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Important Dates

Friday, 8 September is the final Unit Training for Term 3. We thank our recruits for an excellent start to their Cadet journey and for their enthusiasm for Bivouac, which will give some context to their training between now and AFX in 2024.

The first training back in Term 4 will be Friday, 13 October. Dress for recruits will be Summer Field – DPCU shirt sleeves down, DPCU trousers bloused, field hat (essential), undershirt (optional).

CAS Milskills 2023

We wish our CAS Milskills Team all the best for their final preparations and for their competition against Barker, Knox, St Aloysius’ and Trinity on Saturday, 14 October. Thank you to WO2 Lachlan Isaac and SGT Rohan Baker for their excellent leadership in running the Milskills training sessions.

AAC Live Fire

Those who were invited to express interest in the AAC Live Fire on Saturday, 28 October will receive a permission slip this week. Please ensure these are returned quickly to lock in our numbers for this exciting opportunity.

Legacy Day

Thank you to the WCACU community for supporting our Legacy Day fundraising. The boys raised over $900 to this worthy cause and we thank them for their service in the cold wind tunnels around Bondi and Waverley on Friday morning.

Career Path Opportunities at Harry the Hirer in Botany, Sydney

‘Harry the Hirer’ are one of Australia’s largest event infrastructure and exhibition hire providers.

They are seeking high school leavers who would like an opportunity to work on major exhibitions and events around Australia.

They are based in Botany, Sydney. They also have a small team in Queensland and their head office is in Melbourne.

If you are currently completing your Year 12 HSC and are wanting a career path within the industry, or are unsure of what your next steps are and keen to get into the workforce and learn some new skill sets, please click the buttons below for more information.

Click here to view the flyer

Click here to view the flyer

Click the button below to view a one-minute time lapse video of their recent Adidas Highline build for the FIFA Women’s World Cup.

Click here to view the video

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here to view the Week 8 Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Students of the World Ecology Group Collaborate With Students in South Africa

As Pope Francis highlighted “[e]veryone’s talents and involvement are needed to redress the damage caused by human abuse of God’s creation. All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.”

The Students of the World Ecology Group (SOTWEG) are trying to do just that. They are doing everything they can to protect our planet, environmentally and ethically. They are doing the heavy lifting as well as encouraging their peers to do the same. It’s not a small task but they are up for the challenge.

SOTWEG has been busy discussing issues on a weekly basis, every Tuesday lunchtime in Conlon C13 for those who would like to join us. They have been attending conferences to network with other passionate individuals, we are even collaborating with Christian Brothers’ College in Boksburg, South Africa!

Global classroom: collaborating with Christian Brothers’ College in Boksburg, South Africa

Global classroom: collaborating with Christian Brothers’ College in Boksburg, South Africa

Collaborating with Christian Brothers’ College in Boksburg, South Africa

Collaborating with Christian Brothers’ College in Boksburg, South Africa

Some key initiatives of SOTWEG include combating littering issues on school grounds, saving water and creating native gardens. As we tackle these issues, we will look to contribute to ethical topics also such as homelessness, modern slavery, and equality.

We encourage our wider community to get involved. If you would like to know how you can be part of this cause, please feel free to contact Ms Silvia Baylie directly.

Below are some snapshots from recent events, including some thoughts from our students.

Eco Conference at Edmund Rice College, West Wollongong

Students attended a conference where they networked with other schools, but they also facilitated a workshop that was very well received. Our passion for ecology was further fuelled by listening to Waverley College Old Boy, Costa Georgiadis (Class of 1980) (Gardening Australia host, Silver Logie Winner, landscape architect and environmental educator).

2023 Eco Conference at Edmund Rice College West Wollongong - SOTWEG group with Costa Georgiadis (Class of 1980)

“The conference was extremely insightful and collaborative. We gained a variety of ideas from other schools to utilise in the future, as well as action plans to use as a path to implement them. However, something I believe was further instilled in us – passion – by Costa Georgiadis in a powerful and incredibly engaging way. Ultimately, the conference instilled a plethora of ideas for future initiatives at Waverley and ignited a spark of collaboration between Edmund Rice Schools. A true highlight of the year so far!” – Kayden Baker

