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Lockdown Habits Proving Difficult to Break – SchoolTV

There has been a noticeable shift in the amount of time people spend on screen-based devices. Families are transitioning back to pre-COVID routines, but many are still struggling to re-establish the boundaries and rules around screen use. Some continue to deal with digital conflict and ‘zombie-like’ children on a daily basis. The latest research found that 77% of teenagers spend more than five hours on screens per day, but it is important to note that not all screen time is considered equal.

Parents play a crucial role in modelling a positive and healthy approach to using screens, and assisting children to navigate the content they watch. It is better to model and mentor screen use, rather than monitor it. Children tend to do more of what they see us do, and less of what we tell them to do. However, it is still important to outline the risks and highlight the benefits of screen use, to ensure you keep a balanced attitude. Encourage discussions around the issues that people experience in monitoring their screen time, and be honest about your own difficulties.

Screen time SchoolTV

Parents need to remain firm in their approach to managing screen time. Excessive screen time can be detrimental to a child’s overall wellbeing. Ensuring the correct privacy settings are in place is vital to prevent children from being inadvertently exposed to inappropriate content or online predators. Parents need to also be mindful of the potential impact screen time can have on a child’s social, emotional, educational, behavioural, and even physical domains.

SchoolTV Can Help

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents and carers are provided with a range of guidelines and strategies to help manage screen time at home. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your son’s Head of House for further information, or seek medical or professional help.

>>> Click here to view Managing Screen Time.

Year 11 Dinner Cruise Reminder

The Waverley College Year 10 (2021) Dinner Dance provides a formal social opportunity for boys to host a partner at a dinner cruise on Sydney Harbour. This is a part of our Wellbeing Framework promoting respectful relationships.

Date: Thursday, 26 May 2022

Time: 6pm – 10pm (meet at Star City Casino Wharf at 5:30pm)

Venue: Bella Vista Cruise Ship

Embark/Disembark: 6pm Star City Casino Wharf, Pirrama Road, Pyrmont

Dress: Smart formal for all guests

Cost: $100 per person, which includes four hours of cruising, three-course meal, unlimited soft drinks/juice package, DJ and security

RSVP: >>> Click here to book tickets.

Should you have any further questions, please email Ms Suzi Sucur (Administrator Wellbeing Centre)

Year 11 Cruise

RAT Discretionary Testing Underway

COVID-19 cases at the College remain relatively low during Week 3. Last week, the College distributed ten additional rapid antigen tests (RATs) to your son. In line with the Department of Education and NSW Health, we have moved from prescribed surveillance testing to what is termed ‘discretionary testing.’

We now require students to administer a rapid antigen test in the following circumstances:

Families are required to notify NSW Health and the College should their son receive a positive RAT or PCR test, and then isolate for seven days. Students should only return to school if they are free from cold and flu symptoms after the seven-day isolation period.

RAT test

COVID-19 Household Contacts

In line with the updated NSW Health guidelines and the CSNSW COVID-19 Advice Policy, Waverley College is implementing the following:

>>> Click here to view the NSW Health Guidelines for Household Contacts – 22 April 2022.  

COVID-19 Health Update

13/5/22 COVID-19 Close Contacts
Year 5 0 0
Year 6 1 0
Year 7 1 2
Year 8 1 4
Year 9 1 0
Year 10 0 1
Year 11 2 0
Year 12 0 0
Staff 1 0
Total 7 7


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


The Year 11 Hospitality students undertook their first official service period as part of their Certificate II qualification on 6 May.

They whipped, whisked, piped, baked and decorated to produce lovely cupcakes for the Waverley Junior School Mother’s Day Event. 

Thank you, gentlemen!


Mrs Bev McCarthy

VET/TAS Teacher


This week, both Brennan and O’Connor Houses celebrated their House Mass and Suppers. After two years of COVID-19 preventing our Waverley families from joining us, it was wonderful to see the chapel full of all our families.

A special thank you to all those who made these wonderful celebrations possible. Fr Bernie for celebrating the masses, our wonderful musicians Mr Balkizas and Ms Dolzo, the fabulous choirs from each of the Houses, our Prefects and of course our Heads of House, Ms Downey and Mr Barr for coordinating such wonderful celebrations.

Quinn House Mass is next Thursday, and we look forward to welcoming all our Quinn families then.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Looking Ahead

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Want to Study in the US and UK?

A free webinar on US and UK universities, hosted by lecturers and admissions interviewers from UPenn, Yale, Oxbridge, UCL and more, will take place this Sunday, 15 May at 6pm. 

Waverley senior students and their parents/carers are welcome to participate in this exciting opportunity.

How to Register

>>> Click here to view information about how to register for this webinar.

Us and UK webinar 2022


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator


Tuesday, 17 May marks IDAHOBIT Day, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Waverley College proudly marks this in our calendar as a day to recognise and celebrate.

Last year, we had guest speaker Ian Roberts share his story with us. In the mid 1990s, Ian was the first rugby league player in the world to publicly come out as gay. He shared his experiences of homophobia, and challenged the young students of Waverley about views of masculinity and male stereotypes, stating that showing gentleness and affection does not make you less of a man – that it is okay to care for your mates. 

Ian Roberts

Guest Speaker Ian Roberts in 2021

How are we Celebrating IDAHOBIT Day in 2022?

This year, some students have created posters which will be displayed around the College, with quotes Ian Roberts left with us: “What you’re willing to walk by, is what you’re willing to accept”, “It takes courage to care” and “As an ally you can help students feel accepted, included and respected.”

In addition to this artwork, we will be holding a lunch to celebrate IDAHOBIT Day. Any student is welcome to attend this – LGBTQIA+ identifying, or ally. If you would like your son to be part of this group, or would like further information, please email Mr David Parnell or Ms Tessa Prior Conversations in these settings are affirming, respectful and empathetic; appropriate boundaries and confidentiality are clearly established.

On the day, there will also be rainbow ribbons available, for any student or staff member who wishes to wear this, to show their support for IDAHOBIT Day. These can be collected from Mr Patrick Brennan’s office. 

IDAHOBIT 2022 ribbon

On IDAHOBIT Day there will be rainbow ribbons available, for any student or staff member who wishes to wear one, to show their support – collect from Mr Patrick Brennan’s office

Waverley College prides itself on being a safe and inclusive community for all of its students. This message is shown through the positive interactions with teachers, ongoing education in the space of interrupting homophobia and transphobia, and presentations at assemblies.

A range of student literature with an LGBTQIA+ theme is available in the library, we celebrate ‘IDAHOBIT’ and ‘Wear It Purple Day’ each year, and have recently developed a LGBTQIA+ staff advocacy group to discuss and embed initiatives that will continue to make Waverley College an inclusive school to attend. 


Ms Tessa Prior and the Wellbeing Team

College Psychologist


Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about key events you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 2. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Mother’s Day Mass

It was lovely to welcome so many mothers, step-mums, aunties, grandmothers and special women who are like mothers to the students in the Junior School on Friday. We were grateful to host this event on site!

Junior School Mother's Day Mass 2022

Junior Schoo Mother's Day Mass 2022

Junior School Mother's Day Mass 2022

Junior School Mother's Day Mass 2022


>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga NAPLAN article by Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum.


Our Waverley team in the City2Surf is supporting local charity ‘Running for Premature Babies,’ which provides life-saving neonatal equipment and helps save the lives of sick and premature babies Australia wide. The charity was founded by a Waverley mum, after losing all three of her prematurely born triplet sons to their prematurity 16 years ago.

>>> Click here to view more information about this incredible cause.

A free team running singlet will be given to all families who raise $200 for Running for Premature Babies – you can opt for your fundraising page to be created during the registration process.

Running Club in preparation for City2Surf 

When: Starting Monday lunchtimes beginning Week 3 (9 May 2022)             

Where: Waverley Park

Dress: appropriate running attire (boys may wear PE uniform or their own running attire). Boys will change before and after each session into their scheduled Waverley attire for the day

Parents/Carers: are welcome to attend and parent helpers are welcome to assist coaches when running in the local area.

Wet Weather: in the event of wet weather, an announcement will be communicated to the boys at school and on the College app. 

*Please note, it is not compulsory to attend the training sessions to participate in the City2Surf.

Do I Need to Give Permission for my Son to Participate in Running Club?


>>> Click here to view and complete the Google form permission slip.

How to Register for the City2Surf and to Join the College Team

>>> Click here to register for the City2Surf and join the College team.

You will need the password: WavCol22

How to Register for the Waverley College Fundraising Page

>>> Click here to register for the Waverley College Fundraising page.


This week, we are looking forward to starting work on our 2022 Wakakirri item – ‘Oliver!’ In our version of the classic tale, Oliver asks for more – more devices, more games, more Internet time. Unfortunately, he finds out that the online world can be quite scary and lonely. Fortunately, some of his best friends are there to support him as he rebuilds his lost connections.

We still have room in the cast, so please email Mrs Rollins if you would like to be part of this exciting performance:


Mrs Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Curriculum News

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break. Our students are now well accustomed to the routines and structures their teachers have set for them, and have started the term by jumping straight into their learning.

Now that all students have settled in, the expectations we have of our students this term are now higher. This is a very important term, with Semester 1 reports going home towards the end of term. Our students will be very busy with Winter sports starting, so it is important that you help your sons manage their time, and plan the week ahead to incorporate a balanced approach to training, home learning and assignments. 

Below is the Curriculum Overview for Term 2. Here you will see what your son will be learning in the classroom. It is clearly set out so that you can see the subject and the topics being taught across the curriculum.

>>> Click here to view the Term 2 2022 Year 5 Curriculum Overview.

>>> Click here to view the Term 2 2022 Year 6 Curriculum Overview.

Waverley students inspired to learn

Waverley students inspired to learn


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Assistant Director of Junior School/Curriculum




Congratulations to all the boys who were able to play last weekend. 

>>> Click here to ensure you are up to date with any changes to the Fixtures for this weekend.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



Home Learning Club – Week 3

 >>> Click here to register your son.

If your son is unable to attend, please contact the school via email at: or call reception.

2022 ICAS Competitions for Years 5 and 6 students

If you would like your son to compete in the 2022 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate the competitions in which you would like him to be entered, via the Parent Payment System.

At the Junior School, the following ICAS competitions are offered:

This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3, and will be completed before school in the Learning Hub. Dates and times will be confirmed in Term 3. 

>>> Click here to register your son.

Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online, while tests will be held on campus. Please use the school’s access code details to register your child. 

Waverley’s School Access Code is: UUD072

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher.

>>> Click here to view more information about the assessments.

 If you require additional support registering your son, contact the customer service team on 1800 931 775 (Australian Toll-Free).

Drawing Club 

This week the Drawing Club students had great conversations about their mums. This was the inspiration for our drawing sessions. The boys Googled their mums, drew from memory, or had a special photo saved on their laptop to create a Mother’s Day portrait. 

Drawing Club Junior School

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Public Speaking Competition for Year 6

The competition aims at allowing students to develop their speaking skills. Speaking well in public prepares you for positions of responsibility, visibility and the future. Speak up, speak well, and many opportunities will be open to you.

Public Speaking

Debating Training 

I would like to thank our Year 9 students Nick Zanapalis, James Peate and Archie Godby, for offering to mentor our Junior School IPSHA Debating Team. It was a successful second training session. Waverley’s first debate for the season is against St Catherine’s and the topic is ‘That technology is harmful to our friendships.’ 

Junior School Debating Training

Lunchtime Talk 

Hugo Anderson, Jasper Lumsden, Dexter Francis and Harry Welfare presented at our Lunchtime Talk on Wednesday. They gave the audience an insight into a hobby that has now turned into a passion: ‘Warhammer,’ a semi-complex board game.

Junior School Lunchtime Talk 2022

Junior School Lunchtime Talk 2022

The Junior School boys loved every minute of the presentation and had many questions for our board-gaming gurus. A huge thank you to the boys for giving up their time to prepare and present. 

Junior School Lunchtime Talk 2022

Junior School Lunchtime Talk 2022

Next week, our guest speaker Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun brings to light the world of cartoonists.

If you would like to volunteer to give a presentation, please email me directly at


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Week 3


Week 4


Looking Ahead



Happy Mother’s Day to mothers, step-mums, aunties, grandmothers and special women who are like mothers in the lives of Waverley College students. We thank you for the significant contribution you make to your family and to our community. 

All-loving God, we give you thanks and praise for mothers young and old.

We pray for young mothers, who give life and count toes and tend to our every need; May they be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for their families and themselves with great joy.

We pray for our own mothers who have nurtured and cared for us; May they continue to guide in strong and gentle ways.

We remember mothers who are separated from their children because of war, poverty, or conflict; May they feel the loving embrace of our God who wipes every tear away.

We pray for women who are not mothers, but still love and shape us with motherly care and compassion.

We remember mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers who are no longer with us, but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love.


Blessed Edmund Rice – Pray for Us

Mary Mackillop – Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts – Forever.

Walawaani Welcome 

This week, I attended the inaugural Walawaani welcome evening. The evening has been delayed for over two years due to disruption from COVID-19. The evening saw all of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families come together. Walawaani means, “We hope you’ve had a safe journey here,” a motto chosen by the students themselves.

The key goals of the program are to assist emerging leaders develop across their spiritual, cognitive, social, emotional and physical dimensions. The program also seeks to build strong relationships and develop cultural awareness and understanding for all students of the College.

Walawaani 2022

Walawaani 2022

Representatives from our partners at GO Foundation were also present. Thank you to Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun – Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation, Kevin Heath – Indigenous Liaison Officer, and Sue Walsh – Director of Identity & Student Formation, for organising the evening. 

At Thursday’s assembly, Ms Sue Walsh and the College Student Leaders launched the Indigenous Interpretation of the Waverley College Crest. The same afternoon, it was also launched to the broader College community via Facebook and Instagram 

Last year, local Indigenous artist Billy Reynolds worked with the College to design our Indigenous jersey, and following this, he created his own interpretation of our crest by using artistic elements to link to features of the College community. Please click below to view the crest and explanation of the design. 

St Catherine’s ANZAC Ceremony 

This week, I had the privilege of attending St Catherine’s School ANZAC ceremony, that had students from both Waverley and St Catherine’s schools’ Cadet Unit in operation. It was a wonderful and moving ceremony. 

Dr Townsend

Dr Townsend (Headmistress, St Catherine’s School) at the lectern. Photo: courtesy Theo Miller.

Photo courtesy Theo Miller

Photo: courtesy Theo Miller.

Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition 

Congratulations to Christian Kitas (Year 12) who represented the College at the annual Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition, held this year at Sydney Grammar School. The competition sees one representative from each of the CAS and GPS schools deliver an address. The students do not know what the topic is, and they are given 15 minutes to prepare for an eight-minute address. 

The topic that Christian had to respond and speak to was a line from a Leonard Cohen lyric – ‘There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.’ Congratulations to the top three representatives that came from Scots College (1st), Aloysius’ College (2nd), St Joseph’s College (3rd).

Supporters’ Apparel 

The College has launched a range of supporters’ apparel that includes a cap, rain jacket, umbrella, towel and scarf. The umbrella, towel and scarf are in the uniform shop at present, and we are awaiting delivery of the cap and jacket in the next couple of weeks. These deliveries have unfortunately been affected by cargo delays. 

Old Boys’ Union AGM

The OBU AGM was held last Sunday. I would like to congratulate the elected members, both the Executive and Council Members for 2022/23.

President: Salvatore Riolo

Vice President: Peter Hannigan

Treasurer: John Hilton

Secretary: Chris O’Sullivan

Assistant Secretary: Tom Wallace

Council Members: Warren Boyd, Michael Burns, Michael Dignam, Peter Frost, Sam Hardjono, John Karas, Brandon Perry, Col Blake, Andrew Elliot and Charles New.


I encourage you to read the rest of the newsletter that has both key information across a range of important topics and opportunities for your son including: next week’s NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language and numeracy, Year 10 Allwell Testing, the College’s Piano Competition, City2Surf ‘Running for Premature Babies,’ Wakakirri starting in the Junior School, start of the Debating season, and the Year 6 Public Speaking Competition.

This week, Green and Lacey Houses celebrated their first House Mass and Suppers in two years.

It was so lovely to have all our families present to celebrate such a special occasion and to especially welcome our new Year 5 students to each House.

We also paid special tribute to our Year 12 students as they begin the final stage of their journey here at Waverley.

Green House Mass 2022

Green Mass 2022

Green House Mass 2022

Lacey House Mass 2022

Lacey House Mass 2022

Green House Mass

Green House Mass 2022

Thanks to all those who helped make these special celebrations happen. From Fr Bernie, our chaplain, to our musicians, choir, readers, mentors and Heads of House.

Green Mass 2022

Our charismatic music teacher, Ms Jaz Dolso, led our singing

Green House Mass 2022

Our talented choristers led our hymns

Green House Mass 2022

Green House Mass

Head of Music, Mr Chris Balkizas, played some beautiful passages on guitar

It is wonderful to have our Waverley family joining together again to share such important formation experiences.

Green House Mass

Green House Mass

Lacey House Mass 2022

Green House Mass

Green House Mass

Our caring mentors

Brennan and O’Connor Houses will celebrate their Mass and suppers next week and we look forward to seeing everyone there.


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 2, Week 3. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program. Should numbers fall below five, we may not be able to run that particular session.

Mrs Lauren Ryan has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials. 

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday, 9 May 2022
Mathematics Standard 7:30am – 8:30am E35 Nicola Silsby
Mathematics Advanced 7:30am – 8:30am E15 Sharon Chandler
Geography 3:30pm – 5pm W33 Adam Wallington
SOR II – Practice questions 3:30pm – 5pm E40s Cath Stewart
Martina Cooper
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Mathematics Standard 7:30am – 8:30am E42 Phoebe Guirguis
Mathematics Advanced 3:30pm – 5pm E32 Steven Hall
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Biology 7:30am – 8:30am E02 Richard Chen
Business Studies 3:30pm – 5pm W33 Adam Wallington
Drama 3:30pm – 5pm P12 Alison Jinga
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Design and Technology 7:15am – 8:30am T04 James Spargo
PDHPE 7:15am – 8:30am GHR Steve O’Donnell
Spanish 7:45am – 8:30am W24 Daniel Kroll
Friday, 13 May 2022 Industrial Technology (Multimedia) 7:15am – 8:15am W32A Anthony Gibbs


Mrs Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Recognising Edmund Rice Day

On Thursday, 5 May we celebrated Edmund Rice Feast Day and student leaders took the us through the history of Blessed Edmund. They reminded us that his charism emerged as a response to his experience as a son, a husband, a father, one who suffered loss, and one whose own brokenness enabled him to connect with those around him. 

Through his faith and convictions, he found the strength and the courage to challenge political and social structures and set up a free school for boys living in poverty in Ireland. A school where he and the brothers provided an education which recognised the dignity, potential and wellbeing of the individual, empowering each learner to participate more fully in society.

This unyielding commitment to afford his students their human right to dignity and respect was formally expressed in the 1832 Rules of the Congregation, where Edmund decreed that:

“Each child, especially the poorest, resembles Jesus Christ and hence we as educators must act towards each one with kindness and be considerate of any faults and weaknesses. We must always treat them with consideration and respect.”

Painting portrait of Edmund Rice

Portrait of Edmund Rice

Almost 200 years on from that decree, Edmund Rice Schools operate in 21 countries around the world, with 280 schools educating over 200,000 young people in the Edmund Rice Charism. Here in Australia, EREA is responsible for the governance of 55 schools and the care of over 39,000 young people and children. 

The growth and development of EREA is a story for us to celebrate with pride. A story of gratitude to the Christian Brothers for continuing to animate the work of Edmund Rice and perpetuate his dream that, through education, the young people in his care have a hope-filled future. 

In my secondment to EREA as the Director of Learning, I had the privilege of engaging with many of our Australian schools. These schools certainly reflect the diversity of the Australian community – Indigenous schools in remote and rural areas, early learning, primary and secondary, boarding, all-boys and co-education schools, diverse needs and flexible learning schools.  

Despite such diversity, I witnessed a commonality that unites us in an Edmund Rice Education: The four Touchstones which underpin our educational endeavours. Every EREA school commits to offering a Liberating Education, based on a Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community committed to Justice and Solidarity.

Our Junior School students enjoying a classroom activity

What does that mean? It means that EREA schools commit to:

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Edmund’s charism and mission is ours – ours to shape and to turn into a dynamic, contemporary force. 

I asked how we, as members of the Waverley Community, live out Edmund’s charism and mission.

I suggested it can be as simple as starting with humility and all that that demands – patience, tolerance, compassion. 


Mrs Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
