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ICT Update 

In the interests of student wellbeing and focused learning, at the commencement of Term 4, Waverley College will join Catholic and public schools, as well as a growing number of independent and private schools, placing bans on mobile phone use during school hours.

The purpose of these expectations is to foster positive student relationships, as well as promote academic achievement in students. This is in support of our dynamic learning environment while continuing to build positive right relationships for all. The following expectations will commence Term 4, 2023.

The Junior School policy will not change, this being:

Years 7 – 12 Updated Procedures 

Please find below our updated Responsible Use of Technology Policy. A hard copy of this policy will be located in the 2024 College diary.

Click here to view the Responsible Use of Technology Policy


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

Supporting Your Child’s Emotional Development

It can be difficult to know what to say or how to respond to our children when they are going through a difficult time. Our children might not say anything at all, and it can be even harder to know what is going on inside their head. We all want to do what’s best, however sometimes it might seem that when we try to help, it makes things worse. So, how can we connect with our children on a practical level? How can we start to understand our children more?

Make time to be present

We all run busy lives with countless responsibilities and never-ending to-do lists. Being present and making regular quality time with your children means that they know you are available and that you have the capacity to be with them. If this seems difficult, try carving out 30 minutes of family time once a week to play a card game, go for a walk, or spend time outside together (away from screens).

Learn how to actively listen

When our children come to us in distress, our instant reaction may be to try and fix whatever might be the problem. Whilst problem-solving has its time and place, what we all really want is to be listened to and validated. Instead of automatically going into fix-it mode, you might like to try active listening.

This means letting your child talk without interruption, and paraphrasing back what they say. This helps them see that you really understand what they are saying, or, gives them the opportunity to correct you to further your understanding of the issue.

Instead of “right, let me talk to them and I will sort it out”, try “It sounds like you think you were treated unfairly when he said that to you and makes you think you’d like to quit – is that right?”

Learn to validate your child’s emotions

Even if the issue might seem trivial or insignificant to you, your children’s feelings and experiences are very real. When you let your child know they are allowed to feel upset/angry/confused/annoyed/scared, without trying to change it, you are giving them space to sit with their emotions and learn to let them be.

This is very important in developing a child with strong emotional intelligence (remember that every feeling is acceptable and allowed, but every behaviour is not).

Instead of “It’s not a big deal. You’ll be fine! You have nothing to worry about!” try “I hear you are feeling very worried about this, and I can see why! I bet anyone else in this situation would be feeling the exact same way”.

Ask your child what they think they need

Sometimes, your child might want to problem-solve the issue with you. Other times, they might just want to vent with you and have time to connect with you. By asking your child what they need, they start to learn that their needs are valid and respected. As they grow, they will start to learn what their needs are, how to ask for their needs to be met, and how to take care of their own needs independently.

Instead of “I will fix this issue for you, stop worrying about it now”, try “what do you think you might need now? We can chat together to work out a plan or maybe you’d like a hug – maybe both?”

The Senior School Library has recently stocked Bringing Up Boys Who Like Themselves by Kasey Edwards and Dr Christopher Scanlon for further reading and support. If you would like further guidance around resources to build helpful communication, feel free to reach out to the Psychology Team at Waverley College.

Bringing Up Boys Who Like Themselves

Psychology Team

Junior School Psychologists

Senior School Psychologists

I’m Jack Preller, a Year 12 student who had the privilege, during the holidays, to attend the 2023, Model UN Youth National Conference in Perth. The National Conference was composed of workshops, debates, interactive problem solving and esteemed speakers to help us learn more about the globalised world. The conference provided me with an opportunity to speak to over 60 different delegates from Years 9-12, who were leaders in their local communities/schools in their respective states, and enabled me to gain a more diversified perspective of youth in Australia. 

From this experience I learnt a couple of key things that I would like to share with you. Firstly, that there are always people out there that share your passions. For me that is helping others through mediums such as tutoring, but no matter what passion you have, there are people who are willing to join you in achieving your dreams. 

Secondly, I learnt about the sheer number of opportunities Australia has for students in working on key societal issues, public speaking and debating through organisations such as UN Youth, OakTree and Youth Parliament. If you are in Years 9-12 and you want to get involved, you can go to these different events such as the NSW State Conference to improve your debating and public speaking skills, as well as making friends with like-minded individuals. Many of these events are not commonly advertised, so I recommend researching different opportunities if you are interested. 

