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Lacey House has been working hard to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation through our House charity, the ‘World’s Greatest Shave.’

So far, as a school, we have raised just over $9,000, including last year’s total of $3,400. We are encouraging as many students as possible to donate to this very worthy cause, and smash our goal of $10,000.

World's Greatest Shave 2022

Yesterday, we shaved some of the heads and even waxed the legs of the students who raised the top amounts. When someone signs up to shave or cut their hair for World’s Greatest Shave, they send a powerful message of hope to the 110,000 Australians and their families facing blood cancer right now. Many people facing blood cancer lose their hair during treatment, and shaving is the ultimate act of solidarity to stand by them.

World’s Greatest Shave 2022

The funds you raise will directly support those facing blood cancer today, as well as providing precious relief to over 50 more who will receive the same devastating diagnosis tomorrow. Every single day, over 50 Australian families will receive a devastating blood cancer diagnosis. The money you raise will provide these families with the special care and support that they need to make it through the darkest days.

World’s Greatest Shave 2022

Before …

World’s Greatest Shave 2022

Before …

World’s Greatest Shave 2022


This year we would like to commend the following boys: Hamish and Owen Patient who raised $350 each, Lachlan Marzol for raising $560, Alex Janis for raising $610 and finally, Patrick Carey, who raised a whopping $1,030.

A BIG thanks to all the students who contributed, as every dollar counts for this great cause.

There’s Still Time to Donate!

>>> Click here to visit our team page to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation through our House charity, the ‘World’s Greatest Shave.’

Mr Damien Thompson

Head of House – Lacey


Read more: Congratulations Marko Rankan and Thomas Gleeson, tickets selling fast for Basketball, Swimming/Water Polo and Cricket Presentation Evenings, summer awards assembly, Winter Season Training and Trials, 1st XI Footballers Need Your Support, Holiday Training and Matches, Crusaders Jersey Raffle Winner.


>>> Please click here to view the fixtures. 

Last weekend saw the final round of the Summer season and I want to thank all of the Convenors, Staff, Coaches, Supporters’ Groups and parents for their efforts over the term. I especially want to mention and thank those students in Year 12 who have played their final Summer round for the College.


Well done to Marko Rangan who was selected in CAS 1sts Basketball this week, and to Thomas Gleeson who was selected in CAS 2nds Basketball.

Last Chance to Buy Tickets for Basketball, Swimming/Water Polo and Cricket Presentation Evenings

We have our Basketball and Swimming/Water Polo presentation evenings this Friday and Cricket on Saturday. There are still limited tickets available, and we hope to see as many students and their parents as possible at these two events, which are being held for the first time in a couple of years.

1st v Knox in Week 7

1st v Knox in Week 7

>>> Click here to view information about ticket purchase for the Friday Basketball Presentation Evening.

>>> Click here to view information about ticket purchase for the Friday Swimming/Water Polo Presentation Evening.

>>> Click here to view information about ticket purchase for the Saturday Cricket Presentation Evening.

Summer Awards Assembly

We will also hold our summer awards assembly next Thursday for all activities and award winners.

Crusaders Jersey Raffle – We Have a Winner!

The winner of the signed framed Crusaders Jersey was Mrs Cathy Patane (mother of Sonny in Year 9.) Congratulations Cathy!

Win a Signed and Framed Crusaders Jersey!

Winter Season Training and Trials

From next Monday we commence our Winter season training and trials. All students in AFL, Football, Rugby, Volleyball, Tennis and Debating commence from next week.

Students need to ensure that they have the appropriate training attire and equipment specific to each activity by Monday.

First Round of Internal Trials

On Saturday, 26 March we will have our first round of internal trials and our 1sts and As Football Teams also have CAS football blitz commitments that day. We will continue with another round of internal trials the following week.

1st XI Footballers Need Your Support at Waverley Park!

Our 1st XI Football are also playing St Joseph’s College next Wednesday, 23 March from 2:30pm at Waverley Park, in their first round of the CIS Independent Cup.

Waverley are the current premiers of this competition, and it would be great to see some supporters there in the afternoon.

1st XI 2021 – CIS Champions

1st XI 2021 – CIS Champions

Holiday Training and Matches

We will also be arranging some holiday training and matches in the upcoming holidays for those students who are available, and we will publish these opportunities from next week.

