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Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about key events you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 2. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Semester 1 Reports 

Semester 1 Reports are now available via TASS Parent Lounge. This is an opportunity for you to go through the report with your son, and talk together about his strengths and areas of development. You may also like to develop questions from the report to discuss at Parent/Teacher/Student interviews.

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 

A reminder that interviews will be held on Tuesday, 14 June. You received a Google Form from your son’s class teacher to indicate if you would zoom or face to face. Yesterday you also received a zoom code from IT. You will need this if you have chosen zoom.

Tuesday, 14 June is a pupil-free day for your son, however, he is required to attend this interview and be in his full academic school uniform. This will be a 15-minute time slot to allow you to discuss your son’s Semester 1 report, and ask any questions you may have about their progress here at Waverley.

If you are having any IT difficulties, please contact the IT Department on (02) 9369 0784 OR email – iAssist will provide cover from 7am to 5:45pm.


Ms Gabby Smith

Director of Junior School



Co-Curricular Sport

I wish all families a lovely and well-deserved extended long weekend without sport. 

As a friendly reminder, we do not have any games scheduled this weekend, and our final round for Term 2 will be on Saturday, 18 June. The final Winter Co-Curricular season rounds will be played across the first three weekends of Term 3.

Please follow the link below to ensure you are up to date with any changes to fixtures for Round 7 (Saturday, 18 June), and keep a close eye on the Waverley College app for any further adjustments.

>>> Click here to view the Fixtures.

A Huge Thank You!

I personally would like to thank all of the parents who allowed their son to support any sports team that was struggling for numbers last weekend. I would especially like to thank the students for offering themselves to help teams who were unable to secure a full side, due to students being sick or playing at the OzTag tournament.

The Junior School was missing large numbers, and this had a ripple effect on all the U11 Rugby teams. However, you wouldn’t have known! The results demonstrated that regardless of this loss of numbers, our spirit, teamwork and camaraderie shone through.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



Home Learning Club – Week 8 

 >>> Click here to register your son.

If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at or call reception.

2022 ICAS Competitions – Years 5 and 6 Students

If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate the competitions in which you would like him to be entered, through the Parent Payment System.

At the Junior School, the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September of Term 3, and will be completed before school in the Learning Hub. Dates and times will be confirmed in Term 3.

>>> Click here to register your son.

Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online, while tests will still be held at our College. Please use the College’s access code details to register your child, no later than the first week in Term 3, Friday, 22 July 2022.

Waverley’s School Access Code UUD072

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition, with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher.

>>> Click here for more information about the assessments.

If you require additional support registering your son, contact the customer service team. Call Australian Toll-Free Tel 1800 931 775.

Debating News

Waverley v Coogee Boys Preparatory 

Topic: That tests should be banned in primary schools

Last week, the debaters had tough competition and a tough topic. Both Waverley teams put forward strong arguments and presented their cases clearly and firmly, rebutting the Coogee team’s cases. The boys did themselves and Waverley very proud. One win and one loss. 

Debating Junior School Term 2 2022

Debating Junior School Term 2 2022

Debating Junior School Term 2 2022


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



Year 5 White – Around the Classroom!

To celebrate National Reconciliation Week, 5 White engaged in many fun activities that taught us about the history and culture of Australia’s First Nations People. Our favourite lesson was Aboriginal Art Therapy.

We used watercolour paints and pastel crayons to create an art piece that reflected our feelings, thoughts and emotions in the moment. The joy of listening to music by Indigenous artist Scott Darlow, and moving to it freely while making marks on the paper, was therapeutic and mesmerising. 

Aboriginal Art Therapy

Aboriginal Art Therapy

Indigenous Heroes

In this lesson, we were asked to choose an Indigenous Hero and conduct research about their upbringing, career, goals and achievements. Our chosen Indigenous Hero was Patty Mills. We then created an informative poster and shared our new learning with our peers.

By Olivier and Toby

Patty Mills


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie

5 White Teacher

Weekly Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Need to improve your Resume and CV writing skills? Waverley Library is hosting an event that is sure to get you that next job.

Waverley Library is running the HSC Help: Resume and CV Writing talk and all students are welcome.

When: Wednesday, 13 July, 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

Where: Waverley Library Theatrette, 32-48 Denison Street, Bondi Junction

Cost: Free but bookings essential.

Would You Like More Information and Registration Details?

>>> Click here to view more information and to book.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about key events you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 2. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Morning Food Break

After speaking with the students at Assembly this week, it became evident that many of the boys are missing breakfast due to a variety of reasons. As of next week, class teachers will allow time for students to eat in the morning, to ensure we set them up for a productive learning day.

If your son would benefit from this, please pack extra food for him. Some examples of what you could pack include; a sandwich, fruit, cereal or a breakfast bar. 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be conducted on Tuesday, 14 June, Week 8 this term.

When to book? Book with your son’s classroom teacher from Saturday, 4 June at 8am.

How to book? Book via the Parent Lounge on TASS, OR click here to book.

When do bookings close? – Monday, 13 June, 3pm

Difficulties making the appointment?

If your son is in Learning Support and you would like to book an interview with our Learning Support teachers, please contact them directly via their email addresses below. They will be available to take appointments from 9am to 5:30pm.

These interviews will be held in your son’s classroom, however, if you would like to have your interview via Zoom, this option will also be available. You will receive a Google Form from your son’s class teacher on Monday, 6 June where you will be required to inform the teacher as to whether you would like a zoom or face-to-face interview. Zoom codes will be sent home via the IT Department on Thursday, 9 June.

Tuesday, 14 June is a pupil-free day for your son, however, he is required to attend this interview and be in his full academic school uniform. This will be a 15-minute time slot, which will allow you to discuss your son’s Semester 1 report, and ask any questions you may have about their progress here at Waverley.


Ms Gabby Smith

Director of Junior School



Edmund Rice Day – Thursday, 9 June

Next Thursday, 9 June is our Annual Edmund Rice Activity Day. On this day, we will be looking into the life of Blessed Edmund Rice. We will also be hosting a range of activities on the day, and the boys are invited to wear mufti for $2.

All money raised will go towards Edmund Rice Camps Australia. We will be having a guest speaker from Edmund Rice Camps to talk to us about their organisation, and what they do to assist children around Australia to enjoy some of the simple things in life, that we sometimes take for granted. 



We look forward to celebrating this day with the boys.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation



Co-Curricular Sport

Please follow the link below to ensure you are up to date with any changes to fixtures for this weekend. Please keep a close eye on the Waverley app for any adjustments due to weather conditions and field closures.

>>> Click here to view the Fixtures.

As a friendly reminder, we do not have any games scheduled over the June long weekend, and our final round for Term 2 will be on Saturday, 18 June.

CISNSW AFL Tournament Stars

Marcus Strbac and William Frinsdorf were selected in the CISNSW team to represent IPSHA and Waverley College in Coffs Harbour across a four-day tournament.

The overall tournament experience was special for the boys. Over the tournament, the CIS team was undefeated, with both Marcus and Will taking turns in playing in the mid, back and forward line. The boys came up against some hard, tough and muddy footy, but they just worked hard as a team to win every game.

The scoreboard demonstrated the team’s dominance (53-0, 57-19, 54-0). On Friday in the Finals against Sydney North, they got a win (39-7), taking home the big trophy. 

Marcus Strbac was also selected to represent the NSW AFL team, which is an incredible achievement. Over 300 kids played and 23 were selected into the team. Waverley is extremely proud of both students, and looks forward to hearing how Marcus progresses in the AFL NSW team.

Marcus Strbac

Congratulations Marcus Strbac



Marcus Strbac and William Frinsdorf

Marcus Strbac and William Frinsdorf

Term 2 PDHPE Assessment Tasks

Year 5

This term in PE, Year 5 classes have been focusing on Game Design as part of their major practical assessment task. In groups of two to three, students were to design an initiative game that incorporates key locomotor movement skills, and rules from one chosen invasion sport. 

The game needed to be a modified version of that chosen sport, but could not be the same. 

Groups used a wide variety of PE equipment in class, to create their game. Once completed, groups were asked to teach their game to other small groups, to play during practical lessons. The game’s rules and objectives needed to be evenly explained in detail, as a group.

All students have gained such enjoyment and group leadership skills along the way. 

Year 5 Practical Assessment Task

Year 5 Practical Assessment Task

Year 5 Practical Assessment Task

Year 5 Practical Assessment Task

Year 6

Year 6 students undertook an integrated gymnastics assessment task. This meant that there was both a theory and practical component to be completed. With a partner, students had to design an online poster that showcased six movement sequences, combining simple gymnastics, balancing and body shape positions. They were required to include the name of each movement, an image of the movements, and a detailed description of how each is performed.

Students then used these movement sequences to create a short routine to be performed in front of the class, during one practical lesson lasting 40 seconds. The routine needed to be creative, show fluidity, and be engaging to the audience. Students, although quite resistant at the beginning, genuinely made the most of the task, and displayed passion and interest in their performances.

Year 6 Gymnastics Sequence Movement Poster

Year 6 Gymnastics Sequence Movement Poster


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular



Year 6 Public Speaking Competition 2022

Our students gained experience in a vital life skill – Public Speaking. Presenting to an audience can be nerve-wracking, but utilising newly-learned techniques, each student presented an engaging speech.

The boys researched and planned their speeches while learning how to present and use gestures, inject humour, make eye contact, refer to palm cards, and use voice projection to enhance the quality of their presentation.

The heats in their Learning Hub sessions created a hum of excitement, and it was clear that all students were highly engaged in this initiative.

Winners were chosen and progressed to the school finals on Monday, 30 May. The six finalists took it all in their stride, and stepped up confidently to deliver their speeches once again.

Our adjudicators Mr Robert Tall and Lachlan Marzol (Year 9 student) had a torturous decision to make, as the standard and quality of all competitors was so high.

Congratulations to our finalists and our Public Speaking Champion 2022, Byron Thomas. 

Byron Thomas, 2022 Public Speaking Champion

Byron Thomas, 2022 Public Speaking Champion

L-R Mr R.Tall, Quinn Brodie, Nagakau Hiroti, Byron Thomas, Jack Michalakis, Jack McCallum & Maison Retif.

L-R: Mr R Tall, Quinn Brodie, Nagakau Hiroti, Byron Thomas, Jack Michalakis,
Jack McCallum and Maison Retif

Year 5 will compete in the in-school Public Speaking competition in Term 3.


Home Learning Club – Week 7 

 >>> Click here to register your son.

If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at or call reception.

2022 ICAS Competitions | Years 5 and 6 Students

If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate the competitions in which you would like him to be entered, through the Parent Payment System.

At the Junior School, the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September of Term 3, and will be completed before school in the Learning Hub. Dates and times will be confirmed in Term 3.

>>> Click here to register your son.

Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online, while tests will still be held at our College. Please use the College’s access code details to register your child, no later than the first week in Term 3, Friday, 22 July 2022.

Waverley’s School Access Code UUD072

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition, with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher.

>>> Click here for more information about the assessments.

If you require additional support registering your son, contact the customer service team. Call Australian Toll-Free Tel 1800 931 775

Drawing Club 

This week, the students drew inspiration from one of our guest speakers Ms Maakrun, and her love of drawing cartoons. We focused on adding as much detail as we could, over a lunchtime. Then, to bring our cartoon to life, we added watercolour paints. These two characters were created over lunch. Well done Harvey Smith and Dash McDonough. 

Dash McDonough

Dash McDonough

Harvey Smith

Harvey Smith


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Week 6


Week 7

Week 8


Looking Ahead

Students and their partners are invited to the Year 12 Formal which will be held on the evening of Friday, 24 June at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.

Students have received official information, including the invite and booking details.

Book your tickets as soon as possible as the booking window closes this Sunday, 19 June!

>>> Click here to book tickets.

Venue: Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.

Time: Formal photos from 6pm. Dinner/dancing from 6:30pm to 10pm.

Who: Student and partner. Partner’s name and contact details need to be registered at the time of booking. Photo ID is required to gain entry to the venue.

Cost: $160 per person, including three-course dinner and entertainment.

Dress: Formal attire for both men and women.

Table Arrangements

This is an alcohol-free event for all students and partners. All attending will be subject to security checks.

Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


Marking National Reconciliation Week 2022 – Be Brave. Make Change.

This week, Waverley recognised National Reconciliation Week in both the Junior and Senior Schools, with a short ceremony on each campus. Students in the Walawaani group participated in a smoking ceremony, and spoke on the 2022 topic ‘Be Brave. Make Change.’ We sincerely thank Mr Kevin Heath and the Walawaani student group for both preparing for and leading this annual event.

Mr Kevin Heath, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Liaison

Mr Kevin Heath, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison, at the Junior School smoking ceremony

This week, EREA (Edmund Rice Education Australia), launched its Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (2022-2025), and last week acknowledged the Uluru Statement from the Heart on National Sorry Day. The EREA Stretch RAP seeks to embed the values of the reconciliation movement and initiatives into the culture of each EREA school – ways of being, knowing and doing – to be enacted daily.

Please take the time to read the National Reconciliation Week message below from Dr Craig Wattam, Executive Director, EREA. Dr Wattam writes of the need for greater cultural competency, the removal of barriers to inclusion, and listening more deeply to the voices of First Nations Australians, in the pursuit of justice, healing and restoration.

>>> Click here to view Dr Wattam’s National Reconciliation Week message.

Affirmative Consent Laws

As many parents, carers and students will be aware, new affirmative consent laws came into effect in NSW on 1 June, this week. This offers a great opportunity to discuss consent with your children and let them know about the changes to the law. 

The significant change to the law sees the addition of communicative and affirmative consent language in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). 

The new law defines consent as a free and voluntary agreement that cannot be presumed, and involves ongoing, mutual communication. Under the new consent laws, people will not be able to assume consent from somebody because they don’t say no – silence is not consent. 

The NSW Government community education campaign videos titled ‘Make No Doubt’, support the NSW Government’s sexual consent laws. Targeted at 13-24 year olds, they are available on Social Media platforms Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok and Tinder. The videos were made with consultation with sexual violence service providers and community groups, over a period of nine months.

>>> Click here to view the Make No Doubt videos.

Co-curricular Achievements – Congratulations Mark and Ryan

Mark Rede

>>> Click here to read more about Ryan’s remarkable achievement in the Nurrunga article by Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-curricular.

Bus Ambassadors Visit Our College

Transdev John Holland Buses have recently taken over many of the bus routes that students from Waverley College use each day.

In a pleasing consultative process, the company has reached out to the College to determine how they can best serve our transport needs.

As part of this process, a survey was sent to parents last term, and a consultant met with me and Jade Stapleton from the Parents’ Association.

This week, as part of the process, a customer experience ambassador representing Transdev John Holland Buses observed student numbers, traffic and bus punctuality on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

The College welcomes these initiatives, and invites families to continue to provide feedback regarding buses to the Wellbeing Centre, so they can be passed on to Transdev John Holland Buses.

Year 12 Formal – Friday, 24 June 2022

Students and their partners are invited to the Year 12 Formal which will be held on the evening of Friday, 24 June at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.

Students received official information, including the invite and booking details earlier in the week.

Venue: Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.

Time: Formal photos from 6pm. Dinner/dancing from 6:30pm to 10pm.

Who: Student and partner. Partner’s name and contact details need to be registered at the time of booking. Photo ID is required to gain entry to the venue.

Cost: $160 per person, including three-course dinner and entertainment.

Dress: Formal attire for both men and women.

Table Arrangements

This is an alcohol-free event for all students and partners. All attending will be subject to security checks.

How to Book

The booking window opens at 6pm tonight (Friday, 3 June 2022), and closes Sunday, 19 June.

>>> Click here to book your tickets.

Mother Son Lunch

The College wishes to thank Vi Elliott and Roz Barber for organising the fabulous Mother Son Lunch that was held at Doltone House last weekend. All reports suggest that a wonderful time was had by all.

COVID-19 Health Update

While COVID-19 numbers are low, we are experiencing higher than usual numbers in staff and students being absent with cold and flu.

3 June 2022 COVID-19 In Isolation
Year 5 1 0
Year 6 1 1
Year 7 1 2
Year 8 0 4
Year 9 0 0
Year 10 1 1
Year 11 0 0
Year 12 0 0
Staff 1 1
Total 5 9


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 

CAS Full Rounds Commencing This Week

This week, we commence our first full round of CAS activities for all teams. In regards to this, I want to remind all players, parents and spectators of the importance of the CAS Codes of Conduct, around mutual respect for all involved in schoolboy sporting activities.

Read the CAS Code of Conduct

>>> Click here to view the CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website.

We are away to St Aloysius’ this week for a number of teams, as well as a number of fixtures at Queens Park. This week also signifies the halfway mark of the winter season, and with only a couple more rounds this term and another three next term, all students need to ensure that they are attending all sessions and fixtures.

It was great to see the majority of students in attendance last weekend as spectators, correctly attired in their full Waverley sporting or school uniform. There are still a couple of individuals who are not meeting these expectations, and I want to reinforce that it is essential that all students at any sporting venue are correctly attired at all times.

Congratulations Ryan McNamara – Three Record-Breaking Swims

Waverley congratulates Ryan McNamara on his phenomenal swims today, breaking 3 x U12 school records at the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships. Wow!

We’re really proud of you, Ryan. Your dedication to swimming is incredibly inspiring.

Ryan McNamara at NSW All Schools Swimming Championships

We salute you, Ryan!

Impressive Results in Volleyball, Cross Country and CAS Football

Our Volleyball teams last Saturday all recorded some impressive wins. Thank you to Ms Emily Pace and these coaches for continuing to develop this sport.

1st vs Kings - T2 2022

We also recorded some great results in Cross Country last Saturday, and I want to congratulate Dominic McGrath in Year 12 for his selection in the CAS Team, to compete on 30 July.

Additionally, last week we had a number of students competing for CAS Football, and a huge thank you to Mr Patrick Darvill for his efforts as CAS 1sts coach over the two long days.

The CAS U16 Football side went undefeated and had no goals scored against them. The CAS 1sts were runners up, and congratulations to Emilio Vinci and James Bulkeley on their selections in the NSWCIS side. Well done also to the Waverley College 1st XI Football on their 4-0 win against a strong Trinity Grammar side, even with a number of players out with illness.

1st Football v Trinity - T2 2022

House Athletics Carnival

On Thursday, 23 June our College House Athletics Carnival is scheduled at ES Marks. We are currently awaiting confirmation that the upgrade of these facilities will be finalised in time for this carnival. If there are further delays, we will look at potentially postponing this event into later in Term 3.

Co-curricular Training for Weeks 7-9

There are no co-curricular activities for the long weekend.

Week 7, Term 2

Week 8, Term 2

Week 9, Term 2

Good luck to all teams this weekend for the full round of CAS fixtures.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of co-curricular


The Final Test

Last weekend, Waverley College enjoyed a fantastic day of rugby against Oakhill College. This was an excellent final test before the arrival of the CAS competition. On the day, from the 20 matches played against Oakhill, Waverley managed to score victories in 10 matches with two games drawn. This was a pleasing result against a school that has really developed their rugby program.

A week without training probably worked against our boys and their preparations, going into the matches played. Added to this, many players were ruled out late due to the various illnesses circulating around the community. Credit must be given once again to those students who really dug deep for their school and mates, to ensure no teams were left short.

1st vs Oakhill

I would like to highlight the effort of the mighty 13Fs who faced up against the St Pius 13Bs side. While going down in a tight match, the 13Fs certainly competed against some A/B graded players. Well done to those players involved, who never backed down from the challenge.

Off the field, I would like to extend our appreciation to all those wonderful parents who contributed on the BBQ and Canteen on Saturday. We regularly have such friendly and supportive parents who show up to help. It really is heartening to see the friendships develop behind the canteen, while we cheer on our boys together. I also must send a special thanks for the delightful food on offer – when feeling a little flat midway through the day, there is nothing like a BBQ Roll with ‘The Lot’ to pick up our spirits! Thanks to the Hickey, Andrews and Antis families who lead the Supporters’ Club each week!

The CAS Competition is Here!

After months of preparation, the Combined Associated Schools (CAS) Competition is finally here! This is the point of the season in which the competition commences for most teams. It is important that all players, spectators and coaches take note of the CAS Code of Conduct.

Read the CAS Code of Conduct

>>> Click here to view the CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website.

This Weekend

This weekend, Waverley College plays Round 1 of CAS against St Aloysius’ College. As a note, St Aloysius’ will not match up against all Waverley College teams, so we have a number of our sides playing against a range of other CAS/GPS/ISA schools, with some teams unfortunately having a BYE round.

Players are asked to check the draw carefully, as well as the team lists, to confirm if players may be required as reserves for some matches.

Please note, that as a result of illness and injury which have been accumulated through the season, we will no longer be fielding a 5th XV side or 15Ds side. We certainly appreciate that with the amount of illness we have had this season, a number of our players have been backing up for two matches. We sincerely thank all those students who always put in that extra effort for the Blue and Gold jersey!

14s and 15s Parents – We Need Your Help on the Canteen!

The Rugby Supporters’ Club are looking for any parents, carers and friends of students in the 14s and 15s age groups, who would be able to assist on the canteen both this Saturday as well as the Saturday following the Long Weekend (against Knox Grammar School).

Any support, even for a period of one hour, would be very much appreciated. The canteen will be operating between the hours of 8am to 1pm.

>>> Click here to sign up to the online roster to help at the Queen’s Park Rugby Canteen and BBQ.

We will be operating the canteen ONLY these weekends (no BBQ). Thank you for your support in advance!

Upcoming Schedule – for Your Diary

 Week 7, Term 2

 Week 8, Term 2

 Week 9, Term 2

We wish all teams the very best for the commencement of the CAS competition this weekend.



Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


The ‘Worn Up’ Textile Rescue Program funded by our local council, has another collection coming up! 

If you have any non-wearable textiles, please bring them into the secondhand clothing pool. This includes old Waverley branded uniform items along with any items that are ripped, stained and unwearable. We have regular collections by Worn Up, so please do keep items coming in. 

The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop on Level 3, Centenary Building, North Admin Building, on the Senior School Campus. Enter reception and take the lift to the 3rd floor, exit and turn right.

These items will be collected by Worn Up and reformed into new products such as tables, tiles, dog beds, acoustic tiles and more! To find out more about them and their progress, follow them – @wornup on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you for supporting our Students of the World Ecology Club and Secondhand Clothing Pool in this responsible textile disposal. Please note that any current branded uniforms that are still wearable, will be considered for secondhand resale.

Would You Like to Learn More About the Great Work That Worn Up Does?

>>> Click here to view further information about Worn Up.

Worn Up logo


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator



Ms Kirsten Hott and Ms Camille Owen

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators


This year’s Piano Competition will be held in the Recital Room of the Performing Arts Centre, commencing at 3:45pm on Wednesday, 8 June 2022.

Entry to the Recital Room is via the lower level of the building from the carpark, opposite the tennis courts.

We sincerely look forward to welcoming parents and friends of the 22 amazing entrants.

Do I Need to RSVP?


>>> Click here to RSVP and to advise the number of guests attending.



Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


Next week, students in Year 12 Marine Studies will be attending an excursion to Parsley Bay to put their fishing skills into practice. 


Students will depart from school at 8:45 am and return in time to attend Periods 4-6. 

Students will make their own way to and from Parsley Bay. There is limited space with me in my personal car if necessary.

Students must wear appropriate clothes for fishing and change back into full school uniform for their afternoon lessons.

Students must ensure that they hand in their SLR and Catholic Studies assessment tasks due on Monday, 6 June and Tuesday, 7 June respectively, as a prerequisite for attending. 

Marine Studies 2022

Do I Need to Give Permission?

Yes. Please submit your permission slip by Monday, 6 June 2022.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Parsley Bay Fishing permission slip.

Marine Studies 2022


Ms Gemma Brown

Head of Science
