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Week 5

1 – 7 March 2021

Week 6

8 – 14 March 2021

From Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Another exciting week here at the Junior School. We started our week with a wonderful assembly by 6 White who showed us the true meaning of compassion. We saw wonderful examples of students composing clips as part of their Home Learning task. We witnessed creative and powerful images of what showing compassion to another classmate looked like, and heard the stories of those who are much less fortunate than us through Project Compassion. 

This week I spoke to our students about the Junior School’s 5 Core Values – respect, compassion, responsibility, commitment and resilience. These values have been created to give students an easy, practical and meaningful way to respond to the expectations here at the Junior School. These core values underpin who we are, how we act, and what we value. I have discussed with the students the meaning and the importance behind the creation of our core values, and how they will be the principles that guide us daily to make the right choices.  We will delve deeper into these through our assemblies, in-class and through our SRC members. 

Art Appreciation Class 

This week our students created beautiful artworks called Pastel Planets. They experimented with pastels, chalks and templates, and created stunning calming atmospheric planets and moons. We are so lucky to have the very talented Ms Faye Hopkins to extend our art lovers. 

Pastel planets with pastels, chalks and templates

Pastel planets with pastels, chalks and templates

Pastel planets with pastels, chalks and templates

Pastel planets with pastels, chalks and templates

Pastel planets with pastels, chalks and templates

Pastel planets with pastels, chalks and templates

From the Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation, Mr Stephen Ghattas

House Masses

I would like to remind both parents and students of the upcoming House Masses in the College calendar.

Week 6 – Wednesday 3 March – Aungier House Mass -Mary Immaculate Church – 6pm

Week 7 – Wednesday 10 March – Brennan House Mass – Mary Immaculate Church – 6pm

Week 8 – Thursday 18 March – Green House Mass -Mary Immaculate Church – 6pm

Week 9 – Wednesday 24 March – Conlon House Mass – Mary Immaculate Church – 6pm

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Year 5 and Year 6 students are invited to attend, however, it is not compulsory, as we understand that this may prove difficult for parents to arrange for their sons to be picked up afterwards.  If you do wish for your sons to attend, they are required to be in school uniform.  Upon arrival at the church, they are to get their name marked off by one of the Junior School House Mentors.  Please ensure that you are there to pick up your son by 7:15pm and he knows of the necessary arrangements.

Sacrament of Confirmation

For parents seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated and when the preparation classes will be held.

For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday 20 June.  Compulsory preparation classes will be held in the weeks prior to the celebration. 

Due to COVID-19, the Sacrament was postponed in 2020, therefore in 2021 we are only celebrating the Sacrament with current Year 6 and Year 7 students.  Please rest assured that the Sacrament will be held again next year to accommodate any Year 5, 2021 students.

If you enrolled your son for the Sacrament in 2020, I have the registration form with me already, however payment will still need to be made as this was reimbursed last year. More information regarding the celebration including the registrations forms will be made available in the coming weeks.  

For any questions or enquiries, please contact Mr Stephen Ghattas 

Mother’s Day Mass – Request for Photos

The celebration of mothers, grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College Students will be celebrated in Week 3, Term 2.  Details regarding how this celebration will take place will be sent out as soon as we have more information regarding protocols for large gatherings to take place.

Part of the celebration will include a slideshow.  Can I please ask that you send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.

Please send through all photos to

From the Acting Assistant Director of Curriculum, Ms Charlotte Stephens 

This year in the Junior School we are excited to introduce our new Home Learning Policy. After listening to feedback from parents, students and teachers we have developed a more streamlined and consistent approach to home learning across Years 5 and 6. The ultimate goal of this new direction is to encourage our students to develop positive home learning habits, provide challenging and diverse home learning experiences and, ultimately prepare our students for the greater independence, academic rigour and organisation demanded of them in the Senior School.

Students in Years 5 and 6 are recommended to complete 30-60 minutes of home learning per night Monday-Thursday in line with our College Policy and this is set by their Classroom Teacher. 

Home Learning tasks can include:

Students are expected to engage fully with the Home Learning program. Should your son be having any ongoing difficulties completing his tasks, please contact his classroom teacher to discuss further. 

From the Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5 to 8), Mr Jack Wachtel

Year 5 Camp (YMCA – Yarramundi, NSW)

Last Wednesday 17 February, Waverley Staff and Year 5 Students headed off to Yarramundi for three days of adventure, new experiences and plenty of fun. There was a large amount of nervous energy amongst students, unaware of all the new experiences, rewarding challenges and friendships that would be formed. 

Once arriving, students were given time to acquaint themselves with their dorm roommates and sort out whether they’d be on the top or bottom bunk bed. We had lunch and hit the ground running, with an array of activities being undertaken across the three days. 

Developing resilience at the Year 5 Camp

Developing resilience at the Year 5 Camp

Hitting the right targets at the Year 5 Camp

Hitting the right targets at the Year 5 Camp

Activities included:

  1. Alpine Rescue
  2. Giant Swing
  3. Initiative Games
  4. Orienteering
  5. Bush Craft
  6. Low Ropes
  7. Archery
  8. Rock Climbing
Building friendships and social skills at the Year 5 Camp

Building friendships and social skills at the Year 5 Camp

Once the day’s activities had finished, dorms were split into two big groups to allow one to freshen up, and the other to enjoy dinner, before swapping. Night activities were full of energy and excitement. They included an active games night and a disco, where students and staff members could showcase their creative dance moves. It was obvious by the last day that the majority of students had used up all of their energy reserves and were ready for a much deserved night’s sleep in their own bed.

On reflection, students came away from camp having developed greater social skills to get to know one another and form long lasting friendships. They broke out of their comfort zone, trying new things to build resilience, improve teamwork and potentially conquer their fears in the process. We hope all students had an enjoyable experience and came away with lasting memories and experiences, and developed social and emotional skills to hold onto throughout their schooling journey and beyond.

Developing teamwork at the Year 5 Camp

Developing teamwork at the Year 5 Camp

Year 5 Camp - Yarramundi

Year 5 Camp – Yarramundi

Year 5 Camp - Yarramundi

Year 5 Camp – Yarramundi

Study Skills Sessions for Years 7 and 11

From Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter

Study Skills – Year 7 Parents, Carers and Students

As per College Diary, a reminder that Year 7 Parent/Student Study Skills Evening is held on Monday, 1 March, 2021.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we will be running our Dr Prue Salter study skills online as a live stream event via ‘Zoom’.

This is a compulsory College event for all Year 7 students.

Date: Monday, 1 March, 2021
Time: 6pm – 7:30 pm
Venue: Live Session
Presenter: Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning

Participants: Parents and students at home

The link for the session is:

Year 7 Study Skills Zoom Link
Year 7 – Manage Study Skills


Personal Meeting ID:
418 405 3792

Evening Information:

1. Handout: Please ensure you have the attached Waverley Year 7 Family Handout 2021 ready for the session (either open on another device or preferably printed).
2. Together: It is best if a parent and the student participates in the evening TOGETHER as along the way you will be discussing how the ideas presented apply to your family.
3. Slides: The slides from the evening will be available after the evening here: (right at the bottom of the page!). The password to access the slides is given out at the end of the evening. Those who could not attend the evening will also be able to access the slides.
4. Questions: Please use the chat function at any time during the presentation to ask questions. There will also be an opportunity at the end of the session, after we have finished, to remain behind to ask additional questions.

Study Skills – Year 11 Parents, Carers and Students

Re: Online Access to the Year 11 Study Skills Session

Access to Dr Prue Salter’s Year 11 Study Skills Session closes in one week. Please take advantage of this valuable learning opportunity to review the videos and resources before access ends on  Wednesday, 3 March 2021. Extensions will not be possible.

Access details:

Username: waverley11
Password: expires3march

New Parent Lounge now available

Yesterday, you should have received an email that outlines how to login to the new Parent Lounge which will provide you with information relevant to your son’s progress at school.

To access the Parent Lounge please click this link: You may wish to add this to your browser as a favourite.

On the Parent Lounge login page, you will need to click the forgot password link and enter your username: Parent Code (which you will find in yesterdays email), and your email. A new password will then be emailed to you.

Features now available on the new Parent Lounge include:

Features to come shortly:

Should you experience difficulties when logging in or accessing information, please do not hesitate to contact iAssist on 9369 0784 between 8am and 4pm. Or email:

CADETS – AFX (Cadet Camp) 2021

From MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow, Commanding Officer WCCU

Preparation is in full swing with the many activities planned for AFX 2021 at Majura Military Training Area.

Earlier this month, all parents and cadets were sent the AFX Joining Instruction containing all the information you need for Cadet Camp this year. Please take a moment to review this information and complete the Google Form confirming your son’s attendance on camp and any medical and dietary requirements by 12 March.

Next week, Friday 5 March, there will be no Home Training for our Recruits and Junior Rank due to the School Swimming Carnival. Selected seniors will be required to attend an AFX Staff Briefing with our Cadet Staff at 3.30pm, so they are fully aware of the scope of activities and safety concerns as they command the Unit and its Companies on camp.


George William Rummery Music Scholarships – applications closing soon!

From Performing Arts Centre Coordinator, Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Waverley College awards the George William Rummery Music Scholarships as a means of encouraging students to realise their potential and strive for excellence. The George William Rummery Scholarship is a gift of the Rummery Family in memory of their son and brother, George, whose life ended tragically in 1982 when he was in Year 8 at Waverley College.

The Scholarship is awarded to students of the College who display particular aptitude and interest in music. The scholarship covers ongoing full or partial remission of music tuition fees for students from Year 7 to Year 12.

Who can apply? The George William Rummery Music Scholarships are available to students currently enrolled at Waverley College and to external applicants who have applied for enrolment.  

Applications: Candidates must complete and submit the George William Rummery Music Scholarship Application Form and supply all supporting documents to verify the application. 

Application deadlines will commence in Term 2, 2021. Applications should be lodged with the Performing Arts Coordinator by Monday, 22 March, 2021. Auditions will be held from 24-31 March 2021 and the scholarship will be offered prior to the end of Term 1 to commence at the start of Term 2, 2021.

More information: Ms Keiran Kossenberg, 9369 0623,


Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7, 2023 will be closing soon!

From the College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson

Enrolment applications for 2023 are closing soon. Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2023, please ensure you complete an application form. Please note, if your son is already enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.

Applications close 31 March 2021.

To submit an enquiry click here. To submit an online application click here.

Contact College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson on 9369 0698



2021 fees – Change of Payment Reference Number

From Director of Business Services, Mr Bryn Gregerson

The College is in the process of changing its database and as part of this change, is also changing the Finance System. The new system commenced from Monday 8 February

Whilst the Biller Code (54007) is unchanged, parents/carers responsible for the payment of school fees now have a new BPay reference number AND new BPoint reference number.

Please note that the reference number for BPay is different to the new reference number for BPoint.

● The BPay reference number will now be 5 numbers as shown in the top right hand corner of the fee statement.

● The BPoint reference will be the new Parent Code (6 numbers) located just above the Date on the fee Statement.

● Payments made by any of the other options (that is NOT by either BPay or BPoint) remain unchanged.

● Those parents/carers that have BPay of BPoint already set up in their bank will need to change the “reference number” prior to making any future payments for school

Please contact should you have any queries.

From Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby

What a very busy few weeks we have had at the Junior School. I hope everyone is feeling more settled and is getting into the swing of things. I am watching the boys make new friendships, participate in many different activities and events, and enjoy learning in their new classrooms with their new teachers. 

Junior School students building friendships in the Learning Hub 2021

Junior School students building friendships in the Learning Hub 2021

Parent Information Night

Thank you to all the parents who attended our information evening on Monday via Zoom. We would have loved to have you all in to meet the teachers in person and see the classrooms, but unfortunately that wasn’t possible. Fingers crossed that you will get the opportunity throughout the year to visit in person.

I hope you appreciated all the information and are now better prepared to assist your son on his journey at Waverley.

Special thanks as well to all the Junior School staff for their support throughout the evening.


Junior School Celebrates its 2021 House Swimming Carnival – Congratulations Green House!

From Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8), Mr Jack Wachtel

Friday 12 February heralded the colourful Junior School House Swimming Carnival where students in O’Connor, Lacey, Conlon, Brennan, Tevlin, Quinn, Green and Aungier Houses raced and chanted in perfect weather conditions to try to top the point score. There was positive support between houses and excellent sportsmanship, and based on divisions the level of competition was close.

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2021

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2021

As well as Championship Races in divisions one and two, Commonwealth Races, and the Olympic Race for the top swimmers in Years five and six, there were self-nominated novelty races which made for a lot of laughter and fun. These included the wet jersey race requiring patience and team work, the wading race, ball relay and the popular surfie relay. There was something for everyone including a kickboard race for non-swimmers. Thank you to the staff who bravely joined in for the staff versus student relay!

Brilliant house spirit at the 2021 Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2021

Brilliant house spirit at the Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2021

Congratulations to Green House who won the carnival. Their chants of “Green machine, green machine” could be heard from the far end of the senior school campus! Well done to the following winners and to all students and staff for their efforts and positive attitude.

"Green Machine, Green Machine!"

“Green Machine, Green Machine!”

Age Champions:

Under 10

1st – Liam Madden

2nd – Hugo Spierings

Equal 3rd – James Fanning & William Collignon

Under 11 (Year 5)

1st – Ngakau Hiroti

2nd – Aidan McNee

3rd – Rowan Metzl

4th – Geoffrey Gibbons

Under 11 (Year 6)

1st – Tom Maxwell

2nd – Archie Goulding

3rd – Henry Goldrich

4th – Evan Rowbotham

Under 12

1st – Aidan Renford

2nd – Owen Roorda

3rd – Ned Panlilio

4th – Thomas George

House Points

1st – Green (231)

2nd – Lacey (224)

Equal 3rd – Aungier & Conlon (177)

Proud winners!

Proud winners!


News from the Learning Hub – Ms Natasha Zivanovic

As we welcome a new group of students to Waverley in 2021, The Learning Hub aims to nurture and guide them in their social, creative and academic development. 

Last week we saw the boys use this space in many different ways before school and during lunch. 

Junior School students creating in the Learning Hub 2021

Junior School students creating in the Learning Hub 2021

Reflecting on the importance of reading

As an educator, I believe it is vital for our boys to have a strong understanding of the advantages of reading. The boys were posed the question ‘What are the advantages of reading?’ 

Reflecting on this question is an important part of their learning journey. 

The boys’ reflections were exceptional. Here are some examples:

Junior School students are setting reading goals and reflecting on reading

Junior School students are setting reading goals and reflecting on reading

The boys have also set personal reading goals for themselves. Goals are an important part of Waverley and of successful learning. These goals are specific to them, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. I am looking forward to working with the boys and their reading journey. 

Junior School students enjoying the magic of books in the Learning Hub 2021

Junior School students enjoying the magic of books in the Learning Hub 2021

Learning with friends in the Learning Hub 2021

Learning with friends in the Learning Hub 2021

Lunchtime Talk 

I am excited to announce that our first Lunchtime Talk will be on Friday 12 March at lunch in the Learning Hub. 

Andy Milne the father of Heath Year 6, Hamish Year 9 and Hugh Year 10.

Andy who is the Business Manager at Apple Music, will give us an insight into the world of streaming music and how he mixes his knowledge of technology, radio and music. 

Remember to be on time, bring your lunch, and bring a friend to the Learning Hub for an exciting talk at 12:40pm. 

If you would like to be a guest speaker please contact me at

Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7 2023 are Closing Soon

From the College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson

Enrolment applications for 2023 are closing soon.

Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2023, please ensure you complete an application form.

Please note, if your son is already enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.

Applications close 31 March 2021.

To submit an enquiry click here.

To submit an online application click here.

Contact College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson on 9369 0698


2021 fees – Change of Payment Reference Number

From Director of Business Services, Mr Bryn Gregerson

The College is in the process of changing its database and as part of this change is also changing the Finance System. The new system commenced from Monday 8 February 2021. 

Whilst the Biller Code (54007) is unchanged, parents/carers responsible for the payment of school fees now have a new BPay reference number AND new BPoint reference number. Please note that the reference number for BPay is different to the new reference number for BPoint.

Please contact should you have any queries.


Year 7 Camp Final Details

Departure Time: Students need to be at school by 8.00 am on Monday, 22 February (Please note that this is 15 minutes later than indicated on the information letter.) We should return to school by 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 24 February.

Students will need to bring their own recess & lunch on Monday.

Packing Checklist:
* Sleeping bag and pillow
* Water Bottle
* Raincoat or poncho
* Hat
* Sunscreen
* Day Pack
* Torch
* Toiletries & Insect Repellent
* Towels (2)
* 2 pairs of trainers/runners (can be old)
* Casual shorts & T-shirts for 3 days at Camp
* Track suit or long pants/sweater in case of cooler weather at night.
* Underwear & socks
* Sleep attire
* Swimmers
* Garbage Bag for Wet/ Dirty Clothes.

The boys are requested not to bring lollies or Mobile phones with them. A student will be able to contact home from camp if required, and if you need to contact your son for any reason, the number to call is 0424 151 364  (school mobile which we will have with us) or 1800 024 097 (YMCA Camp Yarramundi).

* We will contact reception when we are leaving camp to give our estimated time of return to school.

If your son is required to take medication during the camp, could you please place the medication and instructions in a clear plastic bag with your son’s name clearly labelled on the outside. This bag is to be handed to your son’s Head of House on Monday morning.

If you have any questions or concerns at all regarding your son’s attendance at Camp please do not hesitate to contact your son’s Head of House.

Head of House Contact details:
Aungier | John McCoy –
Brennan | James Horrocks –
Conlon | Cathy O’Sullivan –
Green | Scott Coleman –
Lacey | Damien Thompson –
O’Connor | Matt Barr –
Quinn | Olivia Kite –
Tevlin | John McCallum –

From Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith

On Thursday 11 February 2021 Waverley College held its annual HSC High Achievers Assembly in the Gymnasium, attended by our College community. This reverent assembly, heralded by our brass ensemble and gowned academic procession, sets the tone for the academic year ahead. Always a memorable event in the Waverley calendar, it not only welcomes back and celebrates our bright stars, but challenges each of us to reflect on the nature of learning, and what we aspire to become. 

Expressive photographic images of 2020 Year 12 students played on the big screens as students entered the Gym. It is imperative to remember that the cohort of 2020 undertook their significant HSC year during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. These senior students withstood ongoing learning disruption and challenges, which they handled with patience and maturity.

In 2020, these 164 students selected their own pathway to complete Year 12. Whether they chose HSC plus ATAR or HSC Vocational, each student’s journey was unique, and as a College we celebrate the individual efforts and milestones accomplished.

Waverley College graduates

Waverley College graduates

Special Achievement Award certificates were presented to Year 11 Accelerated Mathematics students who received a Band 6 in the Advanced Mathematics HSC exam, as well as awards for Year 12 2020 Creative Arts nominations.

College Captain Peter Stamatelatos and Vice Captain Charles Harris read the Roll Call of Academic Honour for ATARs of 90+ with awards presented by the Principal, Mr Leddie and Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning Mrs Smith. We were impressed by the wide variety of courses these students will be studying at university in 2021 and beyond.

Two of our charismatic 2020 graduates addressed the assembly at the lectern. We were inspired by Matthew Brock, the highest ATAR recipient, who when introduced was given a rousing applause for his sparkling achievements. Matthew spoke engagingly about the nature of motivation during the HSC. Plainly and humorously, he explained how tricky it was for him to offer advice on the subject, which brought knowing smiles to the faces of many parents.

Matthew Brock

Matthew Brock

What did Matthew learn about learning during the HSC?

“In time the thing holding everyone back is not their intelligence or the time that they have to study or work towards a goal. It is the lack of motivation that plagues our ability to get better and improve.”

His advice for Waverley students?

“I suggest for you to have a think about who you want to become in the next ten years. Using this archetype and dream to justify the why? When thinking about studying and school work.”

Matthew was also surprisingly philosophical about his ATAR mark, reminding students that aiming high develops priceless self-confidence:

“In the end, the numbers that you receive don’t define you, but the confidence that you create from showing yourself what you are capable of, provides something infinitely more valuable than any ATAR.”

2020 graduate Valentius Wirjana also delivered an uplifting speech, enhanced by images on the big screens of his ambitious desalination major design project. He admitted that he personally struggled to find the motivation to start his project and to avoid procrastinating.

Valentius Wirjana

Valentius Wirjana

His key tips for students?

“Break it up and just start it. This applies to most assignments really and not just the larger tasks like the major work. What I figured out was that if you trick your brain to visualise a large task as a series of smaller tasks, it was that much easier to actually make progress on the assignment. This breaking down of the task, paired with consistency, is pretty much the key to the HSC.”

Valentius strongly endorsed time management:

“Balance your time. I’m sure most of you would already know this but balancing your social life, school work and sports is crucial for a smooth HSC and life in general.”

Both Matthew and Valentius thanked teachers, mentors and parents for genuinely investing time into their and their classmates’ futures during the demanding HSC year.

The 2020 HSC High Achievers Honour Roll is here.


The Inaugural Percy Watson Scholarship for Teaching Excellence

Students weren’t the only recipients of prestigious awards, and we were delighted that Old Boy Dr Walter Jarvis (Waverley College Captain 1965-66) could also join us as guest speaker. He presented the inaugural Percy Watson Scholarship for Teaching Excellence, awarded to PDHPE educator Belinda Buchan, who completed her masters degree in Educational Leadership at UNSW in 2020.

Congratulations Ms Buchan!

Dr Walter Jervis, Ms Belinda Buchan, and Principal Mr Graham Leddie

Dr Walter Jarvis, Ms Belinda Buchan, and Principal Mr Graham Leddie

Following the ceremony, our graduates enjoyed a congratulatory morning tea on the level 5 rooftop, with students invited afterwards to a Q & A session with the current Year 12 students in the PAC. We wish each and every one of our graduates our very best wishes for their future learning and life endeavours, and know that their holistic education at Waverley will be the bedrock on which they can firmly stand.

COVID-19 Advice 

The community COVID-19 situation is fluid and therefore we will need to remain agile and flexible in responding to the NSW Health Department’s directives.

NSW Health have issued new COVID-19 regulations and the following advice applies to the Junior and Senior Campus of Waverley College. 

You must not enter campus:

It is essential that Waverley College exclude students and staff with even mild symptoms of COVID-19 and encourage them to seek testing immediately. Parents of symptomatic students should provide evidence of a negative result prior to returning to school. The College will have COVID-19 Safety Plans and record keeping procedures in place for school events.


Students over the age of 12 and staff must comply with the Public Health (COVID-19 Mandatory Face Coverings) Order 2021 when travelling to and from school and during school excursions by public transport, or by chartered/private transport services. We encourage our Years 5 and 6 students to wear a facemask whilst travelling on public transport even if they are under the age of 12. 

Visitors to school sites

Non-essential adults are not permitted on school grounds or at school events.

Parents and carers are not allowed on campus or at an offsite school event held during school hours except for:

All visitors must sign in with the external visitors QR Code each time they enter the campus.


From the College Psychologists

Starting Year 7 poses many new challenges, but also offers exciting opportunities. It comes with a number of mixed feelings. Unfortunately for many Year 6 students, 2020 was marred with school closures and remote learning due to the pandemic and the overall impact of this is still unknown.

For many students regular orientation activities at the end of 2020 were less than ideal. Therefore, many students may be feeling a little bit more anxious than usual about their expectations of starting Year 7. Grasping new skills and establishing new study practices can quickly become daunting and overwhelming.

During this time of transition, parents and carers need to be supportive, but also realistic in their expectations. This is an important milestone in your child’s life. There will be feelings of exhilaration, but also the fear of the unknown. Therefore it will be important for parents and carers to be vigilant in monitoring their child’s mood and mental health during this time. They could easily become overly anxious or even depressed.

In this Special Report, there are a number of strategies offered that can make this transition period smoother and start things off on the right foot! We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Your Special Report 

Key Dates 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,

In my opening address at the first assembly, I gave a warm 2021 welcome to the students and everyone in the Waverley community. I hope you have all returned refreshed from the long summer holiday break. 

At the beginning of a new year it is also important that we recognise our origins as a College, as we are very proud of our long educational history. In 1902, the eastern suburbs Franciscan Order of Priests were given a property called ‘Airmount’ from Eliza and John Barlow. ‘Airmount’ once stood on the senior campus next to the library, and there is a plaque that recognises the spot and building. 

The Franciscan Order determined ‘Airmount’ would be a suitable residential site for Waverley and the recently arrived Christian Brothers, and granted it for their use. They wanted to see a Catholic high school established in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. The Christian Brothers soon after, purchased the site next door for £850 and began building the new high school (now known as the Conlon building). 

There are no Christian Brothers on staff at Waverley anymore except retired Br Brian Murphy who welcomes students out the front of the College on Birrell Street every morning. Brian knows more students’ names than anyone else, and he previously taught at Waverley and many other EREA schools, and coached cricket and rugby to national school boys’ level. 

On 27 January, 1903, Waverley College opened for its very first day of school. 22 students started school on that day and the first student on the school register was Raymond Poulsen, aged eight. You could attend school early in those days. Raymond lived locally at 89 Cowper Street, Waverley and was the son of a musician who offered to play at College concerts. 

1903 Original School Building & first students - Conlon

1903 Original School Building & first students – Conlon

The view from the mound gave the 22 students who attended the school that year, a new outlook on their surroundings. A Catholic education in the Edmund Rice Tradition in 1903 focused on Faith, Formation and Opportunity. Opportunity to educate yourself and assist others in the community. And what a story has unfolded over that 118 years, and how blessed are we to sit here today. Blessings that have kept us flourishing for all these years. At the start of our year, it is timely to pause and give thanks for our story. It is our challenge to continue to build and live in a way that those who have come before us would want of us. 

On 29 January, 2021, 1500 students started school, and in our 118th year of service and operation, the College is the largest it has ever been. And we have four Edmund Rice touchstones to help guide our learning journey which I challenge all of you to get to know.

Our Seniors in their motto ‘Real Gratitude – Deeds not words’ also remind us to be grateful for those 118 years of tradition, and embrace the opportunities that are available to us at this great school.

Have a great start to your year Gentlemen!

Look out for each other,

And God Bless.

The all school Welcome Assembly in Term 1, 2021.

The all school Welcome Assembly in Term 1, 2021.

New Student Management System and Parent Portal – TASS 

Following a lengthy review and selection process at the start of Term 1, 2021 we will be implementing a new Student Information System called TASS. This will both provide improved access to relevant information and simplify communication methods for parents/carers whilst upgrading and consolidating older College systems.

The Student Information System is core to school operations and impacts many areas at Waverley from attendance and student reports, to finance and fees, and everything in between. As such, the process to migrate systems will take time before we have brought all features online. Change can be uncomfortable, and we ask that everyone please remain patient during this necessary transition.

Term 1 Changes for Parents

Week 4: we will provide new login credentials to the TASS Parent Portal for all parents both existing and new.

Week 6: we will retire access to the existing parent portal (SENTRAL) for existing parents. This is to allow parents to access and download any student reports they wish to retain. The College still holds copies of all students’ reports for historical purposes.

Some features of the new TASS Portal include: student timetable, fees and balances (from 15 February), attendance information, pastoral care, reports, College announcements, College calendar, updating parent details. TASS will improve how we communicate with the school community and we will review how information gets to parents as we transition to TASS. 

Term 1 Changes for Students

Weeks 1 and 2: we will issue new student ID cards for all students. This is to accommodate the change in student ID numbers due to the move to TASS. Flexischool (cashless canteen) will still work with older cards until a new one is issued. Students will access their timetable directly from EDVAL the timetable system. Information on how to access EDVAL will be emailed to students at the start of term.


Uniform Working Bee Aids School Students in Fiji!

The Fitzgerald Room was a hive of activity in December 2020, with staff, parent, and student volunteers unpacking, packing, and boxing pre-loved and new Waverley uniforms to send to Fiji. Together we collected much-needed shirts, blazers, ties, shorts, jumpers, and socks to be reused, which left Australia in a shipping container during the holiday break. We are pleased to report that we sent 21,452 items to Fiji.

Volunteers kindly helping to sort through the uniform items.

Volunteers kindly helping to sort through the uniform items.

In December 2020 our Pacific neighbours were victims of a storm which by 13 December culminated in category-five severe Tropical Cyclone Yasa. It tore across Fiji destroying buildings, farms, and village homes, cutting off access to food and water for many people. Waverley College has been working with the Lewa Ni Nabua Miriama Kunavula Foundation to donate the clothing to Navosa Central College. The College educates day and boarding students, and is situated in a remote location deep in the Fijian interior, only recently having electricity connected. As a result of the massive generosity, it is expected that Miriama Kunavula Foundation will also share the donated items amongst neighbouring school communities and also in the most affected schools in Vanua Levu post-Tropical Cyclone Yasa.

Boxes filled with pre-loved and new uniform.

Boxes filled with pre-loved and new uniform.

Waverley is also delighted that the plastic wrappers and clips from the new uniform packaging will be repurposed by our Ecology Group in their ECObrick Project, inspired by both the Timor-Leste Immersion and the creation of awareness around single-use plastics. Sincere thanks to the tireless volunteers who helped unpack and pack uniforms, and especially the incredible work of Lara Barclay (Year 6 parent, Adaptation Environmental Support) and especially Roy Pereira (Year 6 parent, Logistics Coordinator) who spearheaded this worthy project, and put a great deal of effort into co-ordinating the shipping. Thanks also to Parents’ Association Presidents Jade Stapleton (2021) and Mary Ramsay (2018-2020), and Kirsten Hott and Camille Owen (Second Hand Clothing Pool Representatives).

One of the shipment containers filled with the pre-loved and new uniforms for schools in Fiji.

One of the shipment containers filled with the pre-loved and new uniforms for schools in Fiji.

Two shipment containers filled with the pre-loved and new uniform on their way to Fiji.

Two shipment containers filled with the pre-loved and new uniform on their way to Fiji.


Building Works and Teaching and Learning

I’m excited to share holiday news of the revitalisation of our Junior and Senior School learning spaces, how we are empowering our students via our Teaching and Learning Framework and S.M.A.R.T Goals, as well as an invaluable HSC resource for our current Year 12 students. For more information on the changes please see Ms Gabrielle Smith’s Teaching and Learning report.

