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Waverley College invites all parents and carers to the Parents’ Association Annual General Meeting and meeting on Wednesday, 10 November from 6pm-8:30pm.

The AGM and meeting will be held via Zoom.

>>> Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 832 1344 8043
Passcode: 213925

We look forward to seeing you there!


Jade Stapleton

Parents’ Association President

Careers Newsletter

Would you like to learn tips to ace your exams?

>>> Click here to view this week’s Careers newsletter.


Warm regards,

Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Would you like to reconnect with Year 7 mums at a long lunch overlooking the ocean?

You are warmly invited to enjoy a mums’ lunch at Icebergs Club Bistro on Friday, 19 November from 12 noon. Limited seats available due to COVID-19 restrictions. It will be a relaxed lunch, where you purchase your own food and drinks at the bar at your leisure.

Come for as little or as long as suits your schedule! We look forward to seeing those who can make it.

>>> Click here to learn more and to RSVP/book your seat.


Kind regards,

Camille Owen

Year 7 Parent Rep

Read more: Return of Summer co-curricular program, specific restrictions and protocols, congratulations Marco Arambasic (Class of 2020), capital works at Queens Park, online Pilates and Prehabilitation classes.

As indicated by Mr Leddie, in his Principal’s article, we will be commencing our Summer co-curricular program from next Monday, 1 November. There are a number of specific restrictions and protocols in place for staff, coaches and students that will need to be met to ensure we keep the College community as safe as possible.

Years 7-11 Program

The Years 7-11 program will run for four weeks from Monday, 1 November to Saturday, 27 November. We have had to make a number of significant modifications based on the restrictions to allow some activities to occur, as well as ensuring cohort separation as much as possible.

Unfortunately, we will not be offering any new Surf Lifesaving courses this season, however, those students already patrolling will continue this activity with Bondi SLSC.

We also will not be offering Sailing for those four weeks and those students have been placed in Yoga for Term 4, but will still be able to participate in this activity for the second half of the summer season in Term 1.

Water Polo will not have any fixtures this term and students will train with the swim squad within Year groups for the four weeks.

We have also arranged for some of the bigger sports like Basketball and Touch Football to train in their Year Groups for next week and will advise of any adjustments to the training schedule as we progress.

Basketball 2021

Internal Fixtures, Trials, Inter-School Fixtures and Student Vaccination Status

We will also have internal fixtures and trials on Saturday, 6 November and Saturday, 13 November. There is a good possibility that we may have some friendly CAS fixtures on both Saturday, 20 November and Saturday, 27 November, however, only fully vaccinated students over 16 years will be able to participate in inter-school fixtures. Students under 16 will not be required to show proof of vaccination but will be required to QR code on entry for any weekend fixtures.

Congratulations Marco Arambasic

Congratulations to Waverley College graduate, Marco Arambasic (Class of 2020), who has signed a professional Football contract with Belgian club side KV Mechelen. Marco was a member of the Waverley College 1st XI for two seasons as well as a CAS Representative. Marco plays striker and scored a number of great goals for Waverley during his time at the College. He also demonstrated a strong commitment to his school football where he was able to successfully balance his school and club demands. We wish Marco well and look forward to following his journey in professional football!

Marco Arambasic

Marco Arambasic

Capital Works at Queens Park

As many of our community will have seen, there are significant capital works occurring at Queens Park with Centennial Park Trust building a cycling track along Darley Road. This will impact on parking and picking up of students at training and from trial fixtures.

There are also very limited and specific entry / exit points to the fields. It is recommended that students instead approach from the northern and eastern sides of the fields, and do not enter the work areas at any time.

These works are due to be completed for that part of the park over the next few weeks, however, parents and carers will still need to plan appropriately in terms of collecting students after training, as well as dropping off and picking up for any trial fixtures on the weekends please.

Getting Physically Active is the Main Game

The focus of the next couple of weeks for training will certainly be about getting all students physically active again, as well as preparing for more vigorous movement. Basic skills, flexibility and mobility will be essential in preventing injury. The online Pilates and Prehabilitation classes will continue to be available to the whole community and posted on the Waverley app each week. We will also publish information at a later date regarding holiday training opportunities over the Christmas break.

Training Schedule and Internal Trial Fixtures

The training schedule and internal trial fixtures are available on the Waverley College app and on the College website:

>>> Click here to view the training schedule and internal trial fixtures.

If any student is showing any flu-like symptoms, they must not attend training or fixtures until a negative COVID-19 test result is obtained. The College will endeavour to continue to implement its COVID-Safe Risk Assessment for all venues and activities.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


The Annual General Meeting for the Waverley College Cricket Supporters’ Club will be held on Thursday, 4 November at 6:30pm via videoconference.

>>> Click here to view the Zoom link.

Password: 280850

We look forward to seeing you online!


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular



Term 4 Week 5

Monday, 1 November — Sunday, 7 November 


Term 4 Week 6

Monday, 8 November — Sunday, 14 November


Term 4 Week 7

Monday, 15 November — Sunday, 21 November

World Teachers’ Day

At Waverley we celebrate World Teachers’ Day and World Support Staff Day on the same day. Teachers are an essential service of a progressive society and Support Staff enable the very art of teaching and learning to be able to take place. 

The book The Courage to Teach by Parker J Palmer, has influenced many who work in education over the years in many countries. I believe the book’s success is because Palmer articulates the importance of the heart in the work of all staff who work in a school.

‘Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique but is rooted in the identity and integrity of the teacher. Good teaching takes a myriad of forms but good teachers share one trait: they are authentically present in the classroom, deeply connected with their students and their subject. These connections are held in the teacher’s heart — the place where intellect, emotion, and spirit converge in the human self.’ (Parker J Palmer)

One positive that has come out of the global pandemic is a greater appreciation for teachers and schools and the incredibly important work that they undertake. It is their professional skill and expertise as well as their care, passion and compassion that helps to make the school what it is. What greater task is there, than to be part of a partnership with parents to help mould the next generation, to learn from our mistakes and make the world a better place? 

Thank you to the Parents’ Association for supplying morning tea for all staff as a welcome back to face-to-face teaching last week. Thank you in particular to Jade Stapleton for organising and Naomi and Greg Isaac for catering and creating such a wonderful spread. The teachers were appreciative of this very kind gesture. 

Year 12 Final Week 

We farewelled our Year 12 2021 cohort today and wished them all the very best as they embark on their next and final steps in their schooling journey, a final week of study, and then the HSC starting on 9 November. For others, back to apprenticeships that they have already started. 

The 2021 Year 12 cohort have gone about their business in leading this great College with selflessness, poise and grace in response to the realisation that when tested by those things greater than ourselves, it is your integrity and generosity that serves you best. They have been resilient and every time they have been tested, they have stood up taller and looked after their peers and the rest of the College. What has been most powerfully presented to them, is that there is great security in working together, finding gratitude in the small things and hanging on when times are tough. I believe that this pandemic has confirmed the value of community mindedness and strengthened the unity of this class. 

They have taught us too that their cohort accepts and understands that some change is inevitable and builds character, but equally importantly, they have reminded us that the determination to support others, and to be guided by who you are and not what happens around you, is what it means to be strong. Such conviction stands one in good stead as you take the next steps of your life and prepare for the journey ahead. May their travels be affirmed by the good that has come from their experience and informed by the Values that the College espouses to live by. May they find a life grounded in Virtus Sola Nobilitat – ‘Virtue is its own reward’.  

Congratulations Gentlemen, thank you and God Bless.

Correct Student Mask Wearing is Mandatory

Thank you to all students who are routinely wearing their masks correctly and thank you to parents for reinforcing this. The safety of students and staff is our number one priority and we all need to practice COVID-safe habits including mandatory mask behaviour. Unfortunately, this week staff have given me feedback that many students are misplacing their masks or wearing broken masks whilst at College. Staff have needed to hand out disposable masks to these students. I urge parents who have not done so already, to please organise a reusable mask for your son/s which is clearly labelled with their name/s. Please assist us to reinforce this to help build responsible habits in your sons. 

Launch of Creative Arts Showcase!

Today we are excited to launch the collaborative Creative Arts Showcase of Higher School Certificate Bodies of Work from Drama, Music, TAS and Visual Arts. Our inspiring online gallery allows our student works and performances to be shared with our wider College community, celebrating student achievement in the Creative Arts in what has been a difficult year for our senior students.

The Year 12 cohort of 2021 have developed a degree of adaptability in overcoming adversity in completing their major projects. I congratulate the students of Design and Technology, Drama, Industrial Technology Multimedia and Timber, Music and Visual Arts for their dedication to their studies. Each project has been the culmination of in-depth research, testing of materials, media and processes and carefully manufactured using contemporary or traditional techniques. Each student’s work reflects their incredible dedication to mastering their selected skills and working progressively throughout the year to develop and refine their process in their field.

Along with deepening their subject knowledge, students have taken advantage of rich opportunities to express their creativity. They have developed competencies in planning, project management, communication, persistence and perseverance, whilst supported by our outstanding teaching and support staff. 

I am proud to present these exceptional works across all subjects and encourage you to view them through our vivid Creative Arts Showcase microsite:  

>>> Click here to view our Creative Arts Showcase microsite.

A Much-Awaited Return of Co-curricular!

Earlier this week, the NSW Premier announced that schools are permitted to return to some school co-curricular and sporting activities from Monday, 1 November. There are some very important COVID-safe regulations around this, however, the College is excited that all students in Years 5-11 will be able to start a modified Summer program for four weeks during Term 4.

Modified Training Plan for Safety and Wellbeing

The importance for students’ wellbeing, and re-establishing some of the connections that have been missing, is a vital part of the return to school activities. We have modified the training plan for the next couple of weeks to keep students within their year cohorts as much as possible, whilst still providing some physical activity opportunities. As there will be a number of students who have had limited time to be as active as normal, we will continue to provide activities for prehabilitation and general fitness in terms of preventing injury and in preparation for a CAS / IPSHA season in Term 1, 2022.

Cadet Parades to Safely Recommence

COVID-safe Cadet parades will recommence from next Friday, and will include cohort separation and the presentation of Rank appointments. 

Internal Training, Saturday Trials and Student Vaccination Status

The first two weeks of activities in Term 4 will involve internal training and two Saturdays of trials. There is a possibility that we will then play two friendly CAS rounds against St Aloysius and Cranbrook on both Saturday 20 and 27 November in Basketball, Cricket and Tennis. If these two friendly rounds occur, mandated restrictions require that any inter-school sporting activities for any students 16 years or older, will need to QR Code on entry to any venue and also display proof of vaccination.

If there are any students who do not meet this criteria, they will not be permitted to play inter-school sport until 2022, however, they are still permitted to train and trial within their own school teams. The College encourages any student who is able to be vaccinated to please do this and email proof of their vaccination to Ms Adele Cutbush, College Nurse.


Waverley College COVID-19 Protocols — Staff and Students

Following are a number of other specific COVID-19 protocols that the College will have in place to ensure that staff and students are kept as safe as possible: 

>>> Click here to view all of the guidelines from NSW Health and NSW Department of Education.

Training Program

Please see our Director of Co-curricular’s article for the training program to commence from next week:

>>> Click here to view the article by Mr Steve O’Donnell.

If there are queries please email Mr Steve O’Donnell.


Junior School Return to Sport: Internal Training and Internal Saturday Matches

As sport returns for the Senior School, so it does for the Junior School at the beginning of Week 6 (Monday, 1 November). Sport will take place across Weeks 6, 7 and 8 of Term 4 with training resuming in a modified format of one session per week.

Summer Sporting Teams Adjustment, Training Schedule and Co-Curricular Draw

All Summer sporting teams have been adjusted to split all teams into year groups, to meet the current government safety restrictions and guidelines. This could mean that your son is now in a different team to the team in which he was placed in Term 1. Please reinforce to your son that this isn’t anything to do with performance, and only due to the current restrictions and guideline changes necessary to keep students safe. 

All students will be informed of their Year 5 or Year 6 team and also their training schedule this Friday during Year group sports meetings. The most updated Term 4 Training Schedule and Saturday Draw has been included below for your further understanding of adjustments made. 

>>> Click here to view the Junior School Term 4 Training Schedule.

>>> Click here to view the Junior School Term 4 Summer Co-curricular Draw.

Saturday Internal Matches

There will only be three Saturday rounds of internal matches, taking place on November 6, 13 and 20. Some Cricket and Touch Football teams incur a bye due with an odd number of teams for that year group, as teams can only compete against their own year group.

Coach Changes

Due to the long lasting lockdown, the coaches for each team will appear very different to Term 1. Unfortunately, Term 1 coaches have either moved on or are unable to commit to this short period of coaching. As there has been a quick turnaround to get the season up and running, there is the possibility that external coaches may vary between trainings and Saturday games. Please understand that these adjustments are necessary to help our students get back to enjoying sport after such a challenging time for all.

During the time that sport begins, Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular Years 5-8, will not be contactable for all of Week 6 as he is on leave and getting married during this time. Please refer any questions or concerns you may have to: 

  1. Mr Steve O’Donnell: 
  2. Mr Steve Wilmot: 

Read more: Final Fun Friday cardboard creations, return of Saturday sport, Innovation Club and Home Learning Club!

Welcome to Week 4 and how great it feels to be back on campus! There has been so much energy and enthusiasm from our students this week. You can see both on the playground and in the classroom, how excited our students are to be back and reconnecting with their friends, teachers and classmates. 

A reminder that all students are expected to wear their uniform with pride and have the appropriate hair style. Please refer to page 25 in the College Diary if you are unsure of the College’s hair policy and expectations. It is important to continue to have high expectations and standards as we finish off the College year. If you have an issue booking a hair appointment, a letter needs to be sent to your son’s classroom teacher. 

Final Fun Friday — Cardboard Creations

Congratulations to the following students who finished our last Fun Friday activity with a bang! I have been blown away by the time and effort our students have put into this and the creative and innovative spirit applied to all projects. I have learnt a lot about many of our students through these activities and realised we have some true artists in our hands. Well done to the following students:

By Finn McIvor in 5 Blue

By Finn McIvor (5 Blue)

By Rafael Kupershteyn in 6 White

By Rafael Kupershteyn (6 White)


Check out Cooper Hawkins’ Cardboard Frankenstein Friday Fun Activity. You could try this too! (5 Red)

Watch Chase Tanner explain how he ingeniously used recycled materials to construct his cardboard creation. (6 White)

Here’s Jasper Lumsden’s pop-out cardboard artwork. Incredible! (5 Orange)


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Return of Saturday Sport, Innovation Club and Home Learning Club

We are so happy to be able to announce the return of Saturday sport, Home Learning Club and Innovation Club for weeks 5, 6 and 7. Please see articles below for more information. 

Saturday Sport

>>> Click here to view information about the return of Junior School Saturday Sport in the article by Principal, Mr Graham Leddie.

Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director Co‑Curricular Years 5-8

Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director Co‑Curricular Years 5-8


Innovation Club

I am so excited to be able to continue Innovation Club in Weeks 5, 6 and 7. This will be held in the Learning Hub between 7:30am and 8:30am. Year 5 students will be on Tuesdays and Year 6 students on Wednesdays.


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie 

5 White Teacher 



Home Learning Club Weeks 5, 6 and 7

Home Learning will begin in Week 5. Please make note of the slight changes to the afternoon sessions before you book your son in.

These measures have been put in place to minimise the mixing of grades while on campus. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Hours of Operation

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm.


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance. Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


We are excited to announce that College Choir rehearsals resume in Week 5 on Friday, 5 November. Rehearsals are every Friday morning at 7.30am in the Performing Arts Centre Recital Room (room P17A). No audition or previous singing experience is required — all students from Years 7-12 are welcome and encouraged to join.

The Waverley College Choir rehearse and perform a variety of repertoire under the direction of Ms Jaz Dolso and Mrs Anne Fahy. The Choir is engaged throughout the year to sing at many College events, College liturgies, masses and concerts. Over the last 10 years the Choir has participated in several overseas tours performing in Germany and Italy.

Students also have the opportunity to attend a Music Camp and to participate in performances across the wider community.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Ms Jaz Dolso

Music Teacher


As part of enrolment to Waverley College, Senior School, all Year 7 students (2022) will sit the Allwell Test: an academic placement test designed to identify the full range of abilities of students. Your son will sit his test at the Junior School in class on Monday, 8 November, 2021. 

Waverley College will use this information in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the College and to identify any students with diverse learning needs. The results will also be utilised for ability grouping of students in Mathematics and to help with the composition of base classes in Year 7. 

Students are assessed in a series of tasks: 

After the testing day, you will be provided with a written report, summarising your son’s results. These results will be returned to the College a few weeks after the testing date. 

How to prepare for the test? 

There is no course material to study prior to the day. It is a measurement, identical to NAPLAN, to give the College a picture of how your son has progressed during Year 6. It is vitally important on the day for your son to try his best, read the instructions carefully and use every minute to maximum effect. 

Information about the Testing Day 

Date: Monday, 8 November, 2021

Time Schedule: 8:45am – Start Session 1 

10:45am – Recess Break (supervision by school staff) 

11:05am – Start Session 2 

12:30pm – Finish.

Venue: Waverley College Junior School 

Cost: $57.20 – this was charged to your Term 3, 2021 School fee account

Due to COVID-19 hygiene practices, the finish time may be slightly altered. Students are not to attend the test if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have been instructed by NSW Health to self-isolate. 

What happens if my son is absent from the College that day? 

There will be another day allocated to enable students to complete the test if they are away. 

On the Day: 

If you have any questions/problems about the testing morning please contact: 

Ms Tina Lamonica 

Executive Assistant to the Director of Curriculum 



Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Please read below the following information regarding the upcoming HSC Examinations.  

All students are to be onsite for the first exam English Paper 1 – on Tuesday, 9 November by 9:20am at the latest.  

We will meet in the Centenary Quad and you will be seated to ensure physical distancing.  

This will be the same for: 

We will meet for all other examinations (except Music I and II) on the Rooftop space, thirty (30) minutes prior to the time published in the NESA HSC Exam timetable below. Please ensure you use the stairs when making your way up to the roof, because you will not be able to access the lift.

>>> Click here to view the 2021 NESA HSC Exam timetable.

Read NESA’s COVID-safe exam rules carefully:

>>> Click here to view NESA’s COVID-safe exam rules.

Ensure on your arrival that you:

HSC Examinations Key Points and Processes

1. Students were issued with a copy of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Rules and Regulations instructions at the start of Year 12. It is each student’s responsibility to comply with these regulations and attend his examinations on the correct date and time.

>>> Click here to view the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Rules and Regulations instructions.

2. Misreading the timetable is not a ground for misadventure.

3. >>> Click here to view the 2021 NESA HSC Exam timetable.

The examinations begin with English Advanced and Standard Paper 1 at 9:50 am on Tuesday, 9 November. Make sure you read the special equipment list carefully on P.2 for each of your applicable subjects.

4. Students should be in attendance at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled starting time in full College Uniform including the College Jersey. College rules regarding shaving, hairstyles etc… apply throughout the examination period.  

5. Students must bring their ID cards. All mobile phones and notes must be put away in lockers — they cannot be taken into the examination room.

6. The College understands that NESA permits students to leave the examination room prior to the scheduled finishing time. It is an expectation of the College that students should use all available time to complete each examination to the best of their ability. Any student leaving an examination prior to the finishing time must sign out at the Wellbeing Centre. The College does not accept any responsibility incurred from a student’s early departure.

7. COVID-19 measures from NSW Health include the following advice:

a) Students and staff must not attend an exam if:

i) They have flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste or sense of smell);

ii) They have been tested for COVID-19 and have not yet received their test result;

iii) They have been directed by NSW health to self-isolate;

iv) They have tested positive for COVID-19.

b) Students and staff must:

i) Confirm they have not been asked by NSW Health to self-isolate and do not have any flu-like symptoms before they enter the exam room;

ii) Practice good personal hygiene during the exam including:

      1. regularly wash their hands;
      2. cough and sneeze into their elbow;
      3. avoid touching their face;

c) Students and staff must wear a face mask. NESA has sent through further details regarding masks this week which are outlined below:

HSC students must wear a face mask inside the exam room and while waiting to enter, unless they have a medical exemption.

Students can remove their mask to adjust it or drink water.

It is a breach of exam rules to not wear a mask (without a medical exemption).

The Presiding Officer will refer students who are not wearing a mask to the Principal to discuss consequences.

The consequences of not wearing a mask have been included in the Malpractice Warning, which is read to students at the start of every exam by the Presiding Officer.

Requiring students to wear a face mask during the HSC exams reduces the risk of students, presiding officers and supervisors:

d) If a student presents with flu-like symptoms they may be required to leave the exam room and will be advised to be tested for COVID-19 and seek medical advice;

e) Students submit a COVID illness/misadventure application, where appropriate;

f) Students with known illnesses with symptoms similar to COVID-19 will need to provide necessary medical documentation and notify Ms Porter prior to the examination.

8. Any students who are absent (as per the COVID-19 instructions above) or running late due to unforeseen circumstances must notify Ms Kath Knowles as soon as possible on 9369 0651 or

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming examination period.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Read more: Important vaping law changes, teenage drinking in the Eastern Suburbs, uniform and appearance, Health Centre accepting copies of your son’s vaccination status.

Important Vaping Law Changes

The College works closely with the NSW Police in particular our Police School Liaison Officer. With COVID-19 restrictions easing, the School Liaison Police Program is up and running, including our local PCYC club. In a recent discussion with the College, our Liaison Officer Senior Constable Danny McManus, outlined changes that occurred in October to vaping laws in NSW, particularly around the supply and possession of vapes.

In brief, all nicotine vaping products are now regulated under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 as Schedule 4 (prescription only) medicines in the Poison Standard. A prescription will be required from a medical practitioner to purchase nicotine vaping products from a pharmacy or when importing from overseas websites.

As this is a Schedule 4 drug, the College has reviewed our policy regarding vaping (and vapes) to reflect the changes to the law. I will be reminding students that the consequences for consuming or selling vapes on campus will therefore increase to reflect changes in their classification.

Teenage Drinking in the Eastern Suburbs

Over the last two to three weeks, both Eastern Suburbs and Eastern Beaches Police Area Commands have seen an enormous amount of alcohol-related incidents, (some very serious), involving young people in the area aged between 13 and 18. Older siblings, brothers and sisters of friends (including random strangers) supply alcohol to these minors.

Young people have also taken alcohol from home to drink in public places and alcohol-free zones, committing a range of public place offences, causing general havoc and mayhem, and consuming police resources unnecessarily. What surprises police the most, is the lack of supervision of young people late at night.

The Police Commander requests that the College remind our community of the dangers of teenage binge drinking. This comes in the same week that drug and alcohol expert Paul Dillon presented to students, staff and parents at the College. Our local police have serious concerns and encourage parents to have a chat with their sons about drugs and alcohol to establish safe boundaries. Parents are encouraged to use the resource below as a starting point for dialogue with their sons.

>>> Click here to view the Alcohol Drinking and Teenagers resource from REACHOUT.

This is a timely reminder that Waverley College students will be held accountable for incidents that bring the College name into disrepute outside of school hours.

Uniform and Appearance

I thank all students and their families who attended College this week wearing the correct academic uniform and whose appearance was neat and tidy. A small number of students were asked to adjust COVID hairstyles and remove facial hair. At all times, students are expected to be clean-shaven. I thank those parents who supported this fair and reasonable request.

Student wearing the new academic uniform

Health Centre Now Accepting Copies of Your Son’s Vaccination Status

Congratulations to the hundreds of eligible Waverley College students who received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccination.

To provide our community with the best possible protection, we encourage all students over the age of 12 to follow the health advice from NSW Health, by getting their COVID-19 vaccination. This will not only protect them, but everyone else, as it appears likely that a single COVID-19 transmission at our College will still trigger a chain of casual and close contacts. The implications of this are considerable and anything we can do to reduce the likelihood is worthwhile.

The Health Centre is now accepting copies of your son’s vaccination status. Please send copies of your son’s vaccination status to

This data will be added to the immunisation history entered at the time of his enrolment.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing
