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From Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular

Start of Winter co-curricular

Please click here to view the fixtures. 

2021 House Swimming Carnival – Congratulations Brennan House for winning the Swimming Carnival by one point! Conlon were close behind in second place.

A huge thank you to all staff and students on a tremendous effort at the 2021 House Swimming Carnival last Friday. The enthusiastic commitment from all students made this a very special event, and after all of the races, relays, novelty events and another win to the staff in the staff v prefects relay, both Brennan and Conlon were tied at the end of the carnival. After a number of calls and requests to determine a winner, both of these Houses selected one swimmer for a championship 50m Freestyle race.

Zoltahn Szabo from Conlon took on Carter Hjorring from Brennan, with Carter just tipping out Zoltahn to secure a three-peat for the boys in royal blue. Special thanks to the Heads of House, the House Captains and the College Prefects for their wonderful organisation as well as Mr Steve Wilmot and Mr Jack Wachtel for running the day. We also could not run these events without all of the work behind the scenes from our Campus Team who were at the venue long before we arrived, and were still packing up after everyone had left.

House Swimming Carnival 2021

House Swimming Carnival 2021

Butterflying towards victory

Butterflying towards victory

Swimming superheroes

Swimming superheroes

House Swimming Carnival 2021

House Swimming Carnival 2021

House Swimming Carnival 2021

House Swimming Carnival 2021

No Sport This Saturday

This Saturday there is no sport for the students as we are running our Winter coaches’ induction morning. All Winter activities and training commences next Monday and it is vital all students are aware of the training schedule and the first round of fixtures and internal trials for Years 7-12 on 20 March:

New Winter Co-curricular Football, Rugby and AFL Attire

On 20 March there will also be a select group of students in Football selected to play a CAS gala day that involves our 1st XI and extended A Football teams. These students will also be the first who will be able to purchase the new Winter Co-curricular Football attire. The following weekend we have select groups of Football and Rugby teams playing Riverview and these students will also be able to purchase the new Winter attire.

At this stage there are limited supplies of Football, Rugby and AFL attire that will be available due to production issues related to COVID-19. As soon as all gear is available to be purchased by any student competing in Winter activities, we will notify all parents and students. Please note that we hope to have this all available by the start of Term 2, and once it is available, all students will be required to be in the new attire for all Winter co-curricular activities. Any student who still has winter attire from previous seasons is able to wear this for training purposes.

Code of Conduct for CAS and Waverley College

I would also like to remind all parents and students that no selections for any team or sport are final, and to please be patient with our Convenors, coaches and staff at the initial stages of the Winter season. The coaches will do their very best, and good performances, attitude and application will be rewarded with higher selections.

I would also like to remind all parents and spectators of the Codes of Conduct for CAS and Waverley College, and that this is only schoolboy sport. Respect for all players, officials, coaches and other school communities is expected at all times.

From Mr John McCallum, Convenor of Cricket

Behind the Stumps – Waverley Cricket Report

What an exciting final round of Senior Cricket! There were so many great team performances, with a majority of Waverley victories across all teams against St Aloysius and Cranbrook, while another three teams had thrilling last-over narrow losses. Special congratulations to Jett Lenzo from the 8Bs for an outstanding 92 not out from just 60 balls, and Maxim Brooks from our 1st XI with a classy 103 not out – his second century for the College. Maxim also scored a rapid 55 not out from just 33 balls playing for the CAS U16 side in their victory against GPS.

Maxim Brooks acknowledges a classy 103 not out v St Aloysius

Maxim Brooks acknowledges a classy 103 not out v St Aloysius

The 2nd XI had a famous final over victory over St Aloysius, with Ed Sullivan cool under pressure to dispatch a few boundaries to spark celebrations of a possible 2nds Premiership. Other CAS results didn’t go in the 2nd’s favour – leaving them a win short – but they can be very proud of an exceptional season to come equal second with only two defeats across the entire season. Will Dodd took 3 wickets and Sachiel Bass 2 in bowling out St Aloysius to set up this win.

The 1sts and 2nds Year 12 players had a memorable final round together, and are congratulated for their wonderful contribution to their sport, and have been fantastic role models and mentors for younger boys.

A Final round victory to 2nds XI in Year 12 Finale

A Final round victory to 2nds XI in Year 12 Finale

Numerous awards will be presented to students at a College Sports assembly on 25 March, recognising fantastic achievements and performances.  This includes many awards usually presented at the Cricket Presentation Evening – unable to proceed due to current COVID-19 health restrictions.

In lieu of this, an amazing Online Cricket Raffle was tremendously supported, with the 18 lucky prize winners drawn by Brother Murphy and published on Team app and contacted for collection. A huge thank you to the Cricket Supporter’s Group for facilitating this and parents for their support. 

7As Cricket after a huge 10-wicket victory

7As Cricket after a huge 10-wicket victory

 The Cricket award winners appear below, and special congratulations to the Brother Murphy Award Winner for player of the Season: Harry Shultz of the 1st XI. Harry finished 1st on 394 points, with a huge 17 wickets as the CAS leading wicket-taker, and also took four catches and scored 119 runs.

Waverley College Cricket Awards 2020-21 Season – Congratulations!

Captain of the 1st XI Cricket 2020/21 – Sam Connolly

1st XI Cricket Best Batsman 2020/21 – Maxim Brooks

1st XI Cricket Best Bowler 2020/21 – Harry Schultz

1st XI Cricket Best Fieldsman 2020/21 – Daniel McSweeny

1st XI Cricket: The John Boyd Trophy for Best Team Man – Jack Hickey

2nd XI Cricket Best & Fairest 2020/21 – Murray Shearer

10A Cricket Best & Fairest 2020/21 – Freddie Le Vay

9A Cricket Best & Fairest 2020/21 – Jack George

8A Cricket Best & Fairest 2020/21 – Jonathon McDonald

7A Cricket Best & Fairest 2021 – James Warwick-Rose

The Hayes Shield, for Best Cricket side of the Year 2nd XI (Captain is Patrick Hoggett)

