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Students who need a new or replacement School Opal card or travel pass for 2024 can apply now.

Click here to view information about 2024 school travel applications

 Letz Live Gap Year Presentation

Waverley College students are invited to a free information session to learn more about a Gap Year abroad in 2024 or 2025.

Gap Year Programmes include:

When: Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 6pm-7pm

Where: Cranbrook School, 5 Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill.

Numbers are limited for this evening presentation, so there is an event registration for students to secure a free place.

If students are bringing their parents/carers, please ensure they register for the correct amount of tickets.

Click here to register

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here to view the Term 4 Week 2 Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Click here to view the fixtures, training schedules and maps

Summer Co-curricular Captains and 1sts Teams

This week we celebrated the presentation of the Summer Co-curricular Captains and 1sts Teams. Waverley College has a broad program that enables students to demonstrate their strengths in both cultural and sporting pursuits. All of the College’s activities are highly valued and need to be supported.

Well done to the following students on their selections and appointments:

1st IV Tennis

1st XI Cricket

1st V Basketball

1sts Water Polo

1sts Touch Football

Best Wishes for this Weekend

We have our first full round this weekend with a number of teams already also completing their first round last weekend.

Our 1st XI Cricket had a great away win against Barker with Aarush Suni taking 5/25, and our 2nd XI Cricket also securing a famous last ball victory.

Best wishes to all activities this weekend.

Macquarie University and UTS in partnership with InspirationED will present free November Kickstart Seminars.

Highly experienced HSC markers and qualified counsellors will deliver two Sunday sessions:

Register now.

Click here to view the flyer

Click here to register

On Saturday, 28 October 2023, 40 lucky cadets are travelling to Holsworthy Army Base for a Live Shoot run by HQ AAC 2nd Brigade. I know all our candidates are really looking forward to this extraordinary opportunity. Earlier in the day, Randwick Barracks are holding an Open Day for the general public from 9am-12pm which would be a great adjunct to the afternoon’s activity. Please see the details below.

Over the course of this Term, all cadets will be swim tested in their DPCU cadet uniform in preparation for AFX. This is a pre-requisite to being able to participate in any water activities on camp. Please keep an eye on the Routine Orders from week to week to see when your son needs to complete this and ensure they come to school with their PE uniform and towel in a plastic bag.

Randwick Barracks Open Day

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award continues at the College, with many students on track towards completing their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards respectively.

Compulsory lunchtime meetings are currently being held for all students involved with the Award. Boys in Year 8 are invited to attend these meetings along with any other students who would like to express their interest.

Paramount to the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, is individual ownership and responsibility towards achieving goals in a skill, physical activity and voluntary service. The onus will be on the gentlemen to ensure they are meeting the expectations and demands associated with completing their Award, utilising the many resources available to them through the College.

Lunchtime Meetings

Please take note of a change of venue for lunchtime meetings, with HSC exams now taking place in the Fitzgerald Room.


Mr Horry or Ms McLarnon

Term 4

Week 3 – Monday, 23 October – Sunday, 29 October 2023


November 2023


December 2023


 February 2024


March 2024

Welcome back 

I wish all students a successful and enjoyable Term 4. Term 4 always moves very quickly, please ensure your son hits the ground running, and is well organised for upcoming assessments, and gets into a good study routine early. Finishing the year strongly should be his goal. We offer special prayers and wishes for our Year 12s who started their HSC examinations on Wednesday this week.

Our thoughts and prayers are particularly with the Jewish and Palestinian communities this week, along with those in Ukraine and Afghanistan (earthquake) and the many other countries where the horrors of war are being created. The images of the brutality and murders carried out by Hamas, a recognised terrorist organisation, is beyond understanding. Our community is mourning for all the lives already lost and will continue to pray for those being held in captivity. Please monitor closely your children’s social media use and be aware that they may stumble across incredibly distressing content.

The Indigenous Voice 

There are various opinions on the Voice and the referendum, with legal experts, politicians, political parties, Indigenous Australians, Non-Indigenous Australians, and other organisations both in support and opposition. At a recent College Assembly we unpacked the main characteristics of both the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns that Australians over the age of 18 are being asked to vote on this Saturday in the 45th Referendum. 

It is good to be able to always have an understanding of different and varied perspectives before formulating your own. Being able to respect differences of opinion and perspective is an important part of living in a democracy and an important trait we want our students to be capable of. The ability to find compromise and negotiate one’s position is also an invaluable trait. It is also important to be able to stand up for what you believe in and articulate this respectfully. 

As an EREA school in the Edmund Rice tradition the College’s values align with supporting the Yes campaign. EREA endorses the Uluru Statement from the Heart and sees it as an invitation to the Australian people from First Nations Australians to walk together to build a better future. We accept this invitation and urge all across Australia to do so as a critical step towards Reconciliation. 

We stand in solidarity, alongside our First Nations peoples, in their calls for a Voice and acknowledgement enshrined in the Australian Constitution. We believe that our future as a nation must be based on justice and liberation and that our First Nations peoples are entitled to the democratic right to have a voice in decisions that affect them. The establishment of a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution, and the establishment of a Makarrata Commission for the purpose of truth-telling is at the centre of this justice.

Science & Innovation Centre 

We’re thrilled to present to you a virtual tour of the Waverley College Science & Innovation Centre. This innovative facility is a key component of the College’s larger masterplan for site development. The facility will provide the College with 12 state-of-the-art Science laboratories, one specialised Marine Studies lab, one Engineering laboratory, preparation rooms and storage facilities.

In the coming weeks, the Foundation will be reaching out to the Waverley Community, seeking your invaluable support to turn our project into a reality.

Your assistance is crucial to our success, and we encourage you to connect with our Foundation Officer, Mr Billy Nicolas, at for additional information.



2023 Immersions

I would like to thank the Staff and Students who attended the following immersions during the holidays. You can read more about our 2023 Immersion Program in the upcoming edition of Wavelength, our alumni magazine.

EREA Let’s Talk Indigenous Immersion 

Staff – Ms Helen Chia, Mr Tom Kennedy, Mr Angus McPherson 

Students – Sam Brader, Max McKenzie, Luca Passicot, Oscar Passicot, Marcus Kastrissios, Henry Whitehouse, Finn McCarthy, Campbell Porteus, Dominic Rutter, Mark Rede

Fiji Immersion

Staff – Ms Holly Medcalf, Mr Kyle Newbury, Ms Sue Walsh

Students – Jack Anasson, James Birbas, Eden Byrd, Remy Frampton, Jack Kearney, Henry Kidd, Ben Ledingham, Angus MacDougall, Oliver Malzard, Ewan McDonald, Lachlan Miranda, Joseph Packington, Lucas Ryan, Nathaniel Smith, Charles Thompson-Owens, Joseph Vonwiller, William Whitaker

Manchester City Trophies

Manchester City Football Club’s global ‘Treble Trophy Tour’ made a special visit to Waverley College in Sydney on Wednesday. The historic treble-winning trophy set, comprising the Premier League trophy, FA Cup, and UEFA Champions League trophy, landed at the school’s Birrell St campus and was greeted by enthusiastic students and staff.

Mancity Trophy Tour

Mancity Trophy Tour

Mancity Trophy Tour

Mancity Trophy Tour

Congratulations Cameron Reed, NSW Hockey

Over the holidays Cameron represented NSW in the U13 Boys Hockey National Champs. Cameron played 11 games and scored two goals over a week of competition with his team coming 3rd against some very strong opposition.

Cameron Reed (Year 7) NSW rep U13 Boys Hockey National Championships

A big welcome back to all our Waverley College families. I hope the break gave you a chance to slow down and spend quality time with your family. We are back in full swing and excited for the Term ahead.

Just a reminder that students no longer require a blazer in Term 4, except for special events. I have noticed some haircuts that do not align with the College Haircut policy, which can be found on page 25 of the school diary. If your son has been asked to have his hair rectified, please have this done by Monday Week 2.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 4 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023

ICAS Assessments 2023 

Congratulations to all the students who participated in ICAS Assessments. A special congratulations to the following students who received a credit or above in Writing. 

Year 5

Year 6


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of Junior School


Summer Co-Curricular Re-Commencement 

Round 7 Sport (Saturday, 14 October 2023)

I hope all families have enjoyed a nice and lengthy break from sport since Term 3. It is great to be back enjoying summer co-curricular as the weather begins to warm up and daylight saving has begun.

Please click the button below to view the sports fixture for Round 7 this Saturday, 14 October. All adjustments to times and venues have been noted in red, please take note carefully.

Click here to view the Junior School Sports Fixtures and Season Draw

Best of luck to all teams this weekend returning to summer sport.

Junior School Cricket Batting Club

We are excited to announce Junior School students will have access this Term to Friday morning cricket batting sessions with external coaching in the Senior School College nets between 7am-8:15am.

The sessions will be run by 1st Grade cricketer and Waverley Old Boy, Mac Jenkins and his experienced coaches. The sessions will provide students with the opportunity to improve their batting through skills and drills.

Batting Club is a service currently offered to Senior School students Monday-Thursday, with the invitation now being extended to Junior School cricketers wanting to improve their batting.

Please express your interest by clicking the button below. Spaces are limited, so please get in early.

Click here to complete the Batting Club sign up form

Crickets Nets forming a section of the Multipurpose Courts

Cricket Nets

External Sporting Achievements

On the back of a successful NBA Basketball Hoops Invitational for our Waverley team in Term 3, there were three students selected as part of the NBA schools representative holiday camp. This brought all the strongest and highest performing players together from the invitational tournament.

Hunter Bligh, Cruz Peralta and Remy Garvey were selected to attend the NBA camp. They again performed at an extremely high standard and we’re proud of their involvement.

Congratulations to Hunter, who received the most coachable player award at the camp.

NBA Basketball Hoops Invitational, NBA Camp

NBA Basketball Hoops Invitational, NBA Camp


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular Years 5-8


Term 4 Week 2 – Home Learning

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Junior School


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Running Club

This Term Running Club will continue to operate on Mondays at lunchtime. 

There will be two options for boys to choose:

Boys will be presented with a series of running challenges with the aim of improving their cardiovascular endurance in preparation for the 2024 Winter Sport Season.

Please note:

Should you have any questions about Running Club this Term, please do not hesitate to email Mr McKimm

Every week, Junior School students and staff run together at Waverley Park as part of the Running Club to support mental health and fitness goals. Everyone is welcome!

Cricket Club

This Term we are pleased to announce that Wednesday Cricket sessions will continue at lunchtimes.

Mr McKimm will facilitate these sessions.

Should you wish to participate, families must register their son by clicking the button below.

Click here to register your son

Sessions are limited to 20 students and anybody wishing to bat, should bring their own kit.

These sessions are a great opportunity for students who already play cricket, to have an extra training session in their week.


Mr Elliott McKimm

Running and Cricket Club

Welcome back to Term 4, it has been wonderful seeing the students return with energy and enthusiasm.

Updated ICT Policy 

I want to thank the community for their support in regards to our updated ICT policy. The students have been respectful in understanding and responding to the ban on mobile phones. We know for some students this has caused some angst, and we are here to work with them as we move through this change. I have included our updated ICT policy to clarify any questions or concerns you might still have.

Click here to view the Responsible Use of Technology Policy

Year 12 Study Lounge

Our new Year 12 study lounge opened to our students this week as they complete their HSC. At the commencement of Week 4, we very much look forward to welcoming our new Year 12 cohort into the space.

This area is especially assigned for Year 12 to engage in private study and collaborate with their peers.

During recess and lunch it will be a time for study as well as social engagement. During home study periods, as well as before and after school, we encourage students to use the time to study in this space. 

Year 12 Study Lounge 2023

Year 12 Study Lounge 2023


This is a reminder that the pool is open throughout Term 4 for any students who would like to swim at lunchtime. 

Concerning Social Media Activity 

It has been brought to our attention that there is a circulation of graphic content on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, including hostage videos associated with groups like Hamas. It is concerning how easily this content makes its way onto the screens of our children.

We would like to emphasise that what our children see on the Internet cannot be unseen, and exposure to such disturbing content can have lasting effects on their emotional and psychological wellbeing.

To address this issue, we strongly urge you to take proactive measures to monitor and guide your child’s social media use in the coming days and beyond.

If you need any support or guidance please reach out to our College Psychologists. Their contact details are at the bottom of this page.

TikTok image

TikTok Deep Dive

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms among young people around the world. You’ve probably heard of its fun choreographed videos and many viral trends, but do you know how to enable the platform’s parental controls and what its age recommendation is? Find out inside our Online Safety Hub by clicking the button below.

Click here to view our Online Safety Hub

Uniform and Appearance

It has been fantastic to see most students have returned adhering to the rules and expectations in regards to uniform and appearance. Throughout next week we will be focusing on ensuring the students are adhering to these rules and expectations. This includes appropriate hairstyles and correct school shoes. If your son is not currently placed within these guidelines please ensure this is rectified over the weekend. 


Students who fail to meet the above standards, may be subject to a range of disciplinary consequences, including but not limited to being removed from class or being sent home, to return to the College once the breach has been addressed.


Standard black leather lace-up shoes are the only acceptable footwear except during sport. No suede or branded shoes ie: Nike, New Balance or ASIC etc. Shoes must be of a leather type that can be polished to a shine. Shoes with coloured stitching or other embellishments such as buckles are not acceptable. Boots of any type are not permissible.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing


Creating Routines for Term 4

Welcome back to the last Term of 2023. The start of a new Term often brings a change in routine from holidays, which may have been filled with nice, long sleep ins and days spent at the beach. It can take a little while for us to readjust to coming back to school, given that school is quite structured in comparison.

School requires us to arrive on time, listen and concentrate in class, participate in co-curricular activities, and soon enough begin assessment tasks. This sudden shift can create quite a shock for our brains which tend to like keeping things the same. If you notice it takes a few weeks to get back into the groove of school, this is very normal (and can even be expected). Something that we can do early in the Term to help our brains with the school structure is to create a routine to gently build consistency back into our days.

Creating Routines

When our daily activities are predictable and familiar, we may feel more confident, secure, and in control of our environments. One small but significant routine to take a closer look at are our morning and night routines. The more emphasis we place on our sleep and wake routines, the more likely our brains and bodies will get quality rest which may increase our mood, motivation, and overall wellbeing.

You might like to create a small check list of things to do before bed (e.g., switch off technology at a certain time, have a warm shower, pack your school bag, lay out your uniform, read a chapter of a book), and things to do when you wake up (e.g., take the dog for a walk, make a nutritionally dense meal, wash your face, leave for school at a certain time). The more consistent we are with routines, the more likely the routine will stick. Start small and don’t over complicate it. Soon enough, it will become a habit and something that comes a little easier to us. Our brains will know what to expect and may make the transition back to school a little easier.

Psychology Services are available for students at Waverley College to help with creating routines as well as to receive support in all areas of life (stress, low mood, difficulties at home, etc.). Feel free to reach out to the Wellbeing Team or your Head of House for further information.

Psychology Team

Junior School Psychologists

Senior School Psychologists

Image: courtesy The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Image: courtesy The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Staff Professional Learning

“Teachers work together – propelled and critically challenged by expert input, to learn, shape and strengthen teaching practice for ongoing student progress and achievement.” – The High Impact Professional Learning Model.

Click here to view information about The High Impact Professional Learning Model

At the end of Term 3 and the start of Term 4, we continued our provision of quality professional learning during the staff professional learning days. Waverley College certainly recognises the value of expert teachers working together for the benefit of our students.

We dedicated some time during the Professional Learning days for teams to collaborate in faculties to continue the work we are doing to prepare for curriculum reform – particularly with new syllabuses in English, Mathematics, Geography, Languages and Technologies – and the strategic priority areas of Deep Learning, Writer’s Toolbox, Data Analytics, Literacy and Formative Task Design.

Below is a snapshot of some of the other ways our staff shared their expertise with colleagues during these sessions.

Your Influence – What’s Driving your Motivation, Passion and Purpose?

Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun delivered a workshop on what drives our motivation, and shared her expertise and current research on Motivation 3.0 in 21st Century workplaces on the importance of autonomy, mastery and purpose as key drivers.

Specifically, she defined autonomy as having control over what we do and how we do it, mastery as the desire to improve, and purpose as understanding the ‘why’ as much as the ‘how’. Teachers reflected on what gives them energy and joy in their work and considered this in terms of how to motivate the students in their care.

ySafe – Cyber Safety Presentation

“ySafe’s holistic and engaging cyber safety programs and services equip school communities to thrive in the online world.” – ySafe.

Click here to view more information about ySafe

As a part of the College’s proactive stance in working with our community to navigate the benefits and challenges of the digital world, all staff participated in a session with one of our expert partners, ySafe. The session served to upskill our teachers regarding the range of social media platforms that our students may be using, and the risks associated with them.

We explored an overview of the current digital landscape and developed some strategies for encouraging students to think critically about online information that they access. It was really validating to know that the work we are currently doing, such as the Year 7 program we have developed to teach students how to use Artificial Software with integrity (outlined by Mr William Roberts in the Nurrunga article below), is an example of how we can proactively work with students in the digital world.

Click here to view the Nurrunga article by Mr Roberts

First Aid Training

We need to ensure that our school remains a safe place for our students both on campus and during excursions. To this end, a team of staff delivered a series of rotational First Aid sessions to ensure that all are up-to-date with First Aid Training. It was really helpful for colleagues to share their expertise with their peers and to have this delivered in such a professional and practical way.


Ms Lynsey Porter

(Acting) Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

ICAS Science and English Results

Congratulations to all students who took part in the English and Science ICAS assessments last Term. There were a total of 22 students who sat the English test and 27 who sat the Science test across Year 7 to Year 10. 

Highlights of the Results from the Science Assessment

The following students achieved a Merit, meaning they achieved within the top 50% of all students across Australia sitting the test in their year group: 

The following students achieved a Credit, meaning they achieved within the top 35% of all students across Australia sitting the test in their year group: 

Special Mentions

Special mentions to Cillian Donnelly (Year 10) and Liam Murray (Year 7).

Cillian achieved a Distinction in the Year 10 ICAS Science assessment meaning that he was within the top 10% of students in Australia sitting this test in Year 10.

Liam achieved a High Distinction in the Year 7 ICAS Science assessment. This means that Liam was in the top 1% of all students in Australia who sat this test in Year 7.

Congratulations, Cillian and Liam!

Highlights of the Results from the English Assessment

The following students achieved a Merit in English:

Students who received a Credit in English included:

2023 ICAS flyer

How to Access Your Child’s Results

Parents/carers can log in to the ICAS portal to access their child’s results using their individual TAP-ID and PIN which has been sent to them by ICAS and can be found on the ICAS certificate.

The portal breaks the test down further into different sections which will give an interesting insight into different areas of strength and weakness.

Click the button below for more information.

Click here for more information

Well done to all students who took part, we look forward to you all testing your Scientific and English skills even further next year!


Ms Emily Pace and Ms Andrea Fernandez

Assistant Head of Science and Head of English