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The break presents an opportunity for students to consolidate their study notes and prepare for assessment tasks in Term 2.

Students are encouraged to use this time wisely to balance study, leisure and exercise, to maintain their wellbeing.

Please find below useful study guides and planners for the break, which include valuable tips, resources and details of the Study Skills website.

Online Study Skills Handbook

The Online Study Skills Handbook is HERE.

Username: forwaverleycollegeonly

Password: 94results

You may also access the Online Study Skills Handbook through the College Website. Click on the Curriculum link on the Home page.

National Walk Safely to School Day – Friday, 10 May 2024

Now in its 25th year, National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event where all Primary School children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment.

Waverley College will be promoting this initiative as the below objectives are inline with the message we want to instil in our students;

The Objectives of WSTSD are:

We encourage our students to walk or catch public transport to school on Friday, 10 May 2024 or suggest parents and carers who have to drive, to park the car at least 10 minutes away from the school. 

We will have fresh pieces of fruit and muesli bars to celebrate our students as they enter the school on the significant benefits that regular walking can have on their physical, mental and social health. 

I wish all families a safe and restful break, and as always, we appreciate the unwavering support. We look forward to an exciting Term 2.  



Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


World’s Greatest Shave 2024

The World’s Greatest Shave Foundation Campaign is led by Lacey House. I know many in our community cherish and support graciously every year and is one that has directly supported some of our past and present families at the College.

The Lacey Leadership Team would like to thank you for your support. Almost $14,000 has been raised for this charity. There were four students in the Junior School who had their heads shaved this year and we are very proud of their efforts and support, as well as raising large amounts of money.  

A huge thank you to Ollie Johnson, Arlo Buchanan, Ellis Cario and Marcello Zanco. 

Thank you for your support and if you would still like to make a donation please click HERE.


Jai Brodie – Lacey House Captain


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of Lacey House

2024 World's Greatest Shave

2024 World's Greatest Shave

2024 World's Greatest Shave

2024 World's Greatest Shave

World's Greatest Shave

2024 World's Greatest Shave


Jai Brodie – Lacey House Captain


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of Lacey House


Mother’s Day Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, Friday, 10 May 2024, 12pm

The celebration of mothers, grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College Students, will be celebrated on Friday, 10 May at 12pm (Week 2A, Term 2). This will be at Mary Immaculate Church followed by a light lunch at the Junior School.

View the invitation HERE.


Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Please send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation. If all photos could be emailed through by no later than Monday, 6 May 2024.

Please email photos to

Confirmation at Mary Immaculate Church

For parents/carers seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated, and when the preparation classes will be held.

For students who attend St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church) and attend Waverley College, the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, 23 June 2024 at 2pm.

Please be aware that the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year, therefore only Year 6 students will be enrolled to receive the Sacrament.

View the boundary map HERE to see if you are within the parish boundary.

For further information, important dates and to register your son to receive this Sacrament, click HERE.

The document below will also give you important information regarding the dates of the Preparation program.

View the Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation Note HERE.


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


Week 11A Home Learning  

Wednesday and Thursday ONLY 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Register your son HERE.

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Teacher of Literacy & Innovation


Co-curricular Sport

We have made it to the end of an amazing term of Summer Sport and Swimming. Congratulations to all the Junior School boys who played in their Summer Teams with pride and also to those who attended our various Clubs on top of sport.

At the Junior School, we offer so many opportunities for boys to extend themselves beyond school sport, such as Run Club, Judo Club, Hip Hop Dance Club, Chess Club, Coding Club, Spanish Club, Innovation Club and more. We are grateful for the skilled and passionate coaches and teachers who run these sessions for our students.

We look forward to the winter sport season beginning and our Clubs continuing next Term, but for now you have all earned a break! 

Armidale Rugby this Weekend!

