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Congratulations to Oscar Wilson, Renato Rovacchi, Fox Stapleton and Isaiah Close-Brown for their collaborative submission in the annual Clancy Religious Prize celebrating creativity and spirituality. The students worked tirelessly during their lunch breaks and after school to create their reflection of the school’s unique history in Catholic Education to enter into the competition. Thank you to Visual Arts teacher Ms Turnbull for her support and creative guidance of these students over the past few months.

We Are Waverley - Clancy Religious Prize 2021

Waverley College ‘Clancy Prize Entry’ – contributing artists: Oscar Wilson, Fox Stapleton, Renato Rovacchi, Isaiah Close-Brown

Exhibition Opening

The exhibition opening is at 6pm Friday 21 May, 2021 at the McGlade Gallery (Australian Catholic University) Strathfield campus, and will be on show until Sunday 30 May. Winners of the prize will be announced on opening night. 

Bookings for the gallery exhibition opening can be made through:

Diane Merrilees at ACU | 9701 4140 | E:

The theme for 2021 explores celebrating 200 years of Catholic education in Australia. 

Collaborative artist statement: 

The triptych is a collaboration reflecting Waverley College in how we know it, as a community. This triptych reflects our 117+ years of unique history of Catholic Education in the Eastern Suburbs. Each panel represents our school’s foundations and how this instills spirituality within its students. Furthermore, we also wanted to represent the longer history of the suburb of Waverley and the land our school sits upon. In collaboration with Year 11 student Isaiah Close-Brown, symbols are included that represent our school and the land of Waverley; as we believe this is much a part of our school as anything else, and to show the inclusions and diversity that we as Waverley students pride ourselves on.  

Panel 1: Represents how Blessed Edmund Rice’s mission of Catholic Education has instilled in us as students to become a more whole person, with a mission to graduate from Waverley as a more rounded human being and to create a positive difference locally and globally. 

Panel 2: Reflects Blessed Edmund Rice’s tradition instilled with Br. Brian Murphy (Teacher, Sports Master, Queens Park Groundskeeper). Br. Murphy started his career at Waverley in 1973, and he made an impact with students, the school’s sport and the spiritual guidance of the College. Now retired from teaching, Br. Murphy keeps strong ties with the Waverley College community, both on and off the sporting fields. Before school he can often be found greeting the students by name and with a handshake as they arrive. At the conclusion of his interview at Queens Park, Murphy, still a man of action, excused himself to dash across to the far field to assist with training.

Panel 3: Represents the key foundation of Waverley College, Blessed Edmund Rice. Edmund Rice was a man of action, offering his home to those that couldn’t afford education, and he enabled those people to live with hope in the future. Under Edmund Rice Education Australia, we at Waverley still strive to live out Edmund Rice’s mission with liberating education, within an inclusive community committed to justice and solidarity.

Good luck to these students and well done on their creative reflection of our College as we celebrate the bicentenary of Catholic education in Australia.


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Please click here to view this week’s fixtures.


An Historic Day at Parramatta!

Last weekend, Waverley College travelled to Parramatta to play against The King’s School. The King’s School is the oldest independent school in Australia and has a proud history on the rugby field. In 2020, King’s won the GPS title in convincing fashion. 

I was extremely proud of every Waverley College player in every team last weekend for their efforts on the field. While some matches were challenging, you could certainly see the desire to do well throughout all the age groups. A special mention to our 13s teams who enjoyed a ‘clean sweep’ of wins in the age group from 13As to 13Fs.

Congratulations to our 16As, 14As and 13As teams who had successful days. Congratulations also to our 15As group who were very lucky not to post a victory at Parramatta, just going down by five points. A win is certainly around the corner.

The 1st XV side had an historic win on “White Oval” posting 53 points. The style of rugby played by the Double V was extremely enjoyable for all to watch. It certainly had many spectators on their feet applauding from both schools.

On a sad note, we did have some season-ending injuries for some of our senior players. We wish Tom Martin and Joseph Morris, who both suffered nasty ankle injuries, all the best with their recovery. Thank you for all your contributions and you will continue to be a big part of the season ahead.

Match Reports

Thank you to Sonny Patane (13As) and Lucas Coe (13Ds) who both sent in Match Reports from last weekend. A prize will be coming your way! Any interested students are welcome to email their reports through to Mr McCoy

13As Match Report by student journalist Sonny Patane

For the 13As 4th trial match of the season, we played The King’s School out at their impressive Parramatta campus. The game was one of the most fun games we have played, with the score being 48 -12 our way!  We opened the scoring with a great backline team try with our inside centre, Payton Tarau, crossing the stripe first. From that point onwards, King’s couldn’t slow us down. Our forwards worked really well crossing the line several times, and the team showed plenty of courage in defence. Overall, we played a great game and brought the win home for Waverley!

13Ds Match Report by student journalist Lucas Coe

Waverley College 13Ds vs King’s 13Ds would have been a great game to watch and even better to play. The first try was a beauty! Brody did a team play called ‘’KFC’’ which is a kick to the corner to the winger. Our halfback put the kick straight to the corner (Johnathan Thurston-like). The winger had a perfect chase. The ball hit the ground and then bounced straight into the winger’s arms for a lovely try (scored by Jack Brantman). Waverley converted the goal. Waverley 7 to King’s 0.

The next try was awesome! The Waverley forwards were winning every ruck and they couldn’t be stopped. We were five metres out and the Hooker did a pick and drive and we score off it (try to Zane Fox). Waverley 12 to King’s 0. Waverley had a backline ready for the next play and they used it well. The centre put the winger into some space and the winger scored (try to Ashton Hourn). Waverley 19 to King’s 0. King’s were at the halfway line and the King’s scrum half threw a pass that bounced to a Waverley player to run a good 40m to score (try to Lucas Coe… Me!). The kick was on point and that made it Waverley 26 to King’s 0.

There was a big ruck and then King’s stole the ball from us. I was defending and then in the corner of my eye I saw one of our players on the ground crying. I was screaming to the ref and then he finally stopped the game for a few minutes. From what I saw, I think it was a neck injury. A couple seconds later, the ground officials came and checked him out and tried to fix the problem. In the end he stood up and started walking to the sideline, and everyone was clapping him off. The coach said to get into a huddle and he said ‘do it for Nick’ (our teammate who hurt his neck). In the last five minutes, King’s had a scrum in their own half. The halfback threw a pass that landed in my arms again. I passed it to the other centre and then he scored a try (try to Jack Brantman). As soon as he converted the goal it was full time. Waverley 33 to King’s 0.

Rugby Vs Oakhill

This weekend Waverley College plays against Oakhill College. Oakhill College is located at Castle Hill and teams playing away should ensure that they allow plenty of travel time to get to the games. Our 13s, 16s and Opens will be playing at Castle Hill, while our 14s and 15s return to Queens Park. Note that the 16Cs team will be playing at Riverview and 13Fs will be at Newington, with Oakhill unable to match up against these teams.

Oakhill have developed their rugby program in a positive fashion. This fixture will be another challenge for all teams. In recent years, Oakhill have produced the likes of Luke Keary (Sydney Roosters) and Ryan Papenhuyzen (Melbourne Storm), so we are expecting to see more talented players coming through the ranks.

This weekend is the final trial round of rugby ahead of the CAS Competition. It is extremely important that all players remain disciplined, as any red cards will result in players missing the opening round of CAS against Knox Grammar School. Discipline on the field will be a key coaching point this week.

Attendance at Training/Matches

A reminder that attendance at training and at matches is compulsory for all students. If a student does miss a training session or match without a valid reason, consequences will be issued by the Director of Co-Curricular. It is difficult for coaching staff leading into the games, if they are guessing who is and who is not available. This goes on to impact the performance of the team who may be left short. Thank you to those players and parents who have been communicating so well when there may be an injury or illness, as this helps coaches prepare teams for the weekend. 

Queens Park BBQ & Canteen – Reminder

Again, we would welcome any support on the BBQ and Canteen duties during the weekends listed below (particularly 29 May (Vs Knox Grammar) and 5 June (Vs Cranbrook) where we anticipate the crowds will be large):

If you can help anytime during these weekends, please feel free to click here to register on our online roster.

I would like to wish all teams the best for this weekend!

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


Queens Park T&M Hayes Pavilion

Queens Park T&M Hayes Pavilion

Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021

Cadets over the past couple of weeks have been taking turns by Companies to extend their skills across a number of areas:

I think you can see from the accompanying photos how well they have been doing!

