technical work of the Year 12 Entertainment students, who balance the eccentric characters, costumes and set with beautifully crafted lighting and sound design. The ability to know when to hold back technically is a credit to their professionalism and sense of design. They beautifully complement the design and acting in a way that lets them sing (literally) on stage for the audience. 

Cosi Production 2022

The exceptional cast goes above and beyond to bring these characters to life. If you weren’t told they were students, you would believe them to be professional actors due to the grace and professionalism they have dedicated to their roles. Jessica Campbell’s Cherry has us in stitches from her first entrance to her final exit. Dexter Craddock’s Roy, brings an infectious energy to the stage in a way that amplifies the humour. His ability to balance this with moments of refrain also shows off his depth as an actor. He has the audience swimming with Roy in disappointment as his operatic dreams tumble out of his control. Paired with the work of Sam Stewart’s Lewis, beautifully portraying how it feels to be swimming in chaos and also learning how to thrive in it; the two create moments of dramatic relationship that are simply a pleasure to witness. The entire ensemble works together to build the world, and show us that sometimes madness is the key to creativity.

Cosi Production 2022

All these wonderful components come together in the fantastical finale. The Così curtain splashes the fun and colour of the entire production up into one beautifully chaotic mess of materials. As the cast comes together one last time to sing us out – led by Luke Crosson and the added ensemble, a masterful addition by Mr Lamb to showcase the musical talents and creative future of Waverley College – the audience is swept up in the magic of the entire show. We laugh, we cry and we feel for every single character on that stage. And most importantly, we leave the theatre with a smile on our faces, and want nothing more than to return and see this incredibly talented team again.

Cosi Production 2022

Cosi Production 2022

Ms Erin Golden

UNSW Drama Method Practicum student


Ms Alison Jinga

Head of Drama and Entertainment



Heartfelt Acknowledgements

Public performances require an extraordinary amount of work, particularly when they are produced at a high standard. As well as creativity, an immense amount of planning, coordination, people skills, patience, good humour and flexibility is required, in the lead up to the event, during the performances and after the show is over. It can feel like a heady mix of exhaustion and exhilaration, all at once!

The creative work of all people involved in a production, particularly those ‘behind the scenes’, is crucial to every public performance. To this end, thanks are due to these people, whose contributions are so good that they can sometimes be invisible to an audience:

Set, costume and properties designer, lighting designer, production manager, lighting operator, follow spot, costume dressers, backstage supervisors, set construction and dress, sound designer, stage manager, sound operator, photographer, administration, videography, make-up, program designer and writer, and supporting teachers, staff, our two principals and our cleaners.

We would also like to say an enormous thank you to the Issac family. ‘Jams Catering’ by Naomi Isaac, catered at the Così performances, with all three of her wonderful boys from Years 11, 9 and 7 assisting not only with the food, but also with the preparation of setup and pack down each night. Alistair, Lachlan and Oliver put so much effort into making sure each evening ran smoothly, along with helping to serve the sumptuous food, and making sure everyone was made to feel welcome. These boys’ attention to detail and assistance was invaluable. Lachlan was also the talented trumpeter in Così. You are amazing – all three of you. A big thank you must also go to Naomi’s husband Greg, and Naomi’s mum.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator



Ms Vanessa Witton

Marketing Communications Specialist


“The goal isn’t perfection – the idea is to make music. That’s a healthy attitude and not just for musicians.”

Wednesday, 8 June heralded the second year of the fabulous Piano Competition at Waverley College, now an annual fixture in the calendar of the Music Department. Open to students enrolled in our College’s Instrumental Music Program and those taking lessons externally, the afternoon competition delivered an opportunity for young pianists to showcase their playing in front of accomplished invited guest adjudicator, Mr Evan Streater.

Mr Evan Streater

Mr Evan Streater

Performance opportunities for musicians are very valuable. They are especially important for piano players because in school bands and ensembles, there are limited opportunities for piano and keyboard players to ‘find a home’!

Public performance in front of families and peers provides opportunities to build confidence and performing skills, as well as the incentive to learn and prepare repertoire to the highest level possible. Hearing other students in the same area of study is priceless, because it means students can compare performances and receive authentic feedback from an expert adjudicator.

23 students stepped up to be part of the Piano Competition this year, sharing their music with a small but appreciative audience of families and students in the PAC Recital Room. Submitting themselves before Mr Streater, students performed repertoire across a variety of genres, in four Divisions. From classic rock, blues, film scores, ragtime, musicals, folk and classical, there really was something for everyone.

Piano Competition 2022

The standard of playing by students across all Divisions was excellent. Congratulations to each and every boy who bravely faced the audience to introduce their piece/s and play for our listening pleasure.

Despite extremely challenging time constraints, Mr Streater listened critically whilst quickly and calmly writing detailed reports on 33 performance pieces. Truly remarkable! This wonderful event concluded with his brief but valuable remarks to our winning pianists, and the charismatic Ms Jaz Dolso awarding the prizes across each Division.

