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>>>Click here for this week’s Careers News


Interested in University Study in the United States?

Internationally Educated will be hosting a virtual presentation on Studying in the US on Saturday 19 June 9.30am AEST. This general presentation will provide insight to the US university application process and the higher education system in the US.

Registration is required, spaces are limited, and a Q&A session will follow the presentation.

Click here to register and for more information.


Macquarie University Early Entry Update

You could be rewarded with an early offer to study at Macquarie University in 2022 if you have been performing well academically in Year 11 and can demonstrate initiative and commitment through leadership, community, sport or casual work activities.

Applications open Tuesday, 1 June 2021 and close Friday, 20 August 2021 at 2pm (AEST).

Click here to read more about the Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Early Entry Scheme



Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


COVID-19 Update

The Victorian Government announced yesterday that Victoria will move to ‘circuit breaker’ restrictions from 11:59pm Thursday 27 May 2021. These settings will remain in place until 11:59pm on 3 June. All Victorian residents must comply with these restrictions. 

Anyone travelling to NSW who has been in Victoria after 4pm yesterday (Thursday) must follow the 7-day stay-at-home measures that will apply in Victoria.

Anyone arriving in NSW by air, rail or road from Victoria (except those travelling within the defined border region) must complete a travel declaration that confirms they have not attended any of the growing number of venues of concern. Anyone who has attended a venue of concern must not travel to NSW; instead, they should follow the health advice on the Victorian Health website.

People subject to the stay-at-home measures in Victoria should not be travelling to NSW unless they are permitted to do so.

NSW Health strongly advises against all non-essential travel to Victoria at this time. People who do travel to Victoria for essential personal reasons will be required to follow the Victorian stay-at-home requirements on their return to NSW.

Reconciliation Week 

The theme for National Reconciliation Week this year is, ‘More than a word, Reconciliation takes action.’  The College will mark National Reconciliation Week with the following activities for students and staff to participate in: Smoking Ceremony, visit from contemporary Indigenous artist Zachary Bennett-Brook who will assist in the design of a mural, workshops, College Assembly with special guest and parent Michael O’Loughlin, unveiling of a newly-designed College all football code Indigenous Jersey by local artist Billy Reynolds, and resources unpacked throughout Wellbeing time. 

We all have a role in Reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.

I share with you part of a letter sent to staff from EREA Executive Director, Dr Craig Wattam:

Reconciliation week reminds us of our obligations and opportunities to offer a liberating education – one that is of quality and that is culturally enriching for all young people. We do so with a spirit of inclusion. Our curriculum demands us to provide an education that prioritises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures and offers opportunities to close the gap in learning outcomes between First Nations young people and their non-Indigenous peers whereby Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people can “see themselves, their identities and their cultures reflected in the curriculum of each of the learning areas”. These intentions are echoed in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (1.4 and 2.4) highlighting the importance of educators in respecting and understanding the diversity Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages and for the ways in which this impacts the cultural identity of young people and the ways in which they learn.”

EREA India Community

Recently, I sent a letter offering our prayers and best wishes to three EREA school communities in India that are doing it tough at present. I have included it below and their responses which they asked me to pass on to you. 


14 May 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Students and Families of our EREA community in India, 

With much sadness I watch the news each day and see the horrific impact that COVID-19 is having on your country. I cannot imagine the immense devastation you are experiencing.

Our thoughts and prayers are with each EREA school and the country of India. Each day we pray that a vaccine can be distributed to everyone in India, and that this second wave will be brought under control as soon as possible.

We hope the Australian Government’s aid and the aid of other countries arrives speedily to stop the devastating loss of life and the immense suffering.

We feel helpless that there is so little that we can do because of the distance of geography, but know that we are thinking of you always and you are daily in our prayers. 

India is important to Australia. No matter how hard things become, keep the faith in yourself. You have beauty and joy in your soul, always.

Know that you are not alone and that we at Waverley College, Sydney are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.

Warm regards  

Graham Leddie and the Waverley College community


Grateful responses from India 

Dear Graham, 

We deeply appreciate your prayerful support.

This 2nd Wave is definitely more toxic and highly contagious. Statistics have now assumed names and faces of those near and dear to us. A number of our Colleagues on the Teaching Staff here in St Joseph’s, Kolkata, have tested positive but their absence and the burden of additional classes has been cheerfully borne by the wonderful people on our Staff. Thank you for your letters of support and prayers.

Regards, St Josephs, Kolkata


Dear Graham, 

Thank you so much for your prayers and concern. It is very comforting indeed.

The second wave of Covid 19 has hit us hard . Many have lost their lives to this dreaded disease. The vaccine drive is on for all, but given our huge population,  this is always going to be an uphill task. Our schools have been shut for over a year and our students continue to be taught remotely. Our young students are  going through a rough phase in their lives. Thank you so much for keeping all our school communities in your prayers. 

Let us continue to pray for each other and keep the faith. 

Regards, St Patrick’s H.S. School, Asansol, India

Monday 24 May marked the solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians, who is the patron Saint of Australia. This was the day chosen for Catholic schools to attend the 200-year celebration of Catholic education in Australia. Liam Russell, Tom Gleeson, Patrick Healy, Bert Cottel and Archie Godby accompanied me to this very special celebration. Archie had the special honour of reading one of the prayers of the faithful.

Archbishop Anthony Fisher celebrated the mass and over 170 Catholic schools attended. The beautiful Mass was concelebrated by Bishop Umbers and many other priests. The students in attendance represented the College with distinction and commented on what a great honour it was to be present for such an important occasion. The significant role Catholic Education has played throughout Australia was acknowledged by the  Prime Minister and a wonderful celebration was had by all.

National Mass for the Bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia on the Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians.

Ms Sue Walsh with Liam Russell, Tom Gleeson, Patrick Healy, Bert Cottel and Archie Godby at National Mass for the Bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia on the Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians

National Mass for the Bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia on the Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians

National Mass for the Bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia on the Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation



Three years ago, Waverley College began the process of becoming a recognised school in Mental Health First Aid. This was seen as a crucial initiative to support adolescent development during an important time of change and personal growth. Statistically, around three quarters of common mental health problems emerge before the age of 25 years old, and around one in five young people experience a mental health problem. Suicide is still the leading cause of death for people aged 5-17 years. Given these statistics, we have been eager to ensure our staff have the skill set to identify potential concerns and intervene early. 

Based on the latest international research and statistics, the 14-hour Mental Health First Aid course teaches adults who work with young people about adolescent development and mental health. The course addresses anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicidal ideation, self-harm, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, and psychosis. All participants learn how to identify the early warning signs of developing mental health concerns, and how to have a conversation about these topics in a practical way.

Every Waverley College staff member is trained annually in Medical First Aid with our College Nurse, giving them the ability to assist students with any physical need. We acknowledge that having the skill set to assist with mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, is equally as important. From 2017, 100 Waverley College staff have been trained in Mental Health First Aid, and by the end of 2021, every Waverley College staff member will have completed the training.

Our dedication and commitment to Mental Health First Aid has recently been recognised by being awarded a Gold Standard Skilled Workplace — of this, we are incredibly proud. Waverley College is the second school in New South Wales to be presented a Gold Standard, and one of six schools Australia-wide. This award celebrates our staff who are all skilled practitioners, and further demonstrates our strong commitment to embedding Mental Health First Aid into our culture at Waverley College. 

Click here for more information about the Mental Health First Aid Course.

If you, as a parent are interested in attending a course like this, please email me, as based on the interest, we may offer night courses throughout the term.


Ms Tessa Prior

School Psychologist


Skilled Workplace Badge Gold

Waverley’s dedication and commitment to Mental Health First Aid has recently been recognised by being awarded a Gold Standard Skilled Workplace

Week 6 Term 2 

24 May – 30 May


Week 7 Term 2

31 May – 6 June


Week 8 Term 2

7 June – 13 June


Week 9 Term 2

14 June – 20 June


Holiday Care Available

Week 1: Monday 28 June – Friday 2 July

Week 2: Monday 5 July – Friday 9 July

A final reminder that the O’Connor House Mass is on next Wednesday 2 June 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. This will commence at 6pm at the College Chapel. Please take note of the following:

Please feel free to contact me at the email below if you have further questions about the House Mass.


Mr Matt Barr

Head of O’Connor House


Welcome to Week 6! I want to start by thanking every mother, grandmother or person who is like a mother to our students, for turning up to our Mother’s Day Mass last Friday. We were so disappointed when we had to cancel it initially, but as they say, better late than never! It was wonderful to see the smiles on everyone’s faces, the hugs exchanged and the joyful chatter amongst families. Being able to have everyone in the church and on campus was a delight. We hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did. 

We finished our last open classrooms on Monday. It has been so exciting having parents back in the classrooms, meeting teachers (for some the first time face-to-face), and being able to see what your sons have been learning and what their classrooms look like. The turnout has been amazing and the feedback has been very positive.

Open classrooms

Sharing learning with parents and carers in our open classrooms

Open classrooms

Celebrating learning with family in open classrooms

Open classrooms

Learning is everywhere!

I would like to congratulate two very talented students who came first and second in Division 2 of the piano competition which was held last week at the PAC. Evan Service was placed first and Robbie Johnson placed second. This was very impressive for our two Junior School students as they were competing against Senior School students. What a wonderful achievement. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Director of Junior School 



Mother’s Day Mass

Last Friday 21 May the Junior School finally had a chance to celebrate our mothers, grandmothers and those who are like mothers to our students at our Mother’s Day Mass. It was both special and amazing to see the amount of people there to celebrate such a wonderful day, and to emphasise to our students what an important part our mothers play in our everyday lives.

Both celebrations were led by Fr Bernie and we were fortunate enough to have Ms Michelle Rollins and the Cantores leading us in the singing which further added to the overall atmosphere of the occasion. Both celebrations ended with a morning tea at the Junior School with a wonderful spread put on by our canteen staff for our parents to enjoy.

I was glad to see the excitement in all who attended, given the opportunity to spend time on campus interacting with other parents and their own children. My sincerest thank you to all who assisted in making the day run so smoothly.

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School with Father Bernie

Mother’s Day Mass with Father Bernie

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Mass Junior School

Mother’s Day Mass

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Junior School

Mother’s Day


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Home Learning Club – no Home Learning Club on Monday 31 May

Home Learning will operate on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of Week 7.

Teachers will be participating in a Professional Development session on Monday afternoon, therefore there will be NO Home Learning Club.  

Click here to register your son.

2021 ICAS Competitions for Years 5 and 6 Students

If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, please nominate which competitions you would like him to be entered in via the Parent Payment System. At the Junior School the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3 and will be completed online. 

Click here to register your son. Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the school’s access code details to register your child no later than 18 June 2021. 

Waverley’s School Access Code QKV852

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher.

Click here for more information about the ICAS assessments. 

If you require additional support registering your son, contact the customer service team on 1800 931 775 (Australian Toll-Free).

Sorry Day 26 May and Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June

The students explored the important themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation. Rich literature was used to encourage valuable discussion on the cultural heritage of the First Nations Peoples. The students highlighted many important facts and we were involved in activities that promote critical thinking. This is also an ideal time for families to join the Reconciliation conversation with their sons.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Literature Exploring the Themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation

Literature Exploring the Themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation

Literature Exploring the Themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation

Literature Exploring the Themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation

Literature Exploring the Themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation

Literature Exploring the Themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation

Literature Exploring the Themes of Sorry Day and Reconciliation


6 White Work Samples

Students of Year 6 have been immersed in a wide range of informative and persuasive texts related to the theme, ‘A Different Way of Looking’. The primary text, Bruce Pascoe’s Young Dark Emu – A Truer History, uses first-hand accounts of early European explorers, colonists and farmers, to compellingly argue for a reconsideration of the hunter-gatherer label for pre-colonial Aboriginal Australians.

6 White Students regularly journaled their responses to content, chapters, and evidence presented in Young Dark Emu and follow up texts. They were encouraged to personally reflect when given particular prompts at the start or end of each lesson, which could range from a question, a lightbulb, an exclamation, or more directed stimuli such as: ‘I am shocked by…’ , and  ‘I have become more aware that…’

In Visual Arts, students responded to the rich biodiversity of Australia by weaving Ojo de Dios – ‘Eye of God’. They chose an ecosystem type, for example: rainforest, bush, desert, ocean, river, coast, as the basis for their weaving. They paid attention to the various colours to help to represent their ecosystem. They also tried to mix different tones and contrasts, such as placing bright colours next to pastels to add interest.


Mr Kendall Robinson

6 White Classroom Teacher


6 White Student Journals: "Young Dark Emu'

6 White Student Journals ‘Young Dark Emu’

Student Journal 'Young Dark Emu.'

6 White Student Journal ‘Young Dark Emu.’

6 White Student Journal 'Young Dark Emu.'

6 White Student Journal ‘Young Dark Emu.’

Ojo de Dios - 'Eye of God' Weavings

Ojo de Dios – ‘Eye of God’ Weavings

Ojo de Dios - 'Eye of God' Weavings

Ojo de Dios – ‘Eye of God’ Weavings


Round 6 Fixtures and Round 5 Scores

The Round 6 weekly fixture and Round 5 results have now been uploaded on the Waverley College website.

>>> Please click here for the Round 6 fixture and Round 5 results.

I wish all teams the best of luck for Round 6 and encourage students to continue representing Waverley College with pride and respect as we do week after week.

Just a reminder that we only have two more rounds of Saturday co-curricular sport for Term 2. The final three rounds of the Winter season will commence from the first weekend of Term 3 (Saturday, 17 July). 


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5 – 8)


On Friday, 4 June at 9:30am, the Parents’ Association Year Group Reps are holding a coffee catch up for Year 7 parents at the Coogee Pavilion. It is a great opportunity to catch up and meet new parents. No need to register, just come along and meet us on the ground floor. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. 


Camille Owen

Year 7 Parent Rep


Coogee Pavilion

Coogee Pavilion

One of the important components of a Waverley student’s education is participation in the Cadet Program with the Waverley College Cadet Unit. This exciting adventure will be starting in Term 3 for the Year 8 cohort. To give you some understanding of this compulsory co-curricular activity, Year 8 parents are invited to attend an information evening in the PAC on Monday 31 May at 6.30pm. The PAC has a total capacity of 200, so please consider just one parent attending. 


