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Fixtures, Training Schedules, Maps and Venues

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Winter Activities Continue

Waverley College hosted St Stanislaus and All Saints from Bathurst last Saturday in the Rugby and winter certainly arrived with cold, rainy and blustery conditions. A huge thank you to all of the parents/carers who assisted in the canteen and on the BBQ with all teams playing home rugby fixtures.

There were some impressive results, including Jamie Granger’s match-winning try for the 3rd XV to beat All Saints 1st XV on the final siren.

Our 1st XI Football had a hard fought win up at Hornsby and 1sts Volleyball are now 3 from 3 in Division 1.

Uniform and Travel Reminders

We have a number of teams and fixtures playing away this coming weekend. Please allow for enough travel time for the busy Saturday traffic to arrive 30 minutes prior as a minimum to warm up effectively.

I would also like to remind all students who come and support their peers or 1sts teams that full Waverley College playing attire or winter uniform is the only acceptable gear to wear.

Rostrum Voice of Youth NSW State Finals

A huge congratulations to James Peate on qualifying for the Rostrum Voice of Youth NSW State Finals at Shore on 22 June from 2pm. James would love to have students willing to attend to support in full winter uniform. The competition concludes around 6pm. We wish James well for his preparations and the tournament.

Chess and Debating

Just a reminder to our Chess and Debating teams that they still are required to attend their fixtures this Friday evening despite the early finish due to May Procession.

Good luck to all activities this weekend!


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Legends Coaching Week

Last week, using our Old Boy and Parents network, we hosted our annual Legends Coaching Week. This provided opportunities for our students to learn from experienced and professional players and coaches. These sessions allowed students to receive feedback on individual and team skills whilst gaining an insight into the requirements of a professional athlete.

Legends Coaching Week

Legends Coaching Week

We are appreciative of the time and support our Old Boys and parents/carers were able to give us and look forward to continue strengthening these relationships in the future. Thank you to the following people:

Legends Coaching Week

Legends Coaching Week

Rugby Skills Sessions

Waverley College are pleased to announce we will be offering skills sessions for all rugby players. Please see information below for timings and the list of skills that these sessions will target. All players are encouraged to join with no registration required.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Wednesday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email

Kicking Club

Waverley College are pleased to announce that Mr Eddie Paea from The Kicking Academy will deliver kicking skills sessions for all age groups. Players who would benefit from these sessions include any player who wants to improve their in game kicking and goal kicking skills.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Friday 6:45am

Skills targeted:

For any questions, please email


Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris

Director of Coaching – Rugby

Annual Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony – Sunday 16 June, 11am – Centenary Quad

A reminder to all members of the Cadet Unit that the Annual Cadet Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony takes place on Sunday, 16 June 2024. Cadets are required to form up at 10:30am on the Kenny Quad in AMCU Ceremonial Dress Code 4Z.

We welcome all parents/carers to view the parade from the upper-level balconies at 11am. Please bring your coats in case of cooler weather.

Dining In Night – Sunday 16 June, 6:30pm – Waverley College Gymnasium

A reminder to all Year 12 cadets and parents/carers to RSVP HERE to the Dining In Night on the TryBooking site by 1 June. We are very much looking forward to this special night to celebrate the end of our Senior Ranks’ five years of service to the Cadet Unit.

Cadet Promotions Courses – Monday, 15 July – Saturday, 20 July 2024 – Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa

The Joining Instruction for the Promotions Courses (Junior Leadership, Senior Leadership and Cadet Under Officers Courses) has been sent to all members of the Cadet Unit.

If you are interested in extending your leadership skills, please ensure you attend to the registration requirements by Sunday 16 June.

For parents/carers making travel plans for 2025, please note that attendance at Promotions Camp is essential to become a Sergeant, Warrant Officer or Cadet Under Officer.

The courses in 2025 will be held from Monday, 14 July – Saturday, 19 July 2025. Please take note these dates if your child is wanting to progress to these important leadership roles.

On Friday, 17 May 2024, our Year 11 Visual Design students attended the National Art School, Darlinghurst for an intensive workshop on Ceramics.

Students participated in a wheel throwing workshop facilitated by an experienced National Art School artist and explored the basic structures, movements, and techniques of wheel throwing.