Best wishes for a weekend off and good luck for the trials starting from next week.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


1sts v Knox

On Friday night, the 1sts took on Knox, reigning CAS premiers, for the last game of the season. Being the last game, it was sadly Year 12’s final time playing in the Waverley College Basketball uniform.

Year 12 players included Hugo Roles and Cameron Abbott, with both leading the team in the first quarter, as they put on a show to keep the game close. Unfortunately, they could not hold this competitive edge as Knox took over by the end of the second quarter.

Once Knox gained the momentum, the 1sts could not keep up, only having short little runs. Waverley were not able to hold out, with the end score being 89-40 to Knox. It was an emotional game seeing the Year 12 basketballers leave, the ones who lead us through the season, but the players were so thankful to be a part of a team with them.

Once again thank you to Hugo Roles and Cameron Abbott who put their heart and soul into the Basketball program and this season, leading the Waverley College 1sts, who tied third in the CAS with a 2-3 record.

Year 12 1st V players Cameron Abbott and Hugo Roles

Year 12 1st V players Cameron Abbott and Hugo Roles

Six Trialed for CAS Representative Teams With Two Selected for CAS 1sts and 2nds

Six 1st V players were selected to trial for the CAS representative teams: Hugo Roles, Tom Gleeson, Marko Rangan, Marley Henare, Daniel Palacio and Sergej Jakovljevic. Unfortunately, Daniel and Sergej were not able to make the trials.

All Waverley players trialled well – congratulations to Marko, who was selected for CAS 1sts, and Tom who was selected for CAS 2nds. This was a great achievement for both players.

Upcoming Dates For CAS 1sts and 2nds 

2nd v Knox

To start off the night, the 2nd V took on Knox’s competitive 2nds team and were led by the Year 12s. This was a game for the premiership, as both teams were tied first after four rounds.

It was the final game for Year 12 players, including Solomon Tuqiri, Cooper Stynes, Dakota Fanning, Aodan Byrne and Jake Mckell. The first half was back and forth, with the Knox crowd roaring as the students played their last game. By the end of the first half, the score was tied at 15-all.

2nd V after their final game of the season against Knox

2nd V after their final game of the season against Knox

In the second half, Knox generated the required momentum, and took off to a 10-point lead by the end of the third quarter. Waverley tried fighting back, but were not successful, with the end score 50-31.

Congratulations to the Year 12 basketballers who played their final game in the Waverley College colours. The 2nds came second in the comp, with a 3-2 record.

Acknowledgement of all Year 12 Players

Thank you to all of the Year 12 players who put their time into the Waverley College Basketball program over the years, helping to keep the sport flourishing with strong representation. We wish you the best of luck in your HSC year and your future endeavours.

10As, 9As, 8As, 7As

The 10As fought hard, and secured their first win of the season with the final score 40-35. Their final record was 1-4.

The 9As, unfortunately, had a result they were not looking for, losing to Knox with the final result 52-26. The team had a final record of 1-4.

The 8As were also unable to secure a win, with the score ending on 41-26. Their final record was 1-4.

The 7As had a close and well-fought game, but could not get the result hoped for, with the score 23-33. They ended their season with a record of 2-3.

Premiership to 7Gs

Congratulations to the 7Gs, who went undefeated this season to bring home a premiership. Representing the team were: James Austin, Finley Cromer, Aidan Gray, Max Hammer, Cameron Macarthur, Ryder McTavish, Joshua Messaike, Zach Polihronas, Zan Rosenthal, Liam Walmsley and Raffy Welch. Well done boys!

Other Triumphant Teams

Other teams who won their fixtures against Knox included: 3rd V (52-49), 4th V (29-22), 8th V (69-42), 10B (43-39), 10D (36-27), 9C (43-39), 9E (26-24), 8F (26-18), 7B (36-26), 7C (46-20), 7D (29-22) and 7G (20-14).

13 Waverley teams enjoyed a positive win-loss record this season including: 2nd V (3-2), 8th V (4-1), 10B (4-1), 10C (3-2), 10D (4-1), 9B (3-2), 9H (3-1), 8G (4-1), 7B (4-1), 7C (3-1-1), 7D (4-1), 7E (4-1) and 7G (5-0), with 4 teams breaking even: 10G (2-2), 9E (2-2), 8C (2-2) and 7H (2-1-2).

Farewell to Mrs Nicole Abbott, President Basketball Supporters’ Club 

A huge thank you must be given to outgoing Basketball Supporters’ Club President, Mrs Nicole Abbott, as well as Mr Stephen Abbott. The Abbotts have been wonderful supporters of the College’s Basketball program for many years, having helped organise our weekly BBQs (pre-COVID-19), Presentation Nights, and post-game luncheons for 1sts.

Nicole and Stephen Abbott

Nicole and Stephen Abbott

Both have been instrumental in raising funds for the program. The College and the Basketball program have been blessed to have them, and they will be greatly missed.

Both Mr and Mrs Abbott’s sons, Ryan (class of 2020) and Cameron (class of 2022) played Basketball for the College for eight seasons, having ultimately represented our 1st V.

Appreciation of Everyone in the Waverley Basketball Family


Thank you to all our coaches, especially our 1st V (Mr Matthew Johnston and Mr Linden Smith-Hyde), 2nd V (Mr James Spargo and Mr James Minogue), and A/B coaches (Mr Damien Thompson, Mr Tom Kennedy, Mr Kyle Goulding, Mr Ed Smith and Ms Jenna Turnbull) for their efforts in preparing their teams each week.

Scorers, Officials, Gym Managers and Teachers

Thank you to all of those injured students who assisted with scoring games each round, as well as the officials and our Gym Managers, Mr Jamie Mattick and Mr Luca Zanarini with additional assistance from Mr Jacob Gibson and Mr Seb Rasmussen.

Thank you to Mr Matthew Johnston, Mr James Spargo and Mr Stephen Wilmot for their day-to-day assistance with running the program and, of course, Mr Stephen O’Donnell for his support.

1st V Basketball 2022

Basketball Presentation Evening – Last Chance to Buy Tickets!

Finally, Friday night’s Presentation Evening at the College will provide the opportunity to celebrate some of the wonderful achievements that have happened over the course of the shortened 2021/22 Basketball season. See you there!

>>> Click here to view ticket purchase information for Basketball Presentation Evening, Friday, 18 March, Br Lacey Gymnasium and Braidwood, 6pm-8:30pm.


Student Reporters

Tom Gleeson (Captain of Basketball)

Hugo Roles (Captain of 1st V)


Mr Anthony Gibbs

Convenor of Basketball


Today our Year 9 boys parade for the last time with the Waverley College Cadet Unit as recruits. It has been an unusual time for these boys to experience Cadets, and they have had to see past many COVID-19 ramifications and cancellations to see what could have been and what will be possible.

That is a huge demand on young people, but hopefully, in this term of Climbing Walls, Laser Tag, Archery, Swim Testing, Hutchie Lessons, Methods of Movement, Camo and Concealment, Health and Hygiene in the Field and Rations Lessons, they have found something to connect with, and have made new friendships across different social groups.

Archery at Cadets

A Company at Hugh Bamford Reserve, earlier in Term 1

At training today, recruits were given a chance to see what their options are if they choose to stay in Cadets. For some, leadership and service will be a priority, for others becoming a Pioneer on the way to trying out for X Platoon will be key.

There is something for everyone, across Medics, Media, Logistics, Band and Signallers, with more platoons planned for the future. The decision to stay with Cadets is something to consider after camp.

Do You Have All Your Equipment on the AFX Equipment List?

The best, of course, is yet to come with AFX, and our rank have been working hard to prepare the activities, the stores and the logistics, so all our cadets have a fantastic and engaging time on camp.

Please make sure you have all your equipment on the AFX Equipment List and don’t forget your thermals! It will be cold at night in Canberra. And with the current weather trends, your poncho is also essential.

AFX in 2021

AFX in 2021

Please note, the Q Store is now closed, and any provisions not already collected can be purchased from camping stores or military disposal stores.

AFX is the culmination of skills and training across the Unit, not just for our recruits. Next week, our Senior Rank will be testing their leadership in a Command Post Exercise, and we will meet with Middle Rank, while X Platoon and Pioneers enjoy the final session of Archery.

Thank You

I thank everyone; recruits, cadets, rank, parents and staff; for their ongoing support of the largest youth development program in Australia, and for your understanding of the context we have been working within over the past two years.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 10 Elevate Session, Study Sensei is held during the Year 10 Careers / Wellbeing – Period 1 on Wednesday, 23 March, 2022.

Students will attend the session with their Careers / Wellbeing Teacher in their timetabled classrooms.  

They should bring a pen to the session.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

>>> Click here to view further information about Elevate Education.

Free Parent / Carer Webinars

Elevate work with our students in Years 9-11 at key times in the year, and they also offer free webinars for parents and carers. The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.

How to Register for Free Parent/Carer Webinars

>>> Click here to view Registration Information for free Elevate Webinars. 


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


It is not too late to buy tickets to our inspiring Cricket Presentation Evening, which will be held tomorrow night!

When: Saturday, 19 March 2022

Time: 6pm – 8.30pm

Where: Br Lacey Gymnasium, 131 Birrell St, Waverley 

Cost: $10 per person + 50c booking fee (includes sausage sizzle!). Drinks available for purchase at the bar.

Dress: students are reminded to wear their summer academic uniform including a blazer and tie. Casual attire for parents.

Where Do I Book Tickets?

>>> Click here to view booking information for the Waverley College Cricket Presentation 2022.

What Might I Enjoy on the Evening?

More About the Virtual Waverley College Cricket Bat Prize Giveaway 

What Fantastic Prizes Might I Win?


Hope to see you there!

9As win over Knox at Gillespie Field

9As recent win over Knox at Gillespie Field


Mr Sean Piccone

Convenor of Cricket


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life.

Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

Our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 10 and 13 May 2022

NAPLAN Practice Test Dates

In preparation for NAPLAN Online, our Senior School will be participating in practice tests on Monday, 21 March for Year 5 students from 9am, and Thursday, 24 March for Years 7 and 9 students.

This will provide students with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the test.  It will also give the College an opportunity to check that the correct infrastructure is in place. The practice tests are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked.

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Does My Child Need to Prepare for NAPLAN?

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills).

Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

>>> Click here to view the public demonstration site.

Further Information

>>> Click here to view further information.

Who Can I Contact if I Have Questions About this Practice Test?

If you have any questions regarding this practice test, please contact either Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum, Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Assistant Director of Junior School / Curriculum, or Mr David Parnell, Head of Learning Support. 

Additional Resources


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator


On Wednesday, 9 March, the Aungier community came together to celebrate the Aungier House Mass and Supper. It was a wonderful opportunity for students, parents, carers, friends and mentors to join together in prayer and reflection.

Aungier House Mass 2022

While it was a great shame that our Years 5 and 6 students and families were unable to join us, (due to a COVID case spike in our Junior Campus), they were certainly in our thoughts, and we look forward to seeing them at the next Aungier House event.

Aungier House Mass 2022

I would like to thank all those parents, carers, mentors and students in Aungier who arrived early to set up for our evening together, and stayed back late into the night to assist with the clean up.

Aungier House Mass 2022

Special thanks to our Aungier student leaders who played a big role in organising the Mass itself, as well as our Aungier House choir, led by Ms Dolso and Mr Balkizas, who sang so beautifully.

Chris Balkizas at Aungier House Mass 2022



Mr John McCoy

Head of House (Aungier)


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10


Looking Ahead

Read more: Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews, Self-Isolation Public Health Order update, latest COVID-19 update, flu vaccine, International Women’s Day, NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook, Running For Premature Babies.


Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews 

To allow Year 12 students time to join their online Parent/Teacher meetings commencing at 3:30 pm, they will be dismissed on Tuesday at the end of Period 5.

Self-Isolation Public Health Order Update

Please find below the key changes in regards to changes made to self-isolation:

Thank you for your ongoing support and consideration.

Latest COVID-19 Update 

Please see below the College COVID-19 numbers as they stand today. There has been an increase this week in transmission rates as the Government expected, with its reduction in precautionary measures. 

11/3/22 COVID-Positive Close Contacts
Year 5 15 5
Year 6 3 4
Year 7 2 9
Year 8 1 9
Year 9 4 11
Year 10 1 7
Year 11 2 5
Year 12 6 3
Staff 2 0
Total 35 53

Flu Vaccine

The College will be providing every staff member with the opportunity to receive the flu vaccine by the College nurse. This will hopefully occur before we go on break for the Term 1 holidays. 

