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A big welcome back to all our Waverley College families. I hope the three-week break gave you a chance to slow down and spend quality time with your family. We are back in full swing and excited for the Term ahead.

Just a reminder that all students require blazers in Term 3. I have noticed some haircuts that do not align with the College Haircut policy which can be found on page 25 of the College diary. If your son has been asked to have his hair rectified, please have this done by Monday Week 2. 

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 3 events, please refer to the College calendar. 




Support for Nicholas Reed

As some of you may be aware, there have been some very sad news in our community about the brother of Kosta Reed in Year 5, Nicholas. Seven-year-old Nicholas had a liver transplant at the age of five months and has struggled with his health ever since. Devastatingly, he has just been diagnosed with a rare and very aggressive type of post-transplant cancer.

Our prayers and thoughts go out to his family as they navigate through this heartbreaking journey. A parent in our Waverley Community, Kerren Hosking, has set up a GoFundMe page to help support Elena Reed and their family. If you would like to support this family please click the link below.

Please keep this family in your prayers.


A reminder to please follow the below process for reporting your son’s absence. Parents/carers requesting permission for three days or more of leave or extended holiday periods exceeding three school days, must apply for permission from myself.

Permission needs to be in writing at least two weeks in advance, and is not automatically granted. Please contact myself for approval by emailing

Absence and Reporting an Absence


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


SMART Goals 

At the commencement of each Term, students are encouraged to set SMART goals for their learning with their classroom teachers. Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed will set our students up for success.

Last term, all students received their Semester 1 Academic report and had a meeting with their teacher to identify areas for development. I encourage you to sit down and discuss the goals that your son has set for his learning so we can all work together to help him achieve it. We know that writing goals down allows students to revisit them throughout the Term, encourages focus, and builds strategies to make sure they achieve their goal/s.

The goals for Term 3 can be found on page 111 in the College Diary. 

Waverley students inspired to learn

Waverley students inspired to learn


Ms Charlotte Stephens

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Winter Co-Curricular Sport – Round 8

I hope all families had a restful and rejuvenating break, without too many external sporting commitments. The Winter Co-Curricular season is now entering its final three rounds for 2023. This weekend is Round 8, on Saturday, 22 July.

Post-Winter Co-Curricular 

Students will have a break from sport between Weeks 4 to 10, Term 3. During this period, students who make it through to IPSHA Athletics, were named age champions or performed highly at the Athletics Carnival, will be invited to train with the Senior Athletics squads for their respective events. This will allow those students to prepare for both IPSHA and CIS Athletics later in the term. All relevant information will be emailed out to those parents/carers in the coming weeks.

Please ensure you refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly sports fixtures and scores for each round. Families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information on the College website via the link below.

Click here to view all Junior School Co-curricular information on the Waverley College website

Extra Co-Curricular Activities in Term 3

As mentioned last week, Term 3 Winter Cricket Club will continue Wednesday lunchtimes with Mr McKimm, beginning from Week 2.

The following Extra Co-Curricular activities will also recommence from Week 2.

At this stage, it’s been decided that Table Tennis will not continue this year, due to concerns regarding lack of involvement and miscommunication with the instructors involved.

*If you wish to withdraw your son from any Extra Co-Curricular activities for Term 3, please email me personally. Students signed up in Term 2 will roll over to Term 3. I will inform families if there is room to add additional students to various activities.

Winter Co-Curricular Awards Nights (Years 5-12)


All players, families and supporters from our AFL community from Years 5-12 are invited to attend the AFL end of season celebration.

Tickets can be purchased using the below link:

Let’s celebrate the end of a cracking AFL season at Waverley. 


Waverley College Football Awards Night 2023 will be held:

Tickets can be purchased using the below link:

Please note ticket sales for this event will close on 3 August 2023. 

Mr Edward Davis, Convenor of Football


The Waverley College Rugby Presentation Night will be held:

More information will be sent out to the community soon, including how you can purchase a ticket. Please save the date!

Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club

CIS Rugby League

During the mid-year holidays, Jackson MacAskill, Henry Callen and Kalan Fisher represented CIS at the NSW Rugby League PSSA Champs in Wagga Wagga from 19 – 22 June.

They all had an amazing experience and played at a high standard.

