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World Teachers’ & Support Staff Day – #WTD2022

Today in Australia, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day and World Support Staff Day. I am appreciative of the difference Support Staff and Teachers make in schools. I am grateful for their care, patience, compassion, sharing of knowledge, skills and support. I congratulate them and thank them for choosing to work in an environment that can have a positive influence on others. 

Paul Dillon Parent Session – Vaping, Thursday, 3 November 2022, 6pm 

You are invited to join an online Parent Session on Thursday, 3 November at 6pm. Paul has been working in the area of drug education for more than 30 years. The parent session is titled ‘Vaping – short and sweet: What do parents need to know?’ 

Click here to read more in the article by Mr Patrick Brennan

Click here to view the Zoom link

Meeting ID: 814 7077 9076

Passcode: 224589

EREA Renewal Leave

Renewal leave is part of the employment package in many schools for Deputy Principals and Principals, and I would like to wish Mr Patrick Brennan all the best as he embarks on his renewal leave for the remainder of 2022, and for the first few weeks of Term 1, 2023.

Edmund Rice Education will shortly announce the Acting Deputy Principal – Students, to replace Patrick during this time. 

ICAS Assessment Results Highlights

ICAS is an elite annual competition to recognise academic excellence across Australia, New Zealand and the world. 

Merit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 50%, Credit awards for students who achieved within the top 25%, and Distinction awards for students who achieved within the top 10% of all students in Australia sitting the test.

Congratulations to all students who participated in the English and Science ICAS Assessments this year. 


Year 7: Toby Johnson, Matthew Park, Evan Service

Year 9: Lieme Chan, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock

Year 7: Loughlan Delaney, Christian Micallef, Leo Owen

Year 8: Lewis Hamilton

Year 10: James Birbas, Robbie Muir, Campbell Porteus

Year 10: A special mention to Aodhan Williams who achieved a Distinction.


Year 7: Jed Garrat, Harry Trinca

Year 9: Ari Sebastian, Cillian Donnelly

Year 10: Bailey Barker

Year 7: William Bayly, Henry Fitzpatrick, Luca Green, Toby Johnson, Leo Owen, Evan Service

Year 9: George Alexandratos, Samuel Caro, Tomas Crosson, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock

Year 10: Campbell Porteus

Year 10: A special mention to Aidan Murray who achieved a Distinction.

Save the Date: Friday, 27 January 2023 – 120 Year Garden Party

The College turns 120 on 27 January. 120 years ago on this very date, 17 students started at Waverley on their first day of school. We hope you will join us in January for an evening of dinner and dancing to celebrate 120 Years of Education at Waverley.

Including some of Sydney’s premium food trucks, draught beer, open bar, and champagne will be available to purchase. Dance the night away under festoon lights to the sounds of the Baker Boys 8-piece band. Located on Campus under the stars, in the beautiful Braidwood Courtyard.

Click here to purchase tickets

7pm to 11pm

An evening of dinner and dancing to celebrate of 120 Years of Education!

Party Time!

Your ticket includes food from some of Sydney’s premium food trucks, draught beer and open bar.

Champagne will be available to purchase.

Dance the night away under festoon lights to the sounds of the Baker Boys 8-piece band.

Located on Campus under the stars in the beautiful Braidwood Courtyard.


Tickets $50 per person

Join us!

Click here to purchase tickets

Term 4, 2022 – Advent Term

Waverley College Aquatic Centre Swim Squad Opens Term 4

Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7




Term and Holiday Dates 2023

Term and Holiday Dates

Attention Year 12 Students

Congratulations on nearing the end of your secondary school life! Please consider donating your uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool – there is a blue donation bin in the Senior School Reception.

This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, and at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

$30 Buy Back Scheme – Blazer and All Weather Jackets

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

If leaving in the Clothing Pool bin in Reception, please include your name and number inside the bag, to arrange the ‘buy-back-scheme.’

Email us for more information or visit us on Monday mornings or Wednesday afternoons.

For more information, please email

New Opening Hours

In Term 4, we will be open Mondays 8:30-9:30am and Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm.

Secondhand clothing pool donation box

Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box in Senior School Reception


Camille and Kirsten

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators


Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 4. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 



Y-Safe Sessions

This week, the Junior School participated in Y-Safe sessions and found it to be a very positive experience.

The sessions encompassed and explained the many benefits of connecting and socialising online, while effectively addressing the importance of being alert to risks. Utilising real-world stories and role play, students were provided with a safe forum to explore the impact of key themes such as cyber bullying, social exclusion, and the power of bystanders who choose to stand up and contribute to positive issue resolution. 


Ms Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Musica Viva 

Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci invented a parachute? . . . and a scuba mask? . . . and a robot? On Tuesday, we welcomed performers from Musica Viva’s show Davinci’s Apprentice. This show not only told the story of Roberta who faced great difficulties as a young girl who wanted to become da Vinci’s apprentice, but it also took us on a musical journey as we experienced instruments from the time of da Vinci.

We heard the Theorbo, the Viola da gamba and the Cornetto, and learned about how they are played, as well as their history and information about their construction. I found this particularly interesting as we usually only see historic instruments like these in museums.

Musica Viva 2022

One of the most interesting things about performances from Musica Viva ensembles, is that they share their music with us before they come to the school. In preparation for the performance, the boys have listened to the music, composed movement sequences, created spinning maple seeds, discussed Roberta’s situation, composed acrostic poems about Roberta, and researched the inventions and instruments of the time.

Musica Viva 2022


Ms Michelle Rollins

Music and Drama Teacher



Year 6 Graduation – Friday, 25 November 2022 – Save the Date!

Year 6 2022 Graduation Invitation

Request for Photos Please

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation. I would be very appreciative if you could send through a photo of your son’s Kindergarten photo (or their first day of Kindergarten, or similar), as this will form part of the presentation.

Please email your labelled photo to by no later than Friday Week 5. Picture format as a jpeg or png files would be preferred. Please do not send through pdf files.

Thank you.


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation



Summer Co-Curricular Sport

The weather gods have been looking after us each weekend, and it is going to be the same for tomorrow’s games. It has been a great start to the season, and I wish all teams the best of luck as we approach the halfway mark of the Term 4 season of summer sport.

Please click the button below, to ensure you are up to date with fixtures and venue maps for Round 9 (Saturday, 29 October). Keep a close eye on the Waverley College app for any further adjustments due to weather conditions or ground closures.

Fixtures and Venue Maps

NSWCIS Athletics Championships

Last Thursday, Charlie Carrano competed in the NSW State Athletics Championships for the CIS in the 100 metres. We are delighted to announce that Charlie made the semi-final and is now ranked 13th in the State. Congratulations, Charlie, on this outstanding achievement.

Charles Carrano - NSWCIS Athletics

Congratulations, Charles Carrano – NSWCIS Athletics

PSSA State Cricket Championships

Henry Walker (Year 6) recently successfully competed at the PSSA State Cricket Championships in Dubbo. Playing for NSW Combined Independent Schools, Henry’s team was undefeated till the semi finals where they lost a nail-biting match to the eventual gold medallists, Sydney North.

Henry’s strong batting and fielding performances had State selectors watching him in each game and from numerous accounts, just narrowly missed out on the coveted number 3 batting position in the NSW side. But more importantly, Henry and his team came away with the bronze medal, new mates and lots of good memories.

He is now excited about playing Cricket for Waverley College, his Club and Rep teams. A massive congratulations to Henry and the team for their achievements; the future is bright and we look forward to seeing Henry’s development.

Henry Walker - CIS Cricket

Congratulations, Henry Walker – CIS Cricket


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



Home Learning – Week 4

Click here to register your son

*No Home Learning Wednesday, 2 November – Staff Meeting 

If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at or call reception.

Learning Hub

Learning Hub

Promoting Books to Peers via iMovies or iTrailers 

This term, the students will be promoting one of their favourite books read to date with their peers, by creating a book trailer using iMovie or iTrailer. 

This task not only helps students think critically and creatively to produce a book trailer, but allows them to become more technically literate using iMovie or iTrailer. 

The aim of this project is for students to find new reading material that their peers recommend. 

Jacob Pelletier and Jack Burrows

Jacob Pelletier and Jack Burrows

Ollie Baskus

Ollie Baskus

Home Tip To Encourage Reading at Home

The holidays are fast approaching and it is essential to continue to encourage your sons to read at home. Modelling reading at home is so important! Carve out time every day for family reading time. This can be a short time (15-20 minutes) where everyone in the family stops what they are doing and reads. It can be anything from a book, newspaper article, or magazine to a cookbook.

Children who see the important people in their lives reading will want to read even more. 

Important Note: Current Year 5 students will be permitted to borrow books for the Christmas holidays. 

Book Suggestions Box 

Alex Jacques (Year 6) is the brains behind this simple idea, that has worked a treat over the last two terms. Students are encouraged to add titles of books to the Suggestion Box. Once there are 10-20 suggestions, books are ordered. This gives students a voice on what they would like to read.

If you son would like to read a book that is not in the Learning Hub, encourage him to add it to the ‘Book Ideas Box.’

I have seen an increase in reading when students select their own texts. 

Alex Jacques and Harry Demetrios - Book Ideas

Alex Jacques and Harry Demetrios – Book Ideas

Happy readers receiving their book orders from the ‘Book Ideas Box' - James Draper and George Alexandratos

Happy readers receiving their book orders from the ‘Book Ideas Box’ – James Draper and George Alexandratos


Ms Natasha Zivanovic 

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



News From Year 6 Orange and Teacher Mr Tom Olds

In Geography this semester, we are learning how to execute Geographical skills such as mapping, fieldwork, interpreting graphs and statistics, analysing and creating a variety of visual representations. We will practise and master these skills by learning about content that asks us to reflect upon similarities, differences and the importance of intercultural understanding in countries, particularly those in Asia and the G20. Our aim of the unit is for students to discover how they can become global citizens. 

In preparation for their major assignment for Geography this term, the gentlemen in 6 Orange conducted a quick research task, comparing Australia to an Asian country of their choosing, and then presented their findings in a visual presentation to place on our walls for inspiration.

The information presented was on a range of topics such as geographical location, size/population, major imports/exports, languages spoken, Indigenous peoples, government systems etc. 

Below are a few of the completed research tasks:

Daniel Roach

Daniel Roach

Darcy Kidd

Darcy Kidd

Dean Leonstinis

Dean Leonstinis

Jack Curtis

Jack Curtis

Maison Retif

Maison Retif


Mr Tom Olds

Classroom Teacher 6 Orange


With just one week to go until Bivouac 2022 at Holsworthy Army Base, rank and staff are busy preparing the stores, activities and logistics for those attending the 24-hour camp. Friday afternoons allow our rank to practise the skills they need on AFX in terms of personnel accountability, ratel, initiative, leadership and movement about the base, and bivouac extends this opportunity to further hone field skills in an external environment. With COVID-19 restrictions now behind us, it is fabulous to once again have camping on the agenda each term.

A reminder to all as we come into the warmer weather, that the Cadet Uniform must be worn in its entirety and with respect. The DPCU shirt must be worn at all times. If cadets are hot, they may remove the undershirt, but not the DPCU. When outside the school gates, headdress must be worn. I thank you for your support in ensuring our cadets look their best at all times.

Please find outlined below, an overview of the program for Year 10 that runs from Week 5 to the end of Term 4, 2022.  

Weeks 5 and 6 – Examination Weeks

Examination Timetable

Week 7 – Service Week

Students will take part in their arranged Service week activities from Monday, 21 – Thursday, 24 November. On Friday, 25 November the students will take part in a Reflection Day at Centennial Park, and will conclude with a Mass in the College Chapel at 5:30pm followed by a supper. Further details will be sent out in the coming weeks. 

Week 8 – Presentation Day

Year 10 classes will have concluded, so students will only be required at College for the Presentation Day. Further details will be shared nearer to the time.

Fixtures and Venue Maps

CAS Sport

Well done to all students and coaches on the first full round of summer co-curricular activities last weekend. We had some great performances in a number of activities.

Our 1st XI Cricket were successful in gaining first innings points against St Aloysius’ in an excellent bowling and fielding performance, and can now hopefully quickly amass a challenging total for the second part of their two-day match this weekend. Our 1sts Touch Football side also had a comprehensive victory against Trinity, 9-4.

1st XI

1st XI

Sun Protection, Regular Hydration and Correct Attire

With some warming temperatures this coming weekend, it is really important all students are taking appropriate measures around sun protection and regular hydration. We still have a few students in the incorrect attire on weekends, and all students need to ensure they are properly attired for all fixtures.

Waverley Drink Bottle

Waverley drink bottles are available to purchase from our onsite Uniform Shop

NSW Football Squads Selection

I would also like to congratulate Jacob Rae (U14) and Sandy Zaverdinos (U15) on their recent selection in the NSW Football squads.

Correct Procedures for Absence or Leave

I would also like to remind all parents and carers of the correct procedures regarding absence or leave.

2nd V Basketball

2nd V Basketball

CAS Codes of Conduct Reminder

I would also like to remind all members in the College community of the importance of the CAS codes of Conduct for players, parents, carers, coaches and spectators:


  • Play by the rules and in a spirit of good sportsmanship.
  • Play for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents and coaches.
  • Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately fouling or provoking an opponent, and throwing equipment, are not acceptable nor permitted in any sport.
  • Work hard, both for yourself and your team. Your team’s performance will benefit, so will you.
  • Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player.
  • Co-operate with your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them, there would be no game.

In the event of a player, or athlete being sent-off during a CAS fixture, it is the responsibility of that boy’s Headmaster at his discretion, to determine the penalty. It is generally understood among Headmasters, however, that the boy will serve at least one week’s suspension from participating in the CAS competition.


  • Focus upon the boy’s efforts and performance, rather than the overall outcome of the game. This assists the boy in setting realistic goals related to his ability, by reducing emphasis on winning.
  • Teach your son that an honest effort is as important as victory, so that the result of the game is accepted without undue disappointment.
  • Encourage your son to always play according to the rules of the game.
  • Never ridicule or yell at your son or another boy for making a mistake or losing a game.
  • Remember boys are involved in organised sports for their benefit and enjoyment, not yours.
  • Remember, children learn best from example. Applaud good play by both teams.
  • If you disagree with an official, raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than question the official’s judgement and honesty in public. Remember, most officials give their time and effort voluntarily, for your son’s benefit.
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
  • Recognise the value and importance of coaches. They give their time and resources to provide recreational activities for your son and other boys, and deserve your support.


  • We encourage boys to support their school teams and to be dressed in the school’s uniform while doing so.
  • We expect barracking to be enthusiastic, but not to be fanatical or designed to heckle, belittle or disturb the opponents. For example, barracking, for or against, during a kick at goal is always bad sportsmanship. Boys should be encouraged to barrack for their school, rather than for an individual team member. Booing, whistling, playing or beating musical instruments are in bad taste and wholly unacceptable.
  • Vocal support for any team should never encourage violence or rough or illegal play.
    Encroaching onto the field of play, the shouting out of suggestions for players, referees or umpires to hear, are not allowed.
  • It is never acceptable to express disapproval of a referee’s or umpire’s decision – no matter whether the referee be adult or schoolboy.
  • There is a complete ban on all alcoholic drinks at grounds where games between Associated Schools’ teams are being played.
  • We expect our players to be modest in success and generous in defeat, not showing in either case undue emotion. Good play, by your own school and by the opposing school, should be applauded willingly and openly.
  • At all times, spectators should leave the area tidy and free of rubbish when they leave.
  • We look to adults (parents, carers, Old Boys and other spectators), to set an example by their self-control at matches.


Students must perceive that the sporting program of the School is consistent with the educational aims of the School’s Christian foundation. The part that coaches play in reinforcing this consistency, is in insisting on proper attitudes both on and off the field, and by making games attractive, safe and enjoyable for the students.

It is imperative that coaches have a clear understanding of the highest standards associated with amateur sportsmanship, and they must always be ready to combat those views widely expressed in the media that run counter to the spirit of the game.

Coaches should help students understand the fundamental philosophical differences between the games they play and professional games shown on television. The professional is an entertainer and a wage earner, whose play often reflects this fact.

  • Coaches should recognise that games are for enjoyment, and that satisfaction should come from participation in a team. Coaches should kindle in their players, on the one hand, a desire to win, which should motivate them towards excellence, and, on the other hand, a readiness to accept defeat.
  • Coaches should develop in their players respect for the ability of their opponents, as well as for the judgement of officials (ie umpires, referees and touch judges).
  • The home Coach/Manager should always welcome the visiting Coach, and encourage the Captain of the team to seek out the visiting Captain.
  • Coaches should be reasonable in their expectations of the players and in their demands on the players’ time and energy. They should be sensitive to the age, skill and physical maturity of their players.
  • Coaches should carry out their educational responsibility by acquainting their players thoroughly with the rules of the game, as these provide structure and order. For this reason, Coaches should continually update their knowledge of the game.
  • Coaches should support and encourage players. Feedback should be focused on the skill area and no personal derogatory remarks should be made.
  • Where it is permitted under the rules of the game, all coaching from the sidelines must be restrained, tactful, and infrequent, and substantially out of earshot of spectators. In all cases however, the role of the Coach should be understated rather than overstated.
  • Coaches should warn those players who are losing their composure and becoming too physical, and if necessary, remove them from the playing arena should such warnings not be heeded.
  • Leadership and responsibility on the part of the captain should be encouraged. Coaches should refrain from running every detail or interjecting from the sidelines. (It is acknowledged that traditions and practices differ between, say, Basketball on the one hand and, on the other, Cricket and Rugby.)
  • All coaches (and particularly those who are not on the teaching staff), should ensure that they are fully aware of the expectations and practices of the school in which they are coaching. Coaches should remember that school sport plays an important role in a boy’s education, and is for the benefit of boys rather than adults.
  • Coaches should not engage in excessive and ritual “psyching up” of a team.
  • If a match is lost, coaches should avoid giving the impression always that it could have been won if the team had played with more determination. (The opposition is sometimes just too skilful!) Similarly, coaches should avoid stating or giving the impression to players that bad refereeing decisions cost them the game.
  • Coaches should avoid any hint of criticising the umpiring or refereeing of a match – particularly in front of boys or parents.
  • A coach’s aim should be always to coach in such a way that boys are able to learn for themselves.
  • Coaches are to accept player safety as an essential priority and correct techniques are to be insisted upon. Under no circumstances are matches to start or to continue under conditions which a coach considers contentious, eg the absence of an appropriate umpire or referee; or an unsafe playing surface.

Coaches must notify their Sports Convenor if any student from a team is sent off. The student(s) must be supervised by a school official after being dismissed from the field, and disciplined subsequently according to the custom and practice of the member school. It is the general rule that students will be suspended for at least one game or similar penalty, as outlined by the rules for individual sports.

On Friday 21 October 2022, Peter Reismann, the grandfather of one of our Year 10 Waverley students, visited the College to present to Year 10 his experience of the Holocaust and subsequent life in Australia.

This invaluable presentation was part of the Year 10 History PBL task being undertaken this semester. Organised by Ms Zoe Fitzgerald, this incursion was one that the students thoroughly enjoyed and found practical application for their assignment.

On behalf of the History and English Departments, thank you to Peter for your memories, and thank you Zoe for organising such a valuable learning experience.

Peter Reismann

Peter Reismann


Mr Nicholas Brophy

Acting Head of History



Saturday, 22 October was the 2022/2023 Basketball season opener, where Waverley’s 1st V faced off against Knox in a well-fought, intense battle up at Wahroonga. Unfortunately, Knox was able to beat Waverley 81 to 65.

It was a slow start to the game for Waverley, with Knox coming out firing in the first quarter and moving to a 32-17 lead. The students were then able to switch it on for the rest of the game, bringing Knox’s lead down to just 6 in the third quarter.

From then on, it was just point for point between the two teams until late in the fourth quarter, where Knox was able to run away and secure their first win of the season. Marko Rangan, Sergej Jakovlijevic and Harry Lee worked hard all game to give Waverley a fighting chance. The students will face off against Knox once more next year, where they hope to attain a victory.


Before the 1st V, Waverley’s 2nd V faced off against Knox for their season opener, where they went on to win in a well-deserved victory. Straight away from the jump ball, the students worked hard to gain an early lead, with the help of Aren Yaghoubian. They kept their lead for the rest of the game, as they continually tried building it up.

The third quarter was where they were really able to shine, and where they gained an 11-point lead with the help of Dom Smith’s defence. During the fourth quarter, Knox was able to come back to make it a 3-point game.

In the end, Waverley was just too good, and were able to secure their win over Knox with the final score 58 to 54. The win gives the 2nd V a confidence boost as they head into the second week of the CAS season.


Waverley 10As faced off against Knox at Waverley in a close game which came down to the wire. Both teams fought hard, but unfortunately Waverley came up just short, with the final score 28 -34. The students were led well by Renato Rovacchi, Giles Strachan, and Mati Falaniko.


Waverley’s 9As worked hard at home to secure an 8-point win over Knox. The students were led behind the star players Angus Peshos, Isaac Buchanan, and Jonte Garvey in their win, with the final score 32-24.


The 8As had a nail-biting game against Knox, that came down to the final buzzer. The students continued to work hard till the final buzzer, but unfortunately came short by 4 points. They were led well by Aidan Giusti, Phil Falaniko and Hayden McAusland, with the final score 28 to 32.

Good luck to all players who will be facing off against St Aloysius’ this Saturday, where we hope to have wins across all age groups.


Tom Gleeson

Captain of 1sts

Wins, Losses and Draws

Saturday, 22 October saw the resumption of CAS Basketball, with Waverley up against perennial Basketball powerhouse, Knox Grammar. While our 1sts, unfortunately, were unable to come away with a win, our 2nd V posted a rousing 4-point win away at Knox, which is never an easy assignment. Both 1sts and 2nds face undefeated St Aloysius’ teams this week.

Waverley also enjoyed further wins across all age groups including 4th V (35-28), 6th V (32-24), 8th V (31-26), 9th V (34-32 against St Joseph’s), 10th V (31-10 against Newington), 10G (24-14), 9A (32-24), 9B (42-27), 9D (30-28), 9G (30-28), and 8C (31-27).

The 10Fs drew 25-all, while another 9 teams lost by 6 points or fewer.

Supporters’ Club BBQ

The Supporters’ Club BBQ is back up and running after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. In the past, funds raised by the Supporters’ Club have helped to pay for Basketball equipment including scoreboards, shot clocks, backboards and rims.

Thanks to Rachael Smith and Glenn Smith for their wonderful efforts in running the BBQ over the past two weeks.

If you are able to help out for one hour on a Saturday when your son plays at Waverley, please contact Rachael Smith at It would be greatly appreciated!

Good luck to all teams this week against St Aloysius’!

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Week 3 Careers Newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Congratulations to all students who participated in the English ICAS Assessment this year. Waverley’s performance was strong and all students are commended for their efforts.

Merit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 50%, Credit awards are given to students who achieved within the top 25%, and Distinction awards are given to students who achieved within the top 10% of all students in Australia sitting the test.

Merit Awards

Year 7: Toby Johnson, Matthew Park, Evan Service

Year 9: Lieme Chan, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock

Credit Awards

Year 7: Loughlan Delaney, Christian Micallef, Leo Owen

Year 8: Lewis Hamilton

Year 10: James Birbas, Robbie Muir, Campbell Porteus

Distinction Awards

A special mention to Aodhan Williams who achieved a Distinction in the Year 10 ICAS English Assessment. Congratulations, Aodhan!

Accessing Your Child’s Results

Parents/carers can log in to the ICAS portal to access their child’s results using their individual TAP-ID and PIN which has been sent to them by ICAS.

The portal breaks the test down further into different sections which will give an interesting insight into different areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Click for more information

Well done to all who took part.