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Week 5: Monday, 26 February – Sunday, 3 March 2024


Week 6: Monday, 4 March – Sunday, 10 March 2024


Weeks Ahead

The Sydney Interschools Snowsport Championships are held during school holidays at Perisher from 16-19 July 2024.

Snowsports are open to all students from K-12 to compete, regardless of their level of ability. All competitors must be able to execute link turns and ride a chairlift/T-bar confidently, prior to competing in the championships.

Events include:

The preliminary event schedule is below.

Snow Sports Program

Families are responsible for making their own travel and accommodation arrangements, as well as purchasing lift passes, ski hire and equipment. No College uniform is required.

Waverley College has a growing group of students participating each year across all Divisions, so come and join the fun.

If your son is interested in competing and would like to register their expression of interest for the event, or you need more information, please contact our parent volunteer and school co-ordinator Paula McCabe

Entries open mid May 2024.


Reflections of a Physician Doctor on the Importance of the Humanities in Education: A Presentation by Dr David Curran (Class of 1970) with Year 12

In a captivating and enlightening session on Monday, 12 February, Waverley College welcomed back one of its distinguished alumni, Dr David Curran. Graduating as College Captain in 1970, Dr Curran has since forged a remarkable career as a practising Physician Doctor and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medicine at the University of Wollongong’s Graduate School of Medicine.

The focus of Dr Curran’s presentation to our Year 12 students was “Reflections of a Physician Doctor on the Importance of the Humanities in Education.” Drawing on his extensive experience, he passionately discussed the profound impact that literature, arts, and the humanities can have on individuals in the medical profession.

Dr David Curran (Class of 1970)

Dr Curran emphasised the pivotal role of reading in shaping empathetic and well-rounded medical professionals. He spoke eloquently about how literature serves as a powerful tool to navigate challenging emotions and gain insights into life’s complexities. In particular, he stressed the importance of fostering a three-dimensional approach to medical education, encouraging students to go beyond textbooks and delve into the rich world of literature.

Throughout his presentation, Dr Curran seamlessly weaved quotes from literary giants such as Albert Camus, John Steinbeck, Voltaire, Shakespeare, and T S Eliot. Carefully selecting works that our Year 11 and 12 students are familiar with or will encounter in their studies, he underscored the relevance of these timeless texts in the development of a holistic understanding of the human experience.

 Furthermore, Dr Curran has donated to our Library a copy of two of the texts that have inspired him the most, The Plague, by Albert Camus and Four Quartets by T S Eliot.

David Curran book donation

An advocate for cultivating a deep connection between medicine and the humanities, Dr Curran shared his philosophy that reading invites individuals into a profound conversation with the greatest minds in history. It not only imparts knowledge but also facilitates self-discovery, enabling students to see the world through new eyes and feel with a new heart.

Dr David Curran (Class of 1970)

Beyond his insightful discourse, Dr Curran’s engagement with our school extends to his involvement with debating students over the past few years. His expertise will further enhance our Senior Essay and Speech Writing Competition, which was launched last week. Further details are below.

Dr Curran’s multifaceted contributions exemplify the enduring value of an education that embraces both the scientific and the humanistic aspects of learning, preparing students for a future where empathy and intellectual depth are essential qualities in the medical profession and beyond.

Edmund Ignatius Rice Speech and Essay competition

As mentioned in last week’s Nurrunga, Year 11 and 12 scholars are invited to submit entries for the inaugural Edmund Ignatius Rice Speech and Essay competition. Discover the competition insights in the link HERE.

SchoolTV Special Report: The Wellbeing Barometer 2024

The Wellbeing Barometer survey has proven to be an invaluable tool for schools, providing insights into the state of youth mental health and wellbeing. Whilst last year’s results focussed the spotlight on areas of concern, there were also many highlights that demonstrated the resilience and adaptability of students and emphasised the necessity of prevention strategies.

Participating in this year’s survey, will assist in identifying areas of strength and concern, as well as pinpointing opportunities for early intervention. Previously gathered information has helped support families as they navigate difficult conversations that enable understanding and foster connections to build relationships.

This survey is part of an ongoing, longitudinal study, with the results being instrumental in tailoring support for students and their families. Participation is strongly encouraged, as it provides a comprehensive view of students’ experiences, challenges, and achievements over the past year. Its aim is to capture a comprehensive picture of young people’s lives, allowing for a tailored approach to enhance mental and emotional wellbeing.

Wellbeing Barometer 2024

Image: courtesy SchoolTV

We encourage you to take a few moments to complete a survey for each of your children. This will help us determine the nature and extent of your concerns and how best to support families in the months ahead. Responses remain anonymous and will only be reported on an aggregated basis. You are asked to base your responses on observations made in the last 12 months.

Acquiring the skills for future independence, taking healthy risks, and giving young people the opportunity to emancipate from parents, are key developmental tasks that are essential if we are to stave off the impact of mental illness in the future. Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If this raises any concerns for you or your child, please reach out to the school or seek professional medical advice.

Here is the link to your Special Report.

Wellbeing Barometer Secondary

Image: courtesy SchoolTV

Year 10 Presentation with Guest Speaker, Daniel Merzer

On Wednesday, 14 February 2024, students in Year 10 attended a presentation with student wellbeing specialist, award-winning speaker and author, Daniel Merzer. Daniel speaks at many schools across Australia and internationally.

Daniel challenged students to reflect on what has been holding them back in achieving their goals and aspirations. He then walked them through some tips and tricks on how they can actively strive to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives. Students left the presentation armed with practical tools and strategies to empower them in their lives both inside and outside the College gates.

Special Guest Daniel Merzer

Special Guest Daniel Merzer

Wellbeing at Waverley

Part 1 – Introduction and Kanyini

In 2024 the Wellbeing structures and programs at Waverley College will enter a new phase, as new structures and initiatives are rolled out across the College. These changes are the result of over 12 months of hard work by the Heads of House and Wellbeing Team to ensure that all students are supported by age-appropriate, context driven and research-backed programs that meet the needs of the Waverley student and their families.

The new developments in Wellbeing at Waverley will be rolled out throughout 2024 and will cover a range of different areas. These include; our new Kanyini Program in Years 7-9, our revamped Wellbeing Time now dubbed Connection, Culture, Communication (CCC) Time, a refresh of our overall Wellbeing Framework in conjunction with the AIS, and a new position within the College being the Head of Student Wellbeing. All of these facets are underpinned by the vision of the Wellbeing Team, which is to ensure that Waverley College is a safe and supportive community, where all individuals are known, valued and challenged, allowing them to reach their full potential.

The next few issues of Nurrunga will place a spotlight on these different facets of Wellbeing at Waverley and outline what they are, how they will work, and what they are aimed at achieving. This first edition will cover our new Kanyini program of Pastoral Care lessons. Here Mr Scott Coleman (Head of Green House) outlines the program and the focus of this program, created by the Heads of House.

Kanyini Lessons:

Fortnightly Pastoral Lessons created by Waverley Heads of House for Waverley College students. 

What is the Kanyini program?:

Kanyini is a Pitjantjatjara word meaning inter-connectedness; to care for, to support, to nurture and protect. Kanyini is best expressed in English as the combination of the two words ‘responsibility’ and ‘love’, but it is actually a relationship; it is an enormous caring with no limit. The teaching of Kanyini comes from Robert James Randall (1934 – 2015) also known as Uncle Bob, who was an Aboriginal Elder, singer and community leader, and part of the Stolen Generations. 

The purpose of our wellbeing program revolves around the profound concept of Kanyini, which encapsulates the interconnectedness of individuals and the values of caring for, supporting, nurturing, and protecting one another. Kanyini, a word deeply rooted in Indigenous Australian culture, surpasses the translation of “responsibility” and “love” in English; it represents a relationship characterised by boundless care. Through the Waverley College Kanyani program, we aim to foster a strong sense of connection – ensuring that each young man is known and valued, celebrating diversity, and facilitating open and empathetic communication, ultimately promoting holistic wellbeing and a sense of unity within our community. 

Wellbeing Centre

Wellbeing Centre

What will students be learning in the Kanyini program?:

This year, in the Kanyini program, students will embark on a holistic journey to enhance their wellbeing and personal growth. This will encompass essential life skills and values, starting with the cultivation of a growth mindset, and empowering students with resilience and self-worth. Students will learn to build healthy relationships, address bullying, and embrace inclusivity, diversity, and collaboration. This program also focuses on mental health, emotional intelligence, and self-care, emphasising the importance of positive emotion and promoting strategies for stress management. Students will discover the significance of quality sleep, and mindful breathing, along with nutrition and hydration, ultimately fostering a strong sense of personal power, connection, and self-awareness.

What do we hope to achieve with the Kanyini program?:

Through our Kanyini program we hope to achieve a range of outcomes for all students in Years 7-9, namely;

  1. Facilitating social and emotional learning – Focusing on organisation and strengthening student self-regulation, while also linking to enhancing understanding of sleep, screen time and hydration.
  2. Creating a consistent Head of House touchpoint for all students in Years 7 to 9.
  3. Harnessing opportunities to react to student demands and needs as they arise through the year.
  4. Supporting study skill development – Explicitly developing organisation and study skills to improve academic performance and classroom confidence.
  5. Supporting students’ sense of belonging – Providing opportunities for students to be known, valued and challenged to reach their potential by their Heads of House in a classroom environment.
  6. Supporting student Mental Health – Improving the mental health of all students at Waverley College through education and early intervention.


Mr Scott Coleman (on behalf of the Heads of House)

Head of Green House


In the next Nurrunga, we look forward to outlining how we are using our new Connection, Culture, Communication (CCC) Time program to further enhance our wellbeing outcomes and support student belonging.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

We are excited to announce the save the date of our major fundraiser for 2024, the 2024 Blue & Gold Ball, Saturday, 24 August 2024.

Our last Blue & Gold Ball in 2018 was a sell-out success, raising valuable funds for our building fund. This year we hope to inspire a new generation of families to contribute to the first step in our Master Plan, the Science and Innovation Centre. This inspiring appeal sees Waverley College embarking on the largest-scale construction project in its history.

Get set for a spectacular night at the 2024 Blue & Gold Ball with pre-dinner drinks and canapés under the stars followed by a formal gala dinner, drinks and dancing, live music and auction items.

We are looking for event sponsors, raffle donations and auction items, please reach out to: if you would like to get involved.


Ms Emma Laurence

Marketing and Development Manager

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 




Parent Webinar for Year 6 Parents – Elephant Education 

Please see below for an invitation to a webinar presented by Elephant Ed on Puberty and Embracing Change. 

When: Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 6pm-7pm

Topic: Puberty and Embracing Change

Elephant Ed is a leading sexuality education provider to hundreds of schools around Australia. Elephant Ed’s workshops are evidence-based, age-appropriate and mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines. Elephant Ed is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider and is endorsed as a quality-assured program in the NSW Department of Education’s Student Wellbeing external programs catalogue.

In advance of Elephant Ed’s workshops with Waverley College students, this webinar will include discussion around the physical, social and emotional changes associated with puberty, as well as strategies for starting open and effective conversations at home.

You are required to register in advance for this webinar. Please click HERE to register.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


From the Performing Arts Centre Coordinator, Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Music Ensembles and Private Music Lessons 2024

The Junior School offers a range of opportunities for our students in the Performing Arts. Please see a description of what is available and we encourage all students to join no matter what skill level they are currently at;


The Waverley College Junior School Cantores is a choral group of approximately 40 students. The Cantores sing for liturgies, masses, concerts and competitions. The Cantores perform a mixture of contemporary and classical repertoire including choral works by Australian composers.

Joining the Waterford Concert Band and Beginning Band

The Waterford Concert Band welcomes anyone who has played in a concert band for at least a year, regardless of their instrument. This includes pianists and bass players with a year of concert band experience. Rehearsals are held Thursday morning from 7:30am. 

If you’re thinking about trying a new instrument or starting with a band instrument for the first time, our Beginning Band is a great place to start. We’re open to anyone interested in exploring the world of band instruments, and we provide a supportive environment for those beginning this musical journey.

Whether your son is experienced or just starting out, we’d love to have you join the Waterford Concert Band community.

If you have questions or need more info, please contact me on

Rock Bands

There are a number of Rock Band Groups at the College. These groups are arranged by Year group and ability. The annual ‘Rock Band Festival’ gives each of the rock bands an opportunity to perform in front of their friends and family, and is one of the many highlights of the year in the Music Department.

Chamber Strings Ensemble

Students in the ensemble range from Years 5 to 12, and approximately Grade 2 to Grade 5 standard (AMEB). The ensemble extends and enhances students’ musical development and enjoyment through the rehearsal and performance of stimulating repertoire.

Guitar Ensemble

The College has a number of guitar ensembles allowing students to play in a group of students with a similar level of attainment. In most Chamber Music groups there will be only one player per part, giving added responsibility to the musicians. 

Private Music Lessons

Private music tuition is available on a range of instruments. Students​ ​electing​ ​to​ ​take​ ​private​ ​music​ ​lessons​ ​must​ ​do​ ​so​ ​for​ ​a​ ​minimum​ ​of​ ​six​ ​months​ ​(one​ ​semester). There is an additional charge​ ​for​ ​the​ ​use​ ​of​ ​a​ ​College​ ​instrument.  

Parents/carers who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons or rock band must complete a private music registration form by clicking the Music Tuition Form HERE.