1st XI 2020-21 Coach’s Award – Eddie Regan

2nd XI 2020-21 Coach’s Award – Patrick Hoggett

10A Cricket 2020-21 Coach’s Award Carter Steyn

9A Cricket 2019-20 Coach’s Award – Remy Frampton

9B Cricket 2019-20 Coach’s Award – Jet Foltman

8A Cricket 2019-20 Coach’s Award – Max Sheehy

8B Cricket 2019-20 Coach’s Award – Jett Lenzo

8C Cricket 2019-20 Coach’s Award – Taj Lynn

7A Cricket 2020 Coach’s Award – Lando Cheatham

7B Cricket 2020 Coach’s Award – Jett Jones-Czechowski

Br. Murphy Shield 2020-21 First Place – Harry Schultz

Br. Murphy Shield 2020-21 Second Place – Maxim Brooks

Br. Murphy Shield 2020-21 Third Place – William Dodd

2020-21 Outstanding Contribution to Cricket – Conor Boyd-Boland

Hundreds Scored: Batting – Maxim Brooks, 1st XI: 103 not out v St Aloysius

50+ scores: BattingJack Hickey: 1st XI – 50 n.o v Barker; Dylan Brown: 1st XI – 52 v IZingari; Maxim Brooks: 1st XI – 58 v Cranbrook; Maxim Brooks: 1st XI and CAS U16s – 55 n.o v GPS; Jesse Sonego: 1st XI – 50 n.o v Riverview; William Livissianis: 7As – 51 v Barker; 57 n.o v St Aloysius; Jett Lenzo 8B 92 n.o v St. Aloysius; Angus Sundkvist: 8Cs – 74 v Barker; Finley Bates: 8Cs – 59 v Barker; 60 v Barker; Jonothan McDonald: 8As – 63 v St Aloysius, 51 v St Aloysius; Toby McDonald: 8As – 52 v Knox; Jack George: 9As – 60 n.o v St Aloysius; Angus Sullivan: 9As – 64 n.o v Cranbrook.

Week 8

15 – 21 March 2021

Week 9

22 – 28 March

From Ms Cathy O’Sullivan, Head of Conlon House

Conlon House Mass

I am pleased to confirm that the Conlon House Mass will go ahead on Wednesday, 24 March 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. This will commence at 6pm and will now be held at the Waverley College Chapel.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have had to make a number of adjustments to the House Mass to ensure we can still go ahead with this important celebration. Please take note of the following:

Read More: Int Women’s Day, Meeting with Chanel Contos, How to Have Conversations Around Consent and SchoolTV Resources.


International Women’s Day

Yesterday’s College Assembly was a celebration of International Women’s Day where we took the opportunity to thank and acknowledge the significant contributions and achievements of women across the globe’s social, economic, cultural and political arenas and also in our context to the development and improvement of the College itself. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

Our special guests at the assembly were from our two neighbouring girls schools, Mrs Kerrie McDiarmid (Principal St Clare’s College) and students from St Clare’s College along with Ms Daisy Turnbull (Director of Wellbeing St Catherine’s School) and students from St Catherine’s School. 

Our own Ms Belinda Buchan, PDHPE Teacher and recent awardee of the inaugural Percy Watson Teaching Excellence Award, gave an inspiring speech where she challenged us to stand up and challenge behaviours and practices that make equality more difficult to achieve in all walks of life for women. 

Ms Buchan pointed out that there have been many leaps forward in gender equality, however, reports of gender inequality still exist between young women and young men, and is evident by the issues of the past few weeks surrounding positive, respectful relationships and consent, making this International Women’s Day even more important for our community. 

Ms Buchan also challenged us to embrace feminism as its key aim is to end gender discrimination and bring about gender equality. She quoted Australian scholar, teacher, writer and consultant Dr Dale Spender to support her argument.

“Feminism has fought no wars. It has killed no opponents. It has set up no concentration camps, starved no enemies, practised no cruelties. Its battles have been for education, for the vote, for better working conditions, for safety in the streets, for child care, for social welfare, for rape crisis centres, women’s refuges, reforms in the law. 

If someone says, ‘Oh, I’m not a feminist’, I ask, ‘Why? What’s your problem?”

Gender equality should be as important for men as it is for women. Thank you to all women who are part of the College community, our teachers, support staff, parents, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and two nearby girls schools, who play a critical role in contributing significantly to making Waverley an educational environment that is forward thinking, that wants to do better, can do better, and will do better. 

Mrs Kerrie McDiarmid (Principal St Clare’s College), Mr Graham Leddie (Principal Waverley College), Ms Daisy Turnbull (Director of Wellbeing St Catherine’s School)

Mrs Kerrie McDiarmid (Principal St Clare’s College), Mr Graham Leddie (Principal Waverley College), Ms Daisy Turnbull (Director of Wellbeing St Catherine’s School)

Women Educators with Principal Mr Graham Leddie on International Women's Day 2021

Women Educators with Principal Mr Graham Leddie on International Women’s Day 2021

Students from Waverley College, St Clare's College, St Catherine's School on International Women's Day 2021

Students from Waverley College, St Clare’s College, St Catherine’s School on International Women’s Day 2021


Meeting with Ms Chanel Contos

Nine eastern suburbs principals met this week in relation to Ms Chanel Contos’ online petition and the accompanying testimonies. We were very grateful that Chanel joined us at the meeting (via Zoom). She explained to us her reasons for launching the petition and spoke of her resolve to reduce the rate of sexual assault of young women in our schools and more broadly in society.  She told us she would like school students to receive a more holistic sex education from an earlier age. She felt it was important that schools use their position to challenge a culture that objectifies women, normalises sexual abuse and assault, and shames and blames the victims of those assaults. She also pointed out that schools do not adequately address the needs of LGBTIQA+ students in sex education programs, which leaves them isolated and vulnerable.  Chanel’s overall message, however, was one of optimism: that we should not be looking back in blame but looking forward to what we can do to instigate change. 

It was a very valuable and productive meeting, giving us the opportunity to talk candidly about the scale of the problem, what we have done so far to address it, and what we will do from here. Our meeting with Chanel helped reinforce the fact that there is much more we can do, and do earlier. We have made a commitment to audit our programs and share best practice with each other. We will find ways for our young men and women to spend more time together in school settings so they can get to know each other for the good young men and women they are. We will also meet as a group frequently to keep the issue at the front of our minds. Our aim is to implement sustainable programs over the long term that will lead to a cultural shift.

The testimonies have lifted the lid on a toxic culture that has shocked us all; we are determined to work together, with our communities, to challenge and dismantle that culture.

Attendees: Cranbrook School Mr Nicholas Sampson; Kambala School Mr Shane Hogan; Kincoppal-Rose Bay Ms Maureen Ryan; St Vincent’s College Mrs Anne Fry; Sydney Grammar Dr Richard Malpass; The Scots College Dr Ian Lambert;  St Catherine’s School Dr Julie Townsend; Ascham School Mr Andrew Powell; and Waverley College Mr Graham Leddie.


Years 5-12 Programs – Consent

Further to my communication with all parents and caregivers on 23 February regarding respectful relationships and consent. Please see below information on the topics we cover in respective year levels in classes and the outside experts we bring in to support these programs. Our House-based Student Formation, Wellbeing Program, and Service Learning Programs add further scaffolding to each student’s overall development and understanding of these essential topics and learnings. 

Year 5

The boys cover the unit of learning ‘Developing Healthy Relationships’. In this unit we cover relationships, behaviour and identity, rights and responsibilities, respectful relationships, peer pressure, and emotions when making decisions. 

Year 6

The boys cover the unit of learning ‘Exploring Change’. In this unit we cover changes in your body, puberty (affects individuals differently), personal hygiene, changing feelings towards other people, anger and puberty, help seeking strategies to manage change, and human reproduction. These are further enhanced by Elephant Ed who hold four workshops with our students on: 

Year 7

The boys cover the unit of learning ‘Let’s All Get Along’, We’re All In This Together’ and ‘Managing Safety and Risk’.  In this unit we cover communication and relationships, conflict resolution, power in relationships, domestic violence, child abuse, seeking help, homophobic/ transphobic bullying, sexual harrassment, advocacy in Australia and positive and negative risk-taking behaviour. These are further enhanced by Brainstorm Productions who cover sexting, social media impacts and healthy relationships.  

Year 8

The boys cover the unit of learning ‘Do I, or Don’t I’ – In this unit we cover alcohol causing domestic violence, relationship breakdown and consequences of risky drinking.  These are enhanced by YSafe (Yasmin London) and Brainstorm productions who respectively cover sexting /consent / e safety and sexting/social media impacts/healthy relationships.

Year 9

The boys cover the unit of learning ‘Building Identity’, ‘Talking Sexual Health’ and ‘Men’s Health’. Within Building Identity we cover relationships, respectful relationships, rights and responsibilities in relationships, intimate relationships, decision making in intimate relationships, healthy dating, domestic violence and key signs of an abusive relationship. 

In regards to Talking Sexual Health we cover relationships, consent, power in relationships – no means no, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, the #MeToo movement, gender, sexuality and discrimination, challenging norms and stereotypes, sexual choices and their consequences, contraception, safe sex, sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Within Men’s Health we cover, health of Australian males, stereotypes and expectations, body image, males & risk- alcohol & drug use, violence, family, domestic and sexual violence.  These are enhanced by Brainstorm productions who cover sexting/social media impacts/healthy relationships and YSafe (Yasmin London) talking about online relationships, pornography and digital wellbeing.

Year 10

The boys cover the unit of learning ‘Better safe than sorry’. 

We cover sexting and consequences, effects of alcohol and relationships and party safe / helping friends in need. These are further enhanced by the following programs;

Year 11

The boys cover the unit of learning within the Sports Lifestyle and Recreation subject around ‘Sports Coaching roles in teams’ .

All of Year 11 attend the following presentations;

Year 12

Boys also need to have ongoing conversations about consent with their parents and caregivers. Dr Michael Carr-Greg (psychologist) states that parents need to start having conversations around consent sooner rather than later, as some teens experience their first sexual encounter well before the subject matter is delivered. It is not enough for parents or carers to assume that your teenager knows or understands what consent means and the implications surrounding it. It is important for them to learn about boundaries to enable them to respect themselves and others.


Dr Michael Carr-Greg Advice for SchoolTV

The College provides a SchoolTV subscription to parents regarding a range of informative programs and topics relevant to adolescent development. Dr Michael Carr-Greg has just released a special edition on consent. Other editions are available to you, include sexting, pornography, raising boys, and respectful relationships. 

Please click here to view the report


Tips from our Psychologist Team on having the conversation 

A conversation about consent with your son might feel uncomfortable, but it is one of the most important conversations you will have, and it needs to happen more than once as he moves through adolescence. 

What age is the best time to start having these conversations with your son? As a guide, the students at Waverley College are learning about developing healthy relationships in Year 5, and about Sexual Health and Boundaries by Year 6. 


What to cover in the conversation 

It may be helpful to use the following points as a checklist when engaging in conversation about consent with your son: 

What means ‘yes’ 

What means ‘no’


How to start the conversation 

These conversations can be challenging to navigate, below are some pointers to assist you in starting this conversation with your son: 

From Scott Coleman, Head of Green House

Dear Green Parents, Carers and Students,

I am pleased to confirm that the Green House Mass will go ahead on Thursday, 18 March 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. It will commence at 6pm at Mary Immaculate Church (45A Victoria St, Waverley).

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have made a number of adjustments to the House Mass to ensure we can still go ahead with this important celebration. Please take note of the following:

Please feel free to contact me should you have any further questions about the House Mass.

Kind Regards,

Mr Scott Coleman

Brennan House Mass

From James Horrocks, Head of Brennan House

Dear Brennan Parents, Carers and Students,

I am pleased to confirm that the Brennan House Mass will be going ahead on Wednesday, 10 March 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. This will commence at 6pm at Mary Immaculate Church (45A Victoria St, Waverley).

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have had to make a number of adjustments to the House Mass to ensure we can still go ahead with this important celebration. Please take note of the following:

Please feel free to contact me should you have further questions about the House Mass at

Careers News: February-March 2021

From Ms Kath Knowles, Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator


Click here to download the Careers Report


Read More: Year 7 Camp, Students of the World Club, Old Boy Kurt von Hofe talk and International Women’s Day Assembly.


International Women’s Day Assembly – Address by Ms Belinda Buchan

On 8 March International Women’s Day is celebrated annually throughout the world. It is a significant day when we celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias, take action for equality, and reflect on what we can do to build more respectful relationships.

On 4 March 2021 Waverley College marked International Women’s Day with a staff morning tea and also at our Years 5-12 College assembly. Our special assembly guests were young ladies from St Clare’s College and St Catherine’s School Waverley, and their principals and some staff. 

What was different this year was that students led the assembly, beginning with Waverley students who spoke of Edmund Rice and how “the feminine influence in his life deepened his capacity for compassion and empathy.” Male and female students also led prayers.

Ms Belinda Buchan gave the motivating International Women’s Day address, speaking passionately about feminism. She asked everyone to ‘choose to challenge gender inequity’ via a performance poem delivered by an African American woman poet. For those who missed Ms Buchan’s address, or who would like to read it again, please click on the link below:

Link to Ms Belinda Buchan’s Address here

International Women's Day 2021

International Women’s Day 2021

Principal Mr Graham Leddie also addressed the assembly, appealing to Waverley students to reflect on their attitudes and behaviours towards the women in their lives, and recognising the positive contributions of the large number of women staff at Waverley. He reinforced that all women in the College community play a critical role in contributing significantly to making Waverley an educational environment that is forward thinking, that wants to do better, can do better, and will do better. 

College archivist Ms Venettia Miller put together a memorable slide presentation of dynamic women who have worked tirelessly at Waverley from the past to today, and this was prominently displayed on the large screens with an inspiring soundtrack. Such women include and have included mother volunteers in the canteen and as fundraisers, and female staff working as educators and in administration, finance, HR, marketing and in the day-to-day running of Waverley College.

Following the assembly, Waverley College prefects hosted a celebratory lunch for our St Clare’s and St Catherine’s guests where they shared friendship and positive conversation.  

Happy International Women’s Day!

Students from Waverley College, St Clare's College, St Catherine's School on International Women's Day 2021

Students from Waverley College, St Clare’s College, St Catherine’s School on International Women’s Day 2021


Conlon Win the Inter House Touch Football Competition!

From Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity and Student Formation

Congratulations to Conlon House who won the Inter House Touch Football Competition last week. Brennan House were the runners up. Both teams played with great sportsmanship and had defeated the tough opponents of Quinn and O’Connor House to make it to the finals.

It was great to see so many enthusiastic supporters throughout the competition, and a special thanks to all those who helped make the competition possible. Congratulations to all Houses on a great effort and especially to Tevlin and Lacey who organised this event. 

Our next event will be celebrated on the 17 March St Patrick’s Day with green cakes, lollies and refreshments available for purchase at recess, and a staff/ student Gaelic football game at lunchtime. Bring your money along to purchase some of these goodies and celebrate this special day.

Conlon vs Brennan playing during the Inter House Touch Football Competition

Conlon vs Brennan playing during the Inter House Touch Football Competition

Conlon vs Brennan Touch Football Final

Conlon vs Brennan in the Inter House Touch Football Competition


Students of the World Club Set to Save the Planet!

From Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe, Geography teacher

In term 3 2020, Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe took the initiative to create a specialist club for targeted Years 7-10 Geography students. The fortnightly lunch Club, called ‘Students of the World’, has attracted a core number of students primarily from Year 7 2020. 

Conversations vary from current affairs, political issues, global issues and more importantly issues of sustainability. Introducing new ideas for discussion, the Club uses resources such as BBC Radio Four podcasts in partnership with the Royal Geographical Society, who present 39 ideas to relieve the stress that climate change is exerting on the planet. Via these discussions, the students have raised several ideas on how to improve the College’s carbon footprint, which we are looking to take to the College’s Ecology Committee this year.

Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe (Geography Teacher) with a member of Students of the World Club

Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe with a member of Students of the World Club

We are also piloting a new online course created by the GTA NSW & ACT (Geography Teachers’ Association) especially for students. Ms Sutcliffe is on the GTA Council and one of its key factors is to provide students and their teachers with different opportunities and resources to learn about Geography.

With the help of Ms Stephanie Boyce we are excited to be looking to enter many geographical competitions throughout the year.

Members of Students of the World Club

Members of Students of the World Club

These students are a vital part of building changes for the future not only at Waverley but continually throughout their own lives and the lives of people they come into contact with.

Ms Sutcliffe’s main aim is to highlight the importance, the relevance and the connection to Geography for all students. Empowering them to make the world a better place. They are after all the generation to save the planet – well she thinks so anyway!

Members of Students of the World Club Making the World a Better Place

Members of Students of the World Club Making the World a Better Place


Old Boy Kurt von Hofe Enthuses About Space!

On 2 March 2021 we were delighted to welcome back Old Boy Kurt von Hofe (Class of 2014, 1st Football team) as a speaker in the Academic Mentoring Program. Kurt attracted many interested students to his lunchtime presentation in the Senior Library where he spoke eloquently about his journey from school through to university, and to his current exciting role at the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research.

Kurt completed a Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) at the University of New South Wales in 2020, with a final research project developing autonomous flight for an indoor-purposed drone using a single on board 2D laser scanner. During university he actively participated in extra-curricular activities including the UNSW Rocketry Team!

He also spoke of his time working at Cochlear Limited, a worldwide medical device designer and manufacturer that specialises in inner ear functionality. In the role of New Product Industrialisation Engineer, his team was responsible for working with development engineers to design a product that is feasible to build.

Old Boy Kurt Von Hofe (class of 2014, 1st Football team)

Old Boy Kurt Von Hofe (Class of 2014, 1st Football team)

Unpacking the fascinating elements of his current role at the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research, where he is helping to develop a space global satellite system receiver to model the ionosphere, Kurt displayed GPS receivers in space and types of hardware on the large screens. In glowing terms he explained that the space industry in Australia is growing. We now have niche access to space! This is very good news for students interested in careers in Space, Engineering and Science.

Kurt requested questions from Waverley students (including students in the Junior School where his talk was being live-streamed!), and they responded keenly. Many were curious to know the subjects Kurt chose in Years 9-12, and he suggested that students who enjoy problem-solving with mathematics would be a good fit for this type of career. Many were surprised to learn that along with Advanced Mathematics, Economics and PE in Years 11 and 12, Kurt did not study science! He did however do a physics bridging course prior to starting university.

Kurt von Hofe with students interested in space, science and engineering

Kurt von Hofe with students interested in space, science and engineering

Kurt suggested that students interested in space might like to think about starting a double university degree in maths and engineering to see where their interests lie, with the option to alter this path as they go along. He explained that each university has a space research centre and are always seeking new university students. 

We sincerely thank Kurt von Hofe for taking time out of his busy schedule to share his inside knowledge and insights with Waverley students and staff, and for being an excellent academic mentor.


Year 7 Camp Yarramundi

From Ben Cromer and Charlie Carter (Year 7 Conlon students)

On 22 February Year 7 went on a three day camp to Camp Yarramundi.

The camp was so much fun and we experienced so many new things. It pushed our limits and allowed us to get out of our comfort zones. We did team building and fun activities like Abseiling, The Giant Swing, High Ropes, Kayaking and Ga-Ga Ball which were all amazing, and let us relax and have fun with our friends. The food was also good, butter chicken and nachos for dinner, and bacon and eggs for breakfast.  New friendships were formed and others strengthened as we did our activities and slept in our house groups; it also let us get to know the other people in our House who we will be seeing a lot throughout our next six years of school.

We were extremely lucky to have our Heads of House and other teachers staying with us throughout all of our activities, and the camp also taught us to be cooperative and encouraging. It was so much fun and everyone agreed it passed way too quickly; nobody wanted to go back to school. When we finally got on the bus home we were very tired from two late nights and jam-packed days. We were looking forward to a night in our own bed. We would like to thank all the teachers who accompanied us to Yarramundi on this journey and who put in the effort behind the scenes to make our first camp so memorable. 

Year 7 students on camp

Students cooling down on the Year 7 Camp

Students learning climbing skills on the Year 7 Camp

Students learning climbing skills on the Year 7 Camp

Students in their climbing gear on the Year 7 Camp

Students in their climbing gear on the Year 7 Camp

Year 7 students on the Year 7 Camp

Students on the Year 7 Camp

Year 7 students under the shelter they built

Year 7 students under the shelter they built

Students on the Year 7 Camp

Students on the Year 7 Camp


Five Tips for Fasting During Lent

From Father Bernie, College Chaplain and Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity and Student Formation

Try these five tips for fasting over the next five weeks. Kindly sent by Father Bernie, they originally come from a list of 11 by Pope Francis.

  1. 1-7 March:     Fast from hurting words and say kind words
  2. 8-14 March:   Fast from anger and be filled with patience
  3. 15-21 March: Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity
  4. 22-28 March: Fast from grudges and be reconciled
  5. 29-4 April:      Fast from words and be silent so you can listen: perfect this week as this is Holy Week   
Lent 2021

Lent 2021


Read More: Armidale Tour, Y6 Parent webinar, Y6 Debating, Reading Challenge, Fixtures and IPSHA Swimming Carnival


From Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Acting Director of Junior School 

Welcome to Week 6. It has been another busy week here at the Junior School. I attended the IPSHA Swimming Carnival on Tuesday and congratulate all the students who attended and represented Waverley so well. All students tried their best and showed true sportsmanship. 

Armidale Tour 

Each year Waverley attends the annual Rugby Armidale tour. This event is normally a big highlight for our rugby students. This involves taking two teams to play rugby against schools and clubs from around the country. Unfortunately this year it has been cancelled due to COVID-19. Even though we are disappointed, we look forward to attending next year.

Parent Webinar on Puberty and Embracing Change – Year 6 Parents

Please see below for an invitation to a webinar presented by Elephant Ed on Puberty & Embracing Change.

 When: Thursday, 18 March 2021 6pm-7pm

Topic: Puberty and Embracing Change

Elephant Ed is a leading sexuality education provider to hundreds of schools around Australia. Elephant Ed’s workshops are evidence-based, age-appropriate and mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines. Elephant Ed is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.

In advance of Elephant Ed’s workshops with the Year 6 students, this webinar will include an introduction to Elephant Ed, discussion around the physical, social and emotional changes associated with puberty, as well as strategies for starting open and effective conversations at home.

 You are required to register in advance for this webinar. Please use the link below to register.

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

 We look forward to seeing you online!


News from the Learning Hub 

From Ms Natasha Zivanovic, Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


This year debating for Year 6 will begin in Term 2. Students will be given the opportunity to try out for a debating team. These teams participate in the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia (IPSHA) Friday Afternoon Debating program (during school hours), culminating in the annual IPSHA Debating Gala Day. Debating encourages and challenges young people to engage critically and constructively with each other to explore the most controversial, pressing and age-old questions facing our society. 

We will be selecting students for the IPSHA debating teams in Term 1 – Week 8B. Tryouts will be held on Friday 19 March in the Junior School Learning Hub. If your son would like to try out he will need to do the following:

Should your son be interested in participating in debating, he will need to collect a note from me. 

Waverley Reading Challenge 

The Waverley Reading Challenge is underway. This Challenge implements important strategies to assist your son to engage in reading in a positive manner. 

The students are challenged to read different genres, read nonfiction, news articles, listen to audiobooks, give recommendations to their friends and develop a love of reading. 

Giving students choices also plays an important role in them developing a love of reading, as does making sure they have access to the books they would like to read, providing a welcoming, flexible and comfortable space, and lastly, time to read. The Learning Hub is continually working to support young readers in the Junior School. 

Ollie and Alex reading the Learning Hub

Ollie and Alex reading in the Learning Hub


Junior School Round 4 Fixture (6 March 2021) and Round 3 Sports Results:

From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

Round 4 Fixture

Dear all Junior School Parents and Carers,

There are still three rounds to go for the Term 1 Summer season of Saturday Sport. Good luck to all teams competing over the weekend.

For the Round 4 Fixture, Please click here to view this week’s fixture and scroll down to the Junior School Section.

Round 3 Sports Results


IPSHA Swimming Carnival

From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

On Tuesday 3 March, students who performed exceptionally well at our College swim carnival were selected to represent Waverley College Junior School at the IPSHA Swimming Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre.

Students selected in the swim squad included: Liam Madden, Hugo Spierings, James Fanning, William Collignon, Flynn Killen, Hunter Leondis, Ngakau Hiroti, Rowan Metzl, Tom Maxwell, Archie Goulding, Aiden McNee, Evan Rowbothham, Aidan Renford, Ned Panlilio, OWen Roorda, Thomas George, Flin Newman and Cooper Burns.

All participants represented the College in high regard, performing to the absolute best of their capabilities. We were fortunate to have a few outstanding performances, which included:

Congratulations to all students who represented the College on the day. We are very proud of your effort and commitment.

Junior School IPSHA winners2021

Junior School IPSHA winners 2021

Read More: Important calendar dates for the next fortnight.


Week 7 

8 – 14 March 2021


Week 8

15 – 21 March 2021

Read more: Y7 & Y8 study skills, Y7 debating, Y11 Ace your exams, Y11 & 12 student/teacher/parent interviews, Elevate webinar, cadets AFX, last chance for uniform donation, 2023 enrolments closing 31 March, music scholarships, choir and music tuition.


Year 7 – Families: Online Access to the Year 7 Study Skills Session

From Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

Year 7 Parents and Students – if you missed the study skills evening this week, or felt there was too much to absorb in one go, we have good news for you.

We have arranged for our Year 7 families to access a filmed version of Dr Salter’s Year 7 study skills session available for the next three weeks.

Families can review the concepts covered, as well as access lots of useful handouts and planners. The handouts and slides can also be accessed from the video page below.

The link to access the session from is:    

Username: waverley7

Password: expires23march

 Please take advantage of this opportunity to embed the strategies to become a more powerful learner.

Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter


Year 7 – 2021 Debating

From Ms Emma Halpin, Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking

Dear Year 7 Parents,

If your son is well-spoken, intelligent and knowledgeable on current affairs then he will benefit from choosing Debating as a co-curricular activity during the Winter season. 

Debating can be joined alongside sport as the competitions take place on Friday nights. Students train two sessions a week and these are flexible in order to accommodate students’ other commitments. Debating can also be a stand alone Winter co-curricular option.

We are currently looking for ten Year 7 students who would be eager to represent the College in Debating. Debating has gained steady popularity at Waverley; in recent years our Senior team made it to the grand final in NSW. We also had an undefeated Year 7 team in the CAS competition. Furthermore, each year the debating students in Year 12 achieve some of our highest ATAR results, including the members of the 2020 Honour Roll. These students compete in debating their entire time at the College, proving the academic benefits of the activity.

Waverley College competes in two Debating competitions during the Winter season. CSDA runs in Term 2 weeks 1-6 and CAS runs in Term 3 weeks 1-5.

Should your son be interested in participating in debating, please contact the convenor, Emma Halpin at and she will provide your son with more information.

Debating has gained steady popularity as a co-curricular winter activity at Waverley

Debating has gained steady popularity as a co-curricular winter activity at Waverley


Year 8 – Families: Online Access to Dr Salter’s Year 7 Study Skills Session

From Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

Year 8 Parents and Students – this is the recording of Dr Salter’s Year 7 Study Skills Session you attended last year.

Should you like a refresher, the online access is available for the next three weeks.

The link to access the session from is:    

Username: waverley7

Password: expires23march

 Please take advantage of this opportunity to embed the strategies to become a more powerful learner.


Year 11 – Elevate Session – Ace Your Exams

From Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

Dear Parents and Carers

As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 11 Elevate Session – Ace Your Exams is held on Wednesday, 10 March 2021.

Year 11 students will be attending this session during their House Group lesson in Period 1.

This session provides students with a number of strategies to assist with examination revision.


Year 11 & 12 – Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews

From Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will run in Week 8 on Tuesday 16 March 3:30pm-7pm via Zoom. Bookings will open on the TASS Parent Portal from 10 March, and Zoom codes and instructions will be available in the Nurrunga newsletter next week on Friday 12 March.

Year 11 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will run in Week 9 on Monday 22 March from 3:30pm-7pm via Zoom. Bookings will open on the TASS Parent Portal from 17 March and Zoom codes and instructions will be available in the Nurrunga newsletter on Friday 19 March.


All Years – Elevate Education’s Parent Webinar

From Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

Dear Parents and Carers

Parents of Waverley College have exclusive access to Elevate Education’s Parent Webinar Series for Term 1, 2021. There is a recording of a recent webinar on Time Management – how to end the battle over homework deadlines, study schedules and prioritisation.  You can access the video in this link.

Additionally, the next webinar is on Tech Devices – setting boundaries and promoting self-regulation with teens. The webinar will help to answer your questions around ‘how much screen-time is too much”, how to create positive habit-loops with your child, and what apps and technology you can use to help your child, rather than hinder them. You can register for that event here.

Webinar replay:

Watch the Time Management webinar here.

Download the resources here.

Join the next webinar

The webinar is run live online from 6pm-7pm where the presenter will share Elevate’s key research and skills and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask questions directly.

Should you have questions or would like to contact Elevate directly, their details are listed below:

Telephone: 1300 667 945





All Years – Second Hand Clothing Pool Donations – last days!

From Kirsten, Camille and Jade

 Dear Parents,

We are pleased to advise that we have arranged for a second shipment of old Waverley College uniforms to be sent to Northern Sri Lanka to be distributed to various villages for children in need. This program is coordinated through Rotary Foundation and will once again see our old uniforms finding a new home.

The final date to donate uniforms is 12 noon Wednesday 24 March 2021. We will no longer accept donations after this time.

We ask that all parents use this opportunity to donate any Waverley College items to prevent them ending up in landfill. Please note that this is only for Waverley College uniforms and no other items are requested. Acceptable items include (Waverley College) shirts, shorts, pants, hats, sports uniforms, blazers, socks, black shoes and sports shoes.

Please ensure that all items are wearable and in good, clean condition. We ask that you pack the items into an old school bag/sports bag or strong garbage bag for collection to minimise the additional work for volunteers.

Uniform donations are to be dropped off outside the Clothing Pool Shop, level 3, Senior School campus.

Thank you very much for your involvement and generosity.


George William Rummery Music Scholarships – applications closing soon!

From Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

Waverley College awards the George William Rummery Music Scholarships as a means of encouraging students to realise their potential and strive for excellence. The George William Rummery Scholarship is a gift of the Rummery Family in memory of their son and brother, George, whose life ended tragically in 1982 when he was in Year 8 at Waverley College.

The Scholarship is awarded to students of the College who display particular aptitude and interest in music. The scholarship covers ongoing full or partial remission of music tuition fees for students from Year 7 to Year 12.

Who can apply? The George William Rummery Music Scholarships are available to students currently enrolled at Waverley College and to external applicants who have applied for enrolment.  

Applications: Candidates must complete and submit the George William Rummery Music Scholarship Application Form and supply all supporting documents to verify the application. 

Application deadlines: 2021 Scholarships will commence in Term 2, 2021. Applications should be lodged with the Performing Arts Coordinator by Monday, 22 March, 2021. Auditions will be held from 24-31 March 2021 and the scholarship will be offered prior to the end of Term 1 to commence at the start of Term 2, 2021.

More information: Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator, Waverley College 9369 0623

George William Rummery Music Scholarships - applications closing soon!

George William Rummery Music Scholarships – applications closing soon!



Would you like to join the College Choir or take Private Music Lessons?

From Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

All students are welcome to join the College Choir. Rehearsals are every Friday 7.30am in the PAC Recital Room with Ms Dolso and Mrs Fahy. There is no cost and no audition required. We look forward to seeing you there! Please note there will be no rehearsal this Friday 5 March due to the swimming carnival. Rehearsals will re-commence next week on Friday 12 March.

Private Music Lessons

Private music tuition is available on a range of instruments. Students​ ​electing​ ​to​ ​take​ ​private​ ​music​ ​lessons​ ​must​ ​do​ ​so​ ​for​ ​a​ ​minimum​ ​of​ ​six​ ​months​ ​(one​ ​semester). There is an additional charge​ ​for​ ​the​ ​use​ ​of​ ​a​ ​College​ ​instrument.  

Parents who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons must complete a private music registration form by clicking on the following link: https://Private Music Tuition Form

Private music tuition is available at Waverley College

Private music tuition builds commitment and resilience and is available at Waverley College


Cadets – AFX Camp

From MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow, Commanding Officer WCCU

With just three weeks to go until AFX, now is the time to make sure your son has everything he needs for camp. A copy of the Equipment List is attached below.

 Please note, the last day you can source anything from the Q Clothing Store is FRIDAY 19 MARCH. There will be no time in the week leading up to camp to source any equipment or uniform, as we are loading and moving camp supplies to Canberra.

It would be helpful for your son to do a practice pack, so he knows what he still needs to source from Q Clothing Store at lunchtime or after school on:

If you would like an easy solution to gathering some of the equipment to be supplied from home, you may like to take advantage of the John Star Order Form plus Equipment List in this link: Cadet Equipment List.pdf

This is merely a convenience option for time-poor parents. These items are equally available from camping and convenience stores.

If you are having trouble finding the original AFX email with the Joining Instruction, Equipment List and other information pertaining to camp, it was sent to all in the Unit on 9 February. Permission, medical details and special dietary requirements are due by 12 March.

In lieu of a Cadet Camp parent information evening, I will be available on Zoom at 7pm on Monday 8 March to speak to you about what your son can expect on AFX, and to answer any queries you may have. To attend this meeting, please click on the link below:

A reminder that, this coming Friday, there is no Cadets for recruits or junior rank due to the swimming carnival. Our seniors and staff will take this opportunity to prepare for camp with an AFX Briefing.

 I have had a number of enquiries from parents of current Year 8 students keen to join the Cadet program. We look forward to welcoming them to the Cadet Unit at the beginning of Term 3, 2021.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow, Commanding Officer WCCU


Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7 2023 are Closing Soon

From Ms Kylie Anderson, Registrar

Enrolment applications for 2023 are closing soon.

Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2023, please ensure you complete an application form.

Please note, if your son is already enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.

Applications close 31 March 2021.

To submit an enquiry click here.

To submit an online application click here.

Contact College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson on 9369 0698


Running for Premature Babies: Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon Team – Sunday 16 May 2021

From Ms Gemma Brown, Assistant Head of Science

Waverley College will be supporting the Running With Premature Babies Foundation in the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon on Sunday 16 May. The Running for Premature Babies Foundation was set up by Waverley parent Sophie Smith in honour of her triplet sons who did not survive their prematurity.

The charity is aiming to raise $180,000 through this event for a state-of-the-art portable ultrasound machine for the NICU at the Royal Hospital for Women. Premature babies need ultrasounds to diagnose many conditions, especially those related to their hearts and brains. This new machine will mean that premature babies at the Royal Hospital for Women will have timely access to the most advanced scanning equipment possible, giving them a better chance of survival.

Please join our Waverley team! Either sign up to run the 21km SMH Half Marathon on 16 May (registrations open soon), or pledge to run your own distance wherever you like on the same day. This team is open to all and we would love to see as many people in the community get involved. 

To join the Waverley College fundraising team go to:

You will receive a free running singlet and cap, and can join free running training in Centennial Park.

Free Running Training details are as follows:

Challenge yourself this May and help save the lives of premature babies!


Waverley Council Seeking Feedback

The bike lane dividers on Henrietta Street Waverley have now been in place for over a year. They were installed to improve safety for bike riders and pedestrians and to clarify the use of bike lanes on Henrietta Street.  Please let Waverley Council know your thoughts on this trial at .  Survey closes 28 March.

Read more: SS Fixtures, CAS Swim & Dive Event, Golf Championships, Lachlan Rowney takes Gold, Basketball & Cricket Reports

Please click here to view the fixtures.


From Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular

Winter Co-curricular 2021 & end of Summer season

This weekend is the final round of Summer sport for the 2020-21 season and I want to say a huge thank you to all parents, convenors, staff, coaches and students. In particular I want to thank the current Year 12 students for their efforts and commitment to their summer activities over their time at Waverley College. We also had a large number of Waverley College students competing at various events last weekend, including many students who medaled at the State Nipper titles for various clubs.

I also encourage as many students as possible to come and support our 1sts touch football side playing in the grand final against Newington at Queens Park this coming Saturday morning. Unfortunately, we also cannot celebrate some major activities with presentation evenings this term, however, we will recognise award winners at the upcoming Summer Awards Assembly on Thursday 25 March.

Nikita Nikitenko (Year 12) and Roger Sweeney (Year 10) as part of the CAS Tennis squad that defeated GPS this week

Nikita Nikitenko (Year 12) and Roger Sweeney (Year 10) as part of the CAS Tennis squad that defeated GPS this week

Next week is the CAS Swimming and Diving Championships at Homebush, and the College will be taking a select group of student supporters along. These students will have all of the necessary information directly communicated to them. Parents of competitors are welcome to attend, but will need to QR Code on entry and follow normal COVID-19 protocols which will be included in the letter to parents.

There is no other training next week for any teams other than the swimmers and divers, and Saturday 13 March is a sport-free weekend for all students as we are running our Winter coaches induction.

On Monday 15 March our Winter season and trials commences, and students and parents need to check training schedules for their commitments, with most activities commencing that day. All students need to be in the new Winter Co-curricular attire for the start of Term 2, however, there will be a select group of students who will be able to access this earlier if selected in A or B sides in AFL, Rugby and Football for trials against opposition schools on 20 and 27 March.

We are also arranging some training and camps for the upcoming holidays. All Junior School winter activities commence at the beginning of next term.


NSWCIS Golf championships

From Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular

The following students are representing Waverley at the NSWCIS Golf championships next Monday at Macquarie Links Golf Course.

Good luck!

NSWCIS Golf championships

NSWCIS Golf championships


CAS Swimming Championships 2021

From Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular

Date: Thursday, 11 March 2021

Venue: Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, Homebush

Dear Parents and Students, 

On Thursday 11 March the 90th CAS Swimming Championships will take place. All students including swimmers and divers are required to be at school at the normal time. Period 1-4 will be as normal followed by the CAS Swimming and Diving Assembly at 12pm followed by the team photograph at 1pm. 

At 1.15pm the Swim and Diving squad will move to the PAC to begin preparations for that evening. 

Transport Arrangements

 Travel to Homebush: All students will be transported to and from Homebush by bus. Below is an outline of the Championships:

2.30pm – Buses 1 and 2 depart with swimmers and divers; Swimmers – Mr Parnell, Mr Nezval and Ms Silsby, Ms Fitzgerald; Divers – Ms Gair & Ms Knowles. 

3.15pm – Dismissal from class; Year 8 and Prefects leave bags in locker areas and report to Main Quadrangle.

3.30pm – Move in House Groups to load buses, under direction of the Deputy Principals and the Heads of House – students will be provided with a prepared roll and a drink.

4.15pm – arrival at Homebush

4.30pm – 8.15pm – CAS Swimming Championships

8.30pm – Board Buses to Waverley College

Return – approx 9pm 

General Instructions

CAS Swimming Championships will be held Thursday 11 March 2021

CAS Swimming Championships will be held Thursday 11 March 2021

COVID-19 Restrictions

No one is to attend the event if they have been unwell, showing COVID-19 symptoms, travelled overseas or been in contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days, or are considered a vulnerable person including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions, or if they have been in a declared hotspot by NSW Health.

Athletes to arrive dressed & ready to compete: –


Junior Mountain Biking – Lachlan Rowney Takes the Gold!

From Mr Brad Waelen, Convenor co-curricular mountain biking

The weather and the tyres smashed up the fields of Riverview, and through a group of 80+ riders Lachlan Rowney emerged at the front. Too many turns to go to the finish for a straight sprint, especially with the likes Knox’s #1 Hudson hot on his tail, Lachlan put on a performance of a lifetime.

Lachlan Rowney represents Waverley College

Lachlan Rowney represents Waverley College

The riders consisted of 7 different teams, each representing the best their schools had to offer. After a rocky start with a crash on the starting line, Lachlan was on the chase. Catching up to other riders, dodging dirt, crashes and other turmoil on the course, he managed to crawl his way to the front of the pack by the 3rd lap (only adding to the spectacle). After gaining his position before the final lap, others’ desperate attacks failed. Lachlan was too far ahead this time round and took the gold. Congratulations.


From Behind the Stumps: Waverley Cricket Report

From Mr John McCallum, Convenor of Cricket

Waverley Cricketers are aiming for a huge finale to their summer season – with the final matches for Years 7-12 students.  Junior school teams still have 3 weeks remaining, and have been incredibly enthusiastic and seeing rapid improvements in skills and teamwork. 

Waverley is running hot across many age groups, with fantastic team performances occurring: Year 8 leading the way in having another clean sweep with the 8A, 8B and 8C teams all victorious against Knox Grammar. Both the 8As and 8Cs bowled Knox out for just 64 runs, while Year 8 bowlers Max Sheehy, Angus Sundkvist, Riley Kwong, Constantine Iatrou and Jett Lenzo all picked up 2 wickets for their respective sides. Jett Lenzo with 33 and Finley Bates with 28 helped steer the 8Bs to 7/143 which was just enough to win by 4 runs.

Patrick Hoggett steaming in to bowl

Patrick Hoggett steaming in to bowl

The 2nd XI also had a spirited 30-run victory over Knox, with Patrick Hoggett delivering a sample of his all round dominance – smashing 33 runs and taking 3 wickets. Sachiel Bass also grabbed 3 wickets to have a potential premiership showdown this week at Queens Park against St Aloysius.

The 1st XI fell short in chasing their total, but had great spirit in the field collectively in their final home game. Jackson Dodd and Daniel McSweeny each took 2 wickets, and we wish all our Year 12 students the very best for Saturday with their final Cricket matches for their College. Maxim Brooks from the 1st XI also starred in the CAS U16 victory over GPS, scoring a rapid 55 not out from just 33 balls, and aided earlier with Hirav Gandhi 22 opening their batting.

Waverley cricket 2021

Waverley cricket 2021

Please Support the Waverley Online Cricket Raffle!


Cricket Raffle 2021

Cricket Raffle to be drawn on Monday, 8 March 2021




Basketball Report

From Charles Harris, Captain of Basketball

1st V

Hoping to bounce back after their close loss to Trinity, Waverley played very well against Barker. At the end of the first half, they knew they needed something to start the momentum, so William Gibson stepped up and devised a trick play; Waverley would set up running the wrong direction and inbound the ball to Eoin Morrissey who would have a wide-open layup. The plan worked but Waverley was unable to maintain this momentum and lost 66-59.

Waverley knew Knox would be a very difficult opponent but did not back down from the challenge. A terrific performance by the whole team allowed them to be close contenders throughout the majority of the game. However, Knox’s star-studded line-up proved too much for Waverley as they went down in defeat 72-58.

2nd V

Hoping to get the first win of the second half of the season, the 2nd V were pumped up and ready to beat Barker after beating them at the Blitz. The 2nd V started very strong, keeping the score quite even, and playing their offence quite well; this was the first game where they had also tried a new defence that worked quite well. Despite this, early in the second half, captain Daniel Malone landed on someone’s foot, and was injured quite badly. This hurt the game because he was playing well at the time. After this, the team fell behind and ended up losing the game 39-28.

After beating Knox last season, the 2nd V had high hopes about this game, and being at home also helped build the energy within the team. The team probably played the best game they have played, but unfortunately, they could not seal the deal and win the game. Despite this, Conor Carr, the new addition to the team, played an amazing game scoring 22 points. Even though they lost 52-48, the team was happy with their performance.

Waverley College Basketball

Waverley College Basketball


The 10As lost to Barker despite playing tremendously with the final score 33-27. They suffered a similar fate to Knox with Van Larkin going down late in the game with an injury. Wylie Durrans played very well in their narrow 43-42 loss.


The 9As played very well against Barker making it a close game throughout, unfortunately, Barker managed to sneak away with the win, with the final score 42-40. Waverley battled Knox who in this age group are an extremely strong team. Waverley, despite having a good game, still managed to come up short losing 66-28.


The 8As, despite training extremely hard in preparation for both games, lost to Barker 41-27 and to Knox 50-25. This team should be commended for their ability to persevere in defeat and play every game with heart.


The 7As are proving to be an extremely strong team, beating Barker 31-28 and Knox 42-27. This team is one to watch over the coming years, as they move through the age groups, hopefully bringing Waverley more success.