2023 Eco Conference at Edmund Rice College West Wollongong - SOTWEG group and collaborators

“I had the pleasure of going to Edmund Rice College in Wollongong for the Eco ERC Sustainability Conference. The first session was an introduction of all the schools. Every school presented a three minute video about the initiatives they run. It was interesting to see how different schools focused on different areas of sustainability — litter, waste, water, climate change, recycling. The second session was a brainstorming session. Each school made a mindmap of different ways they could reduce waste in the school grounds, and presented it to the other schools. Some ideas were unrealistic and unhelpful, but they led to discussion that led to a good idea. The third session was a presentation by Gardening Australia’s Costa Georgiadis. He was a really engaging speaker and made me reflect on the best ways to enact change, and how to care for the planet while considering the next seven generations. Another highlight was the sing-along on the bus ride home. “ – James Peate

Eco Conference at Edmund Rice College, West Wollongong

Eco Conference at Edmund Rice College, West Wollongong

There were two initiatives that came out of the littering workshop that could work. More planning and design required but definitely potential! Here’s a short clip of James Peate talking about them.



Waste Management Audit

We have a lot of work here! Stop the littering in the first instance and then let’s recycle correctly!

SOTWEG 2023 Waste Audit

SOTWEG 2023 Waste Audit

Recycling Expired Rapid Antigen Test Kits

Instead of throwing everything into landfill, the students separated what could be recycled.

SOTWEG recycling RATS

SOTWEG recycling RATs

Energy Saving Initiative Signage

These signs have been installed in all of our rooms to help give everyone a friendly reminder to turn everything off as they leave the space.

SOTWEG Turn Off Everything

Remember, all of us can make a difference. Small acts, large impacts.


Ms Silvia Baylie

Engineering and Science Educator, Ecology Coordinator

Farewell to Year 12

Saying goodbye to the Class of 2023’s Year 12 students will be our main focus next week as it marks their last week with us. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to reflect on their journey before they take a well-deserved break, preparing for the HSC or pursuing their future endeavours, particularly for the HSC Vocational students.

Congratulations on reaching the end of Year 12 and your secondary school life. You have come through a unique couple of years, displaying incredible optimism and resilience. 

The events for next week;

Year 12 Final Exams 

As Year 12 students approach their final exams, they grapple with a multitude of stressors, including the pressure to excel, the fear of failure, an overwhelming academic workload, and the uncertainty that looms on the horizon. 

In Daniel Merza’s latest article Coping with Exam Stress – A Parent’s Guide, he shares 10 quick tips for parents/carers to help their child manage stress heading into their final exams, avoid distress, and finish Year 12 with tenacity, optimism and empowerment.

Click here to view the 10 tips for parents/carers

Year 12 Important Notice

Year 12 have been reminded that ‘muck up day’ activities are not permitted as they conclude their journey at Waverley College. If students are found to be attending any parks or public spaces, Graduation events will be cancelled for individuals and groups of students. 

Students have also been asked to ensure their uniform and appearance is in line with College expectations.

Students need to adhere to the haircut policy in particular, or they will not be called out and recognised at the Graduation Mass or Assembly. I have included our policy below:

Hair should be neatly cut, combed and maintained. Hair should be shorter than the collar.

◆ Long hair or outlandish styles are not acceptable.

◆ Undercut styles, dramatic layering, tracks, mohawks, mullets, overuse of product, tinting, colouring, dreadlocks, strands of hair, buns, braids or lines are not acceptable.

◆ A number 2 cut is the shortest acceptable cut.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students


SchoolTV: Special Report – R U OK? Day

Understanding the growing challenges related to mental health among young people is an important consideration. Anxiety, depression and self-harm – are all causes for concern. Factors like academic pressure, social media, family dynamics, and societal expectations, are contributing to these issues. It’s therefore crucial for parents and caregivers to take action early, remove the stigma around discussing mental health, and offer accessible support to address these issues and the wellbeing of their children.

R U OK? contributes to suicide prevention year round by urging people to invest time in personal relationships and empowering informal support networks to identify signs of distress. We urge all families to take part, emphasising the value of genuine human relationships and reminding everyone to ask the important question, “Are you OK?”


Engaging in R U OK?Day activities goes beyond the classroom; it’s a commitment to our students’ overall development. By talking openly about mental health, schools create safe spaces where students feel understood, valued, and supported. As parents and caregivers, you can contribute by fostering open conversations, normalising feelings and breaking down mental health stigmas. Participating in R U OK?Day promotes compassion and shows our dedication to the wellbeing of the entire school community, reaffirming that together, we can truly make a difference.

This Special Report provides guidance on how to talk to your child about mental health and engage in meaningful discussions. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.

Click here to view the latest Special Report from SchoolTV

Special Report: courtesy SchoolTV.



Everyone experiences low days from time to time. For some of us, it might even feel like we have a dark cloud over our head that never seems to leave. We all differ in how often the low days hang around and how low we feel, but most of us share one thing – we might find it difficult to express what is really going on. We might pretend like everything is fine, dismiss our feelings, or distract ourselves with lots of tasks just to find some sort of relief. Whilst this can be helpful in the short term, emotional masking can lead to exhaustion and a further decline in overall wellbeing. So, what can we do about this if we are feeling this way?

Acknowledge Feelings

Firstly, it is helpful to acknowledge that feeling low is a normal part of life. While it can feel very difficult, uncomfortable emotions are not something that should be avoided. Our emotions come and go, just as the weather does, and can tell us a myriad of information about our inner experience. By saying “I feel sad/upset/worried” we are acknowledging that we may be feeling a little off balance, without trying to pretend that we are okay, or even minimise what we experience. We are simply letting the feeling have space without trying to change it or get rid of it. This is often the first step in learning to tap into our emotional world.

Body Scan

Our emotions are often felt in our bodies, whether that be noticing a tightness in the chest if we are anxious, or a heavy feeling in our stomachs when we feel guilty or sad. The more we bring our awareness to these sensations, we can start to recognise the things in our day that may activate these feelings. Self-awareness is a vital part of developing our emotional intelligence. Mindful meditation apps such as ‘Smiling Mind’ or ‘Insight Timer’ can help us to practice how to notice these feelings in our bodies, without judgement.

Connect with Others

Surrounding yourself with a quality friend or family member can be another helpful step in expressing what might be going on. For some of us, this concept may be very foreign and may even cause more feelings of anxiety or dread – this too is okay. If talking about your feelings with someone seems like a stretch, writing your feelings down or even talking to a pet about how you feel, can be significantly helpful. Expressing what is going on inside, out loud, can often be a relief when we ‘name it to tame it’.

Image reference: he'

Image reference: he’

Psychology Services at Waverley College

If you feel like you would like to chat to someone about your emotions at school, Psychology services are available for students at Waverley College. Feel free to reach out to the Wellbeing Team or your Head of House for further information.

Psychology Team Contacts

Junior School Psychologists

Senior School Psychologists


Ms Samantha Jessen


Free Parent/Carer Webinar – How You Can Support Your Child During Exams

We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education will soon host a free webinar for parents/carers.

Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.

By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

Wednesday, 13 September, 6:30pm (AEST) 

Click here to register now

Here’s what Elevate will cover on the night:

The August 2023 Issue 30 Wavelength magazine is now available to collect for free in soft printed copy, from Senior and Junior School Reception.

Our alumni publication creates an important connection between Waverley College and our wider community of Old Boys, families and friends.

Read about: Rhodes Scholar Leonard King (Class of 1930), the faithful service of Mr Col Blake (Class of 1962), the Conlon marble honour boards restoration, an interview with music educator Mr Chris Blenkinsopp (Class of 1970), our two Federation Star recipients, the future of Science at Waverley, regular spotlights on co-curricular sport and culture, alumni reunions and so much more!

Click to read Wavelength Issue 30, August 2023


Ms Vanessa Witton

Marketing Communications Specialist

CAS Track & Field and Summer Sports Trials

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Next week we have our CAS Track & Field Championships. On Tuesday, 12 September we will run our assembly to present the team, and Tuesday evening is the annual Carbo Night in the PAC for all members of the squad.

Thursday, 14 September 2023

On Thursday, 14 September our competitors will arrive at school and head straight to the PAC at the start of the day. Reserves and other squad members will be in class as normal.

Our Athletes will depart at 11am for Homebush followed by the rest of the squad and Years 7 and 12 at 1pm.

The return bus to Maroubra is now full, however, we still have room on the return bus to Hurstville.

Students should arrive back at the College by around 9pm.

Parents/carers are welcome to attend the event, but must pre-purchase their tickets by clicking the button below.

Click here to pre-purchase parent/carer tickets

Saturday, 16 September 2023

On Saturday, 16 September we have our 2023-24 Summer Trials for Basketball, Cricket, Tennis, Touch Football and Water Polo.

We have also published the draft training schedule for Term 4 and both can be found on the College website by clicking the button below.