Students created cups, mugs, bowls and plates and also learnt about future pathways in Fine Arts and Ceramics in a Fine Arts School. 

Year 11 National Art School visit

Year 11 National Art School visit

This aligns with their Term 2 Unit of Work – Form vs Function – where students are learning Ceramics and creating tableware (cup, bowl and plate). Our students had such a wonderful day and brought beautifully made pieces of tableware back to school.

Year 11 National Art School visit

Year 11 National Art School visit

Next Wednesday 29 May, all Year 11 HSC students will attend a Study Skills session with Elevate on Memory Mnemonics during their scheduled Period 1 lesson. Students undertaking an HSC plus Vocational pattern of study may choose to attend this session or their normal scheduled class.  

Students should bring a pen to the session.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

Further details can be found in the link below:

Link to Elevate Education 

Year 8 Social Justice Week

Last week, all Year 8 students participated in a week of social justice activities at Our Big Kitchen in Bondi. This initiative was aimed at students developing a sense of service to others and contributing to the wider community through preparing, cooking and packaging food to be distributed to marginalised people. 

Religious Education teachers led each class, who had the opportunity to experience a sense of compassion and kindness through their work, and gained an understanding of the needs in society, beyond their own.

Social Justice - Our Big Kitchen

Students cut vegetables and cooked fried rice, but perhaps the highlight of the week was making cookies which were given to the staff at Westmead Hospital oncology ward.  

Social Justice - Our Big Kitchen

While some students demonstrated their skills in the kitchen, others did the heavy lifting, working as a team, enriching and fostering new skills whilst helping other people in our community. This is a program we hope to expand at Waverley College through the Religious Education curriculum and the Justice and Peace unit demonstrating and supporting interfaith dialogue in our school community. We look forward to developing and enhancing student formation through these social justice activities. 

Social Justice - Our Big Kitchen

Social Justice - Our Big Kitchen


Ms Cath Lipman

Social Justice Coordinator

Fixtures, Training Schedules, Maps and Venues

Click HERE.

Wet Weekend

The weather has continued to impact the co-curricular program over the past couple of weeks. Luckily, we were still able to get some fixtures in last weekend. The 1sts and 2nds Rugby, along with the U14s and 15s played some games on Saturday at Riverview. The 1st XV were able to secure a famous and gutsy win at Riverview for the first time in many years.

1st XV v Riverview

1st XV v Riverview

Our Debating teams on Friday night also performed extremely well. Thank you to all of the students, parents/carers and staff who braved the conditions to support those fixtures last weekend.

We also had some students competing at the NSWCIS Swimming and Diving championships last week and a huge thank you to Ms Nicola Silsby for supporting all CAS competitors. Well done to all competitors, but especially Jack Kerves and Hugo Binder who have now qualified for NSW All Schools in Swimming and Darcy Dawson in Diving.

Jack Kerves

We also had a number of students trial and be selected in the NSWCIS AFL sides last week. Well done to Dashiel Delany-Fielding, Hayden McAusland and Henry Lamond in the U15s side.

Well done also to Fred Carmody on his recent performances at the Australian SLS titles that included a gold medal in U17 surfing and a bronze in the opens competitions.

Fred Carmody

Congratulations also to Cameron Reed who participated in the CIS U15 Boys Hockey trial earlier this week. Despite having turning 13 only a couple of months ago, Cameron was selected to represent the CIS this year. Well done!

Cameron Reed - CIS U15 Boys Hockey

We have a huge round of sport this weekend with Rugby hosting all teams at Queens Park against St Stanislaus and All Saints from Bathurst. We need as many parents/carers as possible assisting the Rugby Supporters’ Group on the BBQ and in the canteen. If you can spare an hour before or after your son’s match, we would be extremely grateful please.

Edmund Ignatius Rice Senior Essay and Speech Competition

During this week’s assembly, we presented the winners of our inaugural Edmund Ignatius Rice Senior Essay and Speech Competition. This competition was championed and supported by 1970 College Captain, Dr David Curran. The aim of the competition is to encourage and recognise academic excellence in both the written and spoken word. It also provides students with an enriching opportunity to explore the EREA Touchstones in our contemporary world. David has a love of language, oratory and the humanities and has dedicated his life to serving others in the medical profession and by teaching others at university. 

The students from Year 11 and 12 who participated in the competition, submitted writing of the highest calibre in the essay round. Of these entrants, three finalists were selected by the judging panel to transition their work into a speech to deliver in front of a judging panel and discerning audience. I would like to thank the judges Ms Catherine Stewart (Head of Religious Education), Mr Barry Smith (Head of History), Dr Michael Couani (Head of English) and Dr David Curran. 

Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding contribution to the competition:


Highly Commended


New Years 7-11 SRC Reps!

Congratulations to our new Years 7-11 SRC representatives for 2024/25.

Curriculum Opportunities 

Please take a moment to look at some exciting curriculum opportunities that our students have undertaken recently in Mrs Lynsey Porter’s newsletter article. From 20 senior students visiting the University of Sydney’s St. John’s College Dinner, to others discovering the The M in STEM: Where Maths Can Take You at the University of Sydney, to the Inaugural LEGO League and Inaugural Robotics Competitions, to Engineering a Sustainable Future or our passionate anglers putting classroom knowledge to the test. 

Joe Simonella – 100 Mile Run for Mental Health

On 19 June Old Boy Joe Simonella (Class of 2020) will be running 100 miles (172 km) from Nowra to Clovelly, to raise awareness for mental health and fundraise for R U OK? to help spread their message about checking in on our friends and peers. Here is the Joe Simonella fundraising page LINK.

University of Sydney Year 10 Subject Selection Webinar

The University of Sydney is running a repeat of their subject selection information webinar specifically for Waverley College students and parents/carers. The webinar will run on 3 June 6pm-7:30pm. We will have staff available to answer questions. The link to the webinar registration is HERE if you would like to attend.

College Production – Tartuffe 18-20 June 2024

Tickets will be available on the school events page from 9am on Monday 20 May. Buy your tickets HERE.

Tuckshop Assistance Needed Please

Can you volunteer to assist us in our daily operations from 9:30 am till 1:45 pm? We really need you! Lunch is provided for all volunteers. We greatly value the assistance of our volunteer workers as it allows us to be more efficient in our services for students.

We welcome all members of the Waverley College Community – mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and carers. We are happy to take on any availability, whether it’s once a week, month, or even once a Term – it all helps.

The Term 2 2024 volunteer roster is online, so if you are interested, please volunteer as soon as you can by clicking HERE.

2024 Old Boys’ Muster – 1 June, 5pm-10pm

Waverley College Old Boys

The 2024 Old Boys’ Muster is just around the corner! This provides Old Boys from any year an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. Join us for a night to remember as we gather on the roof with views of the coastline, city and out to the airport. Be treated to a complimentary delicious feast of spit-roasted pig and lamb, adding a gourmet touch to our evening of camaraderie. Drinks can be purchased at the bar. 

Spit-roasted pig

Event details

Date: 1 June 2024

Time: 5pm-10pm

Location: Waverley College

Please take a moment to confirm your attendance by clicking on the link below, if you haven’t already done so. Your presence will truly make the event special.

Confirm Attendance here

Waverley College Old Boys’ Union

EREA Charter Renewal and Mission Strategy Invitation to Open Forum and Online Forums

You’re invited to join the Edmund Rice Education Australia national community to imagine how our school, and all Edmund Rice Education Australia schools, can be the best they can be for our young people and for our world. We need your help to shape the future for 41,000 plus young people.

Both the in person and online sessions will provide you with the opportunity to discuss with others what you value about your school and what you hope it might strive to become. What comes out of these discussions will assist the EREA national community to renew its understanding and articulation of what it means to be a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition.

The Open Forum will be held at St Patrick’s College, Strathfield in the Scientia Building on 27 May 2024 at 6:30pm.

The Online Forums will be held on the following dates:

If you would like to attend one of these forums please use the registration links below to register for either the Open Forum at St Patrick’s College or one of the online forums.

