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Uniform Shop Holiday Trading Hours and New Winter Co-Curricular Attire

From Mr Stephen O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular

All of the new winter Co-curricular attire is now ready for purchase from the Uniform Shop.

All students will be required to be in the new shorts, socks and jerseys for all activities, however, students selected in the 2nds, 16A and Prep 1sts Rugby and 10A, 2nds and Prep 1sts Football will only need to purchase the shorts and socks. 

Please also note that there is no training on Thursday afternoon, April 1st, for all co-curricular activities. 

The uniform shop is extending its opening hours over the holidays. Click here to view the Holiday Trading Hours. A friendly reminder that the uniform shop offers click and collect and home delivery. To learn more about these services and trading hours visit the Uniform Shop website.


Terms 2 and 3 Uniform – Blazers Compulsory

 From Mr Patrick Brennan, Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing 

A reminder that blazers are compulsory during Terms 2 and 3. They are to be worn to and from school and at all formal gatherings including May Procession, House Masses and College Assemblies during this time. It’s the first year the entire College will be in the new academic uniform so our expectations are high.

Blazers must be worn under the wet weather jacket to and from school.

Any student not in full academic uniform will require a uniform pass from the Wellbeing Centre or face a three-hour detention.

The quality of these garments is high so it is strongly recommended that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your son’s name.

Blazers compulsory in Terms 2 and 3

Blazers compulsory in Terms 2 and 3


Week 10 Term 1 2021

29 March – 4 April 


Looking Ahead

School Holidays Week 1 & 2 


Week 1 Term 2 2021

19 April – 25 April

Week 2 Term 2 2021

26 April – 2 May

Sport Notices 

From Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-Curricular

Please click here to view the fixtures.


Wild Weather Effects the Start of Winter Co-curricular activities

From Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular

After an extraordinary week of wild weather, we will endeavour to adjust our winter co-curricular activities and trials as best as we can. Hopefully we will be able to run internal trials and training this coming weekend but will also need to hold some training and trials during the holiday period so we are adequately prepared for next term.

Further information about these sessions will be published as soon as they are finalised.

Football codes

In the meantime, we encourage all students playing various football codes to ensure they are maintaining their fitness and skills in preparation for the season.

AFL and Volleyball Uniforms

A reminder that students in AFL and Volleyball can now purchase their uniforms for the winter season. We will notify the wider community as soon as all items for all activities are available which should be very soon. Click here to view the extended holiday trading hours. 

Summer Co-curricular, Individual, House Photos

For all of those families that ordered photos for Summer co-curricular, individual and house photos they should arrive by this Friday and will be given to students’ Head of House. Students can collect these from Monday next week or they will be handed out at our next House Assemblies.


Recent Sporting Successes

Summer co-curricular award winners

This week we celebrated the award winners for the summer co-curricular season and I want to congratulate all students for their efforts and thank all of the Convenors, Staff and coaches for their efforts.  Click here to view the Summer Co-curricular Award Winners 2021

NSWCIS and CAS level winners

We also had a number of individuals who have had recent successes in representing the College at both a NSWCIS and CAS level.

Well done to:

Luke Furlong in action at the NSWCIS Golf Championships

Luke Furlong in action at the NSWCIS Golf Championships


Waverley College Rugby Report

From Mr John McCoy, Convenor of Rugby

A Wet Start

Unfortunately, due to the wet weather we have been unable to get the start to the rugby season which we wanted. Training and trial fixtures have had to be cancelled as a result of the poor weather and ground closures. Players and families are encouraged to monitor updates from Mr O’Donnell and Mr Wilmot regarding sport for the remainder of Term 1. Players should be prepared to train unless they may hear otherwise.

Holiday Training

Due to the poor weather and the disrupted start to the season, we will be looking to hold some training sessions over the upcoming holiday period. A schedule will be communicated to players and families through the various Waverley College communication platforms in the coming week.

Season Dates

To assist with planning, please take note of the following dates for the 2021 season including the GPS/ISA Trial Fixtures and the CAS Fixtures. Please note that the listed opponents and playing locations are a guide only, and may be subject to change for certain teams should an opposing school be unable to match up in grades.

