1st Rugby.
Inaugural Coaches Induction Day
On Saturday 12 March Waverley College Rugby held our Inaugural Coaches Induction Day for all coaches. This was a fantastic success. Coaches were provided with information to support them through the season. All coaches were shown drills and coaching points, which will be a focus across all teams this year. A special thanks to our 1st XV Coaches, Paul Cornish and Scott Coleman, as well as Craig Bell, for leading the drills. Thanks also to the 1st & 2nd XV squad for putting the drills into action. This ultimately ensures that all coaches are in the same page in relation to player development at Waverley College.
ALL STUDENTS will have now commenced preseason training at Queens Park. 13’s, 14’s and 15’s train on Monday and Wednesday (3:30pm-4:45pm). 16’s and Opens train on Tuesday and Thursday (3:30pm – 5:00pm).
Students who fail to turn up to training (without a note) will be issued with a detention. Students who forget their gear more than once will be issued with a detention. Rugby is a team sport and when players do not show up or do not put in, it takes away the opportunity for teams to bond – which is one of the greatest parts of the game.
Internal Trials
We will hold Internal Trials for all age groups on Saturday 19 March. All players are expected to have with them a Waverley College Jersey as well as a Colour Jersey (non Waverley).
Those students, who are involved in Cadet Camp, will be expected to attend trials following the return from Annual Camp on Friday 18 March. This is an important hit out in preparation for our first opposed trial round against Newington College on Saturday 2 April.
2016 Rugby Team Guide
Please note that there are hard copies of this important document available at the Front Office. The Team Guide should also be available online in the near future.
I look forward to seeing you at Queens Park this Saturday.