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Indigenous Round

In very trying conditions last weekend we held our annual Indigenous Round with Rugby against Oakhill at Queens Park and AFL, Football, Tennis, Cross country and Volleyball away. A huge thank you to all of the staff, parents and students for their amazing support of this vitally important event and especially to Mr Kevin Heath for his organisation of such a special ceremony. The resilience displayed by all of our students and coaches in the weather on the weekend was extraordinary and big thank you also to the parents for your support of the round and in the weather.

Last week we also had 3 students competing at the NSW All Schools Swimming. Well done to Eamon Jeffs, Hugo Bindner (2 silver medals) and Jack Kerves (1 bronze). Well done also to Ms Nicola Silsby who was the manager of the NSWCIS team competing.

Boy stands smiling with medal around his neck

Boy stands smiling with medal around his neck

We have a sport free weekend this week and we also have a number of students competing at the State Club rugby Championships and wish them all well. When we return after the King’s Birthday long weekend we are into a full round of CAS activities that includes an away match against St Aloysius followed by Cranbrook. Just a reminder that any leave requests need to be in writing with two weeks notice where possible and leave requests should not be made through the App which is specifically only for illness or injury.

Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular

Rugby Skills Sessions

Waverley College are pleased to announce we will be offering skills sessions for all rugby players. Please see information below for timings and the list of skills that these sessions will target. All players are encouraged to join with no registration required.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Wednesday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email

Kicking Club

Waverley College are pleased to announce that Mr Eddie Paea from The Kicking Academy will deliver kicking skills sessions for all age groups. Players who would benefit from these sessions include any player who wants to improve their in game kicking and goal kicking skills.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Friday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email


Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris

Director of Coaching – Rugby

Annual Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony – Sunday, 16 June, 11am – Centenary Quad

A reminder to all members of the Cadet Unit that the Annual Cadet Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony takes place on Sunday, 16 June. Cadets are required to form up at 10.30am on the Kenny Quad in AMCU Ceremonial Dress Code 4Z.

We welcome all parents to view the parade from the upper-level balconies at 11.00am. Please bring your coats in case of cooler weather.


Dining In Night – Sunday, 16 June, 6.30pm – Waverley College Gymnasium

We are very much looking forward to this special night to celebrate the end of our Senior Ranks’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.


Cadet Promotions Courses – Monday, 15 July – Saturday, 20 July 2024 at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa

The Joining Instruction for the Promotions Courses (Junior Leadership, Senior Leadership and Cadet Under Officers Courses) has been sent to all members of the Cadet Unit.

If you are interested in extending your leadership skills, please ensure you attend to the registration requirements by Sunday 16 June.

For parents making travel plans for 2025, please note that attendance at Promotions Camp is essential to become a Sergeant, Warrant Officer of Cadet Under Officer. The courses in 2025 will be held from Monday, 14 July – Saturday 19 July 2025. Please take note these dates if your child is wanting to progress to these important leadership roles.

This week, we would like to acknowledge the work that our teachers are doing to facilitate rich learning experiences that bridge the gap between the world of school and post-school, particularly in our HSC and Preliminary HSC courses. In the last week or two, we have had students pursue an external course in quantum physics, participate in flying lessons to learn about aerodynamics in Engineering Studies, work with published writers at the Sydney Writers’ Festival, and contribute to hands-on field work at Barangaroo for Geography to name but a few. You can learn more about these experiences below.  

These experiences speak to the work we are doing with the Association of Independent Schools (AIS) on Deep Learning and the six global competencies of Character, Citizenship, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking. In fact, the global competency of Critical Thinking manifests in students who experiment, reflect and take action on ideas in the real world. The experiences outlined below offer a space where students can apply critical thinking authentically and in-line with their specific HSC courses.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Year 12 Student Declan McAuliffe Attends Virtual Quantum Academy Camp

Year 12 student, Declan McAuliffe, who has a passion for physics and is aspiring to a career in quantum engineering, recently participated in the Sydney Quantum Academy Computing Camp. This virtual event, held over three days from 9am-3pm aimed to introduce high school students to the fascinating world of quantum computing and other quantum technologies.