Term 2 Fixtures

Week 1 – Waverley College Vs Newington (13s, 16s & Opens HOME, 14s & 15s AWAY)

Week 2 – Waverley College Vs St Augustine’s (ALL TEAMS AWAY)

Week 3 – Waverley College Vs SHORE (13s, 16s & Opens AWAY, 14s & 15s HOME)

Week 4 – Waverley College Vs The King’s School (ALL TEAMS AWAY)

Week 5 – Waverley College Vs Oakhill College (13s, 16s & Opens AWAY, 14s & 15s HOME)

Week 6 – CAS ROUND 1 –  Waverley College Vs Knox Grammar (13s, 16s & Opens HOME, 14s & 15s AWAY)

Week 7 – CAS ROUND 2 –  Waverley College Vs Cranbrook (13s, 16s & Opens HOME, 14s & 15s AWAY)

Term 2 – Holiday Fixture

Saturday 10 July, 2021

Waverley College Vs St Augustine’s (A & B GRADES ONLY – ALL TEAMS HOME)

Term 3 Fixtures

Week 1 – CAS ROUND 3 – Waverley College Vs Barker College (13s, 16s & Opens AWAY, 14s & 15s HOME)

Week 2 – CAS ROUND 4 (FINAL YEAR 12 HOME GAME) – Waverley College Vs St Aloysius’ College (13s, 16s & Opens HOME, 14s & 15s AWAY)

Week 3 – CAS ROUND 5 (FINAL ROUND) – Waverley College Vs Trinity Grammar (13s, 16s & Opens AWAY, 14s & 15s HOME)

BBQ/Canteen Roster

A reminder that the Rugby Supporters Club has set up an online roster for the BBQ and Canteen. Noting the season draw listed above, It would be great if parents and supporters could donate any time to helping out (even just an hour), obviously ensuring you do not miss your son’s game. 

You can register your interest by going to the Roster for BBQ & Canteen

Lost Property 

Following the only two days of training held last week, before the heavens opened, a number of students did leave items of clothing at Queens Park. A reminder that players need to take extra care of their new uniforms and should ensure that names are placed on all clothing items. We will do our best to try to get any pieces of clothes that are found back to the owner. If items of clothing are not labelled, they will be taken to lost property in the Wellbeing Centre.

Waverley To Win!


Read more: St Patrick’s Day Fundraiser, Mothers Day Mass, Sacrament of Confirmation, Paul Kelly Cup, CIS Freestyle Relay Team, News from Learning Hub


From Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Acting Director of Junior School

Welcome to Week 9! It is hard to believe we are at the end of the term already. When I reflect and think about what our students have already achieved this year, I’m blown away. Our new Year 5 students no longer feel new. They have jumped in head first and taken everything Waverley has to offer into their stride.

They have already learnt to be organised, collaborative, resilient and hardworking. We love seeing each student find their feet and most importantly their passions. I’ve seen students attend our extension art lessons, chess lessons, try out for debating and love their summer team sport. 

I want to thank the Year 6 parents who attended our Parent Webinar on Puberty & Embracing Change with Elephant Ed. I thought the webinar was engaging and informative. They provided some great advice and tips to use with your sons. I will email the slides from the presentation to have as a reference. If anyone has any feedback, I would love to hear it.

I want to wish everyone a very safe, happy and holy Easter and holiday break. I know the students will come back renewed and recharged, ready to take on Term 2. 


St Patrick’s Day Fundraiser

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

Last Wednesday 17 March, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day. The Year 6 class captains organised a cake stall at recess with a selection of delicious cakes, cookies, lollies and drinks to raise much-needed funds to support both Project Compassion and Edmund Rice Camps.

It was a very well-supported event with over $500 raised in a single morning. A special thanks to the Year 6 Class captains and their parents for their support in organising the yummy treats.

Year 6 Students celebrated St Patrick’s Day with their delicious cakes.

Year 6 Students celebrated St Patrick’s Day with their delicious cakes

Junior School students celebrating St Patrick’s Day.

Junior School students celebrating St Patrick’s Day

Celebrating St Patrick’s Day with delicious cakes helping to raise funds for Project Compassion and Edmund Rice Camps.

Celebrating St Patrick’s Day with delicious cakes helping to raise funds for Project Compassion and Edmund Rice Camps


Mothers Day Mass – Request for Photos

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

The celebration of Mothers, Grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College Students will be celebrated in Week 3, Term 2.  Details regarding how this celebration will take place will be sent out as soon as we have more information regarding protocols for large gatherings to take place.

Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Can I please ask that you send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation. Thank you to all who have already submitted a photo.  The deadline for these photos is Friday 31st April (Term 2, Week 2)

Please send through all photos to


Sacrament of Confirmation

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

For parents seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated and when the preparation classes will be held.

For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday 20 June.  Compulsory preparation classes will be held in the weeks prior to the celebration. 

Due to COVID-19, the Sacrament was postponed in 2020, therefore in 2021 we are only celebrating the Sacrament with current Year 6 and Year 7 students.  Please rest assured that the Sacrament will be held again next year to accommodate any Year 5 2021 students.

If you are looking to have your son enrolled in the Confirmation program for 2021, please contact Mr Stephen Ghattas for the necessary information.


News from the Learning Hub 

From Ms Natasha Zivanovic, Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher

2021 Junior School IPSHA Debating Team 

Debating season is around the corner and once again, I am astounded by the amount of interest and enthusiasm of the students at the Junior School. 

I would like to congratulate Alexander Avadalis, Owen Beamond, Hugh Godby, Henry Goldrich, Oscar Greenane, Patrick Palmer, Axel Stapleton, Lexington Spies and Blake Taylor who have been selected to represent the Junior School forming our IPSHA Debating team. 

I am eager to see what this season has in store for us. All the best for the season! 

Debating Junior School 2021 - Back Row: L-R Hugh, Oscar, Blake, Lexington. Front Row: L-R Alex, Henry, Axel, Owen, Patrick

Debating Junior School 2021 – Back Row: L-R Hugh, Oscar, Blake, Lexington. Front Row: L-R Alex, Henry, Axel, Owen, Patrick

Home Learning Club Term 2 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term.  


Register your son via the Skoolbag app and follow the link

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

An important note to remember during Term 2, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately you cannot send your son to Home Learning if he has not been registered. We have a limit in these sessions and students need to be registered in advance as capacity is normally always reached.  


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


Monday & Wednesday – Ms Natasha Zivanovic 

Tuesday & Thursday – Mr Matt Ryan 

Should you require any further information, feel free to contact us:


Paul Kelly Cup (AFL)

From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

On Wednesday, 10 March, we had the privilege of competing in the Paul Kelly Cup for the first time in the Junior School’s history of playing AFL. The competition was played at Queens Park and included all surrounding IPSHA schools within the Eastern/Northern Region. Six rounds were played, with the top four schools making it through to the Preliminary Final and potentially the Grand Final.

Our students played with spirit and determination in the first six rounds of the day to make it through to the Preliminary Final. The next opponent was Cranbrook, who had won the competition the previous year, and endeavoured to go back to back. The game was neck and neck till the final siren. The students displayed unwavering teamwork and grit, narrowly coming through with a four point win to set up a Grand Final against Shore. 

The students proved too strong for Shore, controlling the game from the opening bounce, coming away with a solid win. The students have progressed to the Regional Championship in May.

As coach, Mr Mitton was the driving force behind the team’s success, and no doubt has given the team a taste for what is ahead during the winter season. We couldn’t be more proud of the students and we look forward to progressing to the next round. 

Paul Kelly Cup 2021

Paul Kelly Cup 2021

Paul Kelly Cup 2021

Paul Kelly Cup 2021

Paul Kelly Cup 2021

Paul Kelly Cup 2021


CIS Freestyle Relay Team

From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

The success of our 12 Years Freestyle Relay team at the IPSHA Swimming Carnival meant they were given the opportunity to complete at the CIS Championship at Sydney Olympic Aquatic Centre on Thursday 18 March. The team consisted of Aidan Renford, Ned Panlilio, Owen Roorda and Thomas George. If the students could finish within the top three overall, they would further progress to the state finals. 

The team were quietly confident they could perform at a high standard, having swum at the aquatic centre several times of late. They were well prepared and weren’t planning on leaving anything in the tank. Each swimmer pushed themselves to the limit, with two recording personal best times during the race. We sat at the third position for most of the race, only to miss out on a top-three finish by point 22 of a second.

While the students were disappointed, they remained positive and upbeat about the outstanding performance they produced. They are now reserves for the state championship and haven’t ruled out the possibility of receiving a last-minute call out to compete. 

Well done boys, you have all done a fantastic job, and the future of swimming at Waverley College is looking bright.

CIS Freestyle Relay Team 2021

CIS Freestyle Relay Team 2021

The Future of the CIS Freestyle Relay Team 2021 is Looking Bright

The Future of the CIS Freestyle Relay Team 2021 is Looking Bright


From Ms Kath Knowles, Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator

For the latest Careers Notices please click on the link below:

Click here to view the latest Careers Notices


From Mr Bryn Gregerson, Director of Business Services


1st Payment – due date was 29/1/2021

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount. Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00. Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint). Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Head of College that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021 are below:

Read more: St Patrick’s Day and Earth Hour!

St Patrick’s Day Mass 

From Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun, Assistant Director Identity and Student Formation

On Wednesday 17 March a cohort of Waverley College SRC students accompanied by Ms Maakrun, joined Catholic schools from across Sydney in celebration of St Patrick’s Day at Saint Mary’s Cathedral. The Mass was celebrated by the Most Reverend Terence Brady, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney and hymns were sung by the Choristers of Saint Mary’s Cathedral accompanied by the Cathedral organ.

The Mass celebrated the Irish foundations of the Catholic Schools present, and remembered the work of Saint Patrick in Ireland. Afterwards, our students joined other schools in a lunch hosted by Saint Mary’s Cathedral School.

Saint Patrick's Day Mass at Saint Mary's Cathedral 2021

Saint Patrick’s Day Mass at Saint Mary’s Cathedral 2021

St Patrick's Day Mass at St Mary's Cathedral 2021

St Patrick’s Day Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral 2021


Join in the Hour of No Power on Saturday 27 March!

From Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe, Geography teacher and Ecology Coordinator

WWF’s (World Wide Fund for Nature’s) Earth Hour started in Sydney in 2007. This year, Earth Hour will happen on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm.

Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe, Geography teacher and Ecology Coordinator spoke enthusiastically to students and staff about Earth Hour at the College assembly on Thursday 25 March.

As Ms Sutcliffe advocated, it’s a great idea to participate in Earth Hour! If you do, you’ll be joining hundreds of millions of people around the world in more than 7,000 cities in over 190 countries, who choose to ‘switch off’ for 1 hour as a symbolic gesture to show they care about the future of our beautiful planet. 

Over the last decade, Earth Hour has made an enormous impact on climate change action across the globe. In 2021, Earth Hour is encouraging everyone to make the #SwitchforNature to help Australia switch to a renewables-based economy – here are some steps you could take in your family:

  1. #SwitchOff your lights for Earth Hour 
  2. Switch your ride
  3. Switch to solar power

Click here to view the Switching Your Ride video  on the Earth Hour website.

Click here to view the Earth Hour sign up to show you are participating – this provides the WWF with important data and could also win you a Fonz Moto electric scooter! 

Week 10

29 March – 4 April 2021

School Holidays

Looking Ahead – School Holidays and Term 2 2021


Please note, unfortunately, the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon scheduled for Sunday 16 May has been cancelled this year in line with COVID-19 regulations. We look forward to supporting this cause later in the year through other initiatives. More details will be released later in the year with how you can be involved.

Read more: Waverley Giving Day, Public Speaking Achievements, HSC Preparation Courses Yrs 10-12, WaveFest 2021 Short Film Festival, Enrolment Applications for Yr 5 & Yr 7 2023 Close 31 March 2021, Easter


Inaugural Waverley Giving Day – 31 March

Our first ever Giving Day is just days away. My hope is that people in our wonderful community will come together to give where they can to this worthy cause. On Giving Day we’re raising much-needed funds for means-tested Edmund Rice Bursaries for students doing it tough.

Giving Day will be a Mufti Day where students are asked to bring a $2 donation on the day to Wellbeing Groups (SS) and to Class Teacher (JS) please.

Please take the time to watch our inspiring short campaign video and my short ambassador video below to see how you can help to Engage, Inspire and Empower Tomorrow’s Men, Today.


Recent Public Speaking Achievements

Congratulations to Year 8 student, James Peate and Year 9 student, Ewan McDonald who recently represented the College at the Zone Finals in the Catholic Schools’ Public Speaking Competition. Both presented multifaceted speeches exploring issues of social confinement, famine, McCarthyism, and government enterprise. Ewan was selected to speak again at the Grand Final, placing in the top 10 of his Year group. What an achievement!

On 30 April 2021 we are delighted to be hosting all GPS and CAS schools in the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition where Patrick Hoggett (vice captain) will serve as the representative for Waverley College.


Inaugural WaveFest 2021 Short Film Festival

I’m thrilled that we’ll be launching our inaugural ‘WaveFest’ film festival in August to be screened in the Cosgrove Centre. This community-based film festival invites students to submit a short film inspired by the theme “the future is yours”. I encourage all students who have a passion for creativity and film making to see this as a bright window of opportunity to attend mentor masterclasses run by professional entertainment alumni. And best of all, to see their film up on the big screen!  Click here for more information in Ms Belinda Buchan’s WaveFest 2021 article.


Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7 2023 Close on 31 March 2021

A friendly reminder that enrolment applications for 2023 are closing next Wednesday 31 March. Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2023, please ensure you complete an application form.

Please note, if your son is already enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7. Contact College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson at 


HSC Preparation Courses for Years 10-12 at Centre for Continuing Education

Led by experienced markers, a new term is commencing soon at the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Sydney. The Centre for Continuing Education has a proven track record in helping HSC students maximise their full potential. I encourage Years 10-12 students to investigate this important opportunity to test where they are at, help maximise their ATAR, and gain different insights: Click here for the link to the CCE webpage



The end of the term next Thursday is looming for us all. We trust that all students finish the term strongly with a focused approach to their studies. The final week of the term coincides with Holy Week, which commences with Palm Sunday and concludes on Easter Sunday. This week is the culmination of the 40-day Lenten journey. Amidst all that is ahead for all of us in our professional, personal and family lives in the coming week, we would do well to find a daily space for prayer and reflection. As Christians, we are called to prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus – the centrepiece of our faith. With every blessing for the weeks ahead and for Easter especially.


Year 7 Vaccinations Visit 1 – 31 March

From Ms Adele Cutbush, Registered Nurse, Waverley College Health Centre

Year 7 Vaccinations (first visit) will be held on Wednesday 31 March. All Year 7 students were given the NSW School Vaccination Program Consent Pack by their Head of House three weeks ago.

It is important that parents read all of the information in the pack and sign the consent form in order for your son to receive the scheduled vaccinations. Please ensure this form is completed and returned by the end of the week.

This visit to the school is targeted at Year 7 students for dTpa and the first dose of HPV. At this visit, catch up vaccinations will also be offered for any student that missed out on any doses in previous visits.

Should parents or guardians have any further questions about the vaccination program please do not hesitate to contact the college nurse on 9369 0644 or email:



Study Guides for Year 11 and Holiday Planner

From Ms Kath Knowles, Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator

The break presents an opportunity for students to consolidate their study notes and prepare for assessment tasks in Term 2.

Year 11 students are encouraged to use this time wisely to balance study, leisure and exercise to maintain their wellbeing.

Please find attached a useful study guide and planner for the break which includes valuable tips, resources and details of the Study Skills Website.  

Holiday Planner for Students

Year 11 2021 Easter Break Study Guide

Study Guides for Year 12 and Holiday Planner

From Ms Kath Knowles, Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator

The break presents an opportunity for students to consolidate their study notes and prepare for assessment tasks in Term 2.

Year 12 students are encouraged to use this time wisely to balance study, leisure and exercise to maintain their wellbeing.

Please find attached a useful study guide and planner for the break which includes valuable tips, resources and details of the Study Skills Website.  

Holiday Planner for Students

Year 12 2021 Term One Study Guide