Piano Competition 2022

Congratulations Prize Winners

Waverley sincerely thanks Mr Streater for his expert adjudication, proficient piano tutor Mr Barry Kenny, Head of Department Mr Chris Balkizas for initially strategising the concept, PAC Coordinator Ms Keiran Kossenberg for her incredible administrative assistance, faculty member Ms Jaz Dolso and Thomas Jackson-Whitlock, Year 9 for enthusiastically compèring the event, and Ms Michelle Rollins and Mr Chris Blenkinsopp for their amiable and steadfast support.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg and Ms Vanessa Witton

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

Marketing Communications Specialist



Students wishing to commence private music lessons in Semester 2, 2022 (Terms 3 and 4), are encouraged to complete the below online application form. Private Music lessons are not compulsory but are strongly encouraged for students performing in the many ensembles on offer here at Waverley.

>>> Click here to view and complete the private music tuition form.

For cancellation of private music tuition, please email notifying if your son will be DISCONTINUING. Please advise your son’s full name, year, music tutor and instrument to

All remaining students will automatically rollover into Semester 2, 2022, and be billed in the July school fees unless notification of the cancellation of lessons is advised by Wednesday, 22 June 2022.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Music Office on phone: 9369 0623 or email

Music Festival 2021


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


We are so excited to already have over 80 people register for our Waverley team in the City2Surf on Sunday, 14 August, and have already raised over $5,000 for local charity ‘Running for Premature Babies.’

There’s still time to join and help us reach our goal to raise $10,000.

How Do I Sign Up?

>>> Click here to sign up and register.

All fundraisers will receive a free running singlet. We’ll also be providing a training program for those wanting to run the 14km. Walkers are most welcome to join too!

The Junior School students and teachers have been training hard for the event, participating in the Monday lunch runclub.  This is a great opportunity to be part of the Waverley College team and support an important cause. 

This will be a wonderful community event, giving premature babies a better chance of survival.

>>> Click here to view more information about this wonderful cause.


Please direct any questions to:


Ms Cath Lipman

Religion Teacher


Year 11 students of Studies of Religion II will have the opportunity to engage in a Jewish Depth Study excursion on Thursday, 21 July.

Students will participate in guided tours at The Great Synagogue and Sydney Jewish Museum.

Dress/Attire: full College winter academic uniform with blazer.

Please complete the permission slip below by Friday, 24 June.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.


Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religion


Weekly Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Are you a talented Australian student with an inspiring idea? The 2022 Edstart Achievement Awards Program recognises Australian students for their contributions and ambitions in their area of passion.

This far-reaching Program enables the next generation of innovators, creators and leaders to reach their potential across six award categories including:

Winners in each category will receive an award and $1,500 grant to fund a project, initiative or training related to their area of interest. Finalists in each category will also receive a $250 grant.

Nominations Close Friday, 15 July 2022.

Would You Like to Learn More?

>>> Click here to view more information and to nominate.

>>> Click here to view the Edstart Achievement Awards Information Pack.

Last week, our SRC organised some fun activities for students to enjoy after exams. Years 7 and 8 played Touch Football, whilst our Years 9 and 10 competed in a Soccer competition.

An entertaining time was had by all, culminating in finals and a BBQ on Thursday. Sportsmanship was the winner on the day! Many thanks to the Prefects who coordinated these events and to all those who purchased at the BBQ. We raised $200 towards the Edmund Rice camps for students living with disabilities.

Next Wednesday is our House Strongman competition. Aungier/Brennan are organising this competition, with two teams from each House 7, 9, 11 and 8, 10, 12. Activities include: 1 min push ups/1 min sit ups/sleds/Year 7 on back of Year 11 squats/Year 8 on back of Year 12 squats/relays/tug o’ war.

Will you be there? We look forward to seeing you.

Years 7 and 8 After Their SRC Touch Football Comp

Years 7 and 8 After Their SRC Touch Football Comp

Years 9 and 10 After Their SRC Soccer Comp

Years 9 and 10 After Their SRC Soccer Comp


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Looking Ahead

Cosi Production and Piano Competition a Resounding Success!

Well done to all cast and crew for the Cosi production this week, which was a resounding success. Congratulations also to Ms Alison Jinga and Mr Peter Lamb for all their hard work in producing such a high-quality Drama showcase. 

Congratulations to the 23 student pianists who bravely stepped up to the Piano Competition challenge in the PAC Recital Room this week, and thank you to Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Mr Chris Balkizas, Ms Jaz Dolso and the music department, for their organisation of this annual event.

More information about these colourful and expressive performances will appear in next week’s edition of Nurrunga.

Building Resilience Post-Pandemic – Parent Event and Online Resources

Unfortunately, the mental health of young people has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. The prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression has risen dramatically amongst young people, and remains higher than pre-pandemic levels. It is not an exaggeration to say that the child and adolescent mental health system is currently in crisis, with general practices inundated, emergency departments flooded with demand, and medical services becoming disconnected, dispersed and diluted.