The Quantum Tech Camp provided a comprehensive introduction to quantum learning pathways, quantum careers, and the Australian quantum ecosystem. Declan took part in a variety of workshops that delved into quantum mechanics, quantum coding, quantum algorithms, quantum hardware, and the practical applications of quantum computing.

Declan McAuliffe - Virtual Quantum Academy Camp

Each day, Declan had the opportunity to listen to speakers from both the Australian and international quantum community. These experts shared unique insights into different study and career pathways in the field of quantum science. They also showcased real-world applications of quantum technology happening right here in Sydney and across Australia.

The camp featured talks from students, academics, and industry professionals who shared their personal journeys and highlighted why quantum is an exciting career option. Participants learned about cutting-edge quantum research and other applications from universities and industry leaders within the Australian quantum ecosystem.

Declan found the camp to be an incredibly valuable learning experience, further igniting his interest in quantum computing. I am proud of his dedication and excited to see where his passion for quantum engineering will take him!


Ms Kathryn Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator


The Impact of Urban Renewal on Barangaroo – Year 12 Geographers Investigate

Year 12 Geography students as part of their study of Urban Places, investigated the impact of urban renewal on Barangaroo. 

A former waterfront, the area highlights how effective urban design can create and transform a suburb into a thriving commercial and economic precinct, boasting a six star rating for ecological sustainability. 

The field work was invaluable for the students in preparing for their upcoming assessment task, and ultimately their HSC exam. 

Year 12 Geography - Barangaroo

Year 12 Geography - Barangaroo

Year 12 Geography - Barangaroo


Mr Adam Wallington

Head of HSIE


Year 12 Engineering Studies Flight Training Excursion – Appreciating Aerodynamics

In the pursuit of knowledge, there is often no substitute for hands-on experience. For students delving into the intricate world of aerodynamics, this rings especially true. Rather than merely studying theories in textbooks, we took an immersive approach and provided the opportunity for our Year 12 students who are studying aeronautical engineering concepts to fly an aircraft.

Students at Aviation excursion

Picture a classroom where the ceiling is not a limit but a vast expanse of the sky. This was the reality for our Year 12 students who took part in a learning experience that integrated a flying lesson into their week’s learning. Although it was only a small propeller aircraft, the opportunity to take the controls and feel the forces of flight firsthand was an unparalleled educational experience.

Students take part in aviation lesson

Aerodynamics, the study of how air interacts with objects in motion, can be a complex subject to grasp from textbooks alone. However, when the Year 12 students were seated in the cockpit, the principles of lift, drag, thrust, and weight suddenly became tangible concepts. By adjusting control surfaces and observing how the aircraft responded, students gained a much deeper understanding of aerodynamic principles that would not have otherwise been achieved by studying from textbooks alone.

Student and pilot take selfie while flying

What did the students think of the experience?

“I understand the forces of flight so much better now!”
“It was so much fun and I never thought Sydney was so big!”
“Oh I don’t want to feel those G-forces again!”


Ms Silvia Baylie

Engineering and Science Educator / Ecology Coordinator


Wonderful Learning Experiences at the Sydney Writers’ Festival

On Wednesday last, Ms Ryan and I were lucky enough to spend the day with a group of Year 11 English students at the Sydney Writers’ Festival.

We were treated to three wonderful and varied sessions;

School children listen to speaker in auditorium

Here are some of our reflections on the sessions:

Session 1: Ms Ryan

On route to Carriageworks, many students asked the question ‘But what is creative nonfiction, Miss?’.

Kate Rossmanith is an author, essayist, and an Associate Professor at Macquarie University, where she teaches creative writing. Kate’s non-fiction work includes the book, Small Wrongs, and pieces written for The Monthly, The Australian and Sydney Review of Books. Ms Rossmanith offered some truly interesting insights to the many forms creative nonfiction can take: memoir, personal essay, discursive essay, literary journalism, to name just a few. 

What struck me was the essential nature of research as well as the genesis of ideas. Ms Rossmanith’s Small Wrongs sounds like a fascinating read – a deep dive into the experience of remorse in the justice system. To be a creative nonfiction writer, “Keep asking the questions that need to be asked”. 

To Year 11 and Year 12 students, the most important message was the need to keep writing those drafts and expect to edit and edit and edit. Find your own authentic voice.

Session 2: Nicholas Zanapalis

In our second seminar of the day, we were privileged to listen to Melissa Lucashenko, a highly celebrated indigenous writer from the Bundjalung nation. In her speech, she talked about her passion for telling the Indigenous stories of Australia – notably focusing on her hit novel Edenglassie. She also gave some very helpful advice for students’ writing, speaking about writers being either: Pantcers (write first, think later) or Plotters (think first, write later), and how to succeed as either. Ultimately, the speech was insightful and interesting, offering much to take away.

Session 3: Harry Bowcock

After filing languidly into the auditorium and taking our seats, the third session of the day began, presented by Maxine Clarke and the young Solli Raphael. 

Scattered gasps escaped the juvenile crowd when Raphael announced he himself was still a teenager. We couldn’t believe it! How could someone barely a year or two older than us already be so accomplished? Upon taking this in, we sat ourselves up straight in our seats and attentivity returned stronger than ever. Raphael, by simply being a young person himself, ushered our ears and minds open to anything he had to say. He was a breath of fresh air, a hidden gem amid the incessant hum of adult speakers. Subsequently, we all left that session with a deeper insight into poetry and a newfound appreciation for its ability to address social concerns.

Session 3: Lieme Chan

Why does poetry appeal to young people?

“Connection helps us discover who we are, it is a product of human interpretation.”

Poetry; the creation of vast worlds with hidden agendas and different beliefs entailed in a sense of expressiveness that can only be acquired through one’s own imagination. At the Writer’s Festival 2024, we got the privilege to be addressed by Maxine Bareba and Solli Raphael; two incredible writers each pronouncing their own authenticities and beliefs through their writings. From these two individuals, we uncovered the passion of free verse as a form of poetry and the importance of drawing inspiration from historical poets and contemporaries in order to derive your own perspective. This was reinforced with Solli’s demonstration of his new poem, ‘Free your mind’, illustrating contemporary society as a restrictor of our curiosities.

As a final remark, Solli Raphael expressed, “Do things with words that might seem unorthodox, but with heart.”

school boys gather outside Sydney Writers Festival

Mr William Roberts and Ms Mary Ryan

Head of Library and Literacy Coordinator and English teacher

Government Launches New Campaign To Get You To Talk To Your Kids About Consent

The Federal Government will be encouraging parents/carers to talk with children of all ages about consent with a new campaign launched last Sunday.  Research commissioned by the government to guide the consent campaign found that while parents/carers see consent as something important to discuss with their children, two in five wouldn’t intervene if they saw or overheard a non-consensual act.

86 per cent of the 2,031 participants agreed adults should be speaking more about consent with young people but a majority weren’t confident in actually doing so.

A third of adults said they believed the importance of consent had been “blown out of proportion,” which researchers said presented another roadblock to conversations with kids.

Find the discussion guidelines here to help navigate the discussion around consent with your child.


National Reconciliation Week 

The National Reconciliation Week 2024 theme is, ‘Now More Than Ever.’ This theme reminds us that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue. It also demonstrates that the work continues in treaty-making, truth-telling, understanding our history, education, and in tackling racism.

The artwork and design represent the momentum of the theme. The chevron – a universal symbol for pointing the way – signifies advancing as one as we look towards a reconciled future; and the vibrant artwork of Gubbi Gubbi artist Maggie Douglas encourages connecting with each other, understanding and continuing to move forward.

On Thursday, 30 May we held a Reconciliation Week Assembly to continue the discussion on reconciliation, to promote standing up to defend and uphold the rights of First Nations peoples and to actively reinforce the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across our continent. 

Aboriginal boys perform Welcome to Country

Welcome To Country

We were honoured to welcome award-winning journalist Stan Grant as our special guest speaker. Stan is currently Director of the Constructive Institute Asia Pacific, Professor of Journalism at Monash University and Chair of Yindyamarra nguluway at Charles Sturt University. 

A gifted and gentle storyteller, Stan shared his own journey through education, revealing a transient family life and a youth marked by poverty and homelessness. With no running water and very few books, Stan picked fruit to help his parents earn money, attending 20 different schools by the time he’d graduated from high school.

Stan Grant talks to school assembly

Stan Grant

It was Aboriginal people who inspired Stan to go to university. Starting as a cadet in journalism he lived in many places, sat in the White House with Barack Obama and “got to see the best of the world and the worst of the world.” He reminded our students of the extraordinary opportunities they have at Waverley College, exhorting them to strive forward, and not let fear or doubts hold them back. “Say yes every time someone puts an opportunity in front of you” he said. “Say yes.”

Our Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Mr Kevin Heath, facilitated an insightful Q&A session where Stan openly shared his reflections. Below is a brief window into their conversation.

Stan Grant is interviewed on stage

Stan Grant chats with Kevin Heath

Q: “After changing schools so many times, who was your sounding board?”

A: “I always had God in my life and I knew that I was loved … that has never left me, never.”

Q: “You’ve lived in a few different countries. Can you talk about some of the lowlights and highlights?”

A: “I’d prefer to speak about the highlights. My children speak Chinese, Arabic, Wiradjuri … I’ve learned that despite our differences, we are human beings first, in the image of God.”

Q: “Who inspired you to be where you are today?”

A: “My parents are my greatest inspiration. My father worked in sawmills and I used to think – where does he keep the strength to keep going? He had injuries at work. My father wrote the first Wiradjuri dictionary and from my mother I learned a love of poetry and words.”

Stan’s parting reminder to our students inspired great hope. “Where you are today will not define the person you will be tomorrow.”

 Following Stan’s presentation, we learned more about the significant artistic partnership between our Walawaani students and Waverley Council, where students created stunning artworks and promotional banners for Council’s Reconciliation Week.

In his speech, Joshua Raymond (Year 8) explained:

“During this project, we had the unique opportunity to work closely with local Indigenous artists Uncle Gene Ross and Billy Reynolds, and the council, to collaboratively create artworks that celebrate and honour Indigenous cultures, histories, our individual self, our countries and what the theme of Reconciliation Week means to us.”

Lastly, Principal Mr Graham Leddie and Councillor Dominic WY Kanak publicly recognised the remarkable contribution of these 22 students from Years 5-11, inviting them to the stage to receive the Principal’s Award for their outstanding work in the Walawaani, Waverley Council Art Project. We acknowledge Ms Matilda Brown, Ms Rebecca Rodwell and Ms Jenna Turnbull (Visual Art teacher) for their stellar contributions to this consequential creative project.

These Reconciliation Week banners are currently displayed on Birrell Street, Bondi Junction Mall and Campbell Parade with individual student artworks on display at Waverley Library galleries 27 July – 22 August 2024. Do take the time to check these out!

Indigenous Round

On Saturday, we come together for our annual Indigenous Round, a vibrant celebration of culture through sport and community. We hope to see as many of our community members at our Indigenous Round Opening Ceremony to be held at Queens Park on Saturday at 2:45pm before the 1ST XV. Please come along!

More can be read about National Reconciliation Week here.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 2 events, please refer to the College calendar. 


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Digital Borders and Boundaries 

Last week I attended a Professional Development course and the keynote speaker was Dr Kristy Goodwin – a highly sought-after digital wellbeing & productivity expert. Kristy’s a speaker, author, researcher and consultant who delivers evidence-based information about the impact of digital technologies on children, adolescents’ and adults’ health, wellbeing & learning. 

She’s passionate about sharing the latest research and insights into how “digitalised childhoods and adolescence” are changing the ways that students learn, play and develop (without telling parents or educators that they need to ban the iPad, or disconnect the Internet). 

Dr Kristy Goodwin cutting-edge research from neuroscience, psychology and technology and translates it into brain-based protocols to power-up performance.

3 Top Tips from Dr Kristy

  1. Create a Digital Landing Zone in your home – This would be a designated spot where digital devices go when you don’t want to use them (e.g. a basket, a drawer or a lockable tech charging station). Our willpower diminishes throughout the day. Put in place strategies to manage your ‘tech-temtations’ to stop your reliance on your device throughout the day. 
  2. 20 – 20 – 20 – 20 Rule – After every 20 minutes of looking at the screen, take a 20 second break, look at something 20 feet away, and blink 20 times. This helps prevent digital eye strain which can occur after hours spent in front of a screen. 
  3. Establish your tech-free zones in your house – These spaces would ideally include bedrooms and meal areas. Having designated spaces free from technology can give you some much needed respite, especially since our brains are processing around 11 million sensory cues every second!


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Junior Sport Fixtures, Training Schedules, Maps and Venues

Click HERE.

Co-curricular Sport

Round 4 of Winter Sport was a success with teams starting to demonstrate what they have been learning in training. With beautiful weather, we showed Waverley pride throughout all AFL, Football and Rugby games. Players are showing our three Core Values Respect, Compassion and Resilience by never giving up and being good sports.

Young boy stands smiling holding up 5 fingers on his right hand to represent the number of goals he scored

James scored 5 goals for 11C Football team – Congratulations James!

Congratulations to Jordan Strbac, Louie Cummins and Alex Jenkins who competed as part of the CIS AFL team at Albury last week. We are very proud of their efforts over several tough but exciting games. They had a huge week of AFL, had fun swimming and getting to know other boys in their team and have returned to the Junior School ready to use their skills in their Waverley jerseys. 6 Blue were also able to enjoy supporting the boys, watching the live stream for half of their first match, with two of the CIS boys in 6 Blue. Go Waves!

CIS AFL team photo


Group of boys in their AFL team uniforms gather together on the sporting field

AFL A Team

Three CIS AFL teammates pose together, smiling.


School boys watch their other classmates play AFL live streamed into their classroom

6 Blue

Athletics Carnival

Our 5-12 Athletics Carnival is fast approaching! We are looking forward to an exciting day of races, field events, House spirit and lots of fun. Please make a plan with your son about the day and ensure he is aware of the below details:

Location: E S Marks Athletics Field, Boronia St, Kensington NSW 2033

Date: Friday, 7 June 2024




*Further information can be found on the Waverley App > ‘JS: Athletics Carnival Permission Slip REMINDER’.


Ms Jade Sparks

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Junior School)


Home Learning Term 2 Week 5

NO Home Learning on Monday 3 June 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during school term, unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   

Register your son here

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, and a parent’s signature will be required.

It is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, and as such all students are expected to do their work quietly while attending the Learning Hub and minimise disturbance to others.

The Learning Hub will be supervised by;


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Tuesday & Wednesday 

Ms Gaby Bransby 


Mr Steve Ghattas 

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

Important: If afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan.  Students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  


2024 ICAS Competitions | Years 5 and 6 students

What is ICAS?  

ICAS is an online academic competition designed to assess students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing and Digital Technologies.  Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report, and top performers will be eligible for medals.

If you would like your son to compete in the 2024 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate which competitions you would like him to be entered in through the Parent Payment System. At the Junior School, the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & English and Mathematics. 

This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3 and will be completed online in the Learning Hub before school starts. A timetable will be shared closer to the assessment dates. 

To register your son, click here.  Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the school’s access code details below to register your child no later than July 23, 2024.

Waverley’s School Access Code: YGC063

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher. More information about the assessments can be found here

If you require additional support registering your son contact the customer service team on 1800 931 775


National Simultaneous Storytime 

National Simultaneous Storytime in the Junior School was a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of the Year 8 students, Mr William Roberts and Ms Tamara Bliznjakovic.  Their commitment to fostering a love of reading and nurturing the next generation of book lovers is a testament to the power of education and the enduring magic of storytelling. This year the beautifully written and illustrated text ‘Bowerbirds Blue’ was the highlight of NSS

Group of students and teachers gather in the library

National Simultaneous Storytime



Last week the theme of cartoons came to life. As the club continues to thrive, one can only wonder what captivating themes and challenges await in the weeks to come. The possibilities are endless thanks to the creative imaginations of these young architects and storytellers. 

Group of school boys gather smiling with their LEGO creations


Two school boys hold a LEGO board to show off their creation


Young boy poses with his LEGO creation shaped like Mickey Mouse


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Teacher of Literacy & Innovation


A New Generation of Podcasters – News from 6 Blue and Ms Jade 

This term in English have been studying ‘A Different Way of Looking’. This unit has involved studying Bruce Pascoe’s non-fiction book ‘Young Dark Emu.’ We are learning about alternative ways of understanding the past, and how to unpack the rich history that lies within the culture of First Nations peoples. We started by journaling about our responses to the book and ended with our first assessment.

The first of our English summative assessments this term was to script and record our very own Podcast about our response to the text and the topic we have been learning about. Podcasts are a conversational way to share knowledge and make learning fun. We have been using the Deep Learning progression ‘Collaboration’ to learn to work in pairs on this assessment. It is important that we do not divide up the work and create separate pieces of writing when collaborating – our aim is to work on one piece and communicate with each other about how to progress. Like our school motto this year, Stronger Together, United as One.

Two boys work together on a laptop

6 Blue

Two boys work together on laptop

6 Blue

Students work together on a laptop

6 Blue

Ms Jade Sparks

Teacher of 6 Blue

3 Weeks Until Opening Night!

*Purchase Tartuffe (The Hypocrite) Tickets here

Monday, 3 June – Sunday, 9 June 2024


Monday, 10 June – Sunday, 16 June 2024


Weeks Ahead

Our CAS Drill Team have been rehearsing diligently and consistently over the past two terms to represent the Cadet Unit at the Annual CAS Drill Competition to be held at Barker College next Wednesday. We thank the RSM, WO1 Hayley Paddock, for leading the team so competently and wish them all the best of luck in the competition.

Hayley Paddock, Renato Rovacchi, Rohan Baker, Kimmi Bilmon, Daniela Comino, Anna Dimopoulos, James Grant, Yannick Hott, Lachlan Hoy, Oliver Isaac, Lachlan Isaac, Finn Jones, Lara Karlovsky, Chiara Marshall, Finnian McCarthy, Zoe Ngu, Ethan Ooi, Amelie Salem, Abigail Salem, Lauren Sheehan, Jamie Vanderkemp, Toby Fernandes, Claudia Lynam.

Annual Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony – Sunday, 16 June, 11am – Centenary Quad

A reminder to all members of the Cadet Unit that the Annual Cadet Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony takes place on Sunday 16 June, 2024. Cadets are required to form up at 10.30am on the Kenny Quad in AMCU Ceremonial Dress Code 4Z.

We welcome all parents/carers to view the parade from the upper-level balconies at 11am. Please bring your coats in case of cooler weather.

Dining In Night – Sunday, 16 June, 6:30pm – Waverley College Gymnasium

A reminder to all Year 12 cadets and parents to RSVP to the Dining In Night on the Try Booking site by 1 June. We are very much looking forward to this special night to celebrate the end of our Senior Ranks’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.

Cadet Promotions Courses – Monday, 15 July – Saturday, 20 July 2024 at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa

The Joining Instruction for the Promotions Courses (Junior Leadership, Senior Leadership and Cadet Under Officers Courses) has been sent to all members of the Cadet Unit.

If you are interested in extending your leadership skills, please ensure you attend to the registration requirements by Sunday 16 June.

For parents making travel plans for 2025, please note that attendance at Promotions Camp is essential to become a Sergeant, Warrant Officer of Cadet Under Officer. The courses in 2025 will be held from Monday 14 July – Saturday 19 July 2025. Please take note these dates if your child is wanting to progress to these important leadership roles.

InspirationED, in partnership with Macquarie University, would like to invite Year 11 and 12 students to participate in an upcoming free live workshop titled “ACE the HSC” on 8 July, 2024, 10am to 12pm at Macquarie University.  This session is designed to support and enhance your student’s preparation for the upcoming exams later this year and will be presented by a Senior HSC Marker and a 98 ATAR student.

Registration essential – click here to register 

For more information and QR code – click here


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Weekly Careers Newsletter – Term 2 Week 5 2024

View the Week 5 Careers Newsletter HERE.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Fixtures, Training Schedules, Maps and Venues

Click HERE.

Indigenous Round 2024

This weekend we are hosting Oakhill in Rugby for the 2024 Indigenous Round. All of our 1sts teams will be in their Indigenous kit and this includes those teams that are playing away against Trinity. We are inviting our wider College community to the fixtures and ceremony and Queens Park prior to the 1st XV match. Just a reminder that all students in attendance need to be in full Waverley sports attire or full winter uniform. The following weekend of 8 June is a sport free weekend.

Rugby, Football, AFL, Volleyball

Last weekend we had a big round of Rugby and Football against St Augustine’s and Knox. Our AFL sides also had a number of strong wins against Newington, including an impressive victory in the 1sts. Our 1sts Volleyball continued on their winning way and have a top of the table clash against Trinity this weekend.

Winter Sports Photos

Next week we have our winter sports photos and all students will need to bring their playing attire (no boots) for these photos in the Gymnasium. Please see schedule – Winter Sports Photos Carnival 2024

Years 5-12 House Athletics Carnival

Next Friday 7 June is also the College’s Years 5-12 House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks. Please note that there are no canteen facilities at the venue and all students will be required to bring their own lunch. Students are also not permitted to leave the venue to get lunch or order food delivery services. Please see the letter in the link for all students and parents/carers that includes the schedule of events – House Athletics 2024

CAS Football Teams Selection – Congratulations

Well done to the following students on their recent selection in the CAS Football teams:

U16s: Romam Amamoo, Liam Lynch, Zac Pereira, Louis Fearon, Zavier Manciameli

Opens: Brad Kalpouzanis

Good luck to all teams and activities this weekend.

Second Old Boy Olympian Heading to Paris!

Waverley College is also very proud to have our second Old Boy competing in the upcoming Paris Olympics with Charlie Negus (Class of 2017) being selected in the Men’s Water Polo squad. Huge congratulations to you, Charlie.

Charlie Negus (Class of 2017)

Charlie Negus (Class of 2017)


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Rugby Skills Sessions

Waverley College are pleased to announce we will be offering skills sessions for all rugby players. Please see information below for timings and the list of skills that these sessions will target. All players are encouraged to join with no registration required.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Wednesday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email

Kicking Club

Waverley College are pleased to announce that Mr Eddie Paea from The Kicking Academy will deliver kicking skills sessions for all age groups. Players who would benefit from these sessions include any player who wants to improve their in game kicking and goal kicking skills.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Friday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email

Student Discounts on Personal Training – Rugby

We are pleased to announce a new and exciting opportunity for Rugby players from Years 5-12. E-Lab training will now be offering exclusive Waverley College a 10% discount on personal training sessions.

Being trained by a professional ensures correct technique and optimal results.  Jude Gibbs is a high level Rugby athlete as well as a personal trainer.

