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Would Your Son Like to Apply for an ACER Academic Scholarship?

Academic scholarships are awarded to a limited number of students who demonstrate academic excellence in the ACER examination. They can cover up to 100% of tuition fees.

Academic scholars are expected to maintain high standards of academic performance and are traditionally placed on the Principal’s Award List every term. 

Is your son eligible?

The scholarship is open to students who will commence at the College in Year 7 in 2023.

How to apply

You need to register for the ACER Scholarship Selection test through the ACER website.

>>> Click here to register for the ACER Scholarship Selection Test.

How are Applicants Assessed?

Academic scholarships are awarded based on:

*Academic Excellence

*Success at Interview

Further information on our Academic Scholarship is available through our website.

>>> Click here to view more information about our Academic Scholarship on our website.

Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information.


Ms Kylie Anderson



Read more: R U OK? Day, ChatStarter resource, 6 Gold art competition, Term 4 Co-Curricular Sport (Online Sports Programs via Waverley app), ‘Be Your Greatest Webinar’ Paralympic Athletes, supporting reading at home, Online Bookshop one more week to go!

Welcome to Week 10! It is hard to believe we are here and have accomplished so much as a College and community. We endured a full term of online learning and a challenging lockdown. Our students have shown that they are able to be resilient and focused in their learning during some of the hardest circumstances. As we close Term 3, I’m pleased to share some recent highlights.

R U OK? Day

Last Friday, students were tasked to create a powerful poster or piece of art that promoted the important message from R U OK? Day. Once again, they went over and beyond and did an amazing job.

The winners were:

By Finn McIvor

By Finn McIvor

By Lachlan O'Brien

By Lachlan O’Brien

ChatStarter Resource

Two weeks ago, some of you may have seen the 3 September NSW COVID-19 press conference where the NSW Chief Psychiatrist Dr Murray Wright spoke for a short time. He provided advice directed towards parents of primary school-aged children. As we are approaching the school holidays, I thought it may be helpful for me to provide his advice again here.

Dr Wright suggested checking in with children if their behaviour at home had changed noticeably, and also choosing a good time to open up a conversation — for example, over the dinner table — and not ‘on the run.’ His suggested resource is ‘ChatStarter’ developed by the National Mental Health Commission. It promotes the benefits of supportive conversations with children and young people.

Should you wish to investigate this resource, the link is provided below.

>>> Click here to view ChatStarter.

6 Gold Art Competition

6 Gold finished the term off with a bang. They were tasked with creating an art piece of their choice to share in the 6 Gold Art Competition. Thank you for sharing your creative art pieces that depict your talent and passions. 

By Auguste Gibson

By Auguste Gibson

By Carter Kennedy

By Carter Kennedy

By Harry Austin

By Harry Austin

Happy Holidays

I want to thank all parents and carers for your unwavering support this term. Is has been challenging for everyone and the amount of positive emails I have received throughout the term has been truly refreshing. Everyone deserves a break to rejuvenate, move away from screens and reconnect. I wish everyone a safe, enjoyable and relaxing break.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Supporting Reading At Home

I read an article ‘Infographic: Which Generation Reads the Most?’ This article zoomed in on the five types of generations and their reading habits.

Our boys being Generation Z, 5-25 years of age was of greatest interest to me. What did I learn? I discovered that GenZ reads for the least amount of time, still reads for fun, but this number halves when they become teenagers, and they prefer fantasy genres and books with humour.

After reading this article, I reflected on the importance of catering for our different learners. Reading, however, does not necessarily have to mean opening up a book and staring tentatively at pages and pages of endless words. For the auditory learners among us, the option of audio books is one our society is increasingly turning to, and for good reason. There are many options out there, and I guess the most important aspect is that your son is reading or listening to audiobooks, if that is his preferred choice.

Your son has access to eBooks, audio books, newspapers and other online reading material in the Learning Hub CANVAS page; just remember it does not always have to be a hard copy book.

eBooks & Audio Books

eBooks & Audio Books

Newspapers & Encyclopedias

Newspapers & Encyclopedias

Online Bookshop 1 More Week to go!

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge!

Junior School reading

The benefits of reading

The benefits of reading

The positives of reading

The benefits of reading


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Term 4 Co-Curricular Sport (Online Sports Programs)

After consultation with the IPSHA Executive Team and as a result of the return to school information issued by NSW Department of Education, all IPSHA Interschool Sport has been cancelled for Term 4, 2021. This includes Saturday Sport and IPSHA Athletics. It is very hopeful that IPSHA Sport will resume at the commencement of Term 1, 2022.

To cater for this and the possibility that no internal sports competition or training occurs in Term 4, the College is providing online sports skills programs and training resources on the Waverley College app. This will allow students to further develop their fundamental gross locomotor and fine motor skills whilst encouraging students to stay physically active and healthy.

These online resources have already begun to be embedded on the Waverley College app and will continue to be updated throughout the Term 3 holiday break.

How to Access These Online Resources via the Waverley App

>>> Click here for Apple.

>>> Click here for Google Play.

Waverley app

Waverley App


Be Your Greatest Webinar (Paralympic Athletes)

On Monday, 13 September the Junior School participated in the ‘Be Your Greatest Webinar’ which allowed thirty of our students to virtually meet members of our Australia Paralympic Team. The athletes were quarantining in Australia, having just competed at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games.

During the live, interactive session with two Australian Paralympic athletes, students learned about the Paralympic Games and engaged in a question and answer session with the athletes about their sporting career, training and challenges living with a disability. 

The two athletes who volunteered their time included:

1X Paralympic Games Silver Medal (London 2012)

2X World Championships Silver Medals (St Catharines 2011/ Beijing 2015)

>>> Click here to read more about Amber Merritt.

2X Paralympic Games Silver Medals — Tokyo 2020 (5000m and Marathon)

1X Paralympic Games Bronze Medal — Tokyo 2020 (1500m)

2X World Championships Gold Medals — Dubai 2019 (1500m and 5000m)

1X World Championships Bronze Medal — London 2017 (1500m)

>>> Click here to read more about Jaryd Clifford.

Be Your Greatest Webinar (Paralympic Athletes)

Be Your Greatest Webinar (Paralympic Athletes)

Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Read more: RUOK? Day, screen-free days, straw/recycled material roller coasters, online bookshop, KIDS NEWS short story writing competition.

Welcome to Week 9! This week I spoke to our students about RUOK? Day. This is an organisation that is very close to our hearts and one that sends an important message to all.

It’s never been more important to reach out and check-in on each other. We know many of us are struggling, feeling isolated and alone. Our students have created posters today to promote the message of RUOK? Day and I hope it will bring awareness within our community. 

Screen-Free Days

As you know, next Thursday 16 and Friday 17 September will be screen-free days for our students. Our students are expected to use Thursday 16 to catch-up on any outstanding work they have and on Friday 17 there will be a range of activities for our students to partake in. If you find that your son has completed most of his work, he can start on the Super Fun Friday activities early. 

Students are expected to choose a range of activities from the activities below and create a montage of pictures to show how they spent their Super Fun Friday. 

There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize.

More details will be available for the students on my Fun Friday CANVAS page! 

Super Fun Friday

Super Fun Friday

Super Fun Friday

Week 8’s Straw/Recycled Material Roller Coasters 

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The straw/recycled material roller coasters were brilliant. Week in and week out, the students amaze me with what they create! I want to congratulate all students for their hard work. The following students were the winners for last week:

Watch Patrick Palmer’s Friday Fun Day Activity!

Watch Tom McCormack’s Friday Fun Day Activity!


Online Bookshop — Two More Weeks to Go!

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge.

Junior School reading

Enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition

Kidsnews Short Story Comp 2021

CLICK ON THE LINKS below to find out more:

>>> Click here to read more about the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to view the consent form for the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

The competition has four age groups: Kindergarten to Year 2; Years 3-4; Years 5-6 and Years 7-9.

Students write 500 – 1000 words on a theme of their choice.

A panel of judges, led by award-winning author Jackie French, will choose the winning entries, with the first prize in each age category winning 10 copies of their short story published into a printed book with a personally designed cover, plus an iPad and a HarperCollins book pack.

There are also prizes for one runner-up and three highly commended entries in each age group.

Teachers can submit their students’ entries using the online entry form in the link above. A consent form, signed by the student’s parent or guardian, must be attached to the entry form and also can be found in the link above.

Entries are open from 9am (AEST) Monday 16 August until 5pm (AEST) Friday 17 September 2021.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Read more: Expectations for online learning and haircuts, Father’s Day virtual presentation, Book Week competition winners, KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition, online bookshop.


Welcome to Week 8! Another busy week here in the Junior School. Our students attended a House Assembly yesterday where their House Leaders for 2022 were announced. It is so important for the Junior School students to be familiar with these leaders and continue to develop a strong relationship with their House. 


It’s hard to believe that we have been online learning for 8 weeks now. It is really important that we continue to hold high standards and expectations for our students when learning until the end of the term. Can I please remind you of the following;

  1. Students must be on time for all Google Meets.
  2. Students need to work in a suitable place — preferably a public space.
  3. Students need to wear their PE uniform.
  4. Students’ screen backgrounds need to be either blurred or have no background.
  5. All set work is expected to be completed to the best of your son’s ability. Any issues with this, I ask you to contact your son’s teacher to discuss any issues or if extra support is required.
  6. Should your son be unable to complete their assigned online work due to sickness or approved leave, the same procedures apply:


The College understands that lockdown has prevented our students from accessing hairdressers and barber shops. We expect students to do their best to have haircuts that are appropriate and we understand that hair may be longer than usual. However, haircuts that deliberately push the boundaries of our haircut policy (P25 of the College Diary) are not allowed.

Best Wishes for Father’s Day

I want to wish every father, grandfather and those who are like fathers, a very special Father’s Day this Sunday. 5 Orange came to their morning Meet dressed like their dads this morning. I hope this puts a smile on your face like it did for me! Hope you get spoilt, DADS!

The theme for the 5 Orange roll call was for students to dress up like their dad to reflect on Father's Day

The theme for the 5 Orange roll call was for students to dress up like their dad to reflect on Father’s Day

Jake McEvoy Wearing his Dad's Jockey Shirt

Jake McEvoy Wearing his Dad’s Jockey Shirt

Darcy Kidd Wearing His Father's Court Wig

Darcy Kidd Wearing His Father’s Court Wig


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Happy Father’s Day

This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day. This is a day to celebrate all the fathers, grandfathers and all those who are like fathers to our boys in the College.

This year, COVID-19 lockdowns will have a big impact on our ability to celebrate this day as we normally would — family gatherings and those special hugs will be replaced by FaceTime chats or Zoom calls.

We pray for those families in our school community whose Father’s Day is saddened by the loss of loved ones. Please know that you are in our thought and prayers.

To all the boys, make sure you look after your dads this Sunday. To all the dads out there, Happy Fathers’ Day.

We hope you enjoy this special Father’s Day virtual presentation.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Book Week Competition Winners

Book Week Competition Winners

Thank you to all the Junior School students who entered one, two or three Book Week competitions. Despite being in lockdown, students still participated in celebrating Book Week. There were many contenders for the top awards, see the winners below:

Writing Poetry — Outstanding Creative Writing 

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

The Forgotten Planet

Hugh Godby

There is no denying we must face it

For we are a forgotten planet


We were Titans, the Gods of the generation

As the galaxy was leading in a bad direction

It was being ruled by one single crown

A terrible man who always wore a frown

He was selfish and cruel

And took every single jewel

All the riches in the galaxy was on his blood-stained crown

As the manhunt began he fled as he knew he’d be found


Our army was looking for him day and night

Shouting “We will arrest this man and if he refuses we will fight!”

The king was spotted marching down the street

As he locked eyes with our leader he went out with a fight 

And his corpse fell on the concrete in the middle of the night

We ruled the galaxy, right and just, it was all so fare

We honoured the rest with respect and care

One day the planet was abandoned, a new leader took our place

He demolished our planet and left without a trace

Our kingdom has fallen by a leader worse than before

As some hid, others were terminated, knees on the floor

Jasper Lumsden

Jasper Lumsden

Jasper Lumsden

Jasper Lumsden

The Mortal Coil

Jasper Lumsden 

I wish my old world could dissolve

As this is how it did unfold –

Four heroes did unite, 

While preparing to fight.

One will betray them, 

And cause endless mayhem.

Heroes will abandon, 

leaving one in devastation,

A truce is called, 

For a body to be hauled.


My new world brought much joy

I fathered such a beautiful boy

My son meant the world to me

Now that I can guarantee.

We laughed, we grew, we lived, 

We loved life and had so much to give

The world gave us everything

Whatever we wanted….anything!

But then it was news I did receive

I was diagnosed with a terminal disease.


It was the other world to where I did pass,

My death came along very fast.

If I’d just been given one more day 

To see my son I would say

“I love you, my child, have no fear, 

For my memories are with you and I’m always near,

Don’t worry my son I went to heaven

My child, I will see you again.

Remember all the good times we had

This is no time for you to be sad.”

Ryan Pierce

Ryan Pierce

Ryan Pierce

Old World, New World, Other Worlds

Ryan Pierce

I was once new but now I’m old and rare

So old and rare that people these days stare


My paint is still black and shiny 

but my leather interior is not so fine


Back in my day, my engine would roar 

and I was considered much faster than a horse


The journey was not always smooth

 but brought happiness and joy

 to all who rode in me


Now I’m in a museum 

I miss the open road but 

am happy I can still bring joy to

those who like to come and stare.

Daniel Morrow

Daniel Morrow

Daniel Morrow

Travelling Worlds 

Daniel Morrow

We watch them go to and fro,

The funny people don’t know where to go,

They travel in rockets and ships and flying cars, 

To reach the surface of our red planet, Mars,

The Martian surface has been our home for millions of years,

The humans have tried and tried again but to no success in the end,

But when they come, well be prepared,

To protect what is ours,

It shall not become theirs.

Visual Arts

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

Cooper Burns

The judges said: “Well considered composition and colours. Idea of an aerial perspective to show a new world is creative. Pencils have been used well in blocking large sections seamlessly.”

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson Book Week 2021

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson

Darcy Dawson

The judges said: “Wonderfully Surreal landscape fusing the old and the new, very clear relationship to the theme and the pastels have been very carefully controlled, particularly in the tonal shading in the clouds. Materially, very strong work.”

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

Raphael Winterburn

The judges said: “A well balanced drawing including relevant symbols throughout the work relating to the theme. Pencil work is very controlled, particularly in the 1st and 3rd panel. Great use of colour without the work appearing too saturated.”

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

The judges said: “Very clear relationship to Surrealism through the eye being a portal to another space. Drawing is well done, and the different scale used for each of the eyes adds perspective in the work appearing to look towards the new future.”

Would you like to see other entries in our virtual gallery?

>>> Click here to view all of the awe-inspiring art entries in our virtual gallery.

Creative Costume Design

5 Blue

Lachlan O’Brien ~ Billionaire Boy

Lachlan O’Brien

Lachlan O’Brien

Lachlan O’Brien

Lachlan O’Brien

Hamish Patient ~ Power Of One 

Hamish Patient

Hamish Patient

Hamish Patient

Hamish Patient

5 Gold

Joshua Raymond ~ Forensic Scientist 

Joshua Raymond

Joshua Raymond

Joshua Raymond

Joshua Raymond

Charlie Gibbins ~ Dog Man 

Charlie Gibbins

Charlie Gibbins

Charlie Gibbins

Charlie Gibbins

Alexander Kingma ~ Ned Kelly 

Alexander Kingma

Alexander Kingma

Alexander Kingma

Alexander Kingma

Nicholas Peshos ~ Ninja Kid 

Nicholas Peshos

Nicholas Peshos

Nicholas Peshos

Nicholas Peshos

5 Red

Kobi Keenan ~ Harry Potter

Kobi Keenan

Kobi Keenan

Kobi Keenan

Kobi Keenan

Luca Nott ~ The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

Luca Nott

Luca Nott

Luca Nott

Luca Nott

5 White

Liam Madden~ The Faraway Tree

Liam Madden

Liam Madden

Liam Madden

Liam Madden

Aiden Reay ~ From an Idea to Google: How Innovation at Google Changed the World

Aiden Reay

Aiden Reay

Aiden Reay

Aiden Reay

5 Orange

Henry O’Donnell ~ The Hero Two Doors Down

Henry O’Donnell

Henry O’Donnell

Henry O’Donnell

Henry O’Donnell

Max Mascioli ~ New, Old & Other Worlds

Max Mascioli

Max Mascioli

Congratulations Max Mascioli in 5 Orange - a Book Week 2021 Creative Costume Design winner

Max Mascioli

6 Blue

Aidan Gray ~ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Aidan Gray

Aidan Gray

Aidan Gray

Aidan Gray

Charlie Jones ~ Dirt Bike Racer 

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones

6 Gold

Blake Taylor ~ Back to the Future

Blake Taylor

Blake Taylor

Blake Taylor

Blake Taylor

Carter Kennedy ~ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

Carter Kennedy

6 Indigo

Jack Leavens ~ Skulduggery Pleasant

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Jack Leavens

Harry Trinca ~ The Handbook Guide To Coronavirus

Harry Trinca

Harry Trinca

Harry Trinca

Harry Trinca

6 Red

Aidan Giusti ~ Fantastic Mr Fox

Aidan Giusti

Aidan Giusti

Aidan Giusti

Aidan Giusti

Hugh Godby ~ Ares God of War

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

Hugh Godby

6 White

Oliver Isaac ~ Artemis Fowl

Oliver Isaac

Oliver Isaac

Oliver Isaac

Oliver Isaac

Rafael Kupershteyn ~ Tom Sawyer

Rafael Kupershteyn

Rafael Kupershteyn

Rafael Kupershteyn

Rafael Kupershteyn

6 Orange

Alex Avdalis ~ Heroes of Olympus

Alex Avdalis

Alex Avdalis

Alex Avdalis

Alex Avdalis

Jack Daley ~ A Series of Unfortunate Events 

Jack Daley

Jack Daley

Jack Daley

Jack Daley


Online Bookshop 3 More Weeks To Go!

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge. 

Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading

Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading


Kidsnews Short Story Comp 2021

The KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition is back for 2021.

CLICK ON THE LINKS below to find out more:

>>> Click here to read more about the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to view the consent form for the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

The competition has four age groups: Kindergarten to Year 2; Years 3-4; Years 5-6 and Years 7-9.

Students write 500 – 1000 words on a theme of their choice. 

A panel of judges, led by award-winning author Jackie French, will choose the winning entries, with the first prize in each age category winning 10 copies of their short story published into a printed book with a personally designed cover, plus an iPad and a HarperCollins book pack.

There are also prizes for one runner-up and three highly commended entries in each age group.

Teachers can submit their students’ entries using the online entry form in the link above. A consent form, signed by the student’s parent or guardian, must be attached to the entry form and also can be found in the link above.

Entries are open from 9am (AEST) Monday 16 August until 5pm (AEST) Friday 17 September 2021.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic 

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Read more: The Feast of St Mary of the Cross, Indigenous Literacy Day, paralympian interactive webinar, KIDS NEWS short story competition, Father’s Day photos, Harry Laing author presentation, online bookshop, Friday Fun Activity Book Week character costume, Science Week, virtual gallery, ICAS update.

Book Week 2021

Welcome to Week 7! Another very busy week for our students. This week marks Book Week for 2021. Normally this is a fun-filled and exciting week for our students at school. We have done our best to celebrate it online.

Our Fun Friday Activity this week was for our students to dress up and/or film themselves as their chosen characters. The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. Our students did an amazing job creating their costumes and we can’t wait to announce the winners next week.

Science Week 2021

Last week, we celebrated Science Week and our Fun Friday Activity was based around this. Our winners created original, fun, and exciting science experiments.

Our winners for Week 6 are:

Year 5 Religious Education The Feast of St Mary of the Cross

Last week, Year 5 students celebrated the Feast of Australia’s first saint, St Mary of the Cross (MacKillop — 8 August). During their Online Learning, students investigated the extraordinary life of this compassionate, devout and determined young woman.

In their presentations, they outlined what Mary achieved in her lifetime and why she remains such an inspiration, not only to Australians, but to men and women worldwide. Some of the students included their beautiful artwork to capture the heart and spirit of Mary.

Jayden Newrick (5 Gold)

Jayden Newrick (5 Gold)

Charlie Gibbins (5 Gold)

Charlie Gibbins (5 Gold)

Isaac Tait, Reese Araujo, Flynn Killen, Freddie Leiper (5 Gold)

Isaac Tait, Reese Araujo, Flynn Killen, Freddie Leiper (5 Gold)


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Virtual Experiences 

Providing varied experiences for students in the classroom is a massive priority throughout this lockdown period. I have compiled a list of different virtual lessons/activities/competitions that are (mostly) free to join and encompass a wide range of interests from photography to arts to English. Have a look through the range of activities and get involved today!

What’s on(line) 

Aussie Student Inventions that Changed the World Competition

Dates: Now – Entries close 17 September

>>> Click here to view information about the competition.


Australian Photography Awards ($10 entry)

Dates: Now – Entries Close 18 October

>>> Click here to view information about the competition.


Australian Museum Tour

Dates: Ongoing

>>> Click here for information about the virtual tour.


The British Museum Tour

Dates: Ongoing

>>> Click here for information about the virtual tour.


Education Perfect Micro-Poetry Slam

Dates: 30 August – 17 September 

>>> Click here for information about the micro-poetry slam.


NASA Space Station (Free App required)

Dates: Ongoing 

>>> Click here to view information about the Space Center Houston app.


Seaworld Orlando

Dates: Ongoing

>>> Click here to view information about the Seaworld Orlando virtual tour.


San Diego Zoo

Dates: Live 24-hour cams

>>> Click here to view live cams at the San Diego Zoo.


Wombat Books Illustration Challenge

Dates: Now – Entries Closes 30 November 

>>> Click here to view information about the illustration challenge.


If you have any questions about the activities on this list, please feel free to contact me! Additionally, if you know of any other experiences that could be added, please get in touch, and I will add them to the list next week.

Mr Thomas Mitton

Acting Director of Curriculum — Junior School



Father’s Day Presentation – Send Your Photos!

As you are probably aware, Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday 5 September 2021. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we will not be able to celebrate together as a school community, therefore myself and the students at the Junior School will be putting together a virtual Father’s Day presentation to mark this special occasion.

To help facilitate this, could you please send through a photo with your son(s) and their dad(s) and grandad(s), or those who are like fathers to our students, so that they can be used in the presentation. It would be really appreciated if files labelled with your son’s name be sent through as a jpeg file.

Please email all photos to:

*Please note the deadline for these photos is 5pm on Wednesday 1 September.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Indigenous Literacy Day – Celebrating Wednesday 1 September

Indigenous Literacy Day is taking place on Wednesday 1 September. I have registered the College for a special virtual event for Year 5 classes and teachers to watch during the day.

This event is for children aged 4-11 years and will be hosted by Indigenous Literacy Foundation ambassador, Gregg Dreise, a proud descendant from the Goomeri and Yuwalayaay people in south western Queensland and north west of New South Wales. Gregg is a performer, author, musician and artist.

There will also be a special guest appearance by Indigenous Literacy Foundation ambassador and singer, Jessica Mauboy.

The 25-minute event includes two delightful animations illustrating Kriol language. It is proudly presented by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation in collaboration with the Sydney Opera House.

Happy Indigenous Literacy Day!

>>> Click here to read more about Indigenous Literacy Day in the extended Nurrunga article by Mr Bill Roberts.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services


Celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day this September!

Celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day this September!


Harry Laing Virtual Author Presentation

Junior school students enjoyed a highly entertaining and engaging presentation from Harry Laing this morning as part of our Book Week celebrations.

Harry is a poet, children’s author, creative writing teacher and comic performer. 

We were privileged to have Harry Laing share numerous writing tips with students

We were privileged to have Harry Laing share numerous writing tips with students

Harry shared many writing tips with the students and they also participated in writing their own poems. His newest poetry book is RapperBee coming out in October. Students were lucky to hear Harry recite these poems in such a humorous manner! 

Harry Laing recited humorous poems from his forthcoming poetry book 'RapperBee'

Harry Laing recited humorous poems from his forthcoming poetry book ‘RapperBee’


Online Bookshop

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

*Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge.

The Pop Up Bookshop is Now Online

The Pop Up Bookshop is Now Online

Waverley Students Making Their Own Book Choices

Waverley Students Making Their Own Book Choices


Friday Fun Activity Book Week Character Costume

Book Week costumes

Book Week costumes

Book Week costumes

Book Week costumes

Students will have the opportunity to design and create their own Book Week costume! They will need to take a photo or video of themselves in character.

Students need to upload this to their ‘Friday Fun Day’ activity folder. Students will receive more details in their Week 7 Google Meets.

The ‘most creative and original costume’ judges will be Ms Rollins, Mr Watchel, and Ms Bransby.

*All prize winners will be announced in Week 8!


Virtual Gallery

The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds leaving it open to interpretation. Students created a piece of artwork using any medium of their choice. 

*Prize winners will be announced in Week 8!

>>> Click here to view the art entries in our virtual gallery.


Enter the 2021 KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition

Kidsnews Short Story Comp 2021

The KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition is back for 2021.

The competition has four age groups: Kindergarten to Year 2; Years 3-4; Years 5-6 and Years 7-9.

A panel of judges, led by award-winning author Jackie French, will choose the winning entries, with the first prize in each age category winning 10 copies of their short story published into a printed book with a personally designed cover, plus an iPad and a HarperCollins book pack.

There are also prizes for one runner-up and three highly commended entries in each age group.

Teachers can submit their students’ entries using the online entry form below. A consent form, signed by the student’s parent or guardian, must be attached to the entry form. Please click on the links below for further information about entry and parent consent.

>>> Click here to read more about the KIDS NEWS Short Story Competition.

>>> Click here to enter and sign the parent consent form.

*Entries are open from 9am (AEST) Monday 16 August until 5pm (AEST) Friday 17 September 2021.



In response to the daily COVID-19 developments, ICAS has an additional four-week sitting window in Term 4 from 5 October – 29 October 2021 to give schools and families peace of mind during these uncertain times.

However, there have been no further updates if schools don’t resume face-to-face during the new sitting window. I am constantly in contact with Julla Timan, our Assessment Consultant, and will keep you updated. 


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Paralympian Interactive Webinar

Waverley College Junior School have registered in the ‘Be Your Greatest Webinars’ which allow students to virtually meet members of our Australia Paralympic Team during the Games and while the athletes are quarantining.  

During a live, interactive session with Australian Paralympic athletes, students will be able to learn about the Paralympic Games and engage in a question and answer session with the athletes about their sporting careers, training and challenges living with a disability. 

This webinar is free, and there are only 30 spots available to students from the Junior School. Two students from each class will be eligible to nominate themselves for a spot.

*To secure a spot, students must inform their class teacher of their interest, and the first two students from each class will be selected to be involved.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Read more: Virtual Book Week activities online pop-up bookshop, author presentation, character costume, art gallery; virtual Father’s Day presentation.

Welcome to Week 6. Another incredible week of our students putting in effort, dedication and showing persistence towards their studies. I continue to enjoy my weekly Google Meets with each class and being able to connect with all students. I enjoy hearing the funny stories, birthdays, cooking adventures and the outdoor activities the boys are keeping themselves busy with. I am so proud of our students and the resilience they are showing in so many different ways. 

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The LEGO car egg design and footpath chalk artworks were amazing. Each student produced such creative and imaginative designs. Picking the winners was a very hard task. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work. The following students were the winners for last week:

By Reese Araujo

By Reese Araujo

By Jasper Lumsden

By Jasper Lumsden

By Jack Stuart

By Jack Stuart


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

(Acting) Director of Junior School



Virtual Book Week Activities

Book Week 2021 is being celebrated next week. The theme is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.’ As parents, this is an important time to celebrate the wonders that books create.

Book Week 2021

Online Bookshop

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

* Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge.

Encourage reading, by allowing your son to make his own reading choices

Encourage reading, by allowing your son to make his own reading choices

Our Pop Up Bookshop Has Gone Online

Our Pop Up Bookshop Has Gone Online

Virtual Author Presentation Wednesday 25 August

Harry Laing is our guest author. Harry Laing is a poet, children’s author, creative writing teacher and comic performer. The presentation aims at promoting reading and creative writing. Your son has received a calendar invite for this event.

Harry Laing

Harry Laing

Friday Fun Activity Book Week Character Costume

Students will have the opportunity to design and create their own Book Week costume! They will need to take a photo or video of themselves in character.

Students need to upload this to their ‘Friday Fun Day’ activity folder. Students will receive more details in their Week 7 Google Meets.

The ‘most creative and original costume’ judges will be Ms Rollins, Mr Watchel, and Ms Bransby.

All prize winners will be announced in Week 8!

Book Week costume ideas

Book Week costume ideas

Book Week costume ideas

Book Week costume ideas

Virtual Gallery Celebrating Book Week

The theme this year is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’, leaving it open to interpretation. Students created a piece of artwork using any medium of their choice.

>>> Click here to view the awe-inspiring art entries in our virtual gallery.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Father’s Day Presentation – Send Your Photos!

As you are probably aware, Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday 5 September 2021. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we will not be able to celebrate together as a school community, therefore myself and the students at the Junior School will be putting together a virtual Father’s Day presentation to mark this special occasion.

To help facilitate this, could you please send through a photo with your son(s) and their dad(s) and grandad(s), or those who are like fathers to our boys, so that they can be used in the presentation. It would be really appreciated if files labelled with your son’s name be sent through as a jpeg file.

Please send all photos to


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation


Read more: Virtual Book Week activities and competitions, amazing 5 Orange artworks, Fun Friday winner, Father’s Day photos, Cyber Safety webinar.


Welcome to Week 5. We have had a very busy week in the Junior School. This week the Junior School students alongside the Senior School participated in a Cyber Safety webinar presented by ySafe. Our presenter Ryan Leonard shared important strategies on ‘How to make SMART choices when navigating the Cyber World.’ When looking at the statistics of ‘Types of Cyberbullying’ it is clear why we believe educating our students on cyber safety is paramount in the current climate. 

ySafe 2021

ySafe Cyberbullying Statistics

We should all be working together to ensure we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.

Amazing Artworks from 5 Orange

Over the last few weeks, 5 Orange has been very busy creating amazing artworks. I hope they put a smile on your face like they have for me. We have some very imaginative and creative students in 5 Orange! I also loved the screenshot of the Friday morning Google Meet where the students dressed up. Enjoy the amazing artworks from Jasper Lumsden, Henry Jones and Jake McEvoy.  

5 Orange artwork - Hot Air Balloon

5 Orange artwork – Hot Air Balloon

By Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

By Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

Plastic Pollution by Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

Plastic Pollution by Jasper Lumsden, 5 Orange

By Jake McEvoy, 5 Orange

By Jake McEvoy, 5 Orange

By Henry Jones, 5 Gold

By Henry Jones, 5 Gold

Year 5 Orange Morning Outline and Roll Call During Lockdown 2021!

5 Orange Morning Routine and Roll Call During Lockdown 2021

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The STEM Castle challenge was a hit last week, and what was created blew me away! Each student produced unbelievably creative and imaginative castles. Picking the winners was a very hard task. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work. There were eight winners and here is Oliver Lorimer in 6 Orange, the winner for last week. 

Congratulations Oliver Lorimer in 6 Orange

Congratulations Oliver Lorimer in 6 Orange


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Father’s Day Presentation – Send Your Photos!

As you are probably aware, Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday 5 September 2021. Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, we will not be able to celebrate together as a school community, therefore myself and the students at the Junior School will be putting together a virtual Father’s Day presentation to mark this special occasion.

To help facilitate this, could you please send through a photo with your son(s) and their dad(s) and grandad(s), or those who are like fathers to our boys, so that they can be used in the presentation. It would be really appreciated if files labelled with your son’s name be sent through as a jpeg file.

Please send all photos to  


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Virtual Book Week Activities Monday 23 – Friday 27 August

Book Week 2021 is fast approaching in Week 7, and we have a few activities and events for students to take part in from now. The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. As parents, this is an important time to celebrate the wonders that books create. 

Virtual Book Week 2021

Online Bookshop

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge. 

Pop Up Bookshop

Encourage reading by allowing your son to make his own reading choices

Virtual Author Presentation Wednesday 25 August

Harry Laing is our guest author. Harry Laing is a poet, children’s author, creative writing teacher and comic performer. The presentation aims at promoting reading and creative writing. Your son will receive a calendar invite for this event in Week 6. 

Year 6: 8:45am – 9:30am 

Year 5: 9:40am – 10:25am  

Harry Laing

Harry Laing

Writing and Visual Arts Competitions

Two Competitions have been running since the start of the term. Creative Writing ‘Poetry’ and Visual Arts. The closing date for both these entries is Monday 16 August. 

Judging will begin in Week 6. A huge thank you to the following Senior School teachers who are the guest judges. Mr Robert Tall (Literacy Coordinator and Secondary Teacher) will judge the writing, and Ms Jenna Turnbull (Visual Arts Teacher) and Ms Natalie Oates (Head of Visual Arts) are judging the visual arts. 

Poetry Competition 2021

Visual Arts comp

Friday Fun Activity Book Week Costume

Students will have the opportunity to design and create their own Book Week costume! They will need to take a photo or video of themselves in character.

Students need to upload this to their ‘Friday Fun Day’ activity folder. Students will receive more details in their Week 6 Google Meets.

The ‘most creative and original costume’ judges will be Ms Rollins, Mr Watchel, and Ms Bransby.

All prize winners will be announced in Week 8!


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Welcome to Week 4. Another impressive week of online learning from our students. I know this is a challenging time for everyone but our students have really put in the effort and commitment this week.

Cyber Safety

On Tuesday 10 August, ySafe will be presenting a webinar for our students on ‘Cyberbullying and Bystander Empowerment + Safety on Social Media and Games + Digital Wellbeing.’

Your son has received a ZOOM calendar invitation for the webinar which will be scheduled for  Period 1 (8:45am-9:30am) for YEAR 5, and Period 2 (9:30am-10:15am) for YEAR 6.

This is a compulsory event and all students must attend. 

The ySafe presentation will emphasise the constructive relationship students can have with technology under a positive digital citizenship ethos, and upskill students in understanding the importance of and ways to implement safe online practices. 

We should all be working together to ensure we invest time and resources into raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.

Fun Friday Activity – Marble Race Course and Robot Collage

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The marble race courses and robot collages that were created by each student were unbelievably creative and imaginative. Picking the winners was a very hard task again this week.

I want to congratulate all students for their hard work and for their amazing ideas. The following students were the winners for last week:


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School


COVID teddy


5 Gold Visual Arts 

During Week 4 of Online Learning, Year 5 have integrated their Visual Arts lessons with Science. This week the students in 5 Gold have been learning about buoyancy. Buoyancy is the upward force that is caused when the hot air is trapped inside of the balloon. A hot air balloon rises because it has buoyancy.

Each student designed their own hot air balloon. Each design had to show the three essential parts: the burner, which heats the air; the balloon envelope, which holds the air; and the basket, which carries the passengers.

It was wonderful to see the detail and colour in their designs.

Buoyancy Collage

Buoyancy Collage by Flynn Killen, Jayden Newrick, Nicholas Giannikouris and Joshua Raymond


Ms Jenny Hoare

Year 5 Gold Class Teacher


Welcome to Week 3!

As we continue our journey through online learning we know how important it is to reflect and refine our practices. With the announcement of another four-week extension of online learning, we have updated the timetable for our Junior School students. 

Our specialist teachers are very keen to teach their lessons and provide a richer online learning experience for our students. As of Monday 2 August, our specialist teachers (Creative Arts, PE, Learning Hub and Spanish) will be meeting with each class weekly to teach a lesson on Google Meet. 

Each class will have a different timetable that will now include a Google Meet with each specialist weekly. The basic outline for Google Meets each day is as follows:

8:45 am Outline of day with class teacher
11am Year 6 Maths
12pm Year 5 Maths
Varied times One Specialist Google Meet
Varied times One Optional Google Meet with Classroom Teacher

Classroom teachers will go through the changes to their timetable on Monday with the students. 

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The mini putt-putt golf courses and target golf courses created by each student were unbelievably creative and imaginative. Picking the winners was a very hard task. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work.

The following students were the winners for last week:

All students have won 50 House points and a $5 canteen voucher for when we return to school. I can’t wait to see what the students create with today’s Fun Friday Activity.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Watch Our Uplifting Friday Fun Day Activity Video


KLA Curriculum Overview – Term 2

The links below provide the KLA (Key Learning Area) curriculum overview for Term 3 for Years 5 and 6.

>>> Click here to view the Year 5 KLA Curriculum Overview.

>>> Click here to view the Year 6 KLA Curriculum Overview.


Mr Tom Mitton

5 Indigo Class Teacher and Acting Director of Curriculum – Junior School



Book Week Visual Arts Competition

This week I would like to congratulate the students who have submitted their Visual Arts entries. There is still time if your son would like to enter. Entries will need to be photographed and emailed to by Friday 13 August.

Initially, the students were directly submitting their hard copy, unfortunately, this will not be the case due to the extended lockdown. A soft copy will need to be emailed.

Book Week Visual Arts Competition 2021

A few brilliant examples received so far …

Artwork by Taylor Rogers 6 Red

Artwork by Taylor Rogers 6 Red

Artwork by Charlie Griffin 5 Indigo

Artwork by Charlie Griffin 5 Indigo

Artwork by Nicholas Patakas 5 Indigo

Artwork by Nicholas Patakas 5 Indigo

Artwork by Callum Knight 6 Red

Artwork by Callum Knight 6 Red


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


ICAS 2021 Assessment Date Changes

If you have purchased an ICAS assessment for your son, the assessments will go ahead in Term 4. ICAS has adjusted the sitting window for NSW schools. Dates will be confirmed towards the end of August.

Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Wavefest 2021 Competition – Waves Together But Apart – Closes Today!

Wavefest 2021 is running a competition! As part of Waverley’s commitment to engage with students at home during online learning and keep us all connected, we are seeking fun and creative video content from students, families and teachers to show what they have been doing at home #wavestogetherbutapart

Email a 15-second video of you engaging in exciting classroom or outdoor physical activities. It could be a funny class activity, dance, physical workout challenge or family activity. 

We will post video entries on our Waverley Social Media platforms. Please keep content family friendly as it will be shared on College Instagram and Facebook.

The best video entry will win a hamper from a school community local business. 

>>> Please click here if your family business would like to take part in this uplifting community initiative.

Please email your videos to by Friday 30 July.


Ms Belinda Buchan

Academic Mentoring Coordinator


Waves Together But Apart

Waverley Library is running the online talk How to Set Up Your Child For High School Success with Mr Jesse Whelan from Sandbox Learning Australia on Thursday, 12 August 2021 from 6pm-7:30pm.

This event is for parents and students in Years 5, 6 and 7.

>>> Click here to book via Eventbrite.

Welcome to Week 2! It’s hard to believe we have already completed our second week of online learning. I have been so proud of our students and the way they have seamlessly moved into learning online. 

Adjusted timetable for the Junior School

As you are aware, last week I sent out communication about a new timetable to support our students. This timetable has now been adjusted to include optional check-ins with our specialist teachers. Feedback this week from our specialist teachers has been very positive. Can I please ask you to encourage your son to join these sessions if they require extra support.

Time  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 
8:45 am-9:00 am Morning Outline

Yrs 5 & 6 

Morning Outline 

Yrs 5 & 6 

Morning Outline

Yrs 5 & 6  

Morning Outline

Yrs 5 & 6  

Morning Outline 

Yrs 5 & 6 

11:00 am Yr 6 Maths  Yr 6 Maths Yr 6 Maths Yr 6 Maths Yr 6 Maths
11:50 am Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm  Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In
2:00 pm  PDHPE

 Yr 5

Learning Hub

Yr 5


Yr 5

Creative Arts

Yr 5

2:30 pm  PDHPE

Yr 6

Learning Hub 

Yr 6


Yr 6

Creative Arts

Yr 6

Friday Fun Activities 

Starting from today, I have given students a fun, hands-on activity to complete each Friday. Students will be set a task that is designed to be engaging, fun and educational. We know that our students need to stay motivated and engage in activities away from the computer. 

I have booked a session with each class weekly to explain the activity. This is giving me the opportunity to touch base with each student and check-in with them to see how online learning is going as well as their wellbeing. 

Today’s Fun Friday Activity was to make a mini putt-putt course or target golf course using household items and/or recycled materials. I can’t wait to see all the finished products! There will be a top two from each class which is being judged by Ms Rollins, Ms Zivanovic and Mr Watchel. From these entries I will be picking a top five or six. The winners will receive House points, an award, and a $5 canteen voucher for when they return. 

I hope everyone is staying safe and well, and please reach out if you require any assistance.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School


COVID teddy with mask

Lockdown Reading Ebooks, Audio Books and Additional Online Resources

Are you looking for extra reading resources during lockdown? Here are two that can be found on the Learning Hub CANVAS page under eBooks & Audio Books.

For the auditory learners among us, the option of audiobooks is one our society is increasingly turning to, and for good reason. There are many options out there and the most important aspect is that your son is reading or listening to audiobooks, if that is his preferred choice.

Your son has access to audio books from the Learning Hub page, as well as a multitude of options online; just remember it does not always have to be a hard copy book.

Your son can login using his Waverley username and password.

eBooks & Audio Books

eBooks and Audio Books graphic

Newspapers & encyclopedias


>>> Click here for KidsNews – A ready-to-go literacy resource for teachers using current daily news stories for students in the classroom.

>>> Click here for Skwirk Online Education.

>>> Click here for CANVAS.

>>> Click here to subscribe to National Geographic Kids.


Book Week Poetry Writing Competition 

This week I would like to congratulate the students who have submitted their poetry writing for the Book Week competition. There is still time if your son would like to enter, entries close Monday 16 August. Judging will happen after the closing date. 

Book Week Writing Competition 2021

A few examples received so far…

Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Max Nicholson 

5 Indigo 

Old worlds, New worlds, Other worlds

A long time ago we didn’t have planes

A long time ago we didn’t have lights

A long time ago we didn’t have cars

Now we have fighter jets

Now we have bright torches

Now we have electric cars

But in other worlds more advanced than any of us

They will have more than twice as many 

Than us


Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Maximilian Malley 

5 Gold

He taps at the keyboard with his old, bony fingers,

a message sent back in time to warn about wars that were to come. Warnings fell on deaf


Society rolled its eyes. 

Tears filled his eyes as he shook his head.

Even he could not save humanity.

His final message sent,

The alien leaves this world for his own.


Old Worlds, New Worlds and Other Worlds

Hunter Owen

5 Gold

The olden days feel like so long ago when it was dark and stormy

People wore different clothes and had guns and armies.

The new world feels nice and bright

We have technology, machines and houses and know it’s better not to fight.

Other worlds are mysterious and I want to explore 

I imagine they have flying cars, new aircrafts and magical things galore!



Ms Natasha Zivanovic 

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Exercise During Home Learning

I want to strongly commend all students for their great efforts so far with managing remote learning, as well as the wide range of physical and leisure exercise activities being undertaken each day. I am sure we are all well aware of how important maintaining physical activity and exercise is during this time for our overall holistic health.

Please continue to encourage your sons to take brain breaks throughout each day that involves being active. This can include the exercises and activities in the Exercise Bingo/ Choice Board given to students for PE lessons. 

Olympic-Style Event Challenges

With the Olympics Games in Tokyo commencing this week, we will also be posting some Olympic-style event challenges for PDHPE. These will include exercise challenges, history research, trivia questions and activity design tasks. 

Winter Co-Curricular Season and Presentation Evenings

As mentioned by Mr Stephen O’Donnell (Head of Co-Curricular) regarding Winter Co-Curricular season, we have no official update on the recommencement of winter sports and the season remains currently suspended. The College will also be postponing any current planned presentation evenings and will update the College community based on further health advice and orders to ensure we are keeping everyone safe.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Welcome back to Term Three! I hope everyone has been keeping safe and making the most out of the lockdown. I know this may be a difficult time for many and we understand the pressures of juggling online learning, family life and work life. You would have received two lots of communication last week from our Principal, Mr Graham Leddie and myself in regards to Online Learning guidelines and expectations.

At this point, it is unclear how long students will be partaking in online learning. We need to prepare that this may go on for a few weeks. It is important that we continue with our learning and have high expectations of our students. Can I please remind you of some important points:

  1. Students must be on time to all Google Meets
  2. Students need to work in a suitable place – preferably a public space
  3. Students need to wear their PE uniform
  4. All set work is expected to be completed to the best of your son’s ability. Any issues with this, I ask that you contact your son’s teacher to discuss any issues or if extra support is required. 
  5. Should your son be unable to complete their assigned online working due to sickness or approved leave, the same procedures apply:

Please see below times the boys are expected to login to Google Meet:

Google Meet Junior School Timetable

As mentioned, we understand that this may be a really difficult time for our families and students. The wellbeing of our students is our highest priority. If your son is struggling or needs help during this time, I ask you to reach out to myself or one of our psychologists for support. 

All staff contacts can be found here:

Wishing everyone a smooth start to Online Learning this week. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School 



Boys and Reading

During this uncertain and challenging time, educators, parents and students are currently transitioning to remote learning. This involves substantial adjustments to teaching and learning. During this time reading must continue and reading should never be undervalued.

This is a perfect time to encourage your son to spend more time reading. For assistance, please click the link below to read ‘A Quick Guide for Parents,’ by the International Boys’ Schools Coalition.

Strategy 3: Read Together and Strategy 5: Read Aloud are highly recommended.

>>> Click here to view Boys and Reading: A Quick Guide for Parents by the International Boys’ Schools Coalition.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Will Carter, Riley Carr, Oscar Lennon & Hugo Murphy spent lunch reading and discussing waves

Will Carter, Riley Carr, Oscar Lennon and Hugo Murphy enjoying the magic of books in the Learning Hub 2021

Junior School students enjoying literature

Boys’ reading attentiveness increases when they are actively involved in the selection of texts

Family reading time at home can encourage boys to develop as readers and develop a love for books