CDT Jet Foltman

CDT Jet Foltman

LCPL Gemma Proctor

LCPL Gemma Proctor

Pioneers enjoying Rock Climbing

Pioneers enjoying Rock Climbing

C Company working on their Nav Data Sheet

C Company Working on their Nav Data Sheet

B Company at Checkpoint A

B Company at Checkpoint A

CDT Hunter Eldridge thinking through his Ratel

CDT Hunter Eldridge Thinking Through his Ratel

Battleships using Ratel to communicate

Battleships Using Ratel to Communicate

For the next two weeks, we will be concentrating on the Passing Out Parade as we prepare to farewell our Year 12s, and we ask our cadets to make sure their uniforms are looking particularly good for these rehearsals.

Our CAS Drill Team has been busy rehearsing from week to week in preparation for the CAS Drill Competition to be held at Knox Grammar School on Wednesday 2 June. We wish them all the best under the command of CUO Bryn Parry as they consolidate their orders.

This is the final term in the Cadet Year, and as we say good-bye to our current leaders, we are preparing the program to develop our new leaders on the Promotions Courses in the first week of the school holidays. To become a Corporal, Sergeant, Warrant Officer or Cadet Under Officer, cadets are invited to attend this excellent leadership training from Monday 21 June – Saturday 26 June at the Winbourne Conference Centre in Mulgoa. Keep an eye on your emails for further information.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU



Read more: Government Funding Reductions, Co-Curricular uniform changes, Masterplan and SchoolTV Resources


Government Funding reductions 

The College has been made aware that it will receive less government funding this year and into the future. The government’s funding calculation model Direct Measure Income (DMI) is based on parental income. The College currently receives its funding from College Fees (60%) and Government Funding (40%). With these changes announced, the ratio will change to something closer to College Fees (66%) and Government Funding (34%). There is a $1.6M funding shortfall for 2021 and into the future. Put simply, this equates to approximately $1100 per student. We are discussing these issues with the College Finance Committee, College Advisory Council and our governing body EREA at present, and will communicate regarding the impact this will have. The College will look at all options including operational cost savings. 


Master Plan Stage 1 

The College architects are currently working on stage 1 of the new master plan which aims to ensure we have teaching, learning and wellbeing spaces that meet the educational and developmental needs of our students now and in the future. Stage 1 includes the refurbishment of classrooms and staff areas in the Main Centenary Building (East, West and North). It also sees a new building being built between the tennis courts and the Performing Arts Centre. This new building would house a Science Centre along with PDHPE and wellbeing spaces. On the Junior School campus the heritage building Froebel House would be refurbished along with the development of outdoor play spaces in Wingara. 


SchoolTV Resources

I would like to remind you of a digital wellbeing resource that helps to empower parents with credible, sound information with realistic strategies. It is produced utilising Australia’s leading experts on a number of topics affecting young people and families.

Click here to investigate these high-quality resources on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.

You will find relevant and informative short videos and factsheets covering topics such as: consent, mental health, body image, cyber safety, drug and alcohol awareness, together with links to relevant websites including Beyond Blue, Black Dog, Head Space, Reach Out, Youtube clips, and TED Talks.

You will hear from experts like Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, one of Australia’s most prominent adolescent psychologists and leading authorities on teenage behaviour. I hope you may find this resource helpful and practical as we work together to raise the best possible men we can. 


Waverley College Uniform Change 

Over two and a half years ago, the College made the decision it was time to renew and refine our student academic, physical education and co-curricular uniforms. Previously, the College had two different uniforms between the Junior and Senior Schools, different uniforms between summer and winter, half the school wearing ties and the other half wearing an open neck shirt, and a multitude of different colours, versions, shades and styles of co-curricular uniforms. This is not the first time in the College’s 118-year history that uniforms have been reviewed or changed. The archives show that College uniforms and styles have changed, been reinterpreted and evolved over the years. 

The brief was to create a practical, contemporary and consistent look and feel across all of our uniforms from Years 5-12 that will take Waverley College into the future. A uniform committee was formed with representatives from current parents from different year levels, past parents, Old Boys, Junior School staff, Senior School staff and the College Leadership Team. This extensive consultation process was supported by Mr Jonathan Ward who is one of the top Australian designers and who has run many similar processes with a number of independent schools across the country. Students were also consulted for their direct feedback on how the uniforms felt and looked. 


Waverley College Uniform Change

The academic uniforms have been designed with a trans-seasonal approach to everyday dressing through choice of core essential and optional garments. This variety of choice allows boys to dress in what makes them feel as comfortable as possible, which affects their learning environment and general mood in a positive way. There have been many new items added to the suite of choice including vests, puffer jackets, and cardigans along with an all-weather Canadian-designed jacket to keep boys both warm and dry, and Senior School students now have the option to wear shorts in summer. 

We have also looked closely at the fit and structure of the garments to cater for the diversity of body types in our multicultural society, while maintaining a consistent look that is fit for purpose, age-appropriate and shows a subtle rite of passage through the ties the boys wear. 

Although it is still classic, it now has a more contemporary feel through the use of newly-developed fabrics that are lightweight, durable and comfortable. 

The overall theme of the uniform was inspired through the school archives so that it still reflects and respects the history and tradition of Waverley College yet looks to the future. There is now one school uniform from Year 5 to Year 12 that can be worn throughout the year and be layered and adapted to climatic conditions. 

The co-curricular uniforms have been designed to complement the academic uniform with the aim of creating ‘one’ Waverley, whether our boys are stepping onto the field, stage, court, track or pool to represent our College. The ‘one’ look reinforces that all activities and sports are just as important and valued as any other. Jonathan Ward researched the history of the uniform by exploring the College’s archived uniforms, Year Books and photographs in order to utilise and incorporate key traditional elements, while giving it a contemporary look and feel.

All of our co-curricular uniforms have seen slight changes including Football, Rugby, AFL, Volleyball, Cross Country, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Waterpolo, Swimming, Track & Field, Judo and Cycling. Efficiencies have been found where some items can be worn across multiple sports, which reduces costs for parents. 

Finally, we are pleased to announce that we are launching a new Indigenous round jersey. To do this, we have engaged a young Indigenous artist Billy Reynolds, who designed the West Tigers Indigenous jersey. He has created an artwork that will feature on each of our AFL, Football and Rugby 1st team jerseys. The design was inspired by the stories of his ancestors who lived on the lands where Queens Park is located today. We will be releasing the jersey and the inspiration behind the design during Reconciliation Week. 

Updating an entire academic, physical education and co-curricular uniform is no easy feat. 

Particularly, when a global pandemic hits right in the middle and disrupts supply chains and affects deliveries. We thank all parents for their patience and understanding whilst we await the delivery of the final items.

Co-Curricular Uniform Lookbook

Please click here to view the Academic Uniform Lookbook

If you have any questions about the uniform redesign please email

Have a great weekend.

On Friday 7 May, Year 12 received a copy of the UAC guide for 2021-2022. I asked them to take the time in the coming weeks to familiarise themselves with this book.

They also received the following three documents:

Click here for Careers Newsletter UAC Super Edition (provides more comprehensive information)

Click here for Undergraduate Fact Sheet Key Dates 2021-22

Click here for Year 12 Checklist for Applying Through UAC

Students’ UAC PIN numbers were previously emailed to them by UAC. Students need to use this PIN number when they apply to University.

It’s best to apply before midnight on Wednesday, September 30, 2021 to avoid the increase to the processing charge. Some courses, particularly those with additional selection criteria, have earlier closing dates.

Please note that a number of courses are not yet available to be selected. They will be added when details have been confirmed.

If your son was absent on Friday 7 May, please see me next week to collect a copy of the guide and the accompanying documents.

Please see me if you have any questions or concerns.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Click here for this week’s Careers News


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator



Week 4 Term 2 

10 May – 16 May


Week 5 Term 2 

17 May – 23 May


Week 6 Term 2 

24 May – 30 May

I am pleased to confirm that the O’Connor House Mass will be going ahead on Wednesday 2 June 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. This will commence at 6pm at the College Chapel.  Please take note of the following:

Please feel free to contact me at the email below if you have further questions about the House Mass.


Mr Matthew Barr

Head of O’Connor House


As your local bus operator we are writing to inform you that from Thursday 6 May 2021, community consultation commenced on proposed bus changes in the South East of Sydney, which are being led by Transport for NSW.

There are no impacts to dedicated school bus routes as a result of these proposed changes. However, we know students rely on regular route services on their travel to and from school that are proposed to change.

An integrated network plan for Sydney’s South East has now been developed to provide much extra capacity for customers, as well as to support existing and emerging travel patterns. The new light rail has changed how customers travel into and out of the CBD.

Key benefits of the proposed bus and light rail network

The Proposed Changes Will Simplify the Bus Network by:

How to Provide Feedback – deadline 18 June

To help shape the final plan, you can provide feedback until 18 June, 2021 on the proposal.

Please visit to find out more and to have your say.

It is important all feedback be provided in the survey at this link so Transport for NSW can consider it.

Transport for NSW will provide updates on the outcome of community consultation following a review of the feedback received. Changes to bus services are set to be introduced in late 2021.

Click here for summary of bus routes

Click here for South East map


Mr Brendan Rabbitt

Director Customer Operations, State Transit

Read more: Tournament of Minds, IMB EdTech Youth Challange and Gifted Awareness Week


Tournament of Minds – Seeking Two More Students Yrs 7, 8, 9

We are seeking two more students in Years 7, 8 or 9 to join the Tournament of Minds (TOM) teams. TOM offers teams of students the opportunity to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaborative enterprise, excellence and teamwork.

Challenges are set in the following disciplines The Arts, Language Literature, Social Sciences or STEM. Students work collaboratively across two school terms on challenges focused on a current world issue such as sustainability or social justice. Students are encouraged to utilise their skills in problem solving, creativity and relevant subject areas of interest.

Please contact me for more information at


IBM EdTech Youth Challenge

The Australian Museum is delighted to be partnering with IBM and Macquarie University to launch the IBM EdTech Youth Challenge, opening 2 March 2021.

This challenge is an applied learning experience for students to understand and identify issues around environmental sustainability, health concerns and disaster resilience, and how artificial intelligence (AI) technology and design thinking methods can be used to tackle these problems.

The competition is open to high schools nationwide. Teachers with teams of students in Years 7 to 10 are invited to enter compelling projects where technology, with a focus on AI and machine learning, is applied to help solve existing or imminent problems facing society. A panel of judges will review submitted Project Logbooks and the team’s video pitch identifying their project issue and proposed AI solution, with prizes awarded to the most compelling entries from teams in Stages 4 and 5.

The deadline for submissions is 24 September. If you are interested in entering a submission, please see Ms Boyce.

Click here for more information


Gifted Awareness Week 2021

Gifted Awareness Week Australia was founded in 2015 by the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT) to raise awareness of the identification, support and learning needs of gifted children and to celebrate the dedication of individuals and educational bodies who are making a positive difference in the lives of gifted children and their families.

This year’s theme is ‘Thriving as Gifted’ and aims to promote diverse learning through awareness of professional development opportunities for educators, and events for parents and families to make a positive difference in the lives of gifted children.

Gifted Awareness Week 2021

Gifted Awareness Week 2021

External Resources and Event Information

A range of resources are available externally and include the following associations:

Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented

Gifted Awareness Week Website

Event Information for Parents and Students

The Gifted New South Wales website also includes information about events for parents and students to attend. This includes a seminar on Saturday 22 May run through GERRIC NSW about how parents can support their gifted children to thrive.

Waverley College offers a range of program services for gifted and high-ability students across all gifted domains – intellectual, creative, socio-emotional, and physical – to ensure their talents are nurtured and students are able to reach their full potential. For more information please contact Ms Boyce.


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


Welcome to Week 4! I want to first congratulate the six students who represented Waverley at the IPSHA Touch Football trials at Barker last Friday. Mr Lavorato accompanied Jacob Sheehan, Riley Carr, Cooper Misson, James Tucker, Hunter Leondis and Riley Kolster. The trials were very successful with students making the CIS Touch Football team. A big congratulations to Cooper Misson, Jacob Sheehan, Hunter Leondis and Riley Kolster.

We have had a very busy start to the week with our Year 5’s completing NAPLAN. Every student did so well and took all tests in their stride. Our Year 6 students went off to camp on Wednesday to the Great Aussie Bush Camp in Kincumber. The students were so excited, especially after missing out on camp last year due to COVID-19. I’m sure there will be some very tired but happy students coming home today.

Mother’s Day Mass

We were so disappointed that we had to cancel our Mother’s Day Mass last Friday. We were so looking forward to celebrating our mothers. I hope every mother had a wonderful day last Sunday and we look forward to celebrating with you on Friday 21 May.

Mother's Day 2021

Mother’s Day 2021


2021 ICAS Competitions

If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate the competitions you would like him to be entered in through the Parent Payment System. At the Junior School the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3 and completed online. 

Click here to register your son

Through this system parents can pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the school’s access code details to register your child no later than 18 June 2021. Waverley’s School Access Code is: QKV852.

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher. Click here for more information about the assessments

If you require additional support registering your son contact the customer service team on: 1800 931 775 (Australian Toll-Free)

Home Learning Club

We offer all students in Years 5 and 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term.  


Register your son via the Skoolbag app and follow this link.

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance. Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.

Teachers: Monday & Wednesday – Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Teachers: Tuesday & Thursday – Mr Matt Ryan 

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us:

Ms Natasha Zivanovic, Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher and Mr Matt Ryan, Year 5 Red Class Teacher




Year 5 Indigo – Around the classroom

We have been busy in maths this term, learning all about multiplication and division. We particularly loved learning about the divisibility rules for division. In the video, Harry and his group have learnt a rap to remember all of the divisibility rules! We hope that through fun, engaging ways of learning, the students will never forget them!



Mr Tom Mitton

Year 5 Class Teacher, Assistant Director of Curriculum (Junior School)



Round 4 Co-Curricular Sport

The strong performances from all of our Junior School Co-Curricular sports teams continued last weekend for Round 3. The majority of Football and Rugby games were played at Queens Park, which provided excitement and a noticeable home ground advantage—particularly highlighting Rugby teams who finished Saturday with excellent results and some close nail-biter finishes that could’ve gone either way. 

Well done to all teams on another great weekend of sport, showcasing professionalism and sportsmanship across all sporting codes and teams. Unfortunately for our AFL and 11E/F Football teams, games were cancelled due to ground closures because of weekly rainfalls.

The Round 4 weekly fixture and Round 3 results have now been uploaded on the Waverley College website. Click here for the Round 4 fixture and Round 2 results. I wish all teams the best of luck for Round 4 and encourage students to continue representing Waverley College at the highest standard as we consistently do each week.

Subaru Ski Sydney Regional Championships

Waverley College has an opportunity to be involved in the upcoming Subaru Ski Sydney Regional Championships, taking place between 5 – 9 July (July School Holidays) at Thredbo. 

The Interschools Snowsports Championships are a series of snowsports competitions where students compete for their school as a team or an individual. There are nine disciplines: alpine, skier cross, freestyle moguls, snowboard giant slalom, snowboard cross, cross country freestyle, cross country relay, ski slopestyle and snowboard slopestyle. Kids from Kindergarten to Year 12 can enter and don’t need to be an expert to participate. In the first tier of competition, the regional championships, kids of all ability levels can take part as long as they can link turns and ride a chairlift and T-bar confidently.

Students from Years 5 and 6 are designated as Division 4, Years 7 and 8 are designated Division 3, Years 9 and 10 are designated Division 2, and Years 11 and 12 are designated Division 1. The slopestyle events are for kids in Divisions 1–3 only.

If your son is confident at snowsports and consistently practises during holiday periods, you are welcome to nominate him to attend the event as a participant of Waverley College. A Waverley Junior School parent has kindly offered to be the College’s Co-ordinator for the event. Parents will need to attend and arrange a season pass, travel, accommodation, entry race fees and waivers and insurance for their son to participate in the event.

Should you wish to involve your son in this event, please email me your interest so I am able to inform the parent coordinator. 

Disciplines and Divisions 5-9 July Thredbo:

Monday 5 July – Alpine 6, 5 and Ski Cross 4

Tuesday 6 July – Alpine 4, Ski Cross 6, 5 and Snowboard Cross 5, 4

Wednesday 7 July – Snowboard GS All, Snowboard Cross 3, 2, 1

Thursday 8 July – Alpine 3, 1 and Ski Cross 2

Friday 9 July – Alpine 2, Ski Cross 3, 1


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)
