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Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events and key events you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 2. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Term 1

Term 2 

Years 5 – 12 Student Reports Update 

After two years of research and planning, we are delighted to announce that Waverley College will be offering parents and carers real-time access to assessment task results and formative task feedback via the College Learning Management System – CANVAS – in the coming weeks.

>>> Click here to view Ms Lynsey Porter’s article for further information.

Stars of the East

I am excited to announce that our very own Tom Olds (Year 6 Orange Classroom Teacher) is representing Waverley College in the Cancer Council’s ‘Stars of the East’ event. This event is a high-energy, dance spectacular, bringing the Eastern Suburbs together and raising much-needed funds for The Cancer Council NSW.

Tom is fundraising for …

“My beautiful mother who has, unfortunately, had to battle the dreaded “C” word twice. She is the most influential woman in my life and is such a fantastic role model in terms of resilience, courage and dedication. 

Thankfully, she has managed to win on both occasions and I hope that I can help in providing much-needed funds to support the future research, so others can share similar stories.”

Tom Olds – Year 6 Teacher

>>> Click here if you would like to donate and keep updated on Tom’s progress.


Mrs Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Home Learning Club – Week 10

 >>> Click here to register your son.

If your son is unable to attend, please contact the College via email at or call reception.

3D Printing – Our Gallery is Growing

The new 3D printer has been very busy over the last week. These are some examples of our critically-thinking students who have spent time designing and printing. 

See our gallery so far: 

Thomas Ingham – 3D Printing

Thomas Ingham

Noah Nunn – 3d Printing

Noah Nunn

Jasper Lumsden – 3D Printing

Jasper Lumsden

Dexter Francis – 3D Printing

Dexter Francis


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Actively Investigating Living Things With 6 Orange

This term, our Science topic is Living Things. The boys have been tasked with a variety of activities where they were required to focus on analysing and researching various unique and interesting Australian flora and fauna.

A few weeks ago, the students began their leaf investigation that 6 Red and Mr Johnston explained in the Week 6 edition of Nurrunga. This investigation is still active, and the boys have started a new task of creating an information report on an Australian animal of their choice.

We have discussed and analysed what is involved in an information report, and the boys researched and collated information and images about their chosen animal.

Below are a few examples of the animals studied by 6 Orange students.

6 Orange – Junior School

Student’s Favourite Facts – Left to Right

Jake Meagher (Water Dragon) – Water Dragons can swim at 8km per hour.

Thomas Carrano (Platypus) – Platypuses can use impulses to detect underwater prey.

Langston Bled (Kangaroo) – Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.


Mr Tom Olds

Year 6 Teacher – 6 Orange


Week 9


Week 10


Week 11


Looking Ahead





>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 


Read more: Presentation Evenings, seeking new parents for Supporters’ Groups, Summer Season award winners, Winter Training Schedule, Swimming and Diving Squad excellence at CAS Championships, Football masterclasses with Robert Gold and UOW Tottenham Hotspur Global Football Program.

Basketball, Cricket, Water Polo and Swimming Presentation Evenings

Well done to all of our award winners at the Basketball, Cricket, Water Polo and Swimming presentation evenings last weekend.

Congratulations to Basketball Presentation Night Award Winners

Congratulations to Basketball Presentation Night Award Winners

All of our Parent Supporters’ Groups and Convenors did a tremendous job over the season, and for these important community events that were held for the first time in two years.

Attendance by students and parents was excellent, and I want to make particular mention of a number of parents on various Supporters’ Committees who have now concluded their time. I thank them for their wonderful hard work in ensuring various activities continue to develop.

Thank You: Mr and Mrs Abbott in Basketball, Mr and Mrs Gleeson in Basketball, Mr Andy Rigg in Cricket, Mr Rob Regan in Cricket, Mr and Mrs Andrews in Cricket, Mr and Mrs Hickey in Cricket, Mrs Michelle Sullivan in Cricket, and Mr and Mrs Dodd in Cricket.

I am sure I have forgotten many and I apologise. A number of these parents are also key contributors during the Winter season. 

Seeking New Parents to Join Supporters’ Groups!

We do, however, need some new parents to join the various Supporters’ Groups and I encourage as many parents as possible to be willing to assist. The parent groups are excellent ways to meet other parents, do important work for the delivery of our co-curricular programs, as well as have some fun along the way.

*We especially need more parents to join our AFL, Football and Rugby Supporters’ Groups. Please contact the relevant convenors if you can help out.

Summer Season Award Winners

We also are looking to celebrate our Summer Season award winners this week. Whilst the season was impacted by COVID-19, and some extreme weather, these young men demonstrated outstanding commitment and performances that have earned them particular accolades.

I also want to mention Max Fischer in Year 10 and Toby McDonald in Year 9, who competed in NSWCIS Golf this week. Max finished 5th overall. This is a tremendous effort to be in the top five golfers across all independent schools in the State. Max has now been selected to represent NSWCIS at the State All Schools Championships.

Max Fischer

Max Fischer is now in the top five golfers across all independent schools in the State

>>> Click here to view the full list of Summer Season award winners.

Winter Training Schedule – Please Check the App

We also commenced our winter training schedule this week, and have internal trials planned for this weekend, as well as the CAS Football blitz.

Unfortunately, the weather looks like it may play its part once again, so please follow the published procedures around using the Waverley College App, and contacting the wet weather line on Saturday morning after 7am.

With some current poor weather forecast, we will potentially look to add in some holiday training and trials during April.

We also have a very short week at the start of Term 2 due to ANZAC Day and parent/ teacher interviews. Depending on the weather over the next week, we may have to add some trials on the final weekend of the holidays, on Saturday, 23 April.

Swimming and Diving Squad Excellence at CAS Championships

Last Thursday evening we also had some excellent performances by our Swimming and Diving Squads at the CAS championships. We had a small but very vocal crowd of supporters, and I want to say a huge thank you to the students, staff and parents who came to support.

91st CAS Swimming & Diving Championships last week at Sydney Olympic Park

Excellent Performances at the 91st CAS Swimming and Diving Championships last week at Sydney Olympic Park

Both squads finished 4th, however, our points scores were some of the best in a very long time, with the swimmers finishing 15 points off third.

Ryan McNamara was a standout in the U12/U13 events, but the swim of the evening belonged to Scott Swinburn in the 200m Freestyle, when he held off a fast-swimming Trinity swimmer. The cheer from our crowd lifted the roof off the venue and the shock on the faces of a number of opposition schools also showed what a tremendous swim this was.

Football Masterclasses with Robert Gold

This week we were lucky enough to have Robert Gold, from the UOW Tottenham Hotspur Global Football Program, run some Football masterclasses with our coaches and players.

Robert Gold from UOW/THFC working with our 10As Football this week

Robert Gold from UOW/THFC working with our 10As Football this week

Robert Gold from UOW/THFC working with our 10As Football this week

Waverley College and The University of Wollongong (UOW) are looking to develop a partnership to give players a pathway to both high-level Football and Tertiary opportunities.

The UOW Tottenham Hotspur Global Football Program is a full-time football training program available to students studying at UOW.

UOW are also delivering the UOW Tottenham Hotspur Elite Residential Program for students in Years 9 to 12 during the April school holidays.

UOW is already a popular destination for many Waverley students, and this will also help to ensure these students continue to play the world game.

>>> Click here to view more information about UOW’s Global Sport Programs.

>>> Click here to view more information about the UOW Tottenham Hotspur Global Football Program. 


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Read more: bus travel survey, the conflict in Ukraine and wellbeing, 2022 May Procession information, parent event ‘It’s Time We Talked.’


Bus Travel Survey

The College has the opportunity to provide feedback to Transport For NSW, with regards to changes to the bus services that will affect travel to and from school.

To help us provide a clear picture of our needs, it is requested that you take a minute to complete the attached survey, so we can provide feedback to the operators.

>>> Click here to view and complete the survey.

The Conflict in Ukraine and the Wellbeing of Our Young People

Around the world, people are saddened and devastated by the events unfolding in Ukraine. Both adults and young people alike, are feeling the stresses of war from afar as they experience fear, frustration and helplessness.

The 24-hour news cycle has shown us upsetting images raising many questions, especially for our young people, about what is happening. This has backed on to over two years of often dire news about the COVID-19 epidemic. 


Parents and caregivers need to be guided by their son’s curiosity. There is strong evidence to suggest that having a supportive discussion about a stressful event in a developmentally-appropriate way, can actually decrease distress. It’s best to “name it, to tame it.” This will also combat any misinformation to which they have most likely already been exposed to, through social media, pictures or video clips.

Children need to know that they are being taken seriously. So it is recommended that you don’t avoid the difficult questions. Ensure you address their questions honestly and sensitively. With less life experience than adults, young people may need help navigating news about this crisis. Use this as an opportunity to model and encourage compassionate views towards fellow humans, regardless of distance or circumstance.

>>> Click here to view the 5.5-minute SchoolTV Special Report video on the Conflict in Ukraine.

May Procession

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Our annual May Procession is fast approaching, early in Term 2, and will occur on Sunday, 1 May from 12pm to 1:30pm, in the Centenary Quad, here at Waverley College. Students will need to be in the Quadrangle by 11:30am.

This wonderful celebration of our College founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, and Mary our Mother, is a compulsory event for all students. As such, full school uniform including blazer and tie should be worn.

Students will be required to get their names marked off by their Mentor upon arrival. 

Parent Event – ‘It’s Time We Talked’ – Save the Date

Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 5:30pm

‘It’s Time We Talked’ is a violence-prevention initiative that supports young people, parents, schools, government and the community sector, to understand and address the influence of pornography.

The program grew out of Maree Crabbe’s work with young people in secondary schools and community settings.

Maree noticed that pornography was increasingly playing a role in how young people learn about, think about and experience sexuality. The young people she worked with were keen to talk about pornography, but the adults in their lives often had no idea about pornography’s prevalence or influence – and those who did, often didn’t feel equipped to have the conversations.

These observations led to more questions, research, planning and writing. With significant philanthropic support, ‘It’s Time We Talked’ began in 2009.

Following a presentation to staff earlier in the day, Maree will be presenting to parents that evening. 

How To Join the Zoom Meeting for ‘It’s Time We Talked.’

>>> Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 896 5492 2955

Passcode: 864555


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


Last Friday night, Waverley College hosted the annual Basketball Presentation for the 2021/2022 season. This was an emotional night for many, as it was the Year 12 students’ last season playing in the blue and gold uniform. The night consisted of a wide variety of tasty food, drinks, awards and memorable moments.

The night was organised by the Basketball Supporters’ Club, and a special thanks goes to Nicole Abbott (President) and Stephen Abbott, who have worked tirelessly for the club for many years.

Nicole and Stephen Abbott

Nicole and Stephen Abbott

Another special thanks goes to the Convenor of Basketball, Mr Anthony Gibbs, for putting this night together, as well as organising the season. The night commenced with a dinner in Braidwood, followed by a variety of shooting competitions in the Gym, with the last part of the night hosting the award ceremony.

Special Thanks to Old Boy, Mr Ryan Abbott (Class of 2020)

A special thank you to Old Boy, Mr Ryan Abbott, who recorded a short welcome message that was played at the start of the awards ceremony.

Mr Abbott attended Waverley College from 2013 to 2020, and is currently in California, studying a Bachelor of Business Administration at Fresno Pacific University (FPU).

Mr Abbott has enjoyed a standout Freshman year as the starting Small Forward for the FPU Sunbirds. He helped the Sunbirds reach the Quarter Finals of the PacWest Conference Basketball Championships.

Ryan Abbott

Ryan Abbott (Class of 2020)

Among the many accolades he obtained during his time at Waverley, including Captain and MVP of 1st V, Mr Abbott also represented NSW in the U18 and U20 State teams, and Australia at the 2019 FIBA U17 Oceania Championships. He will return to Australia during his summer break from college, and play for Norths Bears Men’s NBL1 team.


Congratulations to the following players who received the highest honours within their year groups: Marko Rangan (1st V Best and Fairest); Cooper Stynes and Solomon Tuqiri (2nd V Joint Best and Fairest); Aren Yaghoubian (10A Best and Fairest); Benjamin Pignatelli (9A Best and Fairest); Tane Barclay and Angus Peshos 8A (Joint Best and Fairest); and Dominic Dametto (7A Best and Fairest). 

Congratulations to Basketball Presentation Night Award Winners

Congratulations to Basketball Presentation Night Award Winners

This year has been a successful season compared to previous seasons, with a 6% increase in wins over the past five seasons. This could not have happened without the leadership and contribution of the Year 12 players over their time in the Basketball program.

Congratulations to these players who received a Service to Basketball award: Hugo Roles (Captain of 1st V), Cameron Abbott (1st V), Solomon Tuqiri (Co-Captain of 2nd V), Aodan Byrne (Co Captain of 2nd V), Dakota Fanning (2nd V), James Jones (2nd V), Hugo King (2nd V), Jake Mckell (2nd V) and Cooper Stynes (2nd V).

Congratulations to Alejandro Zanapalis and Jock Edwards for winning the two-point shooting competition, and Alejandro Zanapalis for winning the three-point shooting competition. Both received brand new basketballs as prizes.

