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Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator





Business life cycle, profitability, business concept and innovation are common terms regularly discussed in Year 11 Business Studies classes. In short, a successful business relies upon a sustainable competitive advantage. This week the HSIE department and Year 11 students hosted a successful Shark Tank contestant Mr Sam Priestley.

Sam has a number of businesses and passive income streams including the Boss Scoop and booking agency Men on Fire. Sam delivered an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students about how to develop a business concept, tips and tricks to being a successful entrepreneur, and how to follow your dreams.

This invaluable experience will no doubt assist the cohort to develop their own business plan for their upcoming Term two assignment, and hopefully also provide some inspiration for new and innovative business ideas in the future. 

If you do something you love, you will never need to work another day in your life, and in Sam’s words, success means ‘finding your niche market and doing everything better than the competitor.’

Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE



Sam Priestley delivering an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students

Sam Priestley talking to Year 11 Business Studies students on being a successful Shark Tank contestant

Sam Priestley delivering an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students

Sam Priestley delivering an insightful presentation to Year 11 Business Studies students



Please click here to view the fixtures.

Please click here to view the latest Waverley College COVID-19 protocols for spectators, players and coaches.

Please click here to view the Saint Ignatius College, Riverview COVID-19 Sports Fixtures Protocols as of Saturday 8 May for AFL.

Please click here to view the SHORE COVID-19 Sports Fixtures Protocols for Rugby.

*Please note that the 9/10 Blue AFL match for tomorrow Saturday 8 May 10.40am is cancelled due to ground closures at Macquarie University Sporting Fields.

Winter Captains and 1sts Teams

This week we present and celebrate those students selected as 2021 Winter Co-curricular Activities captains and those selected in 1sts teams. Well done to the following captains who have demonstrated the commitment, leadership and service required to represent the College in these prestigious roles:

I was able to watch a number of our AFL teams play at Ramsgate last Saturday and the standard of performance, particularly from our 1sts, was very impressive with many teams recording hard-fought wins. Waverley College certainly has established itself as one of the AFL powerhouses in the CAS. We also recorded some good wins in Rugby and in a number of Football matches. Our Volleyball teams have also shown great improvement and this is evident through some of the performances at all levels and how much more competitive we are in this strong schools’ competition. 

Waverley 1sts AFL v Cranbrook

Waverley 1sts AFL v Cranbrook

We also had a number of students competing at the NSWCIS schools swimming carnival last week and special mention to Carter Hjorring, Ehren Little and Scott Swinburn who qualified for the NSW All Schools Championships later this term. Thank you also to Ms Nicolas Silsby and Mr David Parnell for their support at this event. Congratulations also to Isaac Barton in Year 8 who will represent NSW next week in trampolining at the National Gymnastics Championships. I would also like to send best wishes to Oliver Dunkley and his family after his injury requiring surgery this week and we are all supporting you for your recovery.

I would like to specifically remind all students regarding the standards expected around language and officials. We had some disappointing reports last week regarding some poor language, particularly in Rugby. We also need to ensure that only the captain is respectfully speaking to the referee, and we are never arguing or questioning the referee’s decision under any circumstances. I also want to remind all students that whenever they are at any school venue supporting or spectating that they need to be in full College uniform or playing attire. Under no circumstances can students be at any schools sporting venues in non-school attire please.

Best wishes for all activities this weekend.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Weekend Review

Waverley College travelled across to Narrabeen to play against St Augustine’s College last weekend. Many spectators commented on this fixture being an extremely physical encounter, with the tackling and strong defensive efforts of both schools being a feature of most of the matches played. 

The fixture allowed coaches to continue to monitor individual player performances and make adjustments to team lists. Overall, there were improvements in some areas and there was evidence of those key areas we do need to work on across the school.

We send our best wishes to all those students who may have unfortunately suffered knocks and injuries over the weekend. To those students, please know that you are still a big part of Waverley College Rugby and we would love to continue to see you at training and at the games to help your teams.