New Kenny classrooms

New Kenny classrooms

New Kenny classrooms

New Kenny classrooms


Student Achievements

Congratulations to the following boys on some great achievements:

NSW CIS Tennis Trials 

Congratulations to the following boys who have been selected to represent CAS at the NSWCIS Tennis Trials;

Roger Sweeney 

Nikita Nikitenko 

CAS Cricket

Congratulations to the following boys who have been selected on the following CAS Cricket teams;

Hirav Gandhi –  16s CAS Cricket team 

Maxim Brooks –  16s CAS Cricket team 

Harry Schultz – CAS open cricket team 

NSW Hockey Team Selection 

Kai Jones 


Old Boy News

Running for Lymphatic Cancer 

On Saturday, 20th February Joseph Simonella, Class of 2020, will attempt to run a 117.8km ultra-marathon raising awareness and funds for lymphatic cancer. Joe will be running in honour of Gary Kennedy’s wife, Isabella Kennedy, who sadly passed away in 2020. His extraordinary journey will begin at Bondi Beach from where he’ll make his way up to Palm Beach, and then back again along the same path.

Joe is aiming to finish the ultra-marathon in under 16 hours and he has invited anyone who would like to run the last 7km to join him from Hyde Park back to Bondi Beach.

Click on the link below to find out more about Joe’s challenge and how you can help support him and this great cause:

Joseph Simonella training for the 117.8km ultra-marathon in aid of lymphatic cancer.

Joseph Simonella training for the 117.8km ultra-marathon in aid of lymphatic cancer.

Flickerfest Film – Daniel Pomes

Congratulations to Year 12 2020 graduate Daniel Pomes, whose Industrial Technology – Multimedia HSC Major Work was selected for Flickerfest. Daniel’s short film incorporates film, 2D animation, 3D animation, and visual effects, and was screened on Saturday 30 January at the Bondi Pavilion. 

Daniel Pomes at Flickerfest

Daniel Pomes at Flickerfest

Acceptance to AFTRS – Barney Wilson

Congratulations to Barney Wilson of Year 12, 2020 for his acceptance to The Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) in their Bachelor of Fine Arts: Screen Production course. (BASP). Being accepted to AFTRS is a great achievement and reflects Barney’s skills and capabilities as a young film maker, shown throughout last year in his production and filming of his Visual Arts major work ‘A Metaphor of the Mind’. We wish him luck in his exciting years of learning ahead and look forward to seeing his work on the big screen in the near future.

Barney Wilson 'A Metaphor of the Mind'

Barney Wilson ‘A Metaphor of the Mind’


Heads of House Performance Reviews 

We are constantly seeking ways to improve the education delivered to our students. One way to do this is by evaluating the performance of our staff. 

We conduct Performance Reviews on our senior members of staff, to assist in delivering meaningful feedback and ensure that they perform at their best, both in terms of their teaching, general behaviours, and pastoral care. 

Feedback for performance reviews is currently sought from the College Leadership Team, a person’s immediate manager, and their peers. We feel that it is important to hear the voice of our students as part of this process, and would like to include them as part of the review.  We would randomly select a number of students, and then forward them a short survey via email, which would typically take no more than 5 – 10 minutes to complete. The survey is conducted by an external company and is completely confidential. 

For 2021, we are continuing our reviews on our Heads of House. This means that we will be selecting 30 students from each relevant House to assist. 

If you do not want your son to participate in this program, could you please advise us via an email to by Friday 12 February.  We will then remove his name from our randomised list. 

Thank you for your ongoing support of our teachers and staff.

From Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby

A big welcome back to 2021 and a very warm welcome to our new families who have joined Waverley this year. I am very excited to continue in the position of Acting Director of the Junior School for 2021. We have already had such a busy start to the year!

It was so lovely welcoming our new Year 5 students and parents last Thursday. You could feel the excitement in the air and see it on the boys’ faces. This week the boys were involved in Sports Trials for the upcoming summer season. This is always a highlight of the year for the boys as they meet new friends and enjoy being active. 

We welcome three new classroom teachers to the Junior School this year. Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie as a Year 5 classroom teacher, and Mr Matthew Johnston and Thomas Olds as Year 6 classroom teachers. Ms Tracie Ryan will be working two days a week in an Executive release role. 

We also welcome back Ms Katia Iturrieta who will be working three days a week, taking on the full-time role as the Spanish teacher and executive release, as well as Jack Wachtel who is our Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5 -8). 


Thank you to all the parents who offered to volunteer in our canteen for Term 1. It is very much appreciated as we rely so heavily on our families to continue this service. If you haven’t signed up and would like to volunteer please follow this link: canteen

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events please refer to the College Calendar.

Junior School students in the new PDHPE uniform, with their new fur friend.

Junior School students in the new PDHPE uniform, with their new fur friend.

Junior School Communication

All communication regarding news, updates, events and social information will be delivered through the fortnightly newsletter Nurrunga (Junior School section), and SkoolBag app. 

Nurrunga Newsletter

Nurrunga is the fortnightly College newsletter. It provides information and dates for important events around the school, and a weekly update from the Principal and College Leadership Team, including myself. Parents are recommended to check Nurrunga when the link is emailed to them on Thursdays, fortnightly, during term time. The link will also be shared via the Skoolbag app. 

SkoolBag App

SkoolBag is a school mobile app that communicates directly with iPhone and Android devices. It provides all school users with instant “push” notifications and alerts to their mobile devices. The SkoolBag app is free to download and can easily be installed from the Apple Apps store or Google Play by searching for ‘Waverley College’ and installing. For information about SkoolBag and how to download the app visit this link

We use SkoolBag app in the Junior School on a regular basis to inform you of:


Parents are requested to provide an email address upon enrolment and to always keep this up to date by informing the Junior School Reception whenever there is a change. Email is an important means of communicating with teachers and administration. Most email addresses you will need can be found on the College website on the tab ‘Contact Us’. Class teachers will use email regularly to contact you and it is also used for the College newsletter and for alerts and notices. 