A special shout out to the 20 Junior School boys who were selected last year to play at Armidale this weekend. We have been training hard and are raring to go. Thank you in advance to the families who are transporting and accommodating the boys out there. It will be such a memorable weekend and I look forward to sharing our results here next term.

Swimming Age Champions

Congratulations to our Swimming Age Champions for 2024, who were presented with their trophies at Assembly on Monday. The Swimming Age Champions are calculated on the points scored at our Swimming Carnival earlier in the year.

U10 Swimming Age Champions

U10 Swimming Age Champions

U11 Swimming Age Champions

U11 Swimming Age Champions

U12 Swimming Age Champions

U12 Swimming Age Champions

CIS AFL Trials

Well done to Jordan Strbac, Louie Cummins and Alex Jenkins in Year 6 who competed at the CIS AFL Trials on Monday this week. The trial was tough with lots of good footy played! The boys all tried their best to showcase their talent amongst many other boys from Sydney to Coolangatta. Jordan and Alex were both selected in the CIS team and will compete at the championships in Aubrey in May. We wish them both the best of luck.

CIS AFL Trials - Junior School

CIS AFL Trials - Junior School

IPSHA Cross Country Trials

On Wednesday, twelve Junior School boys ran in the IPSHA Cross Country Trials, after the original carnival was rained out last weekend. Jagger Michael placed 14th in the U11 race, with a time of 12:17.35 which means he has been selected to run at the NSWCIS Cross Country Carnival in the IPSHA Team. This will be held on Thursday, 6 June 2024 at Sydney International Equestrian Centre. Well done to all our runners, go Waves!

U10 Cross Country

U10 Cross Country

U11 Cross Country

U11 Cross Country

U12 Cross Country

U12 Cross Country

NSWPSSA Championships

On Thursday, Jack Forde and Kai Hess swam at the NSWPSSA Championships after progressing through CIS earlier in the Term.

Congratulations to Kai Hess, who placed 6th overall in U11 50m Freestyle and a special mention to Jack Forde who came 4th place overall in U11 50m Freestyle, which means he progresses to Nationals!

We wish Jack the best of luck in Term 3 when he will represent Waverley at this incredibly high level. We applaud both boys for their incredible efforts in the pool this Term.

2024 NSWPSSA Swimming

2024 NSWPSSA Swimming

2024 NSWPSSA Swimming

Draft Terms 2 and 3 Junior School Winter Training Schedule

Please find the Draft Terms 2 and 3 Junior School Winter Training Schedule 2024, HERE under ‘Training’ and the Draft Winter Draw under ‘Games’.

Wishing you all a wonderful and safe holiday break. 


Ms Jade Sparks

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Junior School)


Year 5 History Excursion With Ranger Jamie

Step back in time with our Year 5 students as they journeyed through the cobblestone streets of colonial Australia during their history excursion on Wednesday. Students immersed themselves in the tales of early settlers, exploring hidden laneways, buildings, and historical sites in The Rocks. From experiencing life as a convict to uncovering cautionary tales, this hands-on adventure brought history to life in a thrilling and exciting way. With passionate tour guides from Ranger Jamie Tours leading the way, our students walked away with a deeper understanding of Australia’s beginnings and a newfound appreciation for the past.

Year 5 History Excursion

Year 5 History Excursion

Year 5 History Excursion

Year 5 History Excursion

Year 5 History Excursion

Year 5 History Excursion

Year 5 History Excursion


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie

Teacher of 5 White


Science Term 1 Recap

This Term in Science has been an exhilarating journey for our students! Year 5 delved into the captivating realm of forces and energy through hands-on experiments, while Year 6 students embarked on a fascinating exploration of the living world and adaptations.

Additionally, this Term marked a significant milestone with the introduction of our new VEX robotics kits, igniting passion and creativity as students delved into STEM challenges, building, exploring, and inspiring innovation.