Rugby Vs Shore

Please click here to view the SHORE COVID-19 Sports Fixtures Protocols for Rugby.

This weekend Waverley College plays against Shore. Our 13s, 16s and Opens are playing at the Shore School playing fields (Northbridge), while our 14s and 15s return back to the glorious Queens Park Grounds. Shore will be a good contest for all teams as we continue to move closer to the commencement of the CAS competition. 

As our 14s & 15s age groups will be playing at Queens Park, we are looking for parents and friends who might be able to assist on the canteen. If you are able to help, please register your name on the online roster:

Match Reports – Student Opportunities

We are looking for students in all teams across the school who are interested in writing match reports for the games they may be involved with. This is a great way to share the memorable moments from your match with the community. Students who are interested are welcome to send their match reports to Mr McCoy each week ( with prizes awarded for the best report. 

Team App

A reminder that Waverley College Rugby has a ‘Team App’ for players, parents, carers and coaches to download. Team App is a platform that will allow our Rugby community to improve communication by integrating everything you need to know about Rugby at the College. This includes news, fixtures, team lists (updated each week), live scores and a photo gallery.

If you would like to access this information on your mobile devices, simply download this free app (Team App by Team Mates). Once the app is downloaded, search for Waverley College Rugby and register. You will then be authenticated by the College and given access to the information.

Wishing all teams the best for this weekend!

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby




We dominated the first half with four goals including a cheeky goal by Jacob Rae. 7A had lots of shots including a great free kick by Zac Ellis, which saw the Knox keeper pulling an incredible save. By comparison, Oscar our goalkeeper was a bit bored at the back because of our strong defense, but Oscar did see some action later in the game. By the second half we were tired and feeling hot, and Knox seemed to get a second wind and pulled back two goals. But we held on and in the end it was 4-2 victory to Waverley. We played quality football and everyone gave it their all. It was a great first game.

Goals scored by: C Richardson, A Cavender, J Rae, Z Ellis.


Mr Sam Disalvo 

Convenor of Football 

On Friday evening Waverley College hosted the prestigious Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition, attended by staff and students from across each of the GPS and CAS schools. Since its inception in 1935, the Lawrence Campbell Oratory focuses on elocution and the art of speech, inspired by the three Ms of public speaking: Manner, Method and Matter. 

On the night, each candidate was required to speak for eight minutes on one of three topics given to them 15 minutes beforehand. One of 13 competitors, Vice Captain Patrick Hoggett, represented the College with confidence and poise. His topic, ‘Both Sides Now’ explored universal ideas of equality, self-efficacy and global politics through an introspective and interpersonal framework. This auspicious moment solidified Waverley’s prominence in the pedagogical realm of public speaking. I congratulate Patrick on his composure and ability to frame ideas so fluidly under timed constraints and in front of an audience of his peers.

Patrick Hoggett representing Waverley at the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition

Patrick Hoggett representing Waverley at the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


On Wednesday evening Waverley hosted Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) in the first round of the CSDA (Catholic Schools’ Debating Association) competition, winning all of our Junior debates and narrowly missing out on a win in the Senior debates.

Students spoke about topics ranging from bullying and harassment to anonymity and social media in the modern world. Each of our debaters proudly represented the College, and are to be commended on their poise, manner and well-formed arguments.

Well done to our debaters on a fantastic start to the Catholic Schools’ Debating Association competition, and I look forward to Round 2 against Brigidine College this coming Friday 7 May.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Forty Waverley students participated in the 2021 Sydney Writers’ Festival over two days.  The students attended sessions specifically targeted for school students with one day featuring leading children’s and young adult authors, and with the second day featuring writers analysing current events in society and big ideas.

We thank Mr Tall the College Literacy coordinator, Ms Stephens English teacher, Ms Falkinder librarian, and Mr Roberts for their participation and promotion of this delightful event. The event was held at the Seymour Centre in Chippendale and Carriageworks in Eveleigh.