Click here to view the 2023-24 Summer Trials and draft Term 4 training schedules

*Please note that Year Groups are labelled by their 2024 groupings (Year 10 are now opens and Year 7 are now labelled as Year 8).

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

We are pleased to announce that we are seeking expressions of interest for a proposed New Zealand Cricket tour, which will take place at the conclusion of school in Term 4 2024, and will then continue into the first week of the December holidays.

Please note: 


The College requires a $1,000 deposit to guarantee your son a spot. This deposit will be followed by three equal instalments. The total amounts of each instalment will be confirmed once a final cost of the tour is determined.

Tour Payment Schedule 

Payment of deposit can be made via the following:

Please only use EFT as BPAY will go onto school fees instead 

Waverley College 

BSB: 062 124

ACCOUNT: 00903139

All tourists must have a valid passport. The College will share more information once the tour group has been finalised.

Please note that this is a self-funded tour and will not be subsidised by the College.

This tour is a wonderful opportunity for those selected and students are encouraged to potentially seek casual work over the holiday periods to pay for the tour.


Thank you and kind regards,


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket

This year Book Fair Australia is hosting a short story competition to help young writers develop their craft. All students are invited to participate.

There will be both a children’s category for 12 years and under, and a teens’ category for 13 years and over, so all Waverley College students can participate in this event.

There will be prizes for the first place of each category. The closing date is 25 September, so get your entries in soon!

You can view more information about the competition by clicking the buttons below.

Click here to view information about the competition

Click here to view the flyer

You can also speak to your English Teacher if you are interested.

Week 9 – Monday, 11 September – Sunday, 17 September

Week 10 – Monday, 18 September – Sunday, 24 September









Father’s Day Breakfast

Sending warm wishes to all fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, and father figures as we approach Father’s Day this Sunday. We also want to recognise families who have experienced the loss of fathers and grandfathers in this past year and in years before. Our thoughts are with them, especially on a day that might bring challenges. 

Father’s Day prompts us to contemplate the significant role that fathers and father figures have in molding character through their affection, guidance, and dedication. They contribute immensely to their children’s social development, fostering connections, empathy, self-control, and good conduct.

I had the pleasure of attending and expressing gratitude to fathers and father figures who joined us this morning at the Senior School’s Father’s Day Breakfast. I thank Mr Stephen O’Donnell for speaking at the Junior School Father’s Day Mass and lunch. I also extend my appreciation to all fathers and father figures for the positive influence they have on their children’s overall health and wellbeing.

2023 Father's Day Breakfast

Father's Day Breakfast

Father's Day Breakfast

Father's Day Breakfast

Father's Day Breakfast

Sad news

Mrs Avril Wheatley who worked in Mrs Brisby’s (Uniform Shop) passed away on Sunday. Avril served the College for over 30 years, 15 years in the capacity of Uniform Shop Manager and 10 years as Swim School Manager, and the rest she gifted as a volunteer. We remember her for being dedicated to the service and care of the College community.  Avril had a son Wayne (Class of 1989) and grandson Liam (Class of 2015) at the College. The funeral will be on Thursday, 7 September at 11am at St Joseph’s Bulli.

Year 10 Market Day

This week, Year 10 Commerce and Food Tech students hosted Market Day on the senior campus, which was a great success. I congratulate the staff and student organisers who clearly put a lot of thought and effort into their stalls and businesses. Many budding entrepreneurs were in their element, honing their skills. 

I also congratulate the whole College who helped create a busy and well-behaved marketplace experience. 1,200 students plus staff, all went about their business in the Centenary Quad with good humour and eyes for a market stall delight. 

I am sure there was some parent/carer assistance behind some of the amazing quality food options – thank you! Thank you to Ms Angelique Theodorou for coordinating the wonderful learning opportunity for the students.

2023 Market Day

2023 Market Day

2023 Market Day

42 Days To Go – Year 12s HSC ATAR 

We have been very impressed with the leadership, cohesiveness and collaboration shown by this year’s Year 12 cohort thus far. As a community, we seek to support them over their last weeks before they start their HSC examinations or apprenticeship. Teamwork and continuing to have high expectations and support of each other is crucial in the final push.

Trial feedback and second ATAR estimates should be used as motivation to make any necessary adjustments. Students have been encouraged to share resources and notes on a shared Google drive during this final preparation period. HSC tutorials will continue for the remainder of the Term, including the last week of Term and during StuVac.

The College Library will be open each day of the break (8am-4pm). Please encourage your sons to only attend University Libraries for study purposes only, they can be quite social spaces and this is not the time for that.

Year 12s have been given access to Dr Pru Salter’s video on how to plan their study time during final exam preparation. Ms Knowles is the key contact for any student who is seeking an apprenticeship in their chosen field and who has not already accepted one. Her email is

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 3 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Father’s Day Mass 

What a wonderful way to mark the beginning of spring. Thank you to the fathers, grandfathers and anyone who is like a father, for attending our special Mass today.

These events are so important to our students, as they get a chance to spend quality time with their loved ones.

I wish every father or male figure a very special Father’s Day on Sunday.

Junior School Father's Day Mass

Junior School Father's Day Mass

Junior School Father's Day Mass

Junior School Father's Day Mass

Spelling Bee Finalists

Congratulations to our Year 6 students, Ryan Loughrey and Louie Patane, who both advanced through to the State/Territory Finals in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee competition. They achieved exceptional scores and times to make it into the top 100 for NSW in their category (Years 5-6).

Spelling Bee finalists


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School




R U OK? Day

R U OK? Is a day and a cause with an extremely close connection to Waverley College. We will be celebrating R U OK? Day next Wednesday, 6 September, even though here at the College we know that everyday is an R U OK? Day, where we can check in with our friends and families and have a meaningful conversation.

The message this year is ‘I’m Here to Hear’.

Activities next Wednesday will include;

Let the people in your world know you’re here, to really hear, because a conversation could change a life.

Today is R U OK? Day, a day and cause with an extremely close connection to Waverley College. This year's theme 'Ask R U OK? No Qualifications Needed' emphasises that everyone, regardless of job, qualification, training and position can play a vital role in supporting the people in each of our worlds with the four simple steps of an R U OK? conversation, 1. Ask R U OK? 2. Listen 3. Encourage action 4. Check-in


Click here to view the poster

RUOK - 2023 Conlon Prefects

2023 Conlon Prefects


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


Year 6 Camp at Collaroy Centre – Wednesday, 13 – Friday, 15 September 2023 (Week 9)

*Camp begins in less than two weeks.

Thank you to those parents/carers who have already filled out the Google Form and Permission section in the Parent Lounge.

If you have not yet done this, please help us prepare for the upcoming Year 6 Camp by clicking the button below to complete the Google Form. This form allows us to collate all relevant medical information about your son, which will assist us with planning.

Click here to view and complete Year 6 Camp Medical Information

Please click the button below to view the Welcome Letter which outlines both the proceedings for the upcoming Year 6 Camp and also the packing list – (this has been sent out twice via the app to assist with your preparations for camp.)

Click here to view the Year 6 Camp letter

Please log into the Parent Lounge to give permission for your son to attend camp if you haven’t yet done so.

IPSHA Athletics Carnival 

This past week, Waverley Junior School had 17 students compete at the annual IPSHA Athletics Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre. It was a picture perfect day, and our students were firing to give it their all in whatever events they had made it into. Waverley competed at an extremely high level, receiving a large number of top four placings for the carnival.

It was even more special that we had a number of students who finished within the top five overall for their event and age group. This means they now are selected as part of the IPSHA team to compete at NSW CIS Athletics Carnival on Tuesday, 19 September.

These students included:

Louis Coleman – 12s

Charles Carrano – 11s

Olly Burke – 11s

Patrick Spencer – 10s

IPSHA Athletics - Charles Carrano

IPSHA Athletics - Patrick Spencer, Leo Mithen, Kai Lopez

NSW CIS Rugby 

Jacob Roorda and Kalan Fisher spent three days competing at the NSW PSSA Championship for the NSW CIS Representative Team, and came away undefeated in the competition.

The CIS team were named joint premiers with Sydney North after a draw in the grand final.

Waverley is very proud of the whole team. Amazing memories and experiences of these students that will last a long time.

NSW CIS Rugby - Jacob and Kalan

NSW CIS Representative Team

AFL Paul Kelly Cup Championship

Waverley College Junior School’s Paul Kelly Cup made it through the Championship Round at Giants Stadium last Tuesday, 29 August. The team have been riding on a high since the previous round, going undefeated. They were endeavouring to go all the way to win our first Paul Kelly Cup for AFL.

The students put in a strong effort across all four of the matches and made the College very proud. Winning our first game by 2 points in a nail-biting affair against Copacabana Primary School,  Sebastian Burden kicked the winning goal to seal the match.

Much like our first game, we won our second game by 4 points against St Mary’s, leaving us at first place in our pool. 

Paul Kelly Cup 2023

Paul Kelly Cup

In the last game of the pool stages we came up against Bishops School (Bishop Druitt College), and unfortunately lost by 1 point in yet another nail-biting encounter, unfortunately just coming short in a high intensity match.

Due to percentage, we were still able to clinch a finals position and came up against the in form team of the comp in Albury Public School. Although the boys tried their hardest, Albury were simply too good, going on to beat us by 5 goals and winning the Paul Kelly Cup Grand Final.

Overall, the boys played a great carnival and should be very proud of their efforts; representing the College exceptionally well.

A huge thank you to both staff and coaches, Louis Kitto and Ms Hunt for their involvement in the day, and to the parents/carers for the support and transportation for training and the championship round.

Paul Kelly Cup 2023

2023 Subaru NSW / ACT / QLD State Interschools Snowsports Championships 

Last week, three Waverley College Junior School students competed at the 2023 SUBARU NSW / ACT / QLD State Interschools Snowsports Championships at Perisher from Monday, 21 August to Friday, 25 August. 

Rory Palmer (Year 6) came fourth in the Skier X event (Division 4 for boys in Years 5 and 6), and sixth in the Alpine event (Division 4 for boys in Years 5 and 6). Congratulations to Rory who has qualified for the Australian Interschools Snowsport Championships that will be hosted at Mount Buller from 5-10 September 2023.

As a team, Rory Palmer, Archie Francis (Year 5) and Connor Moran (Year 5) placed 8th overall in the Skier X event in Division 4.

Archie Francis Skier X - 2023 SUBARU NSW / ACT / QLD State Interschools Snowsports Championships

Well done boys, for a great team effort. Archie Francis also competed in the Snowboard GS, Snowboard X and Moguls events (Division 4). It was a very busy event program for Archie.

Congratulations to all boys for competing in what were very challenging snow conditions.

We look forward to an exciting snow season next year and more Waverley College boys competing at the Sydney regional event to be held in Perisher in the 2024 June/July school holidays.

Students from K-12 in Sydney can compete in a variety of disciplines as either individuals or teams. If you would like more information about next year’s event, please contact the College or Paula McCabe on 0414 422 491 or

2023 SUBARU NSW / Rory - Alpine - ACT / QLD State Interschools Snowsports Championships


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular Years 5-8


Home Learning Week 8 

No Home Learning on Monday 4 September

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school to complete home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Year 5 Public Speaking Finals 2023  

This week, we had the Year 5 Public Speaking Competition. All the boys put in an incredible amount of effort, with one stand-out student taking home the trophy! Well done to all the finalists and thank you Ms Emma Halpin, Harrison Rimell and James Peate for adjudicating the finals.   

Congratulations to our finalists Thomas Taylor, Zac Hickman, Alex O’Brien, Bart Carmody, Tom Johnston and our Public Speaking Champion 2023, Toby Armson.

Congratulations to our 2023 Year 5 Public Speaking finalists: Thomas Taylor, Zac Hickman, Alex O’Brien, Bart Carmody and Tom Johnston. Incredible efforts from all, with one stand-out student, Toby Armson, taking home the trophy! Thank you Ms Emma Halpin, Harrison Rimell and James Peate for their adjudication.

Public Speaking Champion Toby Armson & his parents

Toby Armson - Public Speaking Champion

News From Mr Tom Olds and 6 Orange 

This term, we are studying the Geography unit “Think Globally, Act Locally” which focuses on cultural diversity and acquiring important geographical skills. These skills include things like making maps, doing fieldwork, understanding graphs and numbers, and creating different types of visuals.

As we learn, we’ll also explore topics that help us to think about what countries have in common, how they’re different, and why it’s important to understand other cultures, especially in places like Asia and the G20 countries, further enhancing our attention to cross curricular priorities.

Our main goal for this unit is to show students how they can become active global citizens. Recently, during our Geography lessons, we have been comparing Australia to one of our neighbouring countries in preparation for our major assignment which is coming up. Below are some examples.

Jonny Karvelas

Louie Patane


Thomas Walden


Mr Tom Olds

Classroom Teacher 6 Orange