Congratulations to Jackson, Henry and Kalan for representing CIS NSW and Waverley College Junior School.

CIS Rugby League

CIS Rugby League

Sydney Interschool Snowsport Championships

Over the school holidays, eight Waverley College students competed at the Sydney Interschool Snowsport Championships at Thredbo from 10-14 July.

Rory Palmer (Year 6) won silver in the Alpine event (Division 4 for boys in Years 5 and 6) and bronze in the Skier X event (Division 4 for boys in Years 5 and 6).

As a team, Rory Palmer, Archie Francis and Connor Moran placed 5th overall in the Skier X event in Division 4.

Patrick Palmer (Year 8) placed 5th in the Skier X event (Division 3 for boys in Years 7 and 8).

Archie Francis (Year 5) placed 7th in the Snowboard GS, 9th in the Snowboard X and 12th in the Moguls events (Division 4).

Archie Hoiles (Year 7) placed 22nd in the Snowboard X and 24th in the Snowboard GS events (Division 3).

Rory, Patrick and Archie Francis have each qualified for the NSW State Championships in their respective events to be held in Perisher from 21-25 August.

Congratulations also to Connor Moran (Year 5), Oscar Litchfield (Year 6), Jordan Mano (Year 8), Aidan Giusti (Year 8) and Charlie Thompson (Year 12) for their commendable races and first-ever Sydney Interschools events.

We hope to see more boys competing next year on behalf of the College.


Snowsport Championships

Snowsport Championships

Snowsport Championships


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)


Term 3 Week 2

We offer all students in Years 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school to complete home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Register your son via the link 

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s/carer’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

ICAS Exams 

All ICAS exams will be sat before school in the Learning Hub.

4 7:30am  Wednesday, 9 August Writing 
8am  Thursday, 10 August  Digital Technologies 
5 8am  Wednesday, 16 August  English 
7:45am  Wednesday, 23 August  Science 
7 8am  Wednesday, 30 August Mathematics 

Pop-up Bookshop 

An essential aspect of supporting your son with his reading is to allow him to make his own book choices. The Pop-up Bookshop will run in Term 3 Week 6. 

This year I would like to introduce a new sustainable and cost-effective Pop-up Bookshop. 

If you would like to help this initiative I would like you to donate ‘pre-loved’ books that will be sold at a very reduced amount. 

The money raised will be donated to one of the Edmund Rice foundations.

Pop Up Bookshop in 2022

Pop Up Bookshop in 2022

Pop Up Bookshop


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


City to Surf

Wonderfully, 101 people have signed up to our Waverley team in the City2Surf on 13 August in support of the charity ‘Running for Premature Babies,’ raising funds for a lifesaving humidicrib for The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

It’s not too late to register. Join the Yellow start wave to run/walk with Lachy from The Wiggles!

Click here to resister


Mr Elliot McKimm

Year 5 Orange Classroom Teacher

Our annual Indigenous round of sport against Knox Grammar School will launch this Saturday, 22 July.

Tennis at Tennis Courts

Volleyball in Gym

Football at Queens Park 1

Rugby at Queens Park 1

See you at one or all of the games!

Indigenous Round 2023

Term 3

Week 1

Week 2

Weeks Ahead

Transformative Teaching and Learning

Term 3 Professional Learning (PL) Day focused on enhancing student success through Collaborative Group Work, Constructive Feedback, and Formative Assessment.

Education is an ever-evolving process, and to ensure that teachers are equipped with the latest tools and pedagogies to foster student success, Waverley College continues to commit to providing quality PL experiences for our staff. These dedicated days allow us to come together, share our experiences, and learn from one another. One crucial aspect of such experiences is to explore evidence-based innovative teaching practices that have proven effective in enhancing student engagement and achievement. The day enabled us to enliven the principles of our T&L Framework.

Session 1: Collaborative Practice 

This session was facilitated by the Collaborative Action Research team (Helen Barrie, Alice Curtis, Stephanie Falk, Oliver Knight, Nicholas Sposari, Gemma Stead, Margaux Walker and Elizabeth Watson). The team shared what they had learnt when exploring, designing and engaging in a variety of group work activities with their classes during Semester 1. The aim of the research project was to establish how to best implement collaborative practices in our school context to foster dynamic learning environments.