College Website

The College website provides a great deal of information about the school such as news, events, contacts, subject information, policy documents, cyber safety, sports fixtures and the college calendar. Please follow this link to visit the College website

Junior School students playing a game of basketball. 

Junior School students playing a game of basketball.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Formal Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 15th July after you have received your son’s Semester One school report. This week, you will receive a parent questionnaire via email. Please fill this out in order to inform the classroom teacher on how to best support your son this year. If you have information you feel would be beneficial to discuss with your teacher in person please do not hesitate to contact them to arrange a meeting. You will find all Junior school contacts in the link below:

Please follow this link to see Junior School Staff.

News from the Learning Hub – Natasha Zivanovic

Home Learning Club

We offer all students in Years 5 and 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm-4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term, unless there is a scheduled Staff Meeting that all staff members are required to attend.  

For more information regarding the Home Learning Policy refer to pages 45-48  in the student diary. 


Register your son via the Skoolbag app and follow this link. The Home Learning Club will begin in Week 3 on Tuesday.  The link is activated at the end of each week. 

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots.

There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.

Try to avoid calling or messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


Monday & Wednesday

Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Tuesday & Thursday

Mr Matt Ryan 

Junior School 2021

Junior School 2021

Jack Wachtel Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5 -8)

Sports and Swimming Trials

This week our students in both Years 5 and 6 have actively participated in Sports and Swimming Trials. Students were given the opportunity to try out for the sports that most interest them according to their selected preferences. It also allowed students to test their swimming skills in the 50m freestyle stroke before the Swimming Carnival in Week 3A on Friday 12 February.

Teachers and Coaches worked extremely hard to organise and deliver engaging sessions for our boys on Monday and Tuesday this week. Managing 311 students across five sports has made selections for teams challenging and also rewarding. It has been fantastic to see students’ level of enthusiasm and desire to try their absolute best across all sports for both days. Some students were not selected in their first or second preference for this Summer Season, and unfortunately this was unavoidable. Students are reminded that regardless of the team they’re placed in or if they miss their preference, there is always room to grow and improve throughout the season and years ahead. 

The Swimming Trials were successfully undertaken on Tuesday morning, thankfully with the weather looking after us. The trials allow us to see students’ swimming abilities before the Swimming Carnival. The results will enable us to place students in even swimming groups for the carnival, allowing them to participate in multiple events throughout the day. 


From Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith

Teaching and Learning Spaces – Holiday Refurbishments

While students and teachers were on their 2021 January summer holidays, builders and landscape gardeners were diligently transforming teaching and learning spaces across the College ensuring our students continue to have the best possible learning opportunities.

Junior School Campus

An enormous amount of work was focused on the site of the former Waterford Preschool. The magnificent site commands views of the Pacific Ocean and its internal space is now repurposed as a state-of-the-art transparent, visible learning space. The space opens onto a Softfall wetpour rubber playground, facilitating an additional learning breakout space for outdoor furniture and possible future play equipment. 

Fences and two palm trees were removed so that the playground outside this learning space now links with the Junior School playground in one fluid architectural relationship. Students can now seamlessly move from the north end of the playground to the ball area of the COLA at the south. The increased outdoor space was a priority to strengthen the work that was taking place to support the mental well-being, overall health and cognitive development of the boys.

Senior School Campus

Throughout 2020 the English department collaboratively designed new learning spaces for their classrooms and throughout the break they were transformed into more flexible, comfortable and collaborative learning spaces that support contemporary and innovative practice. It is these collaborative classroom environments that allow students to engage in social activities that are common in school and beyond. Collaborating with partners on projects, discussing diverse perspectives, and promoting student-faculty interactions are benefits that can only occur in collaborative classrooms. In 2021 we are excited to see how the boys respond to the 11 new English spaces.

New Kenny Classroom

Students busy working inside one of the new classrooms in the Kenny Building.

Teaching and Learning Framework

As we move into 2021, we continue as a College to be guided by our Teaching and Learning Framework when making decisions around best practices for our staff and students. Our framework encompasses Visible Learning, Dynamic Learning and Lifelong Learning with strategies embedded to develop resilient learners who set SMART goals and embrace a growth mindset. A framework which encourages our students to be active, curious, critical and reflective learners rather than passive receptors of information. This framework enables us to move our students through to the higher-order levels of thinking of analyse, create, evaluate and predict. 

To familiarise yourself with the Framework: click here.

New Kenny classrooms

Collaborating in the new Kenny classrooms.

S.M.A.R.T Goals

S.M.A.R.T goals ensure that students set themselves up for success by making goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. The SMART method helps push you further, gives you a sense of direction, and helps you organize and reach your goals. I encourage you to talk to your sons about the goals they’re setting for themselves with their mentor, and take a look at the Term 1 S.M.A.R.T goals template on page 59 of the school diary.

New Kenny classrooms

Resilient learners in the new Kenny classrooms.

2020 HSC: What did the markers say?

Please follow the link for a valuable resource for 2021 students. This document provides feedback on the 2020 HSC examinations and includes:

New Kenny classrooms

Visible learning in the new Kenny classrooms.