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Read more: National Book Week, Teacher Reading Aloud, Drama Performance, Visions of Leadership.

National Book Week

The Library celebrated Book Week with selected students participating in a fun team writing and illustrating event, ‘Write a Book in a Day.’

Students worked as a team to produce a 3,500 to 5,000-word story, with the added opportunity to raise money for research into childhood cancers.

You are invited to sponsor the boys, if you are able. Instructions about how to do this are below:

  1. Go to the website
  2. Click the orange button Sponsor a Writer
  3. Search for Waverley College in NSW to see a list of the 34 participating Waverley students

Teacher Reading Aloud, Drama Performance

Year 7 were also treated to a compelling drama performance from HSC drama student Lachlan Varcoe presenting his major work. This experience was held in the PAC.

The Year 7 cohort were then inspired to be readers by Mr McCoy, Mr O’Donnell and Ms Ryan, who all read to the boys.

Mr O’Donnell read an excerpt from Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, Mr McCoy read from The Vicar of Nibbleswicke by Roald Dahl, and Ms Ryan read from Heroes by Stephen Fry.

Visions of Leadership

Wednesday morning in the Library saw a dynamic forum for discussion held with Barrister and Old Boy, Mark Higgins, and students ranging from Years 9 to 12.

Complementing the Legal Studies curriculum, Mark used examples of cases he’s been involved with, to exemplify and clarify the way in which the Separation of Powers Doctrine functions within the Westminster system, and what constitutes the law in Australia.

With fascinating case studies, Mark encouraged the students to consider the complexities of the law and personal values, exploring the grey areas that most legal issues have to traverse.

The students were challenged to consider the extent to which acts are considered just, unjust, criminal, or innocent.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library


Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 3. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Junior School Fun Run

I want to extend a huge congratulations and thanks to our staff, students and parents/carers for their incredible support of our Junior School Fun Run. We have been blown away by the fundraising efforts of the students. A special thanks to Mr Wachtel for the organisation of this great event.

I am pleased to announce that we raised a total of $104,357.

Well done to Reese Araujo as our biggest fundraiser. I look forward to hearing what plans Reese has, when he takes on the role of Director of Junior School for the day.

I also wanted to give a special shout to all those who participated in and supported the many teacher v students fundraising events in the lead up to the Fun Run. I have included a snapshot of these events below.

Staff V Students Connect 4

Staff V Students Connect 4

Staff V Students Theatresports

Staff V Students Theatresports

Staff V Students Dodgeball

Staff V Students Dodgeball

Staff V Students Soccer

Staff V Students Soccer

Please read Mr Wachtel’s section for more details on the Fun Run.

Father’s Day

We celebrated a beautiful Father’s Day at the Junior School today. We commenced celebrations with a lovely Mass followed by a delicious BBQ.

JS Father's Day Mass

JS Father's Day Mass

Thanks to Mr Stephen Ghattas for his organisation, making the day so special. A special thanks also to our Old Boys for supplying and running the BBQ.

JS Father's Day Mass

To all the fathers and those who are like fathers to our boys in the Junior School, I hope you have a lovely weekend. 

JS Father's Day Mass

JS Father's Day Mass

Ms Jennifer Hoare

It is with very mixed emotions that I write to inform you that Ms Jennifer Hoare has taken a position at Hartford College in 2023. Hartford College is an all boys independent school, which will open its doors to students next year. 

Ms Hoare has always been committed to inspiring her students to strive for excellence in all their endeavours, whilst nurturing them to become young men of faith and virtue. She always places great emphasis on working collaboratively with parents, to support the student’s educational, character and spiritual formation.

Ms Hoare will be greatly missed at Waverley College and we look forward to celebrating her incredible contribution to the school in Term 4.


Ms Gabby Smith

Director of the Junior School



Pencil Case Restock 

As we hit the second half of the year, we start to see students coming to class with missing equipment. This makes teaching and learning very difficult. In next week’s Home Learning we have asked our students to make sure they are stocked up with the following items:

Red pen, blue pen, lead pencils, coloured pencils, textas, highlighters, rubber, sharpener, scissors, glue, ruler and protractor. 

We thank you for your support in advance. 

Pencil Case

Year 5 Leadership/Team building 

Year 5 were involved in a Leadership/Team building day last Wednesday, 24 August. The key themes that were focused on throughout the day were:

Here at Waverley, we are trying to instil the importance of these themes, so that our students can contribute as global citizens, and are equipped with the necessary skills they will need for the future. 

JS Leadership Day

The day was broken up into three sessions:

JS Leadership Day

The key learning intention during these sessions were:

  1. Create a vision board (Lego Model about Leadership and their role in Culture)
  2. Build a plan to create a positive culture
  3. Be able to identify their own support network
  4. Be able to identify the value in teamwork

As you can see from the photos, the Year 5 students had a wonderful day! 

JS Leadership Day

JS Leadership Day

JS Leadership Day


Ms Gaby Bransby

Assistant Director of Junior School/Curriculum Coordinator



Fun Run Fundraiser

School FunRun

The Fun Run Fundraiser has seen some amazing achievements, and I am thrilled to share the following milestones reached at the conclusion of the fundraising period:

  1. $104,357 fundraised across six weeks 
  2. 282 out of 314 students signed up with profiles
  3. 1,152 total donations received
  4. Reese ​​Araujo (6 Blue) was the highest fundraiser at $33,400, and Leo Henderson (5 Blue) is the second highest fundraiser at $4,050
  5. 6 Blue were the highest fundraising class with $38,906 raised

The Fun Run ‘Big Show’ took place on Friday, 26 August, and what an amazing day it was.

Students arrived in their white shirts, prepared for the unknown, but in awe of the inflatables. Once students were explained the running track, all classes were sent at different times to begin the colour run, after being sprayed with water by the local fire department. It was exciting having the fire department there to encourage fire safety throughout the event.

JS Fun Run

There was a high ambiance at Waverley Park, with music playing all around the running track. The local kindergarten were there supporting, and cheering on our students, as they made their way around the track.

JS Fun Run

The school was truly grateful to have parent helpers for the event, who were tasked with spraying the boys with the coloured powder, at various sections of the track.

Once the running time had concluded, we celebrated and awarded the highest fundraising students.

It then became time for the main event, where six staff members were slimed. These staff members included Ms Smith (Director of the Junior School) and Mr Leddie (Principal of Waverley College). This was a highlight for many students, staff and parents.

JS Fun Run

What a fantastic event, and all for such an amazing cause. Thank you to everyone who was involved and showed their support.


JS Fun Run

IPSHA Athletics Carnival

On Monday, 29 August, the Junior School Athletics Age Champions headed out to Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre to represent Waverley College at the IPSHA Athletics Carnival.

This is a significant event for our student athletes, and an opportunity to compete against all associated IPSHA schools around Sydney, at an extremely competitive level.

Congratulations to all the age champions who competed at the carnival:

U10 Students

U11 Students

U12 Students

Out of all the Waverley athletes who competed, we had five students excel in their track and field events, finishing in the top five, to progress to the NSWCIS Championships.

This will be an amazing chance for our students to compete at the highest level possible for their age.

Congratulations to the five students:

JS IPSHA Athletics

Congratulations Jayden Newrick, Vaidis Levi, Josh Raymond

JS IPSHA Athletics

Congratulations Charlie Carrano

JS IPSHA Athletics

Congratulations Josh Raymond

JS IPSHA Athletics

Sam, Alfie, Charlie, Ollie

JS IPSHA Athletics

Luka, Hugo C, Louis

CIS Rugby

Lukas Pendleton, Riley Carr and Daniel McCall were selected in the CIS Rugby team for 2022. A massive achievement, performing very well and representing Waverley both on and off the field.

Despite winning 4 games out of 5, and only going down by 2 points in the game, they lost, impacting the final placing with the team finishing 5th. All students gave it their all, and were forces to be reckoned with throughout all of their games.

Congratulations to all of the students, and what a brilliant experience to be a part of.

JS CIS Rugby - Riley, Daniel and Lukas

CIS Rugby – Riley, Daniel and Lukas


CIS Team

External Sporting Achievements

The Waverley students from the U12 Clovelly Reds won their grand final on Sunday, 28 August. They won 35-10 against another local team, South Coogee, at Cliff Oval Wahroonga.

They went through the season undefeated, finishing top of the ladder by 9 points, with a for and against of 280.

Congratulations to the following Waverley students in this winning team: 

Cooper Mott, Lukas Pendelton, Nicholas Peshos, Riley Carr, Isaacs Matheson, Lachlan Symes, Beau Matheson Rayner, Angus Palm, Cian Brady.

U12 Clovelly Reds

U12 Clovelly Reds

U12 Clovelly Reds

Pro Performance Spring Holiday Cricket Camps

The Team at Pro Performance Cricket are excited to announce their upcoming Holiday Cricket Camps where they will be offering an additional Youth aged / representative level camp for players aged 12 years and over.

All camps provide intensive individual and group skill development for players across all facets of the game.

With an excellent coach to player ratio, and a focus on a positive and fun environment, it’s a perfect opportunity for the kids to enhance and develop their games while having heaps of fun, making new friends and taking their game to a new level.

>>> Click here to view the Pro Performance Holiday Cricket Camps booking information.

>>> Click here to view the Pro Performance Pro Youth Holiday Cricket Camps (Ages 12+) booking information.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



Home Learning Club – Week 8

>>> Click here to register your son.

Should your son be unable to attend, please email the College at or call reception.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



Visual Arts Club

Summer Art Club Expressions in Clay

Summer Art Club Expressions in Clay

Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form.  

Summer Art Club 2022/2023

Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a Summer activity for students from Years 5-12. It will commence Term 4, Week 2, 2022. 

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This summer, students will be introduced to: Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form.  

Each student will be introduced to a range of ceramic handbuilding techniques such as pinch-pots, slabs and coiling techniques to build the fundamental form for their ceramic sculpture.

Natural and synthetic textures will be used to create impressions in the clay, forming crevices to catch and control glaze. Students will be involved in the firing and glazing process, learning glaze theory to further extend their knowledge on how clay bodies react when heated. 

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Cost: $110.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied (all works will be bisque and glaze fired)
Session times: select ONE from the following:


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts 



Snapshot From 5 Indigo

In 5 Indigo it has been a very busy and exciting term of learning both inside and outside of our classroom. We have focused on the theme of Leadership through Term 3, reflecting on what it takes to be a successful leader, the qualities we look for in our leaders, and, how we can be leaders in our lives.

We have elected new Class Captains, taken part in the Year 5 Leadership Day, and developed as leaders through our Year 5 Retreat Day. 5 Indigo have relished every opportunity given to them and grown as young men of faith and character. I could not be any more proud to be their teacher.

5 Indigo

Science – Earth and Space

Our Science topic for Semester 2 is Earth and Space. 5 Indigo have loved asking inquiry questions about the Universe, worked collaboratively and used reasoning and problem-solving skills to order celestial bodies, and created our own playdough version of the solar system.

Look at our incredible models below:

5 Indigo Science Curriculum

5 Indigo Science Curriculum

5 Indigo Science Curriculum

5 Indigo Science Curriculum

English – Stand Up And Be Counted

In English, we have been investigating the ways that authors and composers communicate their passions and beliefs with the world. We read the book Mechanica, A Beginner’s Field Guide, a book set in a dystopian future where humans have not looked after the planet, and animals have become mechanical hybrids to survive. The author is very passionate about the issue of climate change.

In 5 Indigo we created our own Australianica, A Beginner’s Field Guide of Australian mechanical animals. This is a very complex text and the students in 5 Indigo showed what imaginative and accomplished writers they are, by emulating the style and language choices of the author, Lance Balchin. You can read their Australianica extracts proudly displayed on the wall of our classroom.

We are now in the process of identifying the social issues that we feel passionately about, looking at the examples of speeches made by activists including Greta Thunberg, to begin writing our own speeches. We are so excited to find out how each member of 5 Indigo will make a difference in the world. 

5 Indigo English Curriculum

5 Indigo English Curriculum

5 Indigo English Curriculum


Ms Charlotte Stephens

5 Indigo Classroom Teacher


Imagine this … BBQs firing, snow cones freezing, ice cream scooping, lollies popping and doughnuts drizzling … this, and so much more. Wednesday 31, August 2022 was the post-COVID return of Market Day at Waverley College.

To witness Year 10 Commerce and Food Technology students confident, primed and prepped to encounter the masses, for what was an exhilarating 40 minutes, was something to be believed.

Every stall sold out, and of course, a sugar rush ensued. But the one common theme from this special day was that everyone loved it and now can’t wait for the next one (in 2023). We are super proud of all the students – the way they took on this challenge, and how they made it a great success.

The money raised from this day will be directed to two very important College charities: The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse specialising in cancer treatment, and R U OK? which encourages all young people to seek help when struggling mentally.

An outstanding $3,258.95 was raised, and now will be split evenly between the two charities. The Waverley community certainly makes waves with supporting charities, and a huge thank you to all who donated and got involved.

This day would not have been possible without the guidance and support of the Year 10 Commerce and Food Technology teaching teams, five fabulous markers, Heads of House, TAS Assistants, Marketing, IT, Maintenance, Finance and Cleaning Teams … and all of the staff who assisted or visited the stalls. But the biggest thanks goes to the Year 10 Commerce students; their hard work and community spirit was exemplary.


Mr Nicholas Sposari and Ms Angelique Theodorou

Year 10 Commerce Teachers



>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 

The College Nets will be open for training over the last weeks of Term 3. Students seeking to play in an ‘A’ team or the 1st XI are expected to attend in preparation for a start to the competition season in Term 4.

Players are to bring their own protective equipment, as well as a ball for bowling. Players who consider themselves to be batsmen will be given priority to bat first. Coaches will then endeavour to rotate batting time each session, and each week, to ensure fairness. 

Kit bags can be stored in the storeroom located under the PAC after each session, and then collected after school. 

Important: Players currently in Year 7 who played in the Year 7 teams of Term 1 2022, are now trialling as the Year 8 team of 2022/2023. Therefore, the current Year 7 cohort will play in the Year 8 age group for this summer season. 


Week 7

Week 8

Week 9 

Week 10


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket


Reflections on Leadership

Learning leadership takes time and practice, and a week-long Promotions Course is just the beginning of the journey. One week does not an instant leader make! New teams always need a period of adjustment, as they determine how to work together for the good of the collective.

We are grateful to all our rank for their maturity and patience, as they adjust to the new dynamics of their Unit and their Companies. To have the opportunity to learn these skills within the supportive environment of the schools, is one of the benefits of promotion in Cadets.

Our rank will go on to be well-placed as leaders in the wider community, taking with them an understanding of team dynamics and the compromises needed to work well with a variety of people.

We were proud to recognise our Duces of Promotions Courses again on Friday, with the presentation of the AAC medallions and certificates.

Congratulations to:

 Cyber Taipan Competition

A team of five dedicated cadets competed in Round 1 of the CSIRO National Cyber Taipan Competition on the weekend. Our team performed strongly across the day’s cybersecurity activity, finishing 21st out of 140 teams.

Congratulations and thank you to:

Amelia Avery, Anika Bradford, Lachlan Marzol, Julia Mallam and Paul Muir.

Cyber Taipan Competition

Home Training – Have You Downloaded the Waverley app?

Training continues to go well on Friday afternoons, despite the regularity of rain. I would urge all parents to download the Waverley app, and include Cadets as one of the notifications, to see the latest on uniform requirements (such as ponchos), and early dismissal times when the conditions dictate.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form.  

Summer Art Club 2022/2023

Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a Summer activity for students from Years 5-12. It will commence Term 4, Week 2, 2022. 

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This summer, students will be introduced to: Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form.  

Each student will be introduced to a range of ceramic handbuilding techniques such as pinch-pots, slabs and coiling techniques to build the fundamental form for their ceramic sculpture.

Natural and synthetic textures will be used to create impressions in the clay, forming crevices to catch and control glaze. Students will be involved in the firing and glazing process, learning glaze theory to further extend their knowledge on how clay bodies react when heated. 

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Cost: $110.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied (all works will be bisque and glaze fired)
Session times: select ONE from the following:


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts 


Science Week 2022 was an excellent opportunity to experience some fun and exciting science experiments, both in class and at home. Students enjoyed some explosive experiments with ping pong balls, cool experiments with liquid nitrogen and dry ice, and some other weird and wonderful practicals in class time.

The Junior School experienced a fun Science show with Ms Brown, Ms Pace and Mr Listberger. A big thanks goes to the whole Science Department, including all the Science teachers and lab technicians for all the work they put in to this week.

Scientists of Waverley Competition

Thank you to all who entered the Scientists of Waverley Competition. There were some interesting and creative videos from all entrants. It was very hard to judge and pick a winner, so well done to everyone who entered!

The winners of this competition are:

Scientists of Waverley Competition Winners 2022

Prize winners will be contacted by Ms Pace with their Westfield voucher prize, to buy something to continue their scientific explorations. Well done and I look forward to seeing what you all come up with next year!


Ms Emily Pace

Assistant Head of Science


Coming Out of COVID-19

Please join us for a parent evening with experts in student wellbeing from across Sydney, sharing their expertise with us. Booking information will be released soon.

Save the Date: Thursday, 13 October 2022

Eastern Suburbs Leaders of Learning Parent Information Evening

Waverley College, 6pm


Building Belonging Post Pandemic – SchoolTV

When the pandemic interrupted our lives and changed the way we live, this meant that suddenly many of our young people’s main sources of connection with peers and extended family members were removed overnight, without warning, and remained significantly disrupted over the next two years.

Throughout our existence, humans have sought out relationships with others and built communities to belong to. We have a basic emotional and biological need for connection. Belonging is the feeling of security and support that gives us that sense of acceptance and connection to others.

When we don’t feel connected, or have our need for belonging met, this causes a deep-seated distress. Both loneliness and disconnection are negative emotional states that can feel painful and sometimes unbearable. When our basic need for belonging isn’t met, it is impossible for our brain to focus on other things, such as learning. For young people, teenagers in particular, this desire is abundantly strong. Teenagers place a high value on their social ties, acceptance, care and support from others, especially their peers.

Building Belonging

Students who have a sense of belonging will experience feelings of security, identity and community, which in turn supports their academic, psychological and social development. When young people come together again after a period of instability, there is a period of adjustment. Whilst the rules of the group may be established, acceptance remains paramount, and can therefore mean some behaviours can become far from rational.

Their ability to tolerate distress and control impulsive actions is reduced, as they haven’t yet got full access to the part of the brain that can help give them perspective and inhibit their impulses. These factors combined, leave them open to being vulnerable, often making choices or becoming involved in situations they might not ordinarily consider

>>> Click here to view the SchoolTV episode: Building Belonging Post Pandemic.

Current COVID-19 Statistics

Total Current Cases 7 (in Years 5-12)
Year 5 2 cases
Year 6 2 cases
Year 7 0 cases
Year 8 0 cases
Year 9 3 cases
Year 10 0 cases
Year 11 0 cases
Year 12 0 cases


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student and Staff Wellbeing


Term 3, 2022 – Our Lady’s Term

Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10



Term 4, 2022 – Advent Term


Term and Holiday Dates 2023

Congratulations to Lachlan Miranda (Year 10) who has been selected to participate in the inaugural Civics and Citizenship Program at NSW Parliament.

Applicants were required to submit a 500-word response to a judging panel on: Australia has a strong and resilient democracy. Discuss. Lachlan’s compelling and scholarly response was selected by the judging panel. He was one of only 30 students chosen from across NSW to attend this inaugural event. An outstanding achievement! 

Lachlan Miranda

Lachlan Miranda

In October, Lachlan will attend NSW Parliament and join in discussions with students across Australia via a broadcast from the Museum of Australian Democracy. The discussions will focus on Australia’s democratic system of government, and the role of citizens in upholding a strong and resilient democracy. We wish Lachlan an exciting and productive day and thank Mr Nicholas Sposari for his support and guidance of Lachlan. 

Congratulations to James Peate (Year 9) and Kayden Baker (Year 9) who have been selected to join the National Student Executive Leadership Group for ERA for Change Australia. James and Kayden will represent Waverley College and join their peers from the following EREA schools: 

Kayden Baker

Kayden Baker

James Peate

James Peate

Edmund Rice Advocacy (ERA) For Change, is a youth advocacy network that stands for equality, human rights, and justice and solidarity with all people, and with the earth itself. Drawing upon the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, the Charter for Edmund Rice Education Australia, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, they work alongside Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders, Edmund Rice International, The Edmund Rice Centre, and Edmund Rice Australia, in advocating for a more just and peaceful world.

Their mission is to stand in solidarity with, and to amplify the voices of, those whose voices are rarely heard, or seldom answered. In particular, they aim to stand arm in arm with other young people around the world, to share their stories with the wider community, and to ask world leaders to ensure their rights and their inherent human dignity are respected and upheld.

We are excited to learn of the advocacy campaigns that James, Kayden and the national leadership team will be working on, and look forward to sharing with you how Waverley will be supporting ERA for Change. Thank you to Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe for her support and guidance with this initiative. 


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


NESA launched the Stay Healthy HSC campaign on 28 July. Stay Healthy HSC is a cross-sector campaign, now running for its third year, and plays an important role in providing HSC students and their families access to essential health and wellbeing services and information.

This year’s campaign, with support from ReachOut, will roll out in three phases to encourage students to put their health and wellbeing first, connect with one another, and reach out to support services if needed.

The three phases include:

>>> Click here to view the Campaign Resource Hub.

>>> Click here to view the campaign assets.

>>> Click here to view the 2022 HSC Study Guide, which provides information and advice to help set-up HSC students for their final exams.


Ms Elizabeth Watson 

Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning 
