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There are many markers throughout the year, which signify end points for this last year of high school for Year 12. Term 2 is such an end point: it is the last Term 2 that the students will be at school. This point is also significant as it marks the lead-in to the Trial HSC Examinations. Therefore, all Year 12 students should be seeing the holidays as a time to organise and revise notes and to study.

It has been great to note that many of our students are building study timetables for the HSC Trial Examinations and are attending the HSC Tutorials on offer. Many teachers are offering tuition at school during the holidays and students should avail themselves of the critical difference this tuition provides. Students who have major projects need to attend the workshops offered by our teachers in order to complete their projects to high standards prior to submission in Term 3.

Please also note that the College Library will be open from Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4pm during the holidays.

There are further resources to support you during this time, particularly the Dr Prue Salter video support page (details and tips are below) and the below holiday study checklist and study planner.

Video Support Page

Click here to view the Dr Prue Salter Video Support Page.

Username: year12waverley

Password: year12waverley 

Year 12 Study Guide

Click here to view our Year 12 Study Guide for the upcoming break.

We will also provide the students with a hard copy of this program.


Ms Gabrielle Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Permission Note – IP and GP Trials

As part of their preparation for HSC Drama, Year 12 Drama students are required to attend three whole-day rehearsals in the PAC to ready them for both their IP and GP Trials, and their HSC practical exams. These HSC practical exams comprise 60% of the students’ external mark.

The Individual Project Trial exam takes place on Tuesday 15 June. The Group Performance Trial examination is on Tuesday 20 July at 4pm. Both are closed exams. The Trial examinations are official assessment tasks so there will be at least two outside markers present to assess the students’ work at both evenings; this is standard practice across the state.

In the lead up to the examinations we are providing students with compulsory workshop and rehearsal opportunities with outside Drama practitioners in addition to full-time Drama staff.  Please note that one of these dates is in the upcoming holiday period.

Permission slips are due by Friday 18 June please.

>>> Click here to give permission for your son to attend the three whole-day workshops/rehearsals.

Workshop/Rehearsal Dates

  1. GP and IP Holiday Incursion – Wednesday 7 July (9am-3pm in the PAC)
  2. GP and IP Incursion – Friday 16 July (periods 1-6 in the PAC)
  3. IP and GP Final HSC technical rehearsal – Tuesday 10 August (periods 1-6 in the PAC)

Please ensure students are prompt to these sessions. The cost of these workshops is $180.00 and will be charged to your final school account. The students are fortunate to be getting advice from leading Drama practitioners.

After the External Performance examination in Week 6 next term, we will be inviting you to a Drama showcase evening where there will be both group and individual performances on Tuesday 24 August at 4.30pm. Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be provided 30 minutes before the performance examinations commence in the PAC foyer.

I look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Waverley College Drama department.


Mr Peter Lamb

Acting Head of Drama


>>> Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

CAS Drill Competition

It’s been a big week in Cadets! On Wednesday, our CAS Drill Competition Team travelled to Knox to compete in the annual CAS Drill Competition against Cadets Units from Trinity, Knox, St Aloysius and Barker. A team of 22 cadets from Waverley and St Catherine’s have been rehearsing all term to compete and they did a sterling job. While Barker took out the trophy, Waverley were near contenders and we look forward to great things from our team in the years ahead.

Cadets CAS Drill Competition Team

CAS Drill Competition Team

Cadet Passing Out Parade

What a brilliant Winter’s Day graced us for Passing Out Parade on Sunday. Passing Out Parade is a formal farewell for our Year 12 cadets, and this year, we were fortunate to be able to open the ceremony to parents and friends. Spectators lined the balconies as our cadets performed brilliantly for the Reviewing Officer, Commander of 2nd Brigade, COL Glenn Taylor.

The symbolic exchanging of the flags was a momentous occasion as the flags from the Old Flag party passed to the new Flag Party Commander, WO2 Sophia Voigt. As the first St Catherine’s cadet to be appointed Flag Party Commander, Sophia represents the ongoing success of the partnership between our two schools.

The occasion allows us to recognise the significant achievements of cadets striving to achieve the tenets of the AAC over the course of the Cadet year and we are very proud to announce the winners for 2021.