At the College, we have seen the students slow to find their normal balance and routine. The teaching and learning process has also been disrupted. After speaking with other deputy principals in the area, this is common across all schools.

As a result, many young people are at risk of not achieving the primary demands of developmental tasks such as independence, identity formation, and attaining and maintaining peer relationships. However, by maintaining their wellbeing through regular exercise, adequate sleep and healthy nutrition, young people can be in a better position to tackle them.

As many families settle back into their pre-COVID routines, there seems to be a pervasive sense of optimism about what lies ahead. If there is a panacea to the adversity caused by the pandemic, then it is the building of resilience. In this current environment, young people need support, understanding, empathy and encouragement from caring adults. Teaching them the skills to build resilience, will enable young people to thrive and develop healthy coping strategies. 

On Thursday, 13 October, the College will proudly host parents from across the eastern suburbs, to look at strategies to deal with our students’ successful return to school, following several years of COVID-19 disruption.

Topics to be covered include:

More information and tickets will be released early in Term 3.

Psychologists work hard at building resilience in our students as they navigate challenges such as COVID-19 or a change to their routine.

There are seven integral and interrelated components that make up being resilient. These are explained in more depth in this Special Report which includes suggested strategies on how parents and carers can best facilitate them.

>>> Click here to view the SchoolTV Special Report on Building Resilience Post Pandemic.

Combined Associated School (CAS) Survey

You recently received an email from us inviting you to complete a survey about your experience with the Committee of Associated Schools (CAS). This is your final opportunity to participate in this survey. The survey closes this weekend.

If you have already completed the survey – thank you! If you have not yet had a chance, we would greatly appreciate you taking time to complete it. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be accessed via the links below.

We have commissioned McCrindle, an independent research organisation, to conduct this research. All responses will remain anonymous and completely confidential. Thank you very much for your input.

Survey Links

>>> Click here to view and complete the Waverley PARENTS Survey link

>>> Click here to view and complete the Waverley STUDENTS Survey link.

COVID-19 Update

10/06/2022 COVID-19 Close Contacts
Year 5 0 0
Year 6 0 0
Year 7 1 2
Year 8 0 4
Year 9 2 0
Year 10 2 1
Year 11 0 0
Year 12 0 1
Staff 2 0
Total 7 8

Wishing everyone in the Waverley family a healthy and happy long weekend.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 


First Full Round of CAS Fixtures

Last weekend saw our first full round of CAS fixtures for this winter. We had some impressive results as well as a few heartbreaking losses, as is the nature of schoolboy sport. It was great to see a number of players and staff ensuring enjoyment for all players, with good sportsmanship in many games.

Our next round of sport is on Saturday, 18 June against Knox Grammar, and this will be a season-defining round for many teams. As next week is a short week, we need to ensure all students are meeting their full requirements for training, in preparing for these matches.

Cosi Production and Piano Competition a Resounding Success!

Well done to all cast and crew for the Cosi production this week, which was a resounding success. Congratulations also to Ms Alison Jinga and Mr Peter Lamb for all their hard work in producing such a high-quality Drama showcase.

Congratulations to the 23 student pianists who bravely stepped up to the Piano Competition challenge in the PAC Recital Room this week. There were many excellent performances. Thank you to Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Mr Chris Balkizas, Ms Jaz Dolso and the music department, for their organisation of this annual event.

More information about these colourful and expressive performances will appear in next week’s edition of Nurrunga.

Annual Passing Out Parade and Dinner

Well done also to all of the Cadet Unit staff and students for their efforts in the annual Passing Out Parade and dinner, and congratulations to all award winners.

>>> Click here to view more information in the Cadets article by MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow.

Cyclists Rylan Short and Will Heffernen Will Head to Europe

We have a number of students that continue to shine. Ryland Short and Will Heffernen (Year 12), have been selected as Australian and NSW Cycling representatives to travel to Europe, to compete for TWC Maaslandster Zuid-Limberg in the prestigious road race circuits. For these junior riders to achieve this is an amazing success, and we wish these young men well.

>>> Click here to view more information about these two incredible young cyclists.

Australian and NSW Cycling representatives

Australian and NSW Cycling representatives

State Oztag Championships

We had a number of students competing last week at the State Oz-Tag championships, including a very successful U13s team made up of a number of Waverley students. Well done to all students on their respective performances.

U13 team: Declan, Felix, Sonny, Taoko, Bailey, Kyson, Hayden, Jimmy, Daniel and Julian (Years 7-8).

State Oztag Championships U13 team: Declan, Felix, Sonny, Taoko, Bailey, Kyson, Hayden, Jimmy, Daniel and Julian (Years 7-8).

House Carnival Update

Unfortunately, we have recently been informed that ES Marks will not be ready for our scheduled house Athletics Carnival on 23 June. We are currently investigating alternatives, and will communicate an update as soon as we can.

I want to wish all students who are competing this weekend at the State Club rugby Championships – don’t get injured!

Enjoy a weekend off!


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular
