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Term 2 – Week 7

Monday, 5 June – Sunday, 11 June 2023


Looking Ahead

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 2 events, please refer to the College calendar.

It was wonderful to start the week off with a wonderful class assembly led by Mr McKimm and 5 Orange. They showcased all the amazing work they have done so far this Term and presented so well. Thank you 5 Orange for starting the week off with a bang! 

5 Orange class photo

5 Orange

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be held on Monday, 19 June. This is a pupil-free day for students however, they need to attend the interview. They need to be in their full academic uniform. This will be a hybrid session that will be split into two. The morning session will be face-to-face and the afternoon session will be Zoom. More information will be coming out over the next couple of weeks. 

Free the Funk

On Tuesday, 30 May, we are asking students to come to school in fluro mufti to raise awareness of mental health. ‘One Wave’ is an organisation that runs a program called ‘Free the Funk’ which visits schools to start conversations, learn tips and tools for taking care of your mental health, and discuss how to support friends and family members. 

One Wave will be holding a 30-minute session with Year 5 and Year 6 separately on Tuesday. We ask that students bring in a donation of $2 so we can support this wonderful organisation that visits schools for free, to start early prevention, which is critical for our students.

Below is the link for more information:

WriteOn Competition 2023

This is a reminder about the WriteOn Competition. If your son is looking for some extra inspiration over the next few weeks please direct him to this competition. 

WriteOn is an annual writing competition open to all NSW primary students in Years 1 to 6. Students compose an imaginative text of up to 500 words, using the below image as the stimulus.

This competition provides students with the opportunity to become published authors and showcase their creativity. 

Entries are due to me by Week 6 Term 2.

WriteOn competition

Year 5 History Showcase

We would like to invite all parents/carers to attend Year 5’s History Showcase on Thursday, 8 June at 2pm. 

The students in Year 5 will be presenting their historical knowledge from their history unit learnt this semester. They have been involved in a history inquiry unit that explores the significance of people, groups, places and events, that have led to the development of Australia.

 Each student will have a booth at the showcase on which they will:

Below are some amazing examples from last year to get you inspired, we can’t wait to see what this year’s Year 5 has in store for us!

Year 5 History showcase

Year 5 History Showcase

Year 5 History Showcase

Year 6 History Showcase

We would like to invite all parents/carers to attend Year 6’s History Showcase on Wednesday, 14 June at 1:30pm. 

Year 6 has been learning about the many reasons why people have migrated to Australia over time. They have interviewed somebody they know, who has migrated to Australia. At the showcase, students will:

Examples from last year are below. We are so looking forward to learning about and celebrating the diverse stories of migration to Australia that Year 6 will be sharing with us.

Year 6 History Showcase

Year 6 History Showcase

Year 6 History Showcase


Ms Gaby Bransby

(Acting) Director of the Junior School


Winter Co-Curricular Sport – Round 5

I wish all teams the best of luck this weekend, and hope for friendly competition and respect for our opposition teams. For the last several rounds I have been really impressed with how our teams have been performing, and I know it won’t be any different this weekend.

Please ensure you refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly sports fixtures for each round. Families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information through the College website via the link below.

Click here to view all Junior School Co-curricular information on the Waverley College website

House Athletics Carnival (Years 5-12 Whole School Event)

Last Friday, 19 May Waverley College held its annual House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks Athletics Field. It was a glorious sun-shining day and the electricity was high, having both Junior and Senior students and staff together for a day of friendly House competition. It had been two years since having a whole school Athletics Carnival due to the redevelopment of ES Marks. 

All Junior School students demonstrated true House spirit, along with a fire to compete in as many events as they could, throughout the day. Track and Field events included: 100m, 200m, 800m, 1,500m, Championship Race, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put.

It wouldn’t have been a House Athletics Carnival for the Junior School without the Novelty events that our students love participating in. This year they included: Three-Legged Race and the Wheelbarrow Race. All staff and Junior students got involved, including some Senior House Prefects, and it no doubt was the highlight for many students.

Students gave their all in each event they were involved in, and as a result, we can announce the following students who are the Junior School Age Champions for 2023 based on the final results and placings.

Under 10s
1st  Patrick Spencer
2nd Kai Lopez
3rd Leo Mithen
3rd Hugo Cuschieri
4th Reis McEvoy


Under 11s
1st  Charlie Carrano
2nd Tio Norman
3rd Oliver Burke
4th Phillip Rizzo
4th Louis Vereker


Under 12s
1st  Leonardo Rodella
2nd Talin Opai
2nd Sam Powell
3rd Louis Coleman
4th Noah Borlotti


2023 House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks

2023 House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks

The IPSHA Athletics Team will not yet be announced until Term 3, as we still need to undertake Discus, and redo Shot Put due to Senior Staff not recording the distances. Once announced, those students will be invited to begin training as part of the Senior School Athletics Program.


Freddie Fearon represented Waverley College at the AFL CIS trials and was deservingly selected in the NSW CIS team and participated in the annual tournament last week.

The team came away with a silver medal, doing a great job throughout the tournament – working hard and playing with spirit, grit and determination. Unfortunately they were beaten in the Grand Final but it was a great game.

A massive congratulations to Freddie for his involvement. Waverley is proud of you.




IPSHA Rugby Union Trials

Last Thursday, seven Junior School students were invited to be involved in the 2023 IPSHA Rugby Union Trial, in the hope of making it through to the NSW CIS Rugby Union Trials. Mr Olds was there as a coach and selector, which I’m sure gave all the students comfort, knowing a familiar coaching face and energy.

At the conclusion of the trial, we successfully had all seven students selected to be a part of the IPSHA squad to progress to the NSW CIS Trials coming up in June.

Congratulations to the following students: Kalan Fisher, Hugo Cummins, Jacob Roorda, William Carr, Henry Callen and Talin Opai.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)


6 Blue English Podcasts

Our focus text this Term in English has been Bruce Pascoe’s Young Dark Emu, a non-fiction text telling a ‘truer history’ of pre-colonised Australia. The 6 Blue students have studied the background of author Bruce Pascoe, analysed each chapter, and written thoughtful journal entries about their learnings and wonderings. Each student has been surprised, shocked and in awe of the knowledge shared in this book, adding more detail and a wider perspective to their view of history. 

As the summative assessment at the conclusion of this deep-dive, students are required to script and record a podcast sharing their thoughts and findings about the text. Here are some of the students’ lines in their podcasts:

Leo Schwarz and Jet Venning

Leo: So, Jethro I have one last question for you: What was terra nullius and how was it justified by claiming that Indigenous Australians were primitive?

Jethro: Well Leo, actually it was not justified to call it terra nullius because that actually means “land belonging to no one”, but the Indigenous people of Australia had been there for over 60,000 years and had many different ways of agriculture and aquaculture, as well as food storing and house building.”

6 Blue

Jacob Pelletier and Cole Berkley

Jacob: The book says that the Aboriginal women were the first to make bread. They would do this by grinding up seeds and then mixing them with some water until it was a thick dough. After the dough had rested for a day they would place it over a fire to bake and voila, BREAD!

Cole: That is so cool, it might be my new favourite book.”

6 Blue

We are looking forward to completing our podcast recordings and listening to them as a class.

6 Blue

6 Blue


Ms Jade Sparks

Class Teacher 6 Blue


Running Club

Every Monday at lunchtime, a number of students and staff in the Junior School head to Waverley Park for Running Club. In its second year at the College, this initiative aims to support the mental health and fitness goals of its participants.

The reasons that runners and walkers have for attending is varied, however, all are welcome no matter your pace. Many of us are training for the City2Surf and are excited to support Running for Premature Babies once more. 

If you have any questions about Running Club or the City2Surf, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Every week, Junior School students and staff run together at Waverley Park as part of the Running Club to support mental health and fitness goals. Everyone is welcome!

Winter Cricket Training

While the winter sport season is in full swing at Waverley College, a group of very keen cricketers have been meeting every Wednesday at the Junior School nets. These boys have been batting and bowling with the purpose of keeping their skills active throughout the winter, so that they are ready to go when summer rolls around once more.

Winter cricket training


Mr Elliott McKimm

Running Club Coordinator


Home Learning Club Week 6

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent/carer signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to email us.


If afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached. Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


2023 ICAS Competitions – Years 5 and 6 Students

What is ICAS?  

ICAS is an online academic competition designed to assess students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing and Digital Technologies.  Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.

If you would like your son to compete in the 2023 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate which competitions you would like him to be entered in through the Parent Payment System.

At the Junior School, the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3 and will be completed online in the Learning Hub before school starts. A timetable will be shared closer to the assessment dates. 

Click here to register your son

Through this system, parents/carers can pay for ICAS directly online, while tests will still be held at our school.

*Please use the school’s access code details to register your child no later than 23 July 2023.

Waverley’s School Access Code FBT592

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning.

If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher. More information about the assessments can be found at ICAS Assessments: Home 

If you require additional support registering your son, contact the customer service team, Australian Toll-Free, 1800 931 775.


Lunchtime Guest Speaker – Richard Simpkin 

Richard Simpkin, Waverley Old Boy, proud Tevlin member and Dad of Ollie (Year 5), had the Waverley Junior School students buzzing with excitement during his presentation.

Richard, who is a photographer and writer, took the boys on a celebrity journey and shared the strong message of perseverance and believing in yourself. 

You had the students captivated from start to finish. You are a natural-born storyteller. I look forward to reading more of your books. Thank you for taking the time to inspire the students to ‘dream big’ and follow their dreams.

Richard Simpkin

Richard Simpkin

Richard Simpkin

Richard Simpkin

Sorry Day 26 May and Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June

This week, the boys explored the very important theme of National Sorry Day and next week will focus on Reconciliation. 

Rich literature was used to encourage valuable discussion on the cultural heritage of the First Nations Peoples.

The boys highlighted many important facts and we were involved in activities that promote creative and critical thinking.

National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

Drawing Club 

Good luck to the Drawing Club students who entered the Waverley Youth Art Prize 2023 competition run by Waverley Council. Your interpretation of this year’s theme, Climate Utopia, was creative and original.

Drawing Club

Reader of the Week

Reader of the week


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher

May Procession

It was wonderful to celebrate the 113th May Procession with our Waverley community here on campus, on a Friday morning. The event was graced by special guests, including Fr Bernie Thomas ofm, Parish Priest of Mary Immaculate Church Waverley, and Ned Weiland, a guest speaker and former student from the Class of 2019. Ned shared his inspiring life journey, highlighting his achievement as the youngest person to complete the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming at the age of 16.

Ned Weiland has continued his incredible feats by conquering ultra-marathon swims to raise funds for the mental health charity ‘R U OK?,’ and he is now aiming to become the youngest male to complete the Oceans Seven. His dedication to both swimming and charitable causes is commendable.

During the procession, the Banners were carried, followed by the Marian Statue, into the Centenary Quadrangle. The honor of carrying the Marian Statue was bestowed upon members of the Year 12 class of 2022, known as the ‘new Old Boys.’

The dedication of the Rosary was led by representatives from various groups within the inclusive community, including Old Boys, the teaching community, and the Parents’ Association. It’s wonderful to see different languages being included, such as Italian, Spanish, and Gaelic, further emphasising the diverse and inclusive nature of the event.

A lot of time and effort goes into the staging of the May Procession, and I would like to thank all the staff who contributed in making the May Procession such a wonderful occasion.

Lastly, a heartfelt thank you goes out to all the students, parents, carers and Old Boys who attended the event. Your presence and active participation made the May Procession a truly memorable occasion. 

National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June

26 May is National Sorry Day. It is a day of commemoration and remembrance of all those who have been impacted by the government policies of forcible removal of First Nations children. 

As an Edmund Rice school, we are called to offer a Liberating Education, based on a Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community committed to Justice and Solidarity. 

Reconciliation Week also holds immense importance in our calendar at the College, promoting healing, understanding, and respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. It provides an opportunity for reflection, education, and action towards building a more inclusive and equitable society.

National Reconciliation Week, observed in May, serves as a reminder for all Australians to learn about shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to consider how they can contribute to reconciliation efforts. It’s an opportunity for reflection on past accomplishments and the work that still needs to be done to achieve genuine reconciliation.

The 2023 theme for National Reconciliation Week, ‘Be a Voice for Generations,’ highlights the importance of being actively engaged in reconciliation efforts in everyday life. It encourages all Australians to contribute in tangible ways, whether it’s in their local communities, workplaces, or social circles, fostering respectful relationships and working towards a stronger and more inclusive nation.

By embracing this theme and embodying the spirit of reconciliation in your words, thoughts, and actions, you can play a significant role in creating a more united and equitable Australia.

Interschool Student Leadership in Sustainability Symposium

Congratulations to Kayden Baker and James Peate who recently participated in this Emanuel-hosted symposium to share ideas about sustainability with other senior student representatives and staff from various schools. They collaborated in workshops and even a pickling session! You can read more in the article in the Australian Jewish News (25 May 2023).

Staff Update

I would like to congratulate Ms Alison Jinga on her appointment at Endeavour Sports High School.  

Alison has worked at Waverley for the past 12 years and has contributed significantly across multiple areas of College life, particularly in her role as Head of Department – Drama and teacher of Drama across Stages 3-6 and HSC Entertainment.

She has also contributed beyond the classroom with her involvement in a number of very successful College musicals and drama productions over the years. She brings extensive HSC marking experience to our drama students, and has worked tirelessly to evolve individual and group performances into some outstanding results, and numerous nominations and entries into the HSC OnStage Showcase.

I thank her for sharing her passion for Drama and Entertainment, and for all of her hard work and great collaboration with students, colleagues and parents/carers.  

I would also like to congratulate Mr Peter Lamb, who will step in as (Acting) Head of Drama and Mr Jeremy Godwin who will teach in the Drama department for us. 

Alison will be finishing with us in the coming weeks.

This week, we spoke to each Year Group with discussions around the results of the Wellbeing Survey. This included the need for better hydration, less time on phones, appropriate focus on study for examinations and respectful relationships. The other big focus was on the students’ uniform.

Advance Notice re: Uniform Inspections

Students’ uniforms will be inspected as they arrive at school next week. Students must wear their blazers to and from school in Terms 2 and 3. Standard black leather lace-up shoes are the only acceptable footwear, except during sport.

No suede or branded shoes ie: Nike, New Balance, ASICS etc. Shoes must be of a leather type that can be polished to a shine. Shoes with coloured stitching or other embellishments such as buckles, are not acceptable. Boots of any type are not permissible.

Shirts must be tucked into the trousers at all times and the top button of the shirt is to be done up with the appropriate College tie.

Detentions will be issued to students wearing incorrect attire.

All students also need to ensure they are fully attired on Saturdays in full winter uniform or their Waverley College sports attire. We cannot permit any variations that include some casual attire mixed with Waverley attire please.

I want to wish all Years 7-10 students the very best with their current examination period, and encourage those students to keep hydrated, reduce screen times and get enough sleep to enable strong performances in those assessments.

While we continue the conversation about artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT, their place in an educational setting continues to evolve. It is essential that students remain aware of both the possibilities and limitations when using these tools in their learning. 

AI software can be harnessed as a powerful learning aid — particularly if used as a sophisticated search engine — when students are conducting research into a specific topic.  For example, some AI programs are useful, like the chess-playing programs in the 1990s. That was supposed to be the end of humans playing chess. No, it wasn’t the end of humans playing chess. Chess is a different game now and that’s interesting. 

Some Valid Uses of AI Would be:

Limitations Around AI Software

It is also important that students are aware of the limitations around AI software, particularly regarding academic integrity when it comes to assessment tasks. Some of the things that students should be aware of are:

What can a student do to make sure they are using AI software with integrity?

We continue to place AI software firmly on our agenda in Curriculum and we will be seeking opportunities to educate our students further on the topic as we move into Semester 2.

One final thought. It is important to stay curious and open to new technologies like ChatGPT. We believe an open mindset and curiosity can help us to navigate this unchartered territory as a community.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum

On Thursday, Ms Barrie and I were lucky enough to spend the day with Year 10 Applied Philosophy and Year 11 Extension English students at the Sydney Writers’ Festival. The excursion had been meticulously organised by Mr Roberts who has attended the Festival many times over the past few years.

We were treated to three wonderful and varied sessions; how to formulate an argument in a clear and concise way by champion debater Bo Seo, the importance of Shakespeare in our world today with Laura Murphy and Joanna Erskine, and finally, the importance of reading and studying literary works with academics and experts Michael Parker and Fiona Morrison.

The boys were enthralled by the buzz of the event, where large numbers of students listened and asked questions of the speakers.

Below are some student reflections on the sessions.

Sydney Writers' Festival 2023

Lachlan Miranda (Year 11)

During the day at the Sydney Writers’ Festival, students from Years 10 and 11 were able to develop their understanding of the world through the lens of literature by engaging in three keynote lectures. The first session was given by Bo Seo who is a two-time world champion debater and former coach of the Australian and Harvard debate teams. As a debater, I was able to relate to all the analogies Seo gave.

He dissected the forms of features of a formal debate and applied them to an everyday argument, thus everyone was able to relate to the metaphor as a whole. Seo invoked the cruciality of dialogue in our social media-saturated society, by understanding the components that develop an argument into a case. He spoke about the art of articulation and how this is essential to maintain the audience’s attention and further convince them of your point of view.

Bo Seo also touched on how to apply ethos (ethics), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) to an argument, and really break down a discussion point into several separate conversations. Debating was used continuously throughout the presentations as a metaphor for life.

The most notable point of the presentation was the importance of listening. Listening to one another’s point of view on a certain topic allows you to reconsider your own perspective, but may also allow an individual to question the integrity of their own case, thus making their once flawed arguments much stronger to their own case.

Seo once again made this point relevant as young people’s attention span or attention quotient (AQ) diminishes as a result of the short-form media content that adolescents are uncontrollably exposed to on a daily basis, people are listening less. Thus the art of debating is becoming critical in shaping young thinkers, and listeners, of the future. 

Kayden Baker (Year 10) Ye Olde New Shakespeare Speaker Notes

Laura Murphy (Shakespeare-inspired composer and lyricist for The Dismissal) and Joanna Erskin (playwright, producer, Head of Education at Bell Shakespeare, NIDA graduate), spoke around the adaptation of Shakespeare not being a new idea, whereby, his works have been adapted in modern pieces and displays observed today.

Re-imaginings or takings of essence from Shakespeare contribute to today’s entertainment significantly. Shakespeare adaptations feed into modern Australian entertainment and continue to do so frequently. Laura Murphy observes the innate interest of infusing past works with an essence of your own, recognising Shakespeare’s transcendent nature and legacy.

Joanna Erskin believes that there is no piece or work that defines the constructs of humanity, the beauty and flaws of our existence than Shakespeare’s. Shakespeare is illuminated as a thief, stealing ideas and essences of work around him, whereby he simply took it and made it better. Thus, we have the capacity to alter his work and make it our own, resonating our ideas with his in future works. There is an inherent value in staging his works and altering them for future entertainment. 