During the Perth UN Youth National Conference we had the privilege of debating in Western Australia’s Parliament House on resolutions including ‘the right to education in the globalised world’ and ‘the global scope of migration.’ This allowed me to understand the complexities of world issues, with countries’ economic, social and geographical situations influencing policy decisions and their vote on world issues. The debates also gave me the opportunity to refine my impromptu speaking, having to create speeches on the spot or through responding to a number of questions on specific issues.

In addition, we had the opportunity to ask questions about Australian issues with the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, Imogen Kane. Imogen will be reporting these discussions later this year directly with the UN in New York, showing how events like Youth UN can allow you to have global impacts. I also had the opportunity to create a presentation on the SDG goal I care for most – quality education. Alongside two others, I created a satire on the educational curriculum which we also got to submit directly to the UN branch in Australia to be reviewed, highlighting how young people today can make a difference, today. 

You may be asking how I got invited to this conference in Perth? I got invited to this UN Youth conference by engaging in a number of local and state-level Youth UN events which anybody from Waverley can sign up to from Years 9-12. For anyone who is interested in global politics, public speaking, debating or just making a difference to Australia and the wider world, I would highly recommend going to UN Youth events and potentially being invited to national and international events. 

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 3 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

120 Year Celebration Feast of the Assumption

The morning began with a step back in time exploring the rich history of Waverley College. Our College Captains, through the theme, ‘It’s Our Time’ combined with our College Touchstones, explored ways in which we can stand up for injustices, ensuring our world could be a better place. A showcase of cultural dancing from our Walawaani students and our Cadet Unit then followed. Fr Bernie then led our celebration of the Feast of the Assumption, a special occasion commemorating Mary being taken up to heaven, both body and soul.  

Students were then treated to a very fun afternoon beginning with an enjoyable time on the ninja warrior, hungry hippo and obstacle inflatables, as well as watching many of our teachers hitting the water in the dunk tank. After an inspiring and talent-filled Waverley’s Got Talent, the students left the day with smiles on their faces. What a fantastic way to celebrate 120 years of Waverley College.

Second Step Wellbeing Program

This week we begin the Second Step Wellbeing program in the Junior School. Research has shown that a whole-school, evidence-based approach to Wellbeing will improve the socio-emotional skills of students which will positively affect their spiritual, emotional and academic life at Waverley. The program focuses on skills that will help your son succeed in school and in life. These skills include:

You play a vital role in helping your student develop strong social skills. During these next few weeks, the focus of the lessons will be empathy and communication. Ask questions about the skills your student is learning, such as:

If you have any questions about the curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Stephen Ghattas or Ms Jade Sparks for more information. Thank you for supporting your son in learning the skills that lead to success in school and in life.

P.S. Make sure to join with the activation key SSP6FAMILY12 to watch videos about the Second Step program and get information about what your child is learning. 

Father’s Day Mass – Friday, 1 September 2023 – Mary Immaculate Church

The celebration of fathers, grandfathers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College Students will be celebrated on Friday, 1 September at 12pm (Week 7, Term 3). This will be at Mary Immaculate Church followed by lunch at the Junior School.

Click here to view the invitation

Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Can I please ask that you send through a photo of your son(s) with their fathers/grandfathers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.

Please send through all photos to


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Identity & Student Formation


Science Week

This week in the Junior School we have been celebrating Science Week! The theme for the week is ‘Innovation: Powering Future Industries’. To celebrate this important week, the Junior School have been taking part in a number of activities. We had Kaleidoscope Science come to the College to perform ‘The Great Big Science Show’, students took part in science-themed trivia in the Learning Hub and lunchtime experiment demonstrations run by Mr Mancinelli. We certainly have some future innovators and scientists in the Junior School!

Science Week Competition

Students took part in a school-wide competition, where they had to use their knowledge of key science concepts to pitch a proposal for an online game. Submissions were extremely high quality, combining unique and captivating ideas with elaborately designed game art. An overall winner and two runners up from Year 5 and Year 6 will be announced at next week’s assembly after the judging process has concluded. Well done to all who participated!


Ms Charlotte Stephens

Assistant Director of Curriculum

Science Lab Lessons 

As part of our participation in National Science Week, Years 5 and 6 have engaged in a variety of hands-on learning experiences building their knowledge of scientific method and experiments. Throughout the week, both cohorts have explored the exciting process of chemical reactions. Year 5 created ‘Pop Top Rockets’ and tested them on the playground, whilst Year 6 created a special solution called ‘hot ice’ to form crystal towers and observe the ‘urchin effect’. Students have embraced the opportunity to continue to build their skills in the science lab.

2023 Science Week

2023 Science Week

2023 Science Week

2023 Science Week

2023 Science Week

2023 Science Week

2023 Science Week


Mr Max Mancinelli

Science Teacher


Home Learning Club Week 6

*No Home Learning Wednesday, 23 August 2023

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school to complete home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Register your son via the link

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


Lunchtime Guest Speaker – Ian Storie

Brilliantly combined veterans, bees, whales, and smarties into one Lunchtime Talk! The father of Ethan in Year 5, Ian Storie, is a Global Consultant Industry Engagement and Collaboration Scientist and Innovator who captivated the boys’ inquisitive minds with the most recent research and problem-solving ideas. 

I appreciate you highlighting how Science, Chemistry, Technology, and Teamwork all work together to tackle big challenges. 

The boys found the presentation on ‘How to be an Innovator’ inspiring. 

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Ian Storie

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Ian Storie

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Ian Storie

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Ian Storie

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Ian Storie

Book Week

Guest Author for Book Week

Book Week guest author Richard Simpkin

We often hear from families, students, teachers and Old Boys that Waverley has a lovely community feel. Hence this year the decision to invite Richard Simpkin, Waverley Old Boy and father of Ollie (Year 5), to open our Book Week celebrations with a presentation on Monday, 21 August. Richard will share motivational stories, writing advice, and the value of reading to the boys. 

Richard’s current series The Aussie Big Achievers are a fun and educational way for children to learn about some of Australia’s most interesting and inspiring people who have helped shape our nation. Each book encourages children to always believe in themselves and never give up on their dreams.

If you would like to purchase books for your son or children, click the button below:

Click here to purchase

Richard will be happy to sign copies after his presentation.

Book Week Competitions

Thank you to all the students who entered the Book Week Competitions. 

Literacy Coordinator Ms Mary Ryan will have a tough job judging the Poetry and Ms Jenna Turnbull (Acting) Head of Visual Arts will also have a tough job judging the creative pieces of art that interpreted the theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire…’ 

Winners will be announced on Monday, 21 August. Good luck to all the students who entered.

Book Week visual art submissions

Book Week visual art submissions

Book Week visual art submissions

Writing Workshops 

Your son will take part in a fun and engaging writing workshop that will encourage critical and creative thinking, while working collaboratively in a small group to produce part of an imaginative text, which in turn will be part of a book.

The final copy will be printed and placed in the Learning Hub for all to enjoy. I am looking forward to working with Year 5 on Tuesday, 22 August and Year 6 on Thursday, 24 August.

Pre-Loved Pop-up Bookshop – Cash Only Please

During Book Week your son will have the opportunity to visit the pre-loved, pop-up bookshop in the Learning Hub. All books will be $2.00 (cash only).

It is not too late to donate any pre-loved books. You can send them in with your son on Monday.

Pre-loved Pop-up Bookshop

Pre-loved Pop-up Bookshop


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


News from 6 Indigo and Mr Robinson

6 Indigo are busy learning to “Make Themselves Heard” by reading and responding to a wide range of texts dealing with the refugee crisis the world is facing. We have been engaging with the class novel Detention by Tristan Bancks.

The following artworks depict an “escape place”, where students in 6 Indigo go to when they need a break from others, a quiet place with no distractions.

Next up, we will be researching a refugee who has settled in Australia and retelling their story in a graphic novel format. I can’t wait to see what they produce.

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks

Escape artworks


Mr Kendall Robinson

Teacher 6 Indigo

Bivouac is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to taking our recruits on their first Cadet adventure.

On Friday, 25 August, cadets are asked to come to school in their DPCU Field Dress, complete with field hat, and their backpack labelled and packed with their gear. There will be designated areas on the lower tennis courts to store bags in Company locations until lunchtime.

Cadets will form up in bus lines on the Centenary Quad directly after lunch.

Legacy Day

The Cadet Unit will be supporting local Legacy branches by selling badges and bears on Friday, 1 September to the local community. There will be cadets at Charing Cross and Bondi Junction, so please look out for them and support this worthy cause. Merchandise will also be available in the Staff Common Room and to students at recess. Cash only, I’m afraid, so please come prepared.

Legacy badges

Image: courtesy Legacy website

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 3, Week 6. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday 21 August, 2023
Visual Arts 3:30pm – 5pm C13 Turnbull
Drama 7:30am – 8:30am P12 Lamb
Tuesday 22 August, 2023 Drama 3.30pm – 5pm P13 Lamb
Wednesday 23 August, 2023 Standard Mathematics 7:30am – 8:30am E23 Riley
Thursday 24 August, 2023
Spanish 3:30pm – 5pm W25 Quintana
Standard Mathematics 7:30am – 8:30am E33 Cornish
Friday 25 August, 2023
Visual Arts 3:30pm – 5pm C13 Turnbull
Hospitality 7:30am – 8:30am TF1 McCarthy

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here to view the Week 5 Careers newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

HSC Preparation Program – Enrol Today

In September and October, a highly experienced team of educators will run a preparation program of intensive courses at the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Sydney.

These courses are perfect for consolidating school studies and developing key subject knowledge that will give Years 10 – 12 students an edge when it comes time to sitting HSC exams.

Click the buttons below to view the timetable and to enrol.

Click here to view the September/October 2023 HSC Preparation Courses Timetable

Click here to enrol


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Week 6 – Monday, 21 August – Sunday, 27 August 2023


Week 7 – Monday, 28 August – Sunday, 3 September 2023


Looking Ahead










The Cricket Supporters’ AGM will be held via Zoom.

Topic: Cricket Supporters’ AGM 2023

Date: Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Time: 6:30pm

Please click the button below to join the meeting.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 850 3337 0664

Passcode: 004509


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket

At last week’s Year 7, 8, 9 Academic Assembly, I spoke about both the skills and values students need to thrive in the fast-paced 21st century, so that they can address individual and community needs and challenges such as global warming, resource scarcity, artificial intelligence, misinformation, and robotics. 

Values act as our conscience and moral guide and assist us in binding communities together, finding equality, happiness, and fulfilment. Values help us develop our character and help us find our purpose in life. Values are enduring, whereas skills keep on changing with the passage of time and the influence of technology. 

Skills help us achieve proficiency, competence and performance. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the top 10 life skills recommended for mental health equilibrium are: problem solving, decision making, creative thinking, critical thinking, self-awareness, empathy, interpersonal relationships, good communication, management of stress, management of emotions. All of these skills are embedded within our curriculum, wellbeing and formation programs and should be skills you are also trying to develop at home with your sons. 

On the back of a successful NAIDOC Week and Men’s Health Week earlier this Term, this week around the campus we had David Kobler (Your Choicez) provide our Year 10s with a values-based respectful relationships education program, Fran Grant helped unpack Indigenous Rights, and our Year 11s attended the RYDA Road Safety program which aims at saving lives through the provision of world-class road safety education.

Our Year 5 and 10s participated in another Big Brother Little Brother experience where they were involved in games that encouraged participation, learning new skills, and building upon their supportive and positive relationships with one another.

In this week’s newsletter, our psychologists’ article unpacks the difficult topic of grief, and Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun (Assistant Director of Student Formation) shares a great article on building resilience with your son.

Sprit of Wakakirri Award – Theme: The Right to Dream

“A compelling, dramatic and energetic performance reminding us to stand up for what is right!” – Wakakirri Ambassador, Scott Irwin

Congratulations to the Junior School students who performed in Wakakirri on Tuesday evening. The boys received the major award for the night, the ‘Spirit of Wakakirri’ Award, highlighting their positive attitude, fabulous behaviour, teamwork and creative spirit.

Thank you to staff members Mr Tom Olds, Ms Jade Sparks, Ms CJ Tweedie for assisting our students, and a special thanks and congratulations to Ms Michelle Rollins on her 25th consecutive year of directing and choreographing Wakakirri performances for the College. Her passion and dedication to providing boys opportunities to explore story, dance, movement and the creative arts is truly amazing. 

Art and Design HSC Showcase

Parents, carers, students and Waverley community members are warmly invited to attend the Art and Design HSC showcase on Friday, 18 August, 6pm – 8pm. The event is a collection of Year 12 major works from the students of 2023.

Science Competition Years 5-12

Please read and encourage your son to take up Ms Emily Pace’s (Assistant Head of Science) challenge to enter the Science Week competitions.

Waverley Runners and Fundraisers

Good luck to all of our runners who are tackling the City2Surf on Sunday and well done for their significant support of the charity ‘Running for Premature Babies’ which is founded by Waverley College parent, Sophie Smith. Our College Team is over 130-people strong and has raised upwards of $8,000 for ‘Running for Premature Babies’. You can support them and donate here.

Regional Finals of the AFL Schools Cup 

Congratulations to the following students who competed in the Regional Finals of the AFL Schools Cup. We finished in 3rd place, narrowly losing to both 1st and 2nd place.

Year 8

Matt Borgelt, Clancy Walsh, Alex Piperkos, Henry Read, Hayden McAusland, Dom Dametto, James Tucker, Oscar Griffith, Daniel Morrow, Luca Green, Levi O’Keefe, Lachlan Feain, Nash Goldsworthy, Will Roberts.

Year 9

Bailey Gosbell, Edward House, Ned Larkin, James Warwick Rose, Ethan Allardice, Fred Robertson, Ryan Murphy, Zachary Jones, Tane Barclay, Stellan Dymond.

Congratulations to Old Boy – Ben Donaldson (Class of 2017)

Waverley College is very proud of the selection of Ben Donaldson in the Wallabies Squad for the 2023 World Cup in France. Ben graduated in 2017 and was part of the undefeated CAS Premiership winning 1st XV, as well as playing 1st XI Cricket for the College. Ben was selected for the Australian Schoolboys side in 2017.

Ben was also College Vice-Captain and has played 1st grade for Randwick for a number of seasons, played for the Waratahs and has recently signed with the Western Force for 2024.

Ben has played two matches for the Wallabies in 2023 as well as a number of fixtures for Australia A. Ben is a talented number 10 but also a utility player who can slot into a number of positions in the backline. Ben’s father Stu Donaldson has coached at Waverley College and Randwick for a number of seasons and is a highly successful coach.

The College wishes Ben well for his journey at the upcoming World Cup tournament and we will be cheering him on!

Ben established himself as a full time professional rugby player whilst also managing his study commitments at The University of Technology, Sydney. Ben is currently in the process of finishing a Bachelor of Sports and Exercise management degree, an area he hopes to dive into after his playing career.

Parents’ Association Meeting

Our most recent Parents’ Association meeting was held on Tuesday, 8 August. Louise Lakomy is the new President of the Parents’ Association and you can read her welcome message here.

New Insight into Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing

Click here to view the poster

As mentioned at the Parents ’Association meeting on Tuesday evening, over the past few years, our school has been participating in the Black Dog Institute’s Future Proofing Study, the largest and most comprehensive long-term study of adolescent mental health in Australia.

The research team behind the Future Proofing Study have just released a 23-minute webinar to share their latest findings about the mental health and wellbeing of Australian adolescents.

What the Webinar Covers

Every year, researchers from the Black Dog Institute visit our school and many other Australian schools to survey the same group of over 6,000 students about their mental health and wellbeing. Study data is analysed and translated into practical resources, guidelines, and policy submissions in order to guide schools, families, and the government about issues relating to adolescent mental health and wellbeing.

Topics Included in the Webinar

(1) Background to the Future Proofing Study (at 1:46 mins)

(2) Rates of mental health symptoms found in the study (at 4:06 mins)

(3) Risk factors associated with development of depression and anxiety in early adolescence (at 6:55 mins)

(4) Peer relationships (at 9:00 mins)

(5) Sleep findings (at 12:22 mins)

(6) Screen use (at 15:58 mins)

(7) Mental health resources (at 22:58 mins)

We encourage you to watch this informative webinar below to learn more about this important issue.

*In the webinar, there is some discussion of self-harm and suicidal behaviour amongst young people, so viewer discretion is advised.

If you have any questions about the research or would like to contact the research team directly, you can email

Road Safety 

We have received a number of complaints from the community in regards to road safety around the College. 


Many senior students have their driver’s licence and with that independence and privilege comes responsibility. Most young drivers are careful, safety conscious and considerate when driving, however, they are one of the most vulnerable road user groups because of their inexperience, relatively underdeveloped driving skills and a distinct pattern of behaviour relating to youth culture and lifestyle. Research also shows that travelling with teenage passengers constitutes an increased risk for young drivers, particularly males. 

Waverley College supports licence holders’ rights to drive to and from school. It is the College’s expectation that students drive in a lawful manner and be mindful of the local road regulations and parking restrictions around the College. 