Open Forum Registration Link

Open Forum Online Registration Link

*Please do not confuse the College’s 25-27 Strategic Planning process being run in conjunction with the AIS. Each student, parent, staff member and stakeholder group will be receiving an email shortly regarding this College process. 

Congratulations to our students and teachers who continue to contribute to Waverley College in such a positive way across a range of facets across and beyond our community. From the twenty students who joined the residents of St. John’s College on Monday evening for a tour and formal dinner, to the Vocational students who had an amazing experience, fishing at Rose Bay on Thursday, we are certainly striving towards our Teaching and Learning vision and mission for our students:

“To build an inclusive community of mutual trust and respect that values liberating teaching and learning, celebrates curiosity, critical thinking and nurtures globally-minded citizens.”

You can read more about these experiences – plus others – below.

Also, to support our students with their writing in the HSC, we are launching our Period 6 writing workshops next week during the Home Study periods. You can view a link to the program in the Year 12 action items. The expectation is that students attend at least two workshops in Term 2 and two in Term 3. This allows some flexibility around occasions when students have a Period 6 assessment task or meeting. We know that most students will aim to attend more than two. Also, in the Year 11 and 12 action items, please note some important information about the HSC Resource Section in the Senior Library.

St. John’s College Dinner Hosts 20 Waverley Students

On Monday evening, 20 of our Year 12 students accepted an invitation to tour St. John’s College Residencies at the University of Sydney and join the community for a formal dinner. We were extremely lucky to be hosted by former Waverley College students who are both residents and affiliates of the college.

For further information on what St John’s College can offer in terms of residential and affiliate opportunities, please use the link below. This link also provides information on scholarship applications.

Year 12 at St John's Dinner 2024

Year 12 at St John's Dinner 2024

Year 12 at St John's Dinner 2024

Year 12 at St John's Dinner 2024


Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


The M in STEM: Where Maths Can Take You at the University of Sydney

Find out how your high school maths topics directly relate to career paths in Science.

Everybody knows that science, technology and engineering will continue to shape the world we live in. They will be needed to solve the problems current and future generations will face. But how does mathematics fit in? Why do you have to learn calculus? What does probability have to do with anything? And is there really a reason for understanding statistics now that computers do everything for us?

If you are in Years 9-12, looking after someone in Years 9-12 or teaching a class of Years 9-12 students, come along to discover how the maths learnt in the classroom is used in everything from physics to medicine.

This two-hour event will begin with you hearing from current pioneers in STEM as they detail how mathematics has shaped their careers. After which, there will be a networking Q&A so you can receive tailored advice and build connections with your future peers and potential colleagues.

Not sure which level of maths is needed for your chosen degree? Or do you have a major you want to take, but no idea what sort of career it could lead to? This is your chance to have all your questions answered!

Optional Campus Tours

There will also be the opportunity to attend one of three optional campus tours immediately before the event. If you would like a guided tour of the facilities you could be using if you study science at the University of Sydney, please reserve a ticket for your preferred tour time when you reserve your ticket to the main event. Tours will leave from the courtyard in front of the Sydney Nanoscience Hub building.

Event details

Parents/guardians/carers and siblings are invited. Please book a ticket for each person that will be attending as seats are limited.

Inaugural LEGO League and Inaugural Robotics Competitions

UNSW EMU Robotics, is a student-led robotics competition team, participating in the first First LEGO League and First Robotics Competitions!

The upcoming ‘Open Nights’ are held at the UNSW Electrical Engineering building. The Junior team learn about robotics through their hands-on experience with LEGO EV3 and SPIKE robots. Senior teams design, build and code a robot from scratch using materials like aluminium and timber. This robot competes in an annual competition where it plays on an alliance with two other robots.

They are also trying to establish a regional First LEGO League competition within the Eastern Suburbs so that a local option is available to teams in the area.

If your child is interested, please see the flyers in the links below for more information and registration.

Robotics Team Open Nights

Image: courtesy UNSW

Image: courtesy UNSW


Ms Gemma Brown

Head of Science


Engineering a Sustainable Future

In our rapidly evolving world, the fields of engineering and ecology are becoming increasingly intertwined as we strive to create sustainable solutions for our planet. The marriage of these disciplines holds tremendous promise for addressing pressing environmental challenges while driving innovation and progress.

Engineering and SOTWEG Incursion 2024

At its core, engineering is about problem-solving and innovation, leveraging scientific principles to design and create solutions to real-world challenges. Meanwhile, ecology focuses on understanding the relationships between organisms and their environment, with a keen eye towards maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Engineering and SOTWEG Incursion 2024

One of the most pressing issues facing humanity today is climate change, driven primarily by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Addressing this global challenge requires a multidisciplinary approach that draws upon the expertise of engineers and ecologists alike.

Engineering and SOTWEG Incursion 2024

Engineers are developing technologies to harness renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower, providing clean alternatives to fossil fuels. These innovations not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also help to mitigate the impacts of climate change on vulnerable ecosystems.

Engineering and SOTWEG Incursion 2024

Students in Stage 6 Engineering Studies and Students of the World Ecology Group (SOTWEG) were provided with the opportunity last week to explore what this means in reality. Everyone was very excited by the current research into hydrogen fuel cells and what this could mean for our future.

Engineering and SOTWEG Incursion 2024


Ms Silvia Baylie

Engineering and Science Educator / Ecology Coordinator


Passionate Anglers Put Classroom Knowledge to the Test

As the sun gently kissed the horizon, a group of eager Year 12 Marine Studies students gathered at Rose Bay, poised to put their classroom knowledge to the test. Armed with rods, reels and a passion for marine life, these budding anglers embarked on an expedition that seamlessly merged theory with practice.

Knot tying, a fundamental skill in a fisherman’s toolkit, took centre stage as students meticulously crafted the perfect connections between line, hook and lure. Each knot tied was not just a technical exercise but a symbol of the precision and attention to detail. This is a testament to the students’ dedication to mastering their craft.

Rig selection became a strategic endeavour as students deliberated over the optimal setup for the day’s target species. With a diverse array of rigs at their disposal, the students weighed the pros and cons, considering factors such as water depth, current conditions and the behaviour of their elusive aquatic counterparts.

Bait choice, a critical component of successful fishing, prompted lively debates among the students. From live bait to artificial lures, each option carried its allure and challenges, requiring students to think like the fish they sought to catch.

Under the guidance of experienced mentors, the students cast their lines into the tranquil waters of Rose Bay, their anticipation palpable as they awaited the tell-tale tug of a bite. With each cast and retrieve, they honed their skills, learning to read the subtle movements of the ocean and adapt their techniques accordingly.

Year 12 Marine Studies excursion to Rose Bay

As the day unfolded, laughter mingled with the sounds of waves, creating a symphony of camaraderie and shared passion for the marine environment. Regardless of the day’s catch, the real treasures were the lessons learned, the invaluable experiences that transcended the confines of the classroom and ignited a lifelong love affair with the sea.

In the tranquil embrace of Rose Bay, these Year 12 Marine Studies students didn’t just fish, they forged memories, friendship and a deeper connection with the world beneath the waves.

Year 12 Marine Studies excursion to Rose Bay

Year 12 Marine Studies excursion to Rose Bay

Year 12 Marine Studies excursion to Rose Bay

Year 12 Marine Studies excursion to Rose Bay


Mr Richard Chen and Ms Caroline Quirke

Marine Studies Teachers

Year 11 RYDA Excursion

On Tuesday, 14 May, Year 11 students attended the RYDA Safe Driving excursion. The workshops undertaken on this day are crucial for teenagers who are just starting to get their licences. Some of the more poignant workshops of the day included a guest speaker who, at the age of 18, lost her ability to walk due to a preventable car accident. 

The students of Waverley College participated extremely well in each of the workshops and will remember the different ways to minimise the risk of harm while driving or being a passenger on our roads. 

Year 11 RYDA Excursion

Year 11 RYDA Excursion

Year 11 RYDA Excursion


Ms Cassandra Foster

Head of Brennan House


Special Report – Celebrating IDAHOBIT Day, Friday, 17 May 2024

Please find attached a special report from SchoolTV regarding IDAHOBIT day which is celebrated each year on 17 May. The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) emphasises the importance of educating children about diversity and inclusivity.

Read more HERE.