Junior School Science

Junior School science

Junior School science

Junior School science

Junior School science

Junior School science

Junior School science

Junior School science


Mr Max Mancinelli

Teacher of Science

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 2, Week 1. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

*These tutorials apply to Year 11 students undertaking an HSC subject in 2024.

Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Visual Arts 3:15pm – 5pm Turnbull C13
Industrial Tech Multimedia 7:30am – 8:30am Gibbs W32A
Mathematics Extension 1 7:45am – 8:45am Hall E32
Thursday, 2 May 2024 English Advanced and Standard: Craft of Writing in the HSC 7:30am – 8:30am Ryan & Fernandez K21
Friday, 3 May 2024
Hospitality 7am – 8am B McCarthy TF1
Maths Standard 2 7am – 8am Cornish E33

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Martina Cooper

Director of Curriculum

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 2, Week 1. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Visual Arts 3:15pm – 5pm Turnbull C13
Industrial Tech Multimedia 7:30am – 8:30am Gibbs W32A
Mathematics Extension 1 7:45am – 8:45am Hall E32
Thursday, 2 May 2024 English Advanced and Standard: Craft of Writing in the HSC 7:30am – 8:30am Ryan & Fernandez K21
Friday, 3 May 2024
Hospitality 7am – 8am B McCarthy TF1
Maths Standard 2 7am – 8am Cornish E33

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Martina Cooper

Director of Curriculum

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the tutorials on offer for Year 12 students during the school holiday break.

Week 1

Monday, 15 April 2024
Hospitality 9am – 11am McCarthy TF1
Visual Arts 9am – 12pm Turnbull C13
Tuesday, 16 April 2024 Mathematics Advanced 9am – 12pm Mountfort E41
Wednesday, 17 April 2024 Standard Mathematics 9am – 11:30am Soden/Cornish W41
Thursday, 18 April 2024 Modern History 9am – 12pm Brophy K11

Week 2

Monday, 22 April 2024
Hospitality 9am – 11am McCarthy TF1
Visual Arts 9am – 12pm Turnbull C13
Modern History 9am – 12pm Brophy K11
Tuesday, 23 April 2024 Society and Culture 10am – 12:30pm Theo W32
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Standard Mathematics 9am – 11:30am Soden/Cornish W41
Music 2 & Extension 9am – 1pm Balkizas P14

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.

Please bring any equipment you may need for the tutorial (e.g. textbooks, notepads, pens etc.).

Students may wear casual attire.


Ms Martina Cooper

Director of Curriculum

Rugby Skills Sessions

Waverley College are pleased to announce we will be offering skills sessions for all rugby players. Please see information below for timings and the list of skills that these sessions will target. All players are encouraged to join with no registration required.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Wednesday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email

Kicking Club

Waverley College are pleased to announce that Mr Eddie Paea from The Kicking Academy will deliver kicking skills sessions for all age groups. Players who would benefit from these sessions include any player who wants to improve their in game kicking and goal kicking skills.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Friday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email


Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris

Director of Coaching – Rugby

In Term 2 2024, Ms Joyce’s Year 11 Legal Studies Class will attend a Criminal Law workshop for NSW Law Week.

NSW Law Week is an annual festival that is all about creating greater access to justice for Australians.

When: Friday, 10 May 2024, Period 4 and Lunch

Where: Waverley Library

Weekly Careers Newsletter – Term 1 Week 11 2024

View the Week 11 Careers Newsletter HERE.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Interested in going to university in the United States?

Internationally Educated assists students and their families through the selection and application process for United States universities. They offer a SAT Practice Exam in partnership with test prep provider, Revolution Prep.

Taking full-length practice tests under timed conditions is essential to being ready for the official test. A proctored practice exam will help students build testing endurance and give them a real-time snapshot of their testing performance.

Additional information and registration can be found HERE.

Register by 1 May 2024.