Seymour Centre, Sydney Writers' Festival 2021

Seymour Centre, Sydney Writers’ Festival 2021

Carriageworks, Sydney Writers' Festival 2021

Carriageworks, Sydney Writers’ Festival 2021


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services


COVID-19 Update 7 May 2021

NSW Health have advised two new cases of community transmission within the last 48 hours, and are continuing to work to identify the source of transmission. The following precautionary restrictions are in-place for the Greater Sydney region (including Wollongong, Central Coast and Blue Mountains) from midday yesterday, 6 May until 12:01am on Monday 10 May 2021:

What this means for students, staff and parents:

*For co-curricular COVID-19 protocols for spectators, players and coaches over the weekend please click Mr Stephen O’Donnell’s article in the Sport section.


Mother’s Day 

I am disappointed that our two planned Mother’s Day celebrations have been postponed to Friday 21 May due to the recent COVID-19 activity in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. The Junior School Mother’s Day Mass will go ahead at Mary Immaculate Church: Year 5 at 10:30am followed by morning tea at the Junior School, and Year 6 at 12pm followed by afternoon tea at the Junior School.

We wish all our mothers, grandmothers, step mothers and those who play a maternal role in the lives of our students all the best for Sunday. Special thoughts go to some members of our community who can not see their mothers this weekend because of world travel restrictions in play due to the global pandemic. Happy Mothers’ Day!


May Procession & Founders Day 

It was wonderful to celebrate the 111th May Procession and Founders’ Day with our Waverley community here on campus, on a sunny Sunday May afternoon. Special thanks to guest speaker Patrick McClure AO (Class of 1967), who spoke to us about the alignment of two EREA Touchstones, Gospel Spirituality and Justice & Solidarity, within his own work-life journey. Thank you to all the students, parents and Old Boys for your attendance and for making it a memorable event. We proudly refer to ourselves as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition along with 54 other schools and 25 Flexible Learning Centres in Australia and 280 schools around the world. It is the spirit of Edmund Rice that helps to shape and define the common identity that we share with these schools, even though we all operate in many different contexts. Feast Days enable us to reflect on this identity and build upon the College’s traditions, values and touchstones. 


Urgently Seeking Volunteers for our Canteens

As you know, we are lucky enough to have two canteens that are open five days a week for breakfast, recess and lunch. We urgently need a full roster of volunteers each term to ensure that the canteens can continue to operate successfully.

The canteen will continue to be open every school day of the year.  Therefore, we are looking for as many volunteer workers as possible to assist us in our daily operations.

Lunch is provided for all volunteers. Please know, we highly value the assistance and support of our volunteer workers as it allows us to be more efficient in our services for the students. We welcome all members of the Waverley College Community (mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, carers etc). We are also happy to take on any availability, it all helps.

Please click here for the Senior School volunteer roster.

Please click here for the Junior School volunteer roster.


Edmund Rice Foundation – Help for India

In India, the second wave of the COVID-19 crisis is taking a devastating toll. Right now, urgent financial assistance to support frontline workers is required. ERFA has previously partnered with respected Indian-based NGO PRATYeK to provide vital support to vulnerable communities. The current health crisis cannot be overstated, and PRATYeK has requested urgent assistance from us. 100% of donations will go towards providing the PRATYeK frontline team with oxygen cylinders, medicine and COVID-curated first aid kits. The crippling undersupply of ICU beds and ventilators will also be targeted in this campaign. 

Click here to donate


George Richard Rummery (2.4.1928 – 26.4.2021)

Today we think of George Richard Rummery, QC, who passed away on 26 April aged 93, and whose funeral mass was today at St Mary Magdalene’s Catholic Church, Rose Bay. George was a much-loved husband, father to seven children, and grandfather, and maintained a strong relationship with us because his only son George William Rummery attended Waverley College. Tragically, young George died accidently on 20 March 1982, aged 13 and a half, when he was in Year 8. He enjoyed music and had particular gifts in singing and the mouth organ.