Adele Cutbush

Ms Adele Cutbush, College Registered Nurse

Reasons to get the Flu Vaccine

There are many reasons to get the influenza (flu) vaccine each year. Flu vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against flu and its potentially serious complications.

Having the influenza vaccine can prevent you from getting sick from the flu, and it can also reduce the severity of the virus and reduce the risk of any flu-associated hospitalisation.

It is an important preventative tool for people with certain chronic health conditions. Research also suggests that the flu shot can protect pregnant people during and after pregnancy, it is life-saving in children, and can also help to protect not only yourself, but the people around you. 

When the COVID-19 virus settles, infectious disease specialists are particularly worried about future strains of influenza, therefore it is strongly recommended to have your flu shot for this season. 

Vaccinations are vital in preventing the spread of infectious disease

COVID-19 and the flu are both highly contagious diseases. The best way to prevent the spread of either infection is to get vaccinated. You should also continue to practice good hygiene (washing hands regularly, coughing and sneezing into a tissue or your elbow, etc) and physical distancing to protect yourself and others – especially those who are unable to be vaccinated against one or both of these diseases.

(NPS Medicine Wise website 1/3/22:

International Women’s Day 2022 #BreakTheBias

Waverley College celebrated International Women’s Day on Tuesday, by hosting a morning tea for all staff and a number of wellbeing activities. 

The College produced a thoughtful video, where staff and students across the Junior and Senior Schools spoke about the influence of significant women in their lives.

>>> Click here to watch the video.

In Wellbeing Groups, students engaged in activities where they reflected on what a gender-equal world would look like. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Wellbeing groups were photographed crossing their arms to show solidarity with women across the planet, and supporting the 2022 theme #BreakTheBias. These images were displayed on the digital notice boards around campus.

To all women in our Waverley family, Happy International Women’s Day!

>>> Click here to view images from Senior School Wellbeing groups on International Women’s Day.

Images from the Junior School

IWD 2022 – Junior School

IWD 2022 – Junior School

Break the Bias

College Captain, Daniel McSweeny, Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning), Ms Elizabeth Watson and Principal, Mr Graham Leddie supporting International Women’s Day 2022 #BreakTheBias

NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook

The NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook is a comprehensive resource to assist parents and carers with a range of topics essential to the safety of young people.

The Handbook has been updated to include key messages about storm and flood safety, COVID safety, children’s personal safety and online safety. The contents supplement our own A-Z of Wellbeing in the College Diary.

Families are encouraged to download the Handbook and use it as a reference, as we navigate the health and wellbeing of our young people.

>>> Click here to view the NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook.

Running For Premature Babies

This year, Waverley College is entering teams into both the SMH Half Marathon on 15 May and the City2Surf on 16 August in support of the Running for Premature Babies Foundation.

This charity was founded by a Waverley mum, Sophie Smith OAM, following the passing of her prematurely born triplet sons in 2006, and is making a tangible difference to neonatal care in Australia. To date, $5 million has been raised for neonatal equipment, directly benefiting over 6,000 babies Australia-wide.

Join our Waverley College teams in these events, to help fundraise for a first-of-its-kind breast milk analyser for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Royal Hospital for Women, and help give premature babies a better chance of survival.

All of our community are welcome to take part. There is no minimum fundraising requirement, but a free running singlet will be given to anyone who can raise $200.

Waverley College staff and students in the 2019 SMH Half Marathon

Waverley College staff and students in the 2019 SMH Half Marathon

Where Do I Find Out More? How Can I Get Involved?

To find out more about the charity, watch the recent interview below on The Morning Show with the charity’s ambassador, Lachy, the purple Wiggle.

>>> Click here to view the interview on The Morning Show.

>>> Click here to view information about how to join the Waverley College team in the SMH Half Marathon. 

>>> Click here to view information about how to join our team in the City2Surf.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing


Next Thursday, 17 March is St Patrick’s Day. As such, our energetic SRC are organising a bounteous ‘Cake and Cookies Stall’ at recess and lunch, to raise funds for the Flood Appeal.

Please bring in cookies and cakes on the day, and your money to help support this most worthy cause. All donations are welcome.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation