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


As your sons will be entering Year 9 next year, for the first time they will have some choice over their pattern of study for Years 9 and 10. Over Years 9 and 10, apart from the mandatory subjects, the students study two additional subjects commonly referred to as electives.

This Subject Selection Information Booklet Stage 5 (click here) outlines the pattern of study that the students undertake over Years 9 and 10, including the elective subjects available.

Initially, the College is delivering the information for Subject Selection Information sessions via our subject selection website (click here).

Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

In Week 9 this term on Tuesday 15 June, Heads of Department will be available in classrooms onsite from 6pm-6:30pm for you to pop in with any individual questions that you may have following viewing the slides. Specific locations will be provided closer to the time.

The actual subject selection process will be done online early next term. Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access the system in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.

Details on how to do this process will be sent out closer to the time.

The most important thing is that the students are selecting elective subjects that they will enjoy. These are important decisions to make as they will influence the staffing and resourcing decisions the College has to make for the 2022 timetable.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


In support of the Visual Arts curriculum, Year 10 Visual Arts students will be attending two drawing incursion sessions run by Australian artist Tania Mason. Mason is an illustrator who currently works in the local area and has designed community installation ‘The Science of Pine’, a private commission for a public walk through area in Bondi Junction.

In the two sessions, students will develop skills in fundamental drawing techniques; watercolour, gouache, wax resist, charcoal and graphite drawing. All samples and artworks created in the incursion will be used as student works in the ‘Land Sea Air’ unit for Semester 2, as students document local flora and fauna from the Waverley area to form a visual inventory of our local environment.

The sessions will be held on the College Campus in the Visual Arts rooms. All materials will be provided.

Click here to complete the permission slip for the Year 10 Tania Mason Drawing Incursion 2021.

Please have your son return the permission slip to their Visual Arts teacher by Monday 31 May.

Visual  Arts:  Tania Mason Drawing Incursion  Organising Teacher: Ms Natalie Oates
Session 1: 4 June, 2021
8.45am – 12.05pm

Session 2: 23 July, 2021
8.45am – 12.05pm 
Waverley College: Art rooms
Cost:  $76.00 for both sessions – the cost for both sessions will be added to your son’s school fees.
Start time: Period 1 – 8.45am

End time: Period 3 – 12.05pm

Students will have their recess break at the usual time in the College bell times

Uniform: Students are to wear full academic uniform 

If you have any questions regarding the incursion, please contact the Visual Arts Department.


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Artist Tania Mason

Artist Tania Mason, winner of the 2016 acquisitive Calleen Art Award for ‘Irregular Plasma’ 2016, gouache and acrylic on canvas. Her winning painting joined the Calleen Art Collection at the Cowra Regional Art Gallery.

Year 11 Stage 6 Judaism Depth Study Excursion

A Year 11 excursion has been organised for your son. This activity is designed for students to develop knowledge and understanding of Judaism as a significant component of both the Preliminary and HSC courses. The cost of the excursion has been calculated with the expectation that all students attend.

Please return the permission slip to your son’s Studies of Religion teacher by Friday 28 May 2021.

Please click here to sign the permission slip.

SUBJECT: Year 11 Studies of  Religion II.
DATE AND TIME OF THE EXCURSION: Friday 4 June 2021 – Term 2 Week 7A – Periods 1-6.
EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES: Judaism Depth Study: P3, P4, P5, P6.
VENUE: Sydney Jewish Museum and Great Synagogue.
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES: a) Guided tour and presentation on the importance of worship in the lives of Jewish adherents. b) Interactive guided tour of the Sydney Jewish Museum to enhance understanding of Jewish life and the continuing impact of the Holocaust.
TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: Meet 8:45am in the Centenary Quad. Return to the College at 3:15pm OR dismissal from the Sydney Jewish Museum at 2:30pm.
TRANSPORT: Students will walk to Bondi Junction train station, get the train to the city, participate in a tour of the Great Synagogue. Students will then walk to the Sydney Jewish Museum, Darlinghurst and participate in a guided tour. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to debrief before dismissal. At all times, students will be accompanied by teachers.
DRESS: Full winter uniform, including blazers.  The wet weather jacket will be permitted if raining.
FOOD AND DRINK: BYO water and food. However, there will be an opportunity to purchase lunch if needed.
OTHER REQUIREMENTS: OPAL Card for public transport, face mask for Jewish Museum.
COST: The cost will be added to your son’s Term 2 school fees.
TEACHER(S) IN CHARGE: Ms Martina Cooper.



Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religious Education


Sydney Jewish Museum

Display in Sydney Jewish Museum