Save the Date – Year 10 Dinner Cruise, Thursday 13 June 2024

The Waverley College Year 10 (2024) Dinner Dance provides a formal social opportunity for boys to host a partner at a dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour. This is a part of our Wellbeing Framework promoting respectful relationships.

Date: Thursday, 13 June 2024

Time: 5:45pm – 10pm (meet at Star City Casino Wharf at 5:30pm)

Venue: Bella Vista Cruise Ship

Embark/Disembark: Star City Casino Wharf, Pirrama Road, Pyrmont

Dress: Smart formal attire for all guests – boys to wear suit with jacket, tie and trousers

Cost: $105 per person, which includes four hours of cruising, a three-course meal, unlimited soft drinks/juice package, DJ and security

RSVP: Essential. Bookings open at 6pm on Friday, 24 May 2024.

Click HERE for tickets.

If you have any further questions, please email Ms Suzi Sucur (Administrator Wellbeing Centre) at

UNSW and IBSC Boys’ Learning and Wellbeing Research Project

Waverley College is participating in a research project titled ‘Supporting School Students’ Learning and Wellbeing‘ facilitated by the School of Education at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the International Boys’ School Coalition (IBSC), which aims to investigate the educational practices that support students’ learning and wellbeing in the classroom and in their co-curricular activities. 

Students in Years 7-12 will complete an online questionnaire during Period 1 classes on Friday, 24 May 2024. Students in Years 5-6 will complete the questionnaire during Period 1 on Thursday 23 May. The questionnaire will ask them about educational practices at the school (eg instruction, guidance from teachers, coaches, etc) and also about their learning (eg motivation, engagement) and wellbeing (eg flourishing, sense of belonging). The questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

If you agree for your child to take part in the project, you are not required to do anything else.

Students can provide their own consent as they do the survey. 

If you do not want your child to participate in this project, please fill in your details on page 4 of the below Parent Information Form for UNSW & IBSC Research Project and email it to Ms Lauren Ryan, EA to the Deputy Principal-Students by 12pm on Wednesday, 22 May, 2024.

Click HERE to view the Parent Information Form.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at


Kind regards

Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

Weeks Ahead

Monday, 20 May – Sunday, 26 May 2024


Monday, 27 May – Sunday, 2 June 2o24



As we are well into Term 2, with a myriad of assignments well underway and preparations for the upcoming Trial and HSC exams already starting to take off, the senior library team have given the HSC resources section a much needed ‘face-lift’!

After looking at how to make the section more user friendly, in consultation with last year’s Year 12 students, we found that simple subject signage, instead of the traditional dewey system signs, would be easier to navigate.

Updated HSC Resource Section

Students are now able to see exactly where the study guides and past exam papers are for their selected subjects and in the case of Mathematics and English, sorted by strand as well, ensuring that they can find their chosen resources easier and quicker, with a few students saying that it is much more ‘practical’ and more ‘user friendly’ :)

Updated HSC Resource Section

We are constantly updating the section, adding new study resources regularly and we are always open to any recommendations!

We hope that this ‘revitalised’ resource section is of greater help for our senior students, with many borrowings ahead!

Updated HSC Resource Section


Ms Tamara Bliznjakovic

Library Technician & Book Hire Coordinator

We Need Your Used Clean Football Boots!

We are currently doing a drive for footy boots for our immersions. If you have any used, clean boots, please bring them in anytime up until 20 June 2024 and leave at Reception or Wellbeing centre.

Your generosity will be enormously appreciated.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Mission and Identity


Tevlin Mass and Supper Strengthens Family Connections

A heartfelt thank you to all of our Tevlin staff, Ms Jaz Dolso and Mr Chris Balkizas with leading the music, and Ms Sue Walsh and Mr Tom Kennedy from our mission team for your preparation and support of all aspects of our Mass.

It was wonderful to see boys and families in big numbers, sharing the time over Mass and supper together. The discussions and connections over supper with parents/carers and boys is also a valuable way we can continue to strengthen these connections, so thank you all for your time. I hope you enjoy the photos below.

Tevlin House Mass and Supper

Tevlin House Mass and Supper

Tevlin House Mass and Supper

Tevlin House Mass and Supper


Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House