The school production, Tartuffe, is coming up next Term and the cast have been rehearsing all Term in preparation for this hilarious play. Actors Luke Crosson, Matt Frost and Michaela Chamberlain share some of their thoughts on their characters and the rehearsal process:

“My character, Orgon, is having a mid-life crisis and seeking a new path of meaning, however this is negatively impacting on everyone he loves. I like how Orgon believes everything he’s doing is right, but with hindsight he’s destroying his family. The most memorable part of our rehearsals are building new skills, meeting new people, making new friendships.” Luke Crosson

“I like playing Tartuffe, because who doesn’t like playing a villain? Everything Tartuffe does is wrong but no one can do anything about it. I can just be totally repellent and its fun to be playing a manipulative character who gets a lot of laughs. I just finished performing in a production from another school and now it’s really fun to be a part of a production at Waverley.” Matt Frost

“Elmire really wants to do the right thing. She sees Tartuffe is trying to manipulate everyone and turning Orgon against his children. She really wants to amend things and get the family back. I enjoy the experience of being in this play. It’s very fun to do productions at other schools and great to be part of a cast and see how the play develops.” Michaela Chamberlain

Weeks Ahead



June – August

Student Leaders Afternoon Tea Inspires

Last week our Student Leadership group met with 20 other students from a variety of schools for our annual Prefect Afternoon Tea. We were privileged to have Ms Kate Miranda the NSW Director of Red Cross, address the students outlining her leadership journey. Kate stressed the importance of learning throughout the different leadership opportunities you may be presented with and having a passion to make a difference.

Prefect Afternoon Tea - Ms Kate Miranda

Students then shared their leadership initiatives and challenges in groups and enjoyed hearing the experiences and opportunities presented. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage with many different schools and to hear about their leadership journeys.

Prefect Afternoon Tea

SRC Elections 2024

“Everyone is a leader all the time, whether they know it or not.”

Now that our Year 7 cohort have settled into Waverley, we will be holding our SRC Elections for 2024/25 the second week of Term 2.

Students will be voting in their Wellbeing groups and will be able to elect one student from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 to represent their cohort, whilst the Year 11 students will be able to elect two students as their representatives.

If elected, students would be required to attend an SRC meeting with the College and House Captains once every two weeks.

SRC initiative: Gaelic Football, 2024 St Patrick's Day celebrations

SRC initiative: Gaelic Football, 2024 St Patrick’s Day celebrations

SRC initiative: Gaelic Football, 2024 St Patrick's Day celebrations

This is a wonderful service opportunity for students to engage with the different Year groups and to develop their leadership potential. All students will receive an email today outlining the procedure of applying for these positions:

Servant leadership is at the heart of all we do here at Waverley. I look forward to working with the young men who are willing to put themselves into the service of others.

SRC initiative: Gaelic Football, 2024 St Patrick's Day celebrations

SRC initiative: Gaelic Football, 2024 St Patrick's Day celebrations

SRC initiative: Gaelic Football, 2024 St Patrick’s Day celebrations


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Mission & Identity


World’s Greatest Shave 2024

Dear Parents, Staff and Students,

For those of you who don’t know, Waverley College’s ‘Worlds Greatest Shave’ Campaign was recently launched at the CAS Swimming Assembly and was given a very warm reception by those who attended, which we are all very grateful for. This cause is held very close to the hearts of the Waverley College community and has been at the forefront of our many Social Justice initiatives for a long time.

2024 World's Greatest Shave

The World’s Greatest Shave Foundation is one that I know many in our community cherish and support graciously every year and one that has directly supported some of our past and present families at the College. While our Campaign is led by Lacey House – the Lacey students, families and staff showing unwavering support since its inception at the College – the Lacey Leadership Team would like to thank you for your support. Almost $14,000 has been raised for this charity.

World's Greatest Shave 2024 fundraising

Thank you for your support and if you would still like to make a donation please click HERE.

2024 World's Greatest Shave


Jai Brodie – Lacey House Captain


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of Lacey House