For more information contact Jude on 0452 053 522.


Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris

Director of Coaching – Rugby

The last week and weeks ahead provide many amazing activities and lifelong learning experiences across the College from: Year 11 and 12 Kairos retreats, to an amazing Mother/Son dinner with guest speaker MAJ Hugo Toovey, to winter co-curricular, to Year 11 Visual Design Excursion to National Art School, to Year 10 Career Profile Interviews, to the HSC and Careers Expo excursion (31 May), to University of Sydney Year 10 Subject Selection Webinar (3 June), to European Music Tour Concert (6 June), to Years 5 & 6 ICAS Competition entries (23 July), to Year 8s helping out at Our Big Kitchen, to many boys committing to run the City2Surf for Premature Babies, to final preparations for our production Tartuffe (18-21 June), to an invitation to the Youth Photographic Award and Short Film Prize 2024, to Br Murphy and Mr Jack de Groot speaking at May Procession, to an all years’ Trades and Real Estate Careers Night (11 June), to National Sorry Day (26 May), to Mr Stan Grant speaking at Reconciliation Week, to Hearts for Arch Day (13 June), and to a lovely prayer service in our chapel celebrating and remembering the amazing life and contribution of Mr Greg Harris. These experiences build wisdom, empathy, appreciation, resilience and help guide our future pathways. Encourage your son to engage with as many of these opportunities as possible. 

2024 Mother Son Dinner - Major Hugo Toovey

2024 Mother Son Dinner

2024 Mother Son Dinner

2024 Mother Son Dinner

Images: courtesy Constantine Iatrou (Year 10)

Examination Tips

The examination block commences next week for students in Years 7-10 (Weeks 5 and 6) and students in Years 11-12 preparing for a range of assessment tasks. Please engage with Mrs Lynsey Porter’s newsletter article here regarding examination tips.

New HSC English and Writing Skills Workshops 

We are running a new series of workshops designed to enhance English and Writing skills as Year 12 students work towards the HSC. All students in Year 12 Standard and Advanced English courses are expected to attend workshops at least once.

Workshop 1 – Effective Paragraph Writing

Facilitator: Ms Mary Ryan – Head of Literacy

Time: Period 6 Monday | Before school on Thursday (7:30am-8:30am)

Venue: WO5

This workshop is relevant to all subjects which require the writing of long answer responses and extended responses. Focus will be on the following:

Students will be expected to bring along a sample of their own work (long answer/ extended response) which has already been marked. This can be from any subject.

Workshop 2 – Interpreting Marking Criteria in English

Facilitator: Ms Helen Barrie – Head of Academic Enrichment

Time: Before school on Thursday (7:30am-8:30am)

Venue: K24

This workshop examines the precise elements that support an HSC marker’s decision to determine which band your essay sits in. By matching your essay with the specific criteria of each band, you will learn how to tighten and elevate your essay compositions to ensure they precisely convey your overarching thesis and establish a strong writer/reader relationship with the marker.

Students will be expected to bring along a sample of one of their English responses.

Date  Course – Elevating your writing to access higher bands in the HSC  Room
Thursday 30 May  Advanced English – Short Answer Paper  K24
Thursday 6 Jun  Advanced English – Short Answer Paper K24
Thursday 13 June  Advanced English  – Textual Conversations  K24
Thursday 20 June  Advanced English  – Textual Conversations  K24

Strategic Planning – Perspectives Survey 

The 2025-2027 Strategic Planning process will begin shortly. The College will be seeking feedback from stakeholder groups. The information gathered will assist in furthering the growth and development of our school community. We will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

We will ask you, your child/ren in Years 5-12, and the school community to participate in this confidential and anonymous survey. The online survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete on any device and will be available from Monday 17 June – Sunday 30 June 2024 for parents/carers to complete. For students we have allocated a time not to impede on their class time.  

A letter will be sent out to all parents/carers with more information regarding this survey by the end of this week.