Collaborative group work has become a hallmark of progressive education. Gone are the days of passive learning, where students sit in silence, absorbing information without actively engaging with the material or their peers. Educators recognise the immense value of effective group work. When students work together in groups, they can share ideas, challenge one another’s perspectives, and develop essential teamwork and communication skills. Moreover, collaborative group work nurtures a sense of community within the classroom, encouraging students to support and learn from each other. By embracing this approach, educators not only empower students to become active participants in their education, but also prepare them for the collaborative demands of the modern workforce.

Session 2: The Power of Effective Feedback

This session was facilitated by Ms Mary Ryan, Mr Angus MacAuslan, Mr Barry Smith, Mr Ben Shorthouse and Mr Rob Tall. They highlighted that effective feedback plays a pivotal role in the learning journey of students.

Constructive feedback serves as a compass, guiding learners towards improvement and growth. During this session, staff delved into the art of giving effective feedback, emphasising the importance of being specific, timely, and encouraging. When students receive feedback that is tailored to their individual progress, they gain valuable insights into their strengths and areas for development. Additionally, constructive feedback instils a growth mindset, where students learn to perceive challenges as opportunities for improvement rather than obstacles to success. By consistently providing meaningful feedback, educators can empower students to take ownership of their learning, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the classroom.

Session 3: Formative Assessment as Learning Checkpoints 

The final session was delivered by Mr Nicholas Brophy, Mr Mark Neale, Ms Lynsey Porter, Mr Ben Shorthouse, Ms Jade Sparks, Mr Nicholas Sposari, Ms Charlotte Stephens and Ms Jenna Turnbull. 

Formative assessment – an ongoing process of evaluating student understanding and progress – is critical in empowering students to take an active role in their learning journey. Learning checkpoints allow for regular feedback on student performance and enable individuals to track their progress, identify their strengths, and address their weaknesses, fostering a sense of autonomy and accountability in their academic pursuits. Hattie suggests that students should consistently ask themselves (1) Where am I going?, (2) How am I going?, and (3) Where to next?. He considers these to be the ‘Holy Trinity of Learning’ which guide learners towards a future of success and lifelong learning.

As we embark on the second half of 2023 after a three-week break, we return to routine and focus. I reminded the students at our Assembly on Tuesday that it is the little things that make a big impact. I asked them to start by tucking in their shirts, wearing their blazers, and ensuring we arrive at class on time.

These seemingly small actions reflect our commitment to excellence and create an atmosphere of respect and professionalism. They demonstrate that we value our education and the opportunities it presents. So, let’s embrace the details, uphold high standards, and set the stage for a successful Semester 2. 

Opal Cards

In Term 2 this year, we sought your assistance in encouraging our students to Tap On and Off with their School or Child/Youth Opal Cards. While there has been some improvement, unfortunately, the majority of students are still not using their Opal Cards.

This is concerning, as it puts several school bus routes at risk of being redistributed by Transport for NSW to areas that have demonstrated a greater need.

It is a condition of the Student Code of Conduct when travelling, that students must Tap On and Off with their School Opal Card or Child/Youth Opal Card every time when using public transport. This is so that Transport for NSW can understand customer travel patterns and adjust the services provided, if necessary.

What can parents and carers do to help?

We kindly ask that all parents/carers ensure that their children have a valid Opal card for travelling to and from school each day. We also ask that you please encourage them to Tap On and Off every time they use a bus service.

To be eligible for a School Opal Card the student must:

*Years K-2 (Infants) – No minimum distance.

*Years 3-6 (Primary) – 1.6km straight line distance or 2.3km walking or further.

*Years 7-12 (Secondary) – 2km straight line distance or 2.9km walking or further.

If you do not meet these criteria, your child will need to carry a Child/Youth Opal card with funds loaded onto it.

If your child’s School Opal Card has expired or been damaged, lost or stolen, please visit to reapply.

If you are still waiting for your School Opal Card to arrive, please follow up with OPAL directly by calling 131 500.

Register now: eSafety Commissioner’s Online Relationships and Consent webinar 

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT, in partnership with the eSafety Commissioner, is offering all parents, carers, teachers and support staff the opportunity to join a free webinar designed for parents and carers of students in secondary school.

The 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in secondary school.

It will cover:

Webinar details

Tuesday 15 August, 7:30pm-8pm

Click here to register

Knife Offences Update

On 29 June 2023, the Criminal Legislation Amendment (Knife Crimes) Bill 2023 passed the NSW Parliament. As the Attorney General noted in his second reading speech, the legislation responds to serious knife‐related incidents across NSW and recognises the significant risk posed by the possession/use of knives in public places and schools.

Being in possession of or brandishing a knife in public or at school is already an offence under the Summary Offences Act 1988, but with the passage of this new legislation, the offences will move to the Crimes Act 1900 with increased maximum penalties:

The legislation provides for reasonable excuses for possessing a knife, including when it is necessary for:

While these reforms represent significant increases and the toughest penalties of all Australian jurisdictions for such offences, the NSW Government has indicated that children and young people “will still remain eligible for diversion options under the Young Offenders Act 1997”, including “cautions and referrals to youth justice conferences” (second reading speech). The Government has also promised to monitor how these reforms impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Waverley College School Bags – Out of Stock

Our onsite Uniform Shop is currently out of stock of the Waverley backpack. These should be back in stock by September. The Uniform Shop sincerely apologises for any inconvenience.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

From the Director of Business Services, Mr Bryn Gregerson – 2023/24 Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice Dates

2023 Fees

*As per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website, all Years 5 and 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This includes continuing Year 6 (2023) students into Year 7 (2024). This replaces the “continuing confirmation deposit” usually charged in the 3rd Payment to Year 6. Year 5 and 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2024 for any applicable sundries, sibling discounts, excursion fees and camps. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

2024 Fees

Discounts and Additional Fee

Fees paid before 4pm on the Prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one Term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school Term, is the first day of the same Term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one Term’s tuition fees will be payable. The relevant dates for 2023 are below:

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here for the Week 1 Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

The Sacrament of Confirmation for students in Years 5 and above will be celebrated in Holy Cross Catholic Church, Woollahra, on Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 7pm by Bishop Richard Umbers.

The Parent Information Evening will be held in the Holy Cross School Hall on Tuesday, 1 August at 6pm. Please enter the school via the Fletcher Street entrance.

Preparation Classes

Preparation classes for students and accompanying parent/carer, not attending Holy Cross School, will be in Holy Cross Community Centre on:

For more information, please contact the parish on 02 9389 3156 or email

Open days can be incredibly useful. Universities host Open Days to showcase their educational offerings and deliver opportunities for you to ask questions and get advice.

They offer a taster of university life and facilities and are a great place to meet new people.

Click here to view a list of dates and links to 2o23 Open Days

When: Friday, 11 August 2023
Location: The Field Bar, Easts Rugby Club
Time: 5:45pm for a 6pm start

>>> Please click here for more information and to book and purchase tickets.


Ms Brooke Kent

Activities Officer

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

The Waverley College Football Awards Night 2023 will be held on Friday, 11 August.

Venue: Waverley College Gym and Braidwood/BBQ area

Time: 5pm-7:30pm

Cost: $20 per person (+.50c TryBooking ticket fee)

Refreshments: Food and soft drink will be provided

Contact: email Ms Brooke Kent

Please click the link below to purchase your tickets. Please note ticket sales for this event will close on Thursday, 3 August 2023.

>>> Click here to book and purchase Waverley College Football Awards Night Tickets.


Ms Brooke Kent

Activities Officer

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 3, Week 2. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Visual Arts 3:30pm – 5pm C13 Turnbull
Maths standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am E33 Cornish
Maths Advanced 7:30am – 8:30am E26 Mountfort
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Studies of Religion I and II 3:30pm – 5pm E40s Cooper/Stewart
Geography 3:30pm – 5pm W33 Wallington
PDHPE 7:30am – 8:30am GHR Darvill
Chemistry 3:30pm – 5pm E04 Pace
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Food Technology 7:30am – 8:30am TF2 Neale
Spanish 3:30pm – 5pm W25 Quintana
Design & Technology 7:30am – 8:30am C01 Spargo
Maths standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am E33 Cornish
Friday, 28 July 2023
Maths standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am E23 Riley
English ext. 3:25pm – 4:55pm K23/Library Ryan
Hospitality 7:30am – 8:30am TF1 McCarthy
Biology 7:30am – 8:30am K2L3 Brown

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning