Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Senior Academic Scholarship
This week we have launched two academic initiatives, the Senior Academic Scholarship for students entering Year 10 and Year 11, 2024 and the creation of two new academic medals. More more information on these two exciting opportunities, please see Ms Lynsey Porter’s newsletter article in this edition.
HSC Design & Technology and Industrial Technology Nominations
Congratulations to the following Design & Technology students who have been nominated for their projects for possible inclusion in Shape 2023 which selects the top HSC designs in NSW;
- Christopher Armstrong
- Ruben Stock
Congratulations to the following Industrial Technology students who have been nominated for their projects for possible inclusion in Shape 2023 which selects the top HSC designs in NSW;
- Mitchell Cahill
- Max Dimitrijevic
- Samuel Fingleton
- Thomas Gleeson
- Darcy Standfield
For more details please refer to Ms Lynsey Porter’s article.
Summer Co-Curricular Captains and Teams
Congratulations to the captains and teams who were presented at assembly this week.
For the full list of selections and appointments please view the article by Mr Steve O’Donnell.
Year 5 Visual Art
In reading through this week’s Nurrunga, I was impressed with the talented artwork and concepts displayed by our Year 5 students. Their artwork displays the effect climate change has on the planet. Some very impressive work. Read the Junior School news here.
Message from EREA Council to the Community
We, as the Council of the community of Edmund Rice Education Australia, acknowledge the heartbreak and disappointment felt by members of our community in relation to the result of the Referendum on the Voice to Parliament. In this context, we extend our thoughts, prayers and solidarity to our students, staff and communities who had seen the Voice to Parliament as a way forward in addressing inequality so that ‘all may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10).