The College will support the New South Wales Police and Waverley Council in enforcing the road rules. Young males are overrepresented in statistics associated with motor vehicle injuries and fatalities.

Any information supplied to us by a member of the public identifying a Waverley College student not respecting the rights and responsibilities that come with driving a motor vehicle, will be dealt with accordingly by the Head of House or member of the College Leadership Team. 


Students who are riding e-bikes to school need to adhere to all rules and regulations. Students need to have their helmets on correctly and done up, no dubbing other students and specifically not riding up Salisbury Street in the wrong direction.

Youth Vaping Prevention Study

To prevent youth from vaping, the research team at the University of Newcastle have developed a text message program, targeting parents and their adolescents. To help test the effectiveness of the messages, they are looking for parents and their child/ren (aged 12-15 years) to participate in a study.  

Participants in the study (parents and adolescents) will receive a series a text messages (one per week for 12 weeks) that have been specifically developed to educate parents and youth on the harms of vaping, empower youth to say no to vaping through social support and teaching refusal skills, and facilitate healthy conversation amongst families. The text messages have been developed in collaboration with parents, adolescents, researchers and parenting experts.  

Click here to view the research flyer

If you would like to find out more information or to sign up to participate in the study, please click the button below.

Click here to sign up


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 3 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Wakakirri 2023

Having assisted backstage at Wakakirri for many years, Tuesday night was the first time I had the opportunity to watch a live performance from the audience and what an amazing performance it was. Their presence on stage, the way they told their story and their overall manner in which they represented the College was outstanding.

The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves and received the major award for the night, the ‘Spirit of Wakakirri’ Award, highlighting their positive attitude, fabulous behaviour, teamwork and creative spirit. A special thanks to Mr Tom Olds, Ms Jade Sparks and Ms CJ Tweedie for their assistance on the night. 

I would like to congratulate Ms Michelle Rollins on her 25 years of directing and choreographing Wakakirri performances for the Waverley College students. Her passion and dedication to ensuring that the students get to enjoy and participate in Story Dance and Creative Arts is truly inspirational.

Father’s Day Mass – Friday, 1 September 2023 – Mary Immaculate Church

The celebration of fathers, grandfathers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College Students will be celebrated on Friday, 1 September at 12pm (Week 7, Term 3). This will be at Mary Immaculate Church followed by lunch at the Junior School.

Click here to view the invitation

Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Can I please ask that you send through a photo of your son(s) with their fathers/grandfathers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.

Please send through all photos to


Mr Steve Ghattas

Director of Junior School


Winter Co-Curricular Season – Thank You

Now the Winter Co-Curricular Season has come to an end, I’d like to say a massive thank you to all coaches, students and parents/carers for their level of commitment and dedication to the season that was. Since I’ve been in the role, it’s the first year that there has been no weather-related interruptions to games and training.

It has been great to see all of our students enjoying every aspect of the season, which had many highs and some lows. We look forward to doing it all again next year, and now we can begin planning for the Term 4 Summer season.

There are three Presentation Nights to celebrate all Waverley College Winter sporting teams, beginning from tonight. Thank you to those who have purchased tickets. Please be reminded of details below:

Armidale Rugby Trials (2024)

As mentioned during the week, Armidale Rugby Tour Trials for 2024 will take place next week.

It is confirmed that the trials will take place on Wednesday, 16 and Thursday, 17 August during Periods 5 and 6.

Mr Olds (Prep 1st Coach) and Mr McKimm (11As Coach) will undertake the trials. Please be informed that students trialling will be dismissed from Waverley Park on both days at 3pm.

The cost of the tour this year was $440 per student to attend. This gives families a rough idea what to expect and to plan ahead if your son is selected in the team.

If you haven’t already done so, please click the button below to complete the Google form if your son is interested in trialling for the upcoming 2024 tour. 

Click here to view and complete the Armidale Rugby Trials permission

Shot Put and Discus Trials

Shot Put and Discus trials for the upcoming IPSHA Athletics Carnival will be undertaken next Thursday, 17 August 7:30am – 8:15am at Queens Park. Once completed, students will be walked to the Junior School to begin the school day. Students trialing can arrive in their PE uniform and remain in it for the day.

Please click the button below to complete the Google form if your son is interested in trialing for Shot Put and Discus, with the opportunity to make the IPSHA team and train with the Senior Track & Field squads.

Click here to view and complete the Shot Put and Discus Trials permission

External Sporting Achievements

Charlie Draper and his Basketball team won the State Cup, a Basketball tournament held on the Central Coast last weekend.

It was an incredible experience! The team has been undefeated throughout the whole representative season and again across the weekend, winning 20 from 20 games!

A significant achievement, congratulations Charlie and his team.

Basketball: Waratah Junior State Cup Under 12s Men


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular Years 5-8


Home Learning Club 

NO Home Learning Tuesday, 15 August 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school to complete home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Lunchtime Guest Speaker

It was a privilege to have Philip Gartland as our guest speaker on Friday. Philip Gartland, the father of Aidan Gartland (Year 5), is the Director of Stonebridge Property Group, one of Australia’s leading retail, development site and commercial property agency.

He provided the Junior School boys with knowledge about the commercial real estate industry and his position as a business owner. Philip had the boys captivated with his wealth of knowledge about the industry and the figures of some recent retail sales. 

There is a long list of students who want to do work experience with Stonebridge in their later years of study, and we appreciate you taking the time to encourage the Waverley boys to dream big. You made a significant impact on the students. 

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Philip Gartland

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Philip Gartland

Lunchtime Guest Speaker Philip Gartland

Guest Author for Book Week

We often hear from families, students, teachers and Old Boys that Waverley has a lovely community feel. Hence the decision this year to invite Richard Simpkin, Waverley Old Boy and father of Ollie (Year 5), to open our Book Week celebrations with a presentation on Monday, 21 August.

Richard will share motivational stories, writing advice, and the value of reading to the boys. 

Richard’s current series, The Aussie Big Achievers, are a fun and educational way for children to learn about some of Australia’s most interesting and inspiring people who have helped shape our nation. Each book encourages children to always believe in themselves and never give up on their dreams.

If you would like to purchase books for your son or children, click the button below:

Click here to view Richard's books!

Richard will be happy to sign copies after his presentation.

Book Week guest author Richard Simpkin

Pop-up Bookshop 

An essential aspect of supporting your son with his reading is to allow him to make his own book choices. The Pop-up Bookshop will be running in Term 3 Week 6. This year I would like to introduce a new sustainable and cost-effective Pop-up Bookshop. 

If you would like to help with this initiative I would like you to donate pre-loved books that will be sold a very reduced amount. The amount raised will be donated to one of the Edmund Rice foundations. 

The books can be dropped off at the Learning Hub in Week 5.



Junior School Debating - Cranbrook v Waverley

Junior School Debating - Cranbrook V Waverley

Cranbrook v  Waverley 

Topic: That teachers are better than AI

Last week the debaters were faced with tough competition and an equally tough topic in their debate against the students from Cranbrook. Both Waverley teams put forward strong arguments and presented their cases clearly, and were firm in their rebuttal of the Cranbrook team’s cases.

The boys did themselves and Waverley College very proud with one win and one loss. A huge thank you to the parents/carers for their continued support in transporting the students to their away debates. 

The teams are now preparing with the support of their debating mentors, Nick Zanapalis and Thomas Jackson-Whitlock, for their last debate against St Catherine’s and a Debating Gala Day later in the Term at Mount Sinai College. 


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Teacher of Literacy & Innovation


News from 5 White and Ms Tweedie

Around the Classroom, by Year 5 White

In our English class this Term, we have been studying one of Lance Balchin’s fiction texts, Mechanica. Set in the year 2203, Mechanica focuses on the extinction of wildlife due to the environment becoming polluted; causing uninhabitable areas around the world. A new style of wildlife to replace the old was designed, engineered and formed called Mechanica.

The 5 White boys have enthusiastically delved into the author’s background and have practiced using a range of comprehension strategies to analyse and annotate each species. 

To enhance our understanding of Mechanica, we have partaken in a variety of tasks. One of our favourite activities was our Animal Fact File posters that are now displayed around our classroom. Each of us had the opportunity to choose a real life animal to research and also to design our own Mechanica version of that animal.

Check out some of the fact file posters below!

5 White Curriculum

5 White Curriculum

5 White Curriculum

5 White curriculum

Another fun task that we did this week during Visual Arts was a Mechanica self portrait. Our instruction was to look through the text in search of ideas on how to draw our faces with mechanical engineering components. We had fun listening to music and drawing our portraits together!

5 White curriculum

5 White curriculum

5 White curriculum


Ms CJ Tweedie

Classroom Teacher 5 White