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Waverley College invites applications to join us as a Canteen Assistant to start during Term 4, 2022.

The responsibilities of this position will be to assist with the preparation and serving of meals and refreshments to the student community and College staff.

Applications close: Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Click here for more information about this permanent role

Once a year, the CAS Milskills Competition tests the military skills of Navigation, Ratel, Fieldcraft, First Aid and TeamWork and Leadership exercises across cadets from Barker, Knox, St Aloysius’, Trinity and Waverley.

Our team of 14 cadets from Years 9 and 10, had to pass a Barrier Test to get into the team, and then spent many training sessions after school and after Cadets coming together as a team and honing their military skills in preparation.

WO2 Oliver Malzard and Meg O’Connor, with the guidance of CUO Matteo Paolella, led the whole experience – and I mean the whole experience – they developed their own training materials, their own training program, they ran the training sessions, ensured the team was well-kitted out, well prepared and most importantly, functioning as a team.

And I am proud to announce that on Saturday, we won, and we were awarded the CAS Milskills Trophy for 2022!

CAS Milskills Trophy 2022

CAS Milskills Trophy 2022

In the team were:

WO2 Oliver Malzard, WO2 Meg O’Connor, WO2 James Birbas, WO2 Deuchar Dezarnaulds, WO2 Emma Hartwig, WO2 Robbie Muir, SGT Remy Frampton, SGT Declan McAuliffe, SGT Campbell Porteus, SGT Aodhan Williams, CPL Rohan Baker, CPL Archie Godby, CPL Lachlan Isaac, CPL Tom Jackson-Whitlock.

And we also thank Ruben Stock and Campbell McCarthy for running the First Aid stand, with Matteo Paolella as the patient.

Congratulations to the 2022 CAS Milskills Team!

With the beginning of the HSC year now having begun for Year 11 and 12 students (and Year 10 approaching senior study), InspirationED are offering free seminars at UTS and Macquarie University, in November this year.

Designed for both students and parents in Years 10 and 11, the seminars will be delivered by qualified counsellors and senior HSC markers to address the following topics:

Dates and Times

Spaces are strictly limited, so it is recommended that you secure your place as soon as possible.

Please click on the buttons below to download the flyer and/or to register on the website.

Download flyer


For further information, please call InspirationED 1300 677 336.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


The Eastern Suburbs Leaders of Youth Learning (ESSLY), which includes Deputy Principals from many of the schools in our local area, held another sold-out parent event at Waverley College on Thursday, 13 October, which looked at our strategies and practices as we emerge from COVID-19. 

Guests included speakers from YSafe and REELise, as well as hearing from our own psychologists and students. It was a valuable insight into the journey we have all just travelled, and importantly, how we are supporting our students on this journey.

All proceeds from the event were donated to Headspace.

Leaders from Waverley College, St Vincent’s College, The Scot’s College, Kincoppal, St Catherine’s and Cranbrook School discuss common mental health concerns and strategies our schools are using to best deal with them

Leaders from Waverley College, St Vincent’s College, Scots College, Kincoppal, St Catherine’s and Cranbrook School discuss common mental health concerns and strategies our schools are using to best deal with them

Click here to view the Fixtures

Summer Co-curricular Leaders

This week, we recognised students who were successful in selection for 1sts teams for summer, as well as students selected as Captains in their activities. These students have demonstrated the commitment and application required to be recognised at this level, and we will continue to work with them to ensure they are role models for younger students in their chosen activities.

Congratulations to the following Captains for the 2022-23 summer season:

Weekly Highlights

Last weekend, we had a number of teams playing trials and fixtures, and some of the highlights included our first round of Water Polo fixtures in the new St Catherine’s Aquatic Centre; our 10As Cricket outstanding performance against Knox; our 1sts Touch Football in a 7-7 draw with a strong Newington team, as well as our 2nds Touch Football with a narrow victory. Our 1sts Cricket went down narrowly to Knox, but put in a strong showing against one of the strong sides.

A huge congratulations also to our Cadet CAS Military Skills Competitors who were successful with an impressive and well-prepared victory. Congratulations also to all of the staff of these members of the Unit, for the countless hours put in, leading up to this famous win.

We also had a number of students competing at the State Oztag championships, and well done to all players representing their regions.

Year 7 Students at NSW Oztag

Year 7 Students at NSW Oztag

Weekend Fixtures

This weekend is the first full round of fixtures against Knox and St Aloysius’. We will continue to re-select teams over the first couple of rounds due to the impact of the weather, and thank you in advance to all students and parents for their patience with this.

Appreciation to Year 12 Parents and Carers in Supporters’ Groups

I also want to say a huge thank you to those Year 12 parents/carers who will be stepping away from their roles within some of the sporting Supporters’ Groups, as well as those parents who have put their hands up to step into those roles. These parents/carers are critical in the delivery of hospitality and Presentation Evenings, as well as raising much-needed funds. There is always a great sense of community and connectedness, and we are always needing more parents/carers to be involved.

Old Boys’ Achievements

Well done to some of the Waverley Old Boys from 2021 playing for NSW and ACT Rugby on the weekend, as well as Sam Talakai, Ben Donaldson and Jed Holloway on their selections for the Wallabies Spring Tour to Europe.

Waverley Old Boys - NSW and ACT Rugby

Waverley Old Boys – NSW and ACT Rugby

Basketball preseason for the 2023 season kicked off in Week 4 of Term 3, with the 1sts, 2nds and High-Performance players training on the court and gym, and participating in the Track & Field program. Players were a part of the Track & Field team until Week 7, after which they returned their primary focus to the court, preparing for Basketball.

Congratulations to Daniel Palacio and Harrison Lee for making the College’s CAS Athletics squad, where they participated in the CAS Championships at Sydney Olympic Park.

After the Track & Field season, Basketball preseason kicked off for our Junior A and B teams. Many hours were put in, on and off the court, to better the boys’ skills. During this time, the 1sts and 2nds played St Patrick’s, Sydney Grammar, Scots College and Moriah College. The 1sts were successful in beating all these teams, while the 2nds unfortunately could not get over the top of Scots College, in a close battle.

During the holidays, there was a Basketball camp for the players, with a two-day tournament, after which the teams played against a number of schools. 1sts, 2nds and High-Performance players were fortunate to have an overnight camp, which included sleeping at school. This was an enjoyable experience for all the boys, as they were able to run around with their mates. During the overnight stay, the boys were able to experience talks from past CAS Premiership winning players, as well as past 1st V players.

The Knox Invitational Tournament was a good experience for all teams. The 8As were successful, coming 6th out of 10 teams, winning two games and losing three. The Year 9 team fought hard to come 8th place, winning one game and losing four.

The 2nds were very successful, coming 4th in a head-to-head finals game against Trinity, with them winning three games and losing two. The 1sts had a slow start on the first day, but really picked it up on the second, coming 7th and winning two games and losing three.

A special thanks goes to all the coaches who mentored the boys throughout the preseason, including Mr Johnston, Mr Linden Smith-Hyde, Mr Garvey, Mr Spargo, Mr Kennedy, Mr Smith, Ms Turnbull, and Mr Thompson. A big thank you also goes to Mr Johnston and Mr Gibbs for organising the camp and tournament.


Tom Gleeson

Captain of 1st V Basketball

The first round of the competitive cricket season began last Saturday, as Queens Park hosted the 10A and 2nd XI fixtures against Knox. The 1st XI and the Year 9A both played their respective matches at Knox.

Batting Club

This week, we have also been very fortunate with a return to the Batting Club, despite the recent downpour of rain. The Batting Club is a fantastic extra session that the College provides, to enable and equip our aspiring young batsmen. I encourage all batsmen who are looking to enhance their skillset, to take part and learn from our talented skills coaches.

Players have been notified via email of the times and dates for each session pertaining to their age group. Players must complete the survey sent to them, if they would like to attend. Ultimately, the Batting club rounds out our Cricket program for those players wishing to improve as a batter, as they are provided with two net sessions and one fielding session each week. 

Batting Club Session Schedule

Reports From Across the Grounds

Waverley batted first and ended up all out for 119, but were chased down by Knox with six overs left in play. Well done to Toby Rudolph, reaching a total of 48 not out off 16 balls. This amazing effort was supported by Will Livissianis and Fred Robertson, who both set a stable platform of 27 runs a piece. Toby Rudolph was again active in halting Knox’s run chase taking 3/10, and causing a pressured finish at the end of the day for Knox. 

The Year 10A proved that they were the team of the round, by comfortably chasing down Knox’s 76 in only 26 overs. Charlie Short’s 2/19 and Zander’s highly impressive 3/1 also set the tone, by pressuring Knox into miscalculating shots. A most notable display of cricketing athleticism was Zander Bass’s screamer of a catch in second slip off Liam Walsh’s perfect line and length. 

Unfortunately, the 2nd XI were outmatched by a well-drilled Knox, however, the Waverlians put in a strong fight with Freddie Le Vay reaching a total of 26, on what was a tricky wicket due to all the recent rain and humidity. 

Despite falling short of Knox’s 7/228, it was evident that the Waverley students were there to work hard for each other and dig deep. Carter Steyn, Toby McDonald, Matt Frost, Jonathon McDonald, Hunter Eldridge, and Hirav Gandhi all took a wicket, as Knox batted first. Hirav Gandhi and Will Hickey both put on a display of flair with the bat, and equally top scored getting out on 52.

Congratulations to Liam Wood, Hunter Eldridge, Jack George, Lucas Ryan, Jonathan McDonald, Toby McdDonald, and Matt Frost on their 1st XI debut. Furthermore, I am pleased to announce that Hirav Gandhi will take over as 1st XI captain and he will be supported by William Hickey as Captain of Cricket. 

Thank you

Lastly thank you to John McCallum, Ben Shorthouse, Greg Elliot, and Dan Kroll in facilitating the early morning preseason training sessions at the end of last term. The cricketing community is always very appreciative of your efforts in fostering the cricket program.

Good luck to all teams, Captains and Coaches for this 2022/23 season!

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Last Friday, Waverley College First Nations students were invited to gather at the Australian Catholic University at Strathfield, for the very first EREA ACU Indigenous Student Day.

The Yalbalinga Indigenous Higher Education Unit hosted an experience day for senior students that provided an opportunity for students to be exposed to a tertiary pathway at ACU, learn about the support measures in place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students by speaking and engaging with current ACU students directly, as well as network with other EREA schools in the greater Sydney region.

While this program has operated for EREA schools in Brisbane, this was the first time it has been run for Sydney schools. Year 12 students, Xavier Quinn and Elliot Witten, found the experience to be informative and enjoyable, as it opened their awareness to the greater opportunities available to them post school.



Term 4, 2022 – Advent Term

Waverley College Aquatic Centre Swim Squad Opens Term 4

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


November and December


Term and Holiday Dates 2023

Term and Holiday Dates

Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 4. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 




Welcome back, I hope you all had an enjoyable break with your boys and they are ready for another exciting term.

ICAS Assessments

Congratulations to all the students who participated in ICAS Assessments. A special congratulations to the following students who received a credit or above in Writing.

Year 6

Year 5 

Mental Health Sessions at the Junior School

“And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I have found no language to describe them” Jane Austen, 1811

At the Junior School, every term we allocate two periods in each class dedicated to teaching our students about mental health. These sessions are facilitated by our two Junior School psychologists, Dawn and Alex. 

Adolescence fundamentally comes with vulnerabilities, and by increasing a child’s knowledge, understanding and awareness on all matters of mental health and mental wellness, helps children foster positive communication and social skills, emotional connectedness, and builds resilience, to better prepare children to overcome adversities. 

With greater learning comes greater control and predictability, factors that help prevent persistent or pervasive feelings of anxiety, anger or other challenging emotions. The mental health sessions incorporate psycho-educations, interactive play, and visual and tactile activities to better facilitate learning and retention.

Sessions covered throughout Year 5 and Year 6 


Ms Gabrielle Smith

Director of the Junior School



Year 6 Graduation – Friday, 25 November 2022 – Save the Date!

Year 6 2022 Graduation Invitation

Request for Photos Please

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation. I would be very appreciative if you could send through a photo of your son’s Kindergarten photo (or their first day of Kindergarten, or similar), as this will form part of the presentation. 

Please email your labelled photo to by no later than Friday Week 5. Picture format as a jpeg or png files would be preferred. Please do not send through pdf files.

Thank you.


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation



Summer Co-Curricular Sport and Extra Co-Curricular

Summer Co-Curricular

Welcome back to the Summer Co-Curricular season and the final six rounds of Summer sport for this year. I hope all families had an enjoyable and restful holiday break. It has been great seeing teams get back into training this week in preparation for Round 7 tomorrow, Saturday, 15 October. 

Please click the button below to ensure you are up to date with fixtures and venue maps for Round 7 (Saturday, 15 October). Please keep a close eye on the Waverley College app for any further adjustments due to weather conditions or ground closures.

Fixtures and Venue Maps

Extra Co-Curricular

Innovation Club, HipHop Dance and Judo will all be recommencing from next week, Monday Week 2. We’re excited for each activity to be getting started again after such a great Term 3.

All session days and times will operate as normal, but there will be adjustments to Judo for Term 4. Ms Tweedie will be on leave for three weeks, beginning Week 3. The College is currently seeking a replacement teacher, and families will be informed about who that will be, or if Judo needs to be cancelled.

Parent Involvement and Support (Saturday sport)

The College does its absolute best to secure experienced coaches each season, and we are very fortunate to have Waverley staff, Old Boys and external coaches coaching our students. Having received some feedback from parents, our coaches sometimes require more support on Saturdays. This support is needed with set up, warm ups and general team management assistance.

As I am not able to support all teams each week, I am inviting parents/carers to take on the role of supporting their son’s coach, if they’re needing it. All coaches have been informed about this. If you are able to take on this role, please inform your son’s coach. I know all coaches are very appreciative of this, but we ask that you please adhere to the following guidelines:

CIS Athletics

I would like to congratulate the following students who competed at the CIS Athletics Carnival at the end of Term 3: Charles Carrano, Oliver Burke, Louis Coleman, Vaidas Levi and Lukas Pendleton.

There were some amazing results from the day, with the opportunity to represent Waverley College and IPSHA at the highest level. 


10 Years

11 Years

12-13 Years

A massive congratulations to these students, who will no doubt be taking a lot of experience away from these events.

EPC Open Tennis Event

Currently, Tennis is the only sport for which we do not have a properly modified format for the adult game in which IPSHA students of any ability can play. Over the past two years, IPSHA have been consulting with professionals within the game of Tennis, as they refined a format to suit the needs of IPSHA.

They are pleased to report that there has been significant progress made, and demonstration tournaments of the new game format and associated App are being staged. 

There is a tournament being held on Sunday, 16 October at Queenwood Tennis Centre, 1110 Oxford Falls Road, Oxford Falls.

Please feel free to attend and witness the format in action.

Open EPC Junior Tennis


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



Week 2 Home Learning 

Register for Home Learning

If your son is unable to attend, please email or call reception.

Happenings in the Last Week of Term 3

Drawing Club

Drawing Club is not just about art! It is a place where the boys talk about their hobbies, likes and dislikes. Our last drawing session for Term 3 was inspired by Finn Doble’s free choice art. The boys were inspired by his work, creating their own Nike Air Jordan sneakers and unique colourway. 

Finn Doble

Finn Doble

Finn Doble

Finn Doble

Drawing Club

Drawing Club

Debating Showcase

The students were fortunate to have the opportunity to watch a formal debate in the last week of Term 3. 

This was a wonderful way to inspire and get the boys thinking about ‘Debating.’ 

The showcase aimed to allow students to have a better understanding of a formal debate. 

James Peate and Nick Zanapalis (Year 9 Debating Mentors) adjudicated the debate, and also gave the Year 6 students an insight into Debating in the Senior School. 

I look forward to working with a new group of students in the new year. Details about the tryouts will be released in Term 1, 2023. 

JS Debating Showcase

JS Debating Showcase


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Welcome back 

I wish all students a successful and enjoyable Term 4. Term 4 always moves very quickly, please ensure your son hits the ground running, and is well organised for upcoming assessments, and gets into a good study routine early. Finishing the year strongly should be his goal. We offer special prayers and wishes for our Year 12s who started their HSC examinations on Wednesday this week.

Mr Leddie with Year 12 on Day 1 of the HSC

Mr Leddie and Ms Porter with Year 12 (2022) on Day 1 of the HSC

Professional Learning Day 

On Monday of this week, our teaching staff continued their participation in the specialised Association of Independent Schools (AISNSW) program ‘Deep Learning.’ The Program supports teachers to incorporate the learning competencies (6Cs) into their whole school teaching and learning programs to underpin the curriculum.

Deep Learning integrates academic skills with personal and social capabilities, and gives priorities to those capabilities and dispositions that support whole-school learning and living.

The 6Cs include: 

Year 12 Leadership Term 4 2022 and 2023 

At the end of last term our four College Captains were announced for 2023:

This week, we would like to announce the following boys as House Captain and Prefect positions. Congratulations to all these students: 

Charlie Smith – House Captain

Liam Russell – House Prefect

Jack Crotty – House Prefect

Mackenzie Palmer – House Prefect

Thomas Shaninian – House Prefect

Tom Gleeson – House Captain

Jacob Hassan – House Prefect

Carter Steyn – House Prefect

Carter Hjorring – House Prefect

Jonas Dowling – House Prefect

Alistair Isaac – House Captain

Tom Hughes – House Prefect

Harrison Lee – House Prefect

Sam Johnson – House Prefect

Kai Jones – House Prefect

Frederick Le Vay – House Captain

Aiden Pascoe – House Prefect

Ethan Williams – House Prefect

Marcus Antonio – House Prefect

Will O’Connor – House Prefect

Jack Preller – House Captain

Matthew Woods – House Prefect

Will Mood – House Prefect

Harry Makatoa – House Prefect

Luke White – House Prefect

Mitchell Cahill – House Captain

Jake Perks – House Prefect

Toby Neilsen – House Prefect

Ruben Stock – House Prefect

Tom Stewart – House Captain

Charles Hely-Hammond – House Prefect

Noah Tofaeono – House Prefect

Darcy Standfield – House Prefect

Thomas Walker – House Prefect

Felix Turinui – House Captain

Jett McTavish – House Prefect

James Iatrou – House Prefect

Angus Birrell – House Prefect

Hugh McDonald – House Prefect