1sts and 2nds at Basketball Presentation Night 2022

1sts and 2nds at Basketball Presentation Night 2022

Special Acknowledgement

A special thanks goes to the coaches who were up for all the early mornings or late afternoons for games and trainings throughout the season.

Thank you to the following staff members for attending and supporting the night: Mr Stephen O’Donnell (Director of Co-curricular), Mr Stephen Wilmot (Assistant Director of Co-curricular), Mr Linden Smith-Hyde (Assistant Coach, 1st V), Mr James Spargo (Head Coach, 2nd V), Mr James Minogue (Assistant Coach, 2nd V), Mr Tom Kennedy (Coach, 9A/B), Mr Kyle Goulding (Coach, 8A/B), Mr Ed Smith (Coach, 8A/B), Ms Jenna Turnbull (Coach, 7A/B) and Mr Andrew Sexton (Coach, 5th V/6th V).

Thank you also to Ms Cathy Pham, a University of NSW student, undertaking her practicum at Waverley College, who assisted on the night.

Thank you to all the parents/carers who made the season possible, along with Presentation Night.

Full List of 2021/22 Basketball Season Award Winners

Basketball Award Award Winner
Captain of Basketball Thomas Gleeson
Captain of 1st V Hugo Roles
1st V MVP Marko Rangan
1st V Best Defensive Player Thomas Gleeson
1st V Most Improved Player Daniel Palacio
2nd V MVP Cooper Stynes
2nd V MVP Solomon Tuqiri
2nd V Most Improved Player Charlie Smith
Service to Basketball Cameron Abbott
Service to Basketball Hugo Roles
Service to Basketball Solomon Tuqiri
Service to Basketball Dakota Fanning
Service to Basketball Aodan Byrne
Service to Basketball Jake McKell
Service to Basketball Cooper Stynes
Service to Basketball James Jones
Service to Basketball Hugo King
3rd V Best and Fairest Finlay Chandler
4th V Best and Fairest Samuel Stewart
5th V Best and Fairest Lachlan McMunn
6th V Best and Fairest John Walsh
7th V Best and Fairest Brandon Reid
8th V Best and Fairest Daniel Di Paola
9th V Best and Fairest Darcy Ferguson
10th V Best and Fairest Jesse Harper
11th V Best and Fairest James Armstrong
12th V Best and Fairest Frank Vescio
10A Best and Fairest Player Aren Yaghoubian
10A Best Defensive Player Tashi Harrison
10A Most Improved Player Solomon Maxwell
10B Best and Fairest Player Christian Robbins
10C Best and Fairest Declan Minto
10D Best and Fairest Ashton Child
10E Best and Fairest Cameron Pierce
10F Best and Fairest Eamon Henderson
10G Best and Fairest Alfie Griffiths
10H Best and Fairest Campbell McCarthy
9A Best and Fairest Player Benjamin Pignatelli
9A Best Defensive Player Renato Rovacchi
9A Most Improved Player Giles Strachan
9B Best and Fairest Player Oliver Stynes
9C Best and Fairest Fergus Dominy
9D Best and Fairest Cooper Butler
9E Best and Fairest Max Tomic
9F Best and Fairest Jules Bryan
9G Best and Fairest Digger Callander
9H Best and Fairest Hamish Witten
8A Best and Fairest Angus Peshos
8A Best and Fairest Tane Barclay
8A Best Defensive Player Lachlan Gibbins
8A Most Improved Player Petris Kalpouzanis
8B Best and Fairest Player Noah Thomas
8C Best and Fairest Cooper Ryan
8D Best and Fairest Ben Darcy
8E Best and Fairest Nicholas Russell
8F Best and Fairest Riley Tutty
8G Best and Fairest Ashton Scally
8H Best and Fairest Ethan Varvaressos
7A Best and Fairest Dominic Dametto
7A Best Defensive Player Hayden McAusland
7A Most Improved Player Otto Murcutt
7B Best and Fairest Player Levi O’Keefe
7C Best and Fairest Liam Gardiner
7D Best and Fairest Tyden Hennessey
7E Best and Fairest Luc Le Roux
7F Best and Fairest Archie Nicholson
7G Best and Fairest Finley Cromer
7H Best and Fairest Alex Moore
Outstanding Contribution to Waverley Basketball Mr Matthew Johnston
Outstanding Contribution to Waverley Basketball Mr Stephen Wilmot
Outstanding Contribution to Waverley Basketball Mr James Spargo
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Stephen O’Donnell
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Linden Smith-Hyde
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr James Minogue
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Damien Thompson
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Thomas Kennedy
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Kyle Goulding
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Ed Smith
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Ms Jenna Turnbull
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Damian Murphy
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mrs Anne O’Loughlin
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr John Christoforidis
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Jamie Mattick
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Luca Zanarini
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Jacob Gibson
With great appreciation from Waverley Basketball Mr Sebastian Rasmussen
Waverley Basketball Supporters’ Club Mrs Nicole Abbott
Waverley Basketball Supporters’ Club Mr Stephen Abbott