Ewan McDonald (Year 11)

The third and final talk of the Writers’ Festival was entitled ‘Why Should We Study This Rubbish?’. The speakers were experts in education and literature and provided a thought-provoking, new perspective on why we should read, how we determine what texts are considered one of the “greats”, and whether or not those books are worth studying in the modern era.

The fascinating talk delved into the world of reading in our current society, a world laced with new technologies, new ideas and new distractions. With this in mind, speakers Michael Parker and Fiona Morrison recommended various new books to add both to a literary canon that fits the 21st century and to our own reading lists. Books such as Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children and Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go came highly recommended to add to our bookshelf.

The talk also dived into the advantages and disadvantages in studying these bulwarks of Western Literature. Overall, the talk broadened our perceptions of the power of literature and how that power can be transposed into the modern age.

Sydney Writers' Festival 2023

Next Wednesday, 31 May, all Year 11 HSC plus ATAR students will attend a Study Skills session with Elevate on Memory Mnemonics during their scheduled Period 1 English period.

Students undertaking an HSC plus Vocational pattern of study may choose to attend this session or their normal scheduled English Studies class.

*Students should bring a pen to the session.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

Click the button below for further details.

Click here to view more information about Elevate Education

The Secondhand Clothing Pool is in desperate need of several items — which really means that fellow parents and carers are in need of those.

We are getting many enquiries for the following items with close to no stock available for sale:

There is a ‘buy back’ option, with $30 paid for blazers and All-weather jackets in great condition.

Please check your sons’ wardrobes for items that have been outgrown and can be passed on. The more we can sell, the more parents and carers are able to donate back what their sons have outgrown. Let’s get this cycle moving again!

All donations (not only the above specified items) are gratefully received, with profits from sales going straight back into the College to benefit all students via the Parents’ Association.

*These funds also enable the ‘Legacy Fund’ which pays for new uniform items for one or several students in need every year.

Donations can be left in the blue box to the left of the Senior School reception desk.

We thank you very much for your generosity!


Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators

Camille and Kirsten

Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to thank you for your support of the Music Department and the 2024 European Music Tour.

After such a long hiatus from International Music Tours, it has been wonderful to witness the excitement that this tour has generated from the young musicians at the College.

Music Tours are a truly unique and enriching experience to all concerned, and will stay with the young men of Waverley well beyond their time at the College.

We have received a fantastic response in terms of the initial deposit, and would like to remind you that the closing date for the deposit was Friday, 26 May 2023.

Please note that the tour is open to all music students at the College, including members of the Choir, Concert Band, Jazz Ensembles, Guitar Ensemble and Rock Bands.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions about this tour.

2024 Music Tour Meeting Agenda and Payment Schedule


Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music

Join us on Wednesday, 21 June, 6:30pm

The Waverley College Music Festival will showcase the abundant talent and variety of our students in vocal, brass, strings, elective music and ensemble performances from both the Junior and Senior Schools.

Guitar and Percussion Ensembles, The Cliff Goodchild Concert Band, Matthew Coorey Concert Band, Jazz Bands, Waterford Concert Band, College Choir, Cantores, Elective Music Students and Soloists and Rock Bands will showcase the event.

Tickets are available to purchase using TryBooking. 

Click here to book tickets

You will need to be quick, tickets sell fast! Performers do not need to buy a ticket.

Entry: Adults $25, Children $15.

Location: Br R J Wallace Performing Arts Centre, 131 Birrell Street Waverley.

*Performers should arrive no later than 5:30pm.

Delicious hot food and beverages will be available for purchase from 5:15pm prior to the commencement of the concert.

Our Music Supporters’ Group have catering items from butter chicken and rice, steamed dumplings, pulled pork tacos, pies, sausage rolls, cakes and sweet treats along with a range of beverages.

Come along, grab dinner, and enjoy the night out!

Music Festival Poster 2023

Can You Help Out on the Night?

The PAC Supporters’ Group are looking for parents/carers to assist with the evening.

Please email: if you can help with donations or service on the night. Any helpers with an RSA would be appreciated.

Raffle Tickets

Raffle tickets are available from the Music Office and will also be sold at the Festival.

*Any unwanted tickets and monies should be sent back to school by Monday, 19 June with your son please.

Please remember to complete your details on the dockets. Great prizes including musical instruments and vouchers! The raffle will be drawn on the night.

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here to view the Week 5 Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Click here to view Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures, Results, Training Schedules and Maps

House Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to all students from Years 5-12 who participated in a very successful and enjoyable day at the House Athletics Carnival last Friday. All students should be commended for their high level of participation in all events. The day showcased the students’ skills, determination, and unwavering House spirit in the various track and field events on offer.

Congratulations to LACEY House for winning the House Athletics Carnival!

Congratulations to CONLON House for winning the House Cheering competition.

Thank you to all staff for their involvement during the day and for the large number of parents/carers who attended.


Cadets is an inclusive youth development program designed to develop confidence, resilience and strength of character in our young students. From the beginning of Term 3 Year 8 until the end of Term 1 Year 9, all current Year 8 Waverley students will join the Waverley College Cadet Unit.

To learn more about the cadet program, a Parent Information Evening will be held on Monday, 29 May (Week 6) at 6:30pm in the Performing Arts Centre. As space is limited, please send one parent or carer from each family – students are also welcome to attend.

Please refer to the email sent by the Commanding Officer of the Waverley College Cadet Unit, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow.

AFL Indigenous Round – Walawaani Cup

The 1st AFL team played against Cranbrook in a very close game for the Walawaani Cup last Friday night, with Cranbrook winning with the final kick of the game. Thank you to the AFL convenor, Mr Ben Shorthouse, and the AFL Supporters’ Group for putting on an excellent event.

A special thank you to Michael O’Loughlin (former professional Australian Rules footballer and Managing Director and Founder of CMC Indigenous Services), who spoke to the team and presented the jerseys before the game, and all the students involved in the Smoking Ceremony before the game.

AFL Indigenous Round

AFL Indigenous Round

AFL Indigenous Round


Last Friday was a brilliant night for our debating teams, who won five out of the six debates against Corpus Christi – this included an exciting win for our 1st Debating team.


Super Saturday

Last Saturday was a big day at Queens Park for Rugby with all ‘A’ teams playing against St Augustine’s on Queens Park 1. Congratulations to our 13As, 2nds and 1st XV who recorded impressive wins.

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

Legends Week

This week at training in the lead up to our weekend fixtures, Waverley welcomed some ‘legends’ of Rugby, who were involved in the coaching of various teams.

*Thank you to the following ‘legends’ who volunteered their time and expertise; Morgan Turinui, Owen Finegan, Darren Coleman, Andrew Johns, Ben Donaldson and Stephen Hoiles.



Congratulations to the 1st XI Football team who travelled up to the Central Coast last Thursday, and defeated Central Coast Sports College in a penalty shoot-out after the game finished 1-1.

1st Football v St Aloysius'

1st Football v St Aloysius'

1st Football v St Aloysius'

CAS Selections

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for the CAS representative team to compete at the CIS Football championships next week:

Friday Night Game

On Friday night, 26 May, the 1st and 2nd XI Football teams will be playing their CAS Round 5 games against Trinity at Hensley Athletic Field. Kick-off times are 6pm and 7:15pm.

*All students who are attending must be in full Waverley College attire.

Check That You Understand All Co-curricular Expectations

Winter Sports Photos

Winter Co-curricular photos will be held during Week 7 after school. Students are required to wear full Saturday co-curricular activity uniform. A schedule for the week will be released next week.

Good luck to all teams and co-curricular activities this coming weekend.