In 1986, George’s parents George and Barbara founded the George William Rummery Foundation for the purpose of providing, in his memory, an annual scholarship to pay the fees of a Waverley pupil to learn music or singing at the College. In recent years this scholarship has enabled several Waverley students to pursue their talents in music, and today we remember George for this generosity. He was known as a gentle, kind man with a keen intellect and passionate dedication to the law.

George Rummery senior, a compassionate man who dedicated a Waverley College music scholarship in memory of his son George Rummery

George Rummery senior, a compassionate man who dedicated a Waverley College music scholarship in memory of his son George Rummery


CSDA Debating and Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition

Last Friday we hosted the first round of CSDA Debating as well as hosting for the first time in 20 years, the Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition, a well-renowned and high-performing public speaking competition where students are given only 15 minutes preparation and required to speak for 8 minutes. Vice Captain Patrick Hoggett did a sterling job of representing Waverley at this event. A huge thank you to Ms Emma Halpin for the arrangements in hosting. Congratulations to the following students who took out the top three positions – 1st Bernard Lund (St Joseph’s College), 2nd Aidan Woo (Sydney Grammar School) and 3rd Jivian Naganathan (Sydney Boys’ High School). All students performed remarkably well and it was a pleasure to listen to their responses and perspectives. 

Patrick Hoggett

Patrick Hoggett representing Waverley at the Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition


NAPLAN Testing 

NAPLAN testing for Year 5, 7 and 9 students will be held over the coming two weeks. While we have prepared the students in these respective year levels, there is no preparation program per se beyond the effective learning and teaching of numeracy and literacy every day. The NAPLAN results give parents and teachers insight into the capabilities of each student as well as indicating their improvement since previous testing. The College uses these results as one set of data that informs teaching for individuals, as well as the adjustments that may be necessary for cohorts of students. Our continued focus in recent years has been around improving our students’ writing skills. 


Old Boys Union – AGM

The OBU AGM, was held last Sunday, with Council elections being conducted. I would like to congratulate the elected members, both the Executive & Council Members for 2021/22 and thank them for their ongoing support of the College community:

I thank all Old Boys who still have strong involvement with the College and these areas include: College Advisory Council Chair and other committee members, College Foundation Chair and other committee members, CAS General Committee Membership, Queens Park Committee, College Uniform Committee, College mentor program and guest speaker program, Wavefest master classes, Cadets, Co-Curricular Coaches, College Arborist, College Plumbers, 12 Teachers, two Support Staff, and, of course the Waverley College Old Boy Union Executive and Committee Members. Without this support, the College’s programs and operations would be significantly reduced. 


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

Waverley mum, Kate Miranda, is undertaking a five-day trek in the outback to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). To help raise funds, she is hosting a dinner with comedian Chas Licciardello from the Chaser. Tuesday 25 May, 7pm, Love Supreme (180 Oxford Street), $85 three-course meal and entertainment. Get a few friends together and support a great cause. Details and tickets here. If you can’t make the dinner but would like to support JDRF, donate here. Contact details:

2021/2022 fees reminder and withdrawal notice

2021 Fees

2nd Payment – Due date 7/5/2021 (today)

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 16/7/2021; due date 30/7/2021

2022 Fees

1st Payment – Prompt payment date 21/1/2022; due date 28/1/2022

2nd Payment – Prompt payment date 22/4/2022; due date 6/5/2022

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 15/7/2022; due date 29/7/2022

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount. Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay/BPoint). Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

 Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services

E: bgregerson@waverley,


Off Campus Accountability

From time to time, students make poor decisions off campus in the community. Common examples we see include parties over the weekend, an online interaction, on holiday, waiting for the train at Bondi Junction, walking to training at Queens Park, or shopping at Westfield.

At a recent webinar I attended run by AHISA (The Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia), the College’s policy regarding students’ accountability for their actions outside of school hours was validated by AHISA’s legal experts. They indicated that the school has a clear mandate to investigate and discipline where necessary, students who breach our Student Code of Conduct outside of school hours. Our right to do this is recognised by the law.

Just as the College celebrates upstanders who make positive decisions when in public, we will also take action against students who buy or sell illicit drugs, are involved in shoplifting or bullying off campus. All of these examples put our students at harm, as well as affecting the reputation of Waverley College.

Parents should be aware of this, and take precautions when their sons are unsupervised in public. This is particularly so when interacting with other school-aged students of the same and different ages at parties, the beach, catching public transport, online, or in a retail precinct. Remind them of their expectations as a Waverley College student.

It is also advisable to get on the front foot and let the College know if a mistake has been made off campus. We can support your son and help him repair the damage resulting from his actions. The consequences are often less when your son takes the initiative, and lets us know before we learn about a poor decision from the police or a member of the public.

Record Enrolments in NSW Independent Schools

Despite COVID-19’s effect on the economy, more families are choosing to educate their children at independent schools with data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and our own enrolment numbers at Waverley College supporting this.

In 2020, total enrolments in NSW independent schools grew by a record 5,352 students or 2.6 per cent according to the ABS. For the first time in our history, enrolments at the College exceeded 1500 in 2021. To ensure class sizes remain as small as possible, a number of year groups have added an additional stream. 

Waverley College’s ability to be agile and responsive to the needs of our community puts us in a strong position with enrolments. Our faith formation and Wellbeing Framework ensure each child’s pastoral needs are met. Our wide range of co-curricular sports and activities allows each student to thrive outside of the classroom. Importantly, our Teaching and Learning pedagogy focusing on best practice in boys’ education, ensures the range of academic needs at the College are met, and the potential of our most important resource, your sons, is met.

Parent Webinars in May and June

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is inviting parents to a free live webinar: eSafety’s Guide to parental controls. The session will equip parents/carers with the skills to set up devices and apps to keep young people safer online.

The College recommends all parents click here to take up this free eSafety webinar.

Click here to read more about the eSafety Commissioner

Esafety webinars 2021

esafety webinars 2021

Terms 2-3 Uniform

I would like to thank parents and students who have adjusted to our expectations regarding uniform in Terms 2 and 3. Only a handful of students failed to enter or depart campus last week wearing a blazer and tie.

The feedback from the community about our higher uniform standards is a credit to our entire community. It sends a clear message about the great things happening at the College and gets the students into the correct mindset for the start of the day.

Parent Lounge Access

Some parents have been unable to view their son’s pastoral care messages in the Parent Lounge. If you have not yet set up access to the Parent Lounge please follow the below steps.

Click here for a guide on getting access to the Parent Lounge

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your family ID please contact iAssist at

Last week, we welcomed back the biggest cohort of Cadets finishing their Recruitment year in recent history. I am so proud of these young men and women who have seen through the difficulties of their induction year and the huge impact that COVID-19 made on their engagement with the program. They have shown tenacity and insight and an openness to opportunity, and we are so excited they have chosen to continue their leadership and youth development with Cadets.

Welcome back Term 2 2021

Welcome back Term 2 2021

Honing navigation skills

Honing navigation skills

This result is also testament to the leadership of our Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers and Cadet Under Officers, who have led by example and demonstrated the skills and attributes the Cadet Program instils through Friday afternoons, Promotions Courses and Camps.

This week, we start a three-week Bullring with each Company taking turns in the activities on offer. A Company will head out for some Indoor Rock Climbing at the Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym. B Company will extend their navigation skills in Queens Park and C Company will hone their proficiency with Ratel and radio communication in the school grounds.

The RSO - CUO Jack Priddis, teaching the phonetic alphabet in a Ratel lesson

The RSO – CUO Jack Priddis, teaching the phonetic alphabet in a Ratel lesson

A reminder to all parents that our Ceremonial Passing Out Parade, where we farewell the Year 12 cadets, takes place on Sunday 6 June at 11am. This Unit Parade is also the chance to recognise the excellent contribution Cadets have made across the Unit as we present the Annual Awards and Trophies. All Cadet parents are invited to attend.


MAJ (AAC) Ms Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