Thank you also to our awesome hosts, Hugo Roles and Tom Gleeson

Lastly, thank you to our awesome hosts, Hugo Roles and Tom Gleeson


Student Reporters

Tom Gleeson (Captain of Basketball)

Hugo Roles (Captain of 1st V)


Mr Anthony Gibbs

Convenor of Basketball


I would like to welcome all Waverley College families to what looks to be a very promising year of Rugby.

I would particularly like to welcome all new players and families. Waverley College has a very proud history of Rugby. I encourage new families to have at look the photos and records found in the T & M Hayes (Queens Park) Pavilion at some stage this season, to give you an idea of the proud history you are stepping into. You are all very welcome!

Queens Park T&M Hayes Pavilion Interior

Queens Park T&M Hayes Pavilion Interior

Queens Park Pavilion

Welcome Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris

This year we welcome Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris to the Rugby Program. Mr Drew-Morris is a passionate Old Boy who will be our Director of Coaching in 2022. We look forward to seeing the energy and experience Mr Drew-Morris will bring.

Lachlan Drew-Morris (2016) shooting the Waverley Giving Day video, 2021

Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris (Class of 2016)

Have You Watched the 2021 Rugby Highlights Video?

It was a disappointing end to the 2021 season, which was cut short as a result of COVID-19. In remembering some of the wonderful Rugby that was played last year, as well as getting our community excited for the year ahead, I encourage you to watch the 2021 highlights video.

Thanks to the Elder Family for putting together this fantastic clip.

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Rugby 1st XV 2021 Undefeated video.

Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club (Parents and Carers) – We Need You!

The Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club are looking for any parents and friends in our community who are interested in joining our team.

We have been extremely fortunate to have wonderful parents and friends who have helped create such a wonderful atmosphere at Queens Park over the years. We are looking for interested parents to carry on this tradition.

Should you be interested in joining the club, particularly if you are interested in being part of the committee in a leadership role, we encourage interested parents and friends to meet some of the current committee members in the Pavilion over the coming two Saturdays on 26 March and 2 April.

Rugby ISTS Indigenous Round

Training Schedule

This week training commenced at Queens Park. A reminder of the weekly training schedule:

All players are expected to bring along Rugby gear (jersey, shorts, socks, mouthguard and headgear).

Students are to walk to Queens Park after school, where they will get changed in allocated sections. We ask students to please walk down in a safe fashion and cross the roads at the traffic lights.

Rugby 2nd XV

Rugby 2nd XV

Weekend Schedule – Saturday, 26 March, 2022

This weekend we are holding training sessions and some internal trials for all age groups. This will be held at Queens Park with the schedule for the morning sent out by Mr Steve O’Donnell. Coaches have been instructed to use the Saturday session as a training session, as we gradually work into contact.

Lost Property

A reminder that all players need to label all their gear and clothing. Each season we have a collection of lost property at Queens Park. If uniform/gear is labelled with the student’s name, it will usually find its way back to the owner!

15s Rugby 2021

Holiday Training

We are holding some holiday training sessions during the upcoming Easter Holiday break. The schedule will be communicated to parents and players in the coming weeks.

Team App

*Please note the Waverley Rugby Team App is no longer in use. All communications which were once found on the Team App will now be found on the Waverley College App. Please ensure you subscribe (tag) ‘Rugby’ as your Co-Curricular Activity.

Rugby Ists in Their New Indigenous Jerseys

Rugby Ists in Their New Indigenous Jerseys

2022 Sponsorship Opportunities

During each Saturday home fixture in the 2022 CAS season, Waverley College Rugby will publish a program. Over the years we have had much generous support from the community.

Any parents or families, who may have a business and are interesting in sponsoring Waverley College Rugby in 2022, are welcome to email me to place an advert in the program. E:

Waverley College Old Boys – Congratulations

We would like to congratulate Old Boys Ben Donaldson and Jed Holloway, who were selected in the first Wallabies Squad of 2022! We are very proud of their efforts and we look forward to seeing their progress on the playing field.

I look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks at Queens Park.

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


Now open every Monday from 8:30am-9:30am, starting Monday, 28 March!

*Please wear a mask when coming into the shop as per current College policy.

A big thank you to all parents who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool.

This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

We are steadily rebuilding stock levels and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. These are mostly academic uniform items with very few co-curricular uniforms yet.

Email us to check on stock or pop in Monday morning.

$30 ‘Buy Back’ Scheme

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

Where Can Donations Be Left?

At the Senior School campus reception in the designated Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box (courtesy of our fabulous Campus Maintenance Team).

If leaving Blazers and All Weather Jackets, you may include name and phone number inside the bag, and we can contact you to arrange “buy-back” if appropriate.

What’s in Stock?

Unfortunately, we don’t have any rain jackets in stock.

We do have a range of good quality academic shirts available, and in addition, we have:

Contact Details

For more information on stock availability or to make an appointment, please email the Secondhand Clothing Pool:

Phone: (02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.


You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop (turn right when stepping out of the lift on the uniform shop side).


Kirsten and Camille

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators


P: (02) 9369 0703

Last Friday, we enjoyed our Big Brother Little Brother Gathering with Years 5 and 10. It was great to see the interaction of the students right from the start.

We had a BBQ first and then moved onto Bondi Beach for games and anti-bullying photos.

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

The conversations and enjoyment that followed were wonderful to see and I would especially like to thank all the Heads of House and Year 5 teachers for helping facilitate this event.

These students will have a range of opportunities throughout the remainder of the year to foster this valuable relationship. 

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Big Brother Little Brother


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation


Congratulations and thank you to everyone for their incredible support of our St Patrick’s Day Flood Appeal cake stall last Thursday. A mouthwatering array of delicious green cookies, cakes and lollies were enjoyed by many at both recess and lunch.

A special thank you to Mr Moylett and Mrs Ryan for their help with the Gaelic football challenge between Years 10 and 11 at lunchtime. Sportsmanship was the winner on the day and a memorable time was had by all.

This SRC initiative was well supported by the generosity of the Prefects and it was pleasing to see the involvement of our younger members as well.

We raised a total of $800 on the day. Well done to everyone involved!


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


From next Monday, 28 March, you will be able to make bookings for the Years 7-11 Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews to be held on Wednesday, 27 April from 8:30am – 6:30pm.

This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge and bookings will close on Tuesday, 26 April at 5pm. It will not be possible to open the bookings after that time, so please ensure that you access the system by this date.

The interviews will be online via Zoom. Instructions and individual Teacher Zoom codes will be sent prior to the session.

These interviews are an opportunity to meet class teachers and to assist students to set goals for the coming term.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of five (5) minutes’ duration.

To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we request that you:

How Do I Access the Parent Lounge?

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the term. The link to the parent lounge is below.

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College Parent Lounge.

user id = your son’s student ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Technical Issues? Need to Confirm Your Son’s ID?

Please contact iAssist at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


After two years of research and planning, we are delighted to announce that Waverley College will be offering parents and carers real-time access to assessment task results and formative task feedback via the College Learning Management System – CANVAS – in the coming weeks.

This will be in lieu of Years 7 – 12 Term 1 and Term 3 progress reports. Please note that we will still be issuing full reports via the TASS parent portal at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteer parents and carers from the Parents’ Association, who have dedicated their time in a trial of this new system to provide valuable feedback.

We would also like to thank the large number of parents and carers who attended the Parents’ Association meeting this term to hear about this initiative.

Major Benefits

One of the major benefits of this new system, is that parents and carers will be able to access information regarding the whole assessment process from notification to results, and feedback as it happens, rather than waiting for a static report at the end of each term. 


To facilitate a smooth launch, we will be staggering the release across year groups in the following stages:

As access for parents and carers according to this timeline becomes available, we will be in touch with instructions and a training video to assist with the setup and navigation of the system.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a winter activity for students from Years 5-12.

It will commence Term 2, Week 2, 2022.

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This winter, students will be introduced to ‘Printmaking: Narratives.’

Each student will be introduced to a range of printmaking techniques and processes, and will build their knowledge and confidence in the planning, carving, and printing of artworks.

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Cost: $120.00

Materials: all materials will be supplied

Session times: select ONE from the following:



Ms Stephanie Falk

Visual Arts Teacher