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Passing Out Parade 2021

Annual Awards Ceremony Winners

Most Efficient Cadet in the Field

Most Efficient JNCO Awards

Commanding Officer’s Efficiency Awards

Commanding Officer’s Commendation for Excellence in the Field

The Major General Charles H New Award for the Most Outstanding Medic

The Commanding Officer’s Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to the Unit

The Johnny O’Keefe Award for Excellence in the Band

The Major General Charles H New Trophy for Outstanding Leadership in the Field

The Major F S Farrell Trophy for General Excellence in a Senior Specialty Platoon

The Sgt Bede Kenny VC Memorial Award for the Most Efficient NCO

The General Cosgrove Shield for the Most Efficient Senior Specialty Platoon

(Received by Platoon Commander – CUO James Privett)

The Major F D Marzorini Shield for the Most Efficient Platoon

(Received by the PL Commander – CUO Tobias Malzard)

The Lt Col P R Frost Company Cup for the Most Efficient Company

(Received by the Company Commander – CUO Hayden Walker)

The Officers’ Staff Cane for General Excellence in the Completion of Duties

The Col R J Marr Cane DFC QC for Meritorious Service

The Maj General J A Chapman Cane for the Best Cadet in the Unit

Dining In Night

Later that evening, Year 12 cadets and their parents joined AAC and school dignitaries and Cadet staff in a formal Military Mess in the Gym. Our stewards transformed the room into an elegant dining space and we were blessed to come together to celebrate our Year 12s’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.

One of the advantages of Cadets is the regular opportunity to display courage and that was certainly the theme of the day. This year group has risen to the many challenges they faced – with COVID-19, with new tasks, with change – and they have adapted brilliantly. They are an exceptional group who have raised the bar with their leadership, their dedication and their camaraderie. Although an emotional time for them, our Year 12 cadets are ready to say good-bye and to embrace the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Cadet Dining In Night 2021

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night

Cadet Dining In Night


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Year 12 Legal Studies students recently took part in a HSC essay writing workshop led by Mr Christian DeVillar, a highly experienced HSC Legal Studies examination marker. Christian shared valuable insights into the HSC marking process including what markers look for in a response and how to write a top response. Students refined their skills in legal essay writing techniques, constructing legal arguments, using court cases and legislation, and making effective legal judgements. Christian shared detailed knowledge of criminal cases as well as his own personal stories working with young offenders in juvenile detention. The class was kept both informed and amused throughout the workshop, gaining much from this valuable experience.

Christian DeVillar Sharing His Insights as an HSC Legal Studies Marker

Christian DeVillar Sharing Valuable Insights as an HSC Legal Studies Examination Marker


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director Identity and Student Formation


In the year 2000, 300,000 Australians including Waverley students, walked across the Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of National Reconciliation Week (NRW). The theme this year was, ‘More than a word, Reconciliation takes action.’  The College held a number of events last week to mark NRW for students and staff.

Uncle John Allen officially opened Reconciliation Week at the College with a Smoking Ceremony and blessing in the Centenary Quadrangle. During the week, Zachary Bennett-Brook, a contemporary Indigenous artist of Torres Strait Islander ancestry and owner of Saltwater Dreamtime painted a mural adjoining the Kenny Quad. His trademark work integrates his passion for the ocean and the environment, and has gained him global recognition including work at Bondi Beach.

Students and staff enjoyed interacting with Zac and watching him as he worked. His finished mural (below) is painted in Waverley colours, with the smaller dots representing students and the larger dots representing teachers, staff and families making up the Waverley Community. The lines are symbolic of the diversity in the community and the different pathways and journeys that each person takes. Our Aboriginal students from Years 5 – 11 attended a special lunch with Zachary and heard him speak about his upbringing and journey in life that brought him to his current success.

Artist Zachary Bennett-Brook

Artist Zachary Bennett-Brook and the New Waverley Mural

The National Reconciliation Week College Assembly run by students, concluded the week’s celebrations with special guest speaker, Michael O’Loughlin. The presentation of the newly-designed College Indigenous jersey, designed by talented artist Billy Reynolds, was a highlight of the event.

“We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.” — Reconciliation Australia.


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director Identity and Student Formation


Week 8 Term 2

7 June – 13 June


Week 9 Term 2

14 June – 20 June


School Holidays and Beyond


Week 1 Term 3

12 July – 18 July

This is a friendly reminder that there are subject selection pop in sessions for parents and students of Year 8 on Tuesday 15 June from 6pm – 6:30pm. This is an optional session for any students or parents who have individual questions for Heads of Department following reading the subject selection slides and booklet.  

>>> Click here for the classroom locations for the Subject Information Evening.

Information on the process is included below as per the article that has been in Nurrunga for the last three weeks.

Subject Selection Process for Stage 5

As your sons will be entering Year 9 next year, for the first time they will have some choice over their pattern of study for Years 9 and 10. Over Years 9 and 10, apart from the mandatory subjects, the students study two additional subjects commonly referred to as electives.

Click here for the booklet that outlines the pattern of study that students undertake over Years 9 and 10, including the elective subjects available.

Initially, the College is delivering the information for Subject Selection Information session via the Waverley College website. Click here to access Subject Selection Information.

Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

The actual subject selection process will be done online early next term. Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.

Details on how to do this process will be sent out closer to the time.

The most important thing is that the students are selecting elective subjects that they will enjoy. These are important decisions to make as they will influence the staffing and resourcing decisions the College has to make for the 2022 timetable.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


This is a friendly reminder that there is a subject selection evening for parents and students of Year 10 from 6pm – 7:30pm in the College Gymnasium. This is a compulsory session where students will be provided with guidance from the College Principal, Director of Curriculum and Assistant Director of Curriculum regarding the Stage 6 Subject Selection choices that they are about to make. At the end of the presentation there is an optional session for any students or parents who have individual questions for Heads of Department following viewing the subject selection videos and reading through the booklet.  

>>> Click here for the classroom locations for the Subject Information Evening.

Information on the process is included below as per the article that has been in Nurrunga for the last three weeks.  

Subject Selection Process for Stage 6

 As per the communication in Nurrunga in Week 3, the Subject Selection process continues for Year 10 with Heads of Department presenting to them during their Careers lessons every fortnight.

 Alongside this Subject Selection Booklet which you received in Week 3, the Heads of Department have recorded information on each course which can be viewed by clicking on this link.

 Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

In Week 9 this term on Tuesday 15 June, there will be an onsite presentation in the College Gymnasium going through the Subject Selection process at 6pm. This is a compulsory event for Year 10 students. Heads of Department will then be available in classrooms onsite from 6.30pm – 7.30pm for you to pop in with any individual questions that you may have following viewing the videos. 

Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3 after the Parent/Teacher Interviews.

The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6.  

Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.




Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum



>>> Please click here to view the fixtures.

Indigenous Round

Last Saturday Waverley College celebrated Indigenous Round as part of Reconciliation Week. Our 1sts AFL, Football and Rugby all wore a specially-designed jersey designed by local artist Billy Reynolds. The design was specific and unique to Queens Park as a traditional meeting place of local Indigenous peoples for many thousands of years, where they shared stories and caught local food such as eels and fish. The design is also a recognition of Queens Park being close to where the land meets the sea.

All three teams put on tremendous performances that were also highlighted by the smoking and ochre ceremony organised by Old Boy Grant Hyde. A huge thank you to all of our Indigenous community, Billy Reynolds, Mrs Fran Grant, as well as local community members Trevor and Derek for their amazing work to help celebrate this very important week. 

Celebrating Indigenous Round During Reconciliation Week

Celebrating Indigenous Round During Reconciliation Week

1ST XI Football in their new Indigenous Jerseys

1ST XI Football in Their New Indigenous Jerseys

Rugby Ists in Their New Indigenous Jerseys

Rugby 1STS in Their New Indigenous Jerseys

CAS Representatives

Last week the CAS Opens Football team coached by Mr Patrick Darvill, were successful in winning the NSW Schools Associations tournament by going undefeated. Waverley had a number of players in this team with Duke Bushby going on to be selected in the NSWCIS Opens squad and Andrew Di Blasio as a shadow player. We also had James Bulkeley selected in the U16 NSWCIS team. Well done to Mr Darvill and these students on some great achievements.

Our 1st XI Football are also through to the CIS Independent Cup Semi-finals at Valentine Sports Park next Wednesday evening against Riverview, and these students and coaches would certainly welcome any support for this tough contest.

We also had 13 of our 1st XV selected in the CAS 1sts and 2nds Rugby sides on Saturday and these students will be representing CAS against GPS this Thursday evening at Knox. Students are also welcome to attend but must be in full College Winter uniform please. We also have a number of students trialling this week for CAS U16s Rugby.

We also had six 1sts AFL players selected to represent CAS v GPS next Wednesday at 2:45pm. Click here to view all CAS Representative selections, commitments and matches. 

Letters on Blazers

A reminder to any Year 12 students who wish to get letters on their blazers recognising academic and sporting achievements, need to collect the necessary forms and submit these with their blazers to the uniform shop before the end of term.

Upcoming Holiday Training Opportunities

We will also communicate with students some of the upcoming holiday training opportunities and trials in AFL, Football and Rugby.

Thank you to all students, coaches, staff and parents for their efforts over the term, and best wishes to those students representing Waverley College and CAS in their various sporting activities. 


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


The College’s House Athletics Carnival for Years 5-12 will take place on Friday June 18, 2021 at ES Marks Athletics Field — entry via Boronia Street in Kensington (off Anzac Parade).

The emphasis of the day is participation and friendly House competition. The day is also an excellent opportunity for students to display their talents (hidden or known), in order to gain selection in the College Athletics Team. Students will compete in their age category. 

Do not let your son stay at home even if he does not like athletics. The day is a great community and House team building occasion. Resilience is built at times when we sometimes do not want to do something.    

Dress to and from school: College tracksuit

Dress at the arena: House shirt, College shorts, House coloured garments, College cap, sunscreen.



*Any students interested in participating in Javelin or 3K run must be at ES Marks by 8am.

Please note:


Food: Canteen facilities are available at the venue but please be warned they are not cheap. Students are encouraged to bring their lunch/drink with them. The canteen is CASH ONLY.

Wet Weather: In the event of heavy rain, the wet weather line will be updated by 7am (phone: 8250 3780) as well as an email sent to parents and students. If the carnival is cancelled, students will NOT be required to be at school, however, for those students requiring supervision for the day, staff will be at the College for normal school hours. Students will be supervised if needed in the College Library.

We are sure the day will be enjoyable for all. Parents are most welcome to attend.


Mr Graham Leddie, Principal

Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Match Report Waverley v Cranbrook

It was a big game for our team this week as we had a tough game in the first round with a 2-2 draw — Cranbrook being the only team to get points against us so our team was determined to get a win.

We started off strong, going 1-0 up 10 minutes in with a banging penalty strike from Zack Ellis. We went to half time being comfortable with our 1-0 lead, knowing we had more work to do. It didn’t take long for our striker Aston Cavender to put us 2-0 from a scrappy corner — it fell to his feet and he tapped it in as we maintained possession feeling confident with our lead. With 15 minutes on the clock we got a corner — Zack Ellis put an amazing curl on the ball — great strike, we go 3-0 up — dominating the game.

Our top striker Jacob Rae got fouled in the box, winning himself a penalty — it was saved by the keeper that dived to the left and got a strong hand on it. With just 5 minutes on the clock, Jacob got played a nicely-waited through ball, and he turned the centre back inside out and placed it right in the bottom corner. Great finish from him and a well-deserved goal. Last play of the game, Cranbrook got a free kick in a good position and they scored. Pretty frustrating to concede in the last kick of the game, and not get full points in the Rizzo Cup, but we got the win.

Liam Lynch received a well-deserved ‘Man of the Match’ doing an outstanding job in defense.


Student journalist Harlen Forker-Lawrence

7As Defensive Midfielder



Semi-final of the CIS Cup

On Tuesday 15 June, the First XI will be competing in the semi-final of the CIS Cup. A winner in this game will take them to the finals. Waverley have never won the cup and have been hard at work preparing for the match. Kick off is at 6:15pm at Valentine Sports Park. 

Football Achievements 

Congratulations to the following 16s and Opens players who have been selected in the CAS Squad:

Players selected to represent the CIS team for their outstanding performances at the CAS competition:


Mr Sam Disalvo

Convenor of Football


What a remarkable fortnight it has been for Waverley College 1st IV Tennis. 

It all started with a home fixture against perennial powerhouse Knox. This endeavour was made even harder with the absence of our number one player, Year 10 student Roger Sweeney. Roger was away in Darwin playing in a highly regarded junior national tournament. Year 8 student Xavier Micconi stepped up to fill the void, and with the help of doubles partner Charlie Farrington, took out both sets of doubles. Nikita Nikitenko then showed his class to win his singles match, whilst Jack Preller and Charlie both displayed grit and determination to come from behind in their singles wins. The resilience on display in this fixture, in which Waverley won five sets to three, was awe-inspiring.

With confidence at an all-time high, Waverley then hosted Cranbrook for the last match before the school holiday break. With the return of Roger, Waverley was quick to put Cranbrook to the sword, taking all four doubles sets on offer. The excellent tennis continued in the singles matches; strong wins to Roger, Nikita and Charlie gave Waverley an emphatic seven sets to one victory. 

I would like to thank skills/opens coach Steve Day on the amazing job he is doing with the Waverley College tennis program. His dedication and tireless effort is reflected in the recent results, and a big reason why the tennis program is trending in the right direction. 


Mr David Edwards

Convenor of Tennis