Music Ensembles Rehearsal Schedule

Please click HERE.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


From the Assistant Director of the Junior School / Identity & Student Formation, Mr Steve Ghattas

Spectacular Shrove Tuesday Fundraiser

The Shrove Tuesday fundraiser at the Junior School was a huge success, raising approximately $700 that will go to Caritas as part of our Lenten Appeal for 2024.

The staff and students thoroughly enjoyed their delicious pancakes topped with whipped cream and plenty of maple syrup.

Many thanks to all the parents/carers who donated pancakes to support this appeal.

Shrove Tuesday 2024

Shrove Tuesday 2024

Shrove Tuesday 2024

Shrove Tuesday 2024

Brennan House Mass

The first of our House Masses is coming up on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 (Week 5). Students in Brennan House are expected to attend and parents/carers are warmly invited to attend as well.

This will be held in the Senior School Chapel at 6pm and will be followed by a light supper.

Please look out for an email from Ms Kaitlyn Downey (Brennan Head of House).


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of the Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


From the Assistant Director of Co-curricular, Ms Jade Sparks

Welcome to the Summer Season

Round 1

Congratulations to all our sport teams on a fantastic Round 1, kicking off our Summer Season with pride. Our players have been working hard at training to demonstrate resilience and improve their skills. Thank you to our wonderful coaches and parents/carers for your support of our Junior School boys in their sports. 

6A Cricket team won against St Patrick’s on Saturday

6A Cricket team won against St Patrick’s on Saturday

Cranbrook Invitational Reps Do Us Proud

We also took a squad of 11 swimmers to the Cranbrook Invitational Swimming Carnival on Thursday. I am so proud of our boys and how they represented Waverley with such dignity. Well done boys.

Term 1 2024 Cranbrook Invitational

Term 1 2024 Cranbrook Invitational

Term 1 2024 Cranbrook Invitational

Extra Co-curricular Activities

You will have seen some communication from me on the Waverley app last week, regarding extra co-curricular activities at the Junior School.

I have contacted you this week if your son has been accepted to participate in Spanish, Judo, Hip Hop or Innovation Clubs (everyone who registered for Run Club is accepted). In the case I have not emailed you, unfortunately, your son was not selected this Semester due to capped class sizes. We certainly hope to accommodate him in future.

We have had a record number of students sign up to Run Club and we are looking forward to that commencing Monday, along with our other clubs!




We are looking forward to Round 2 sport tomorrow – go Waves!

Running Club

With the huge number of keen participants wanting to join Run Club we will be splitting the sessions into two days. This begins next week. 


Ms Jade Sparks

Assistant Director of Co-curricular


From the Director of Curriculum, Mr Elliott McKimm

Curriculum Term 1 2024

What a wonderful start it has been in the classroom. Our students have come back from a long break with enthusiasm to learn, and have already embraced the challenges we have set for them academically. 

Students have started to set SMART goals with their classroom teachers this week. Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely, will set our students up for success.

Students will set SMART goals each Term, and I encourage you to sit down and discuss what your son wants to achieve this Term. We know that having it recorded allows them to revisit their goal throughout the Term, and build on strategies to make sure they achieve their goal/s. These goals can be found on page 58 in the College Diary. 

At the beginning of each Term, I will provide a Curriculum Overview of what your son will be learning in the classroom. It is clearly set out so that you can see the subject and the topics being taught across the curriculum. I hope you find it a useful tool to support your son and encourage conversation around the learning that is taking place in the classroom.


Mr Elliott McKimm

Director of Curriculum


From the Literacy & Innovation Teacher, Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Home Learning Club Week 4

*NO HOME LEARNING Tuesday, 20 February 2024

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Register your son via this link 

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Waverley Reading Challenge 2024

The Waverley Reading Challenge began this week. This Challenge implements important strategies to assist your son to engage in reading positively. 

The boys are challenged to read different genres, read non fiction, listen to audiobooks, give recommendations to their friends and develop a love of reading. 

Giving boys choices also plays an important role in developing a love of reading, as does making sure they have access to the books they would like to read, providing a welcoming, flexible and comfortable space and time to read. The Learning Hub is continually working to support young readers in the Junior School.

3D Printing Gurus Lead Our Lunchtime Talk 

Ethan Storie, Joe Fanning and Xavier Condon, our very own JS Waverley students, presented at our Lunchtime Talk on Friday. 

The 3D print managers gave valuable tips on 3D printing, key elements for 3D design;  simplicity, structure, and size and recommended design websites. 

The JS boys loved every minute of the presentation and had many questions for our 3D printing gurus. 

A huge thank you to Ethan, Joe and Xavier for giving up their time to inspire the next generation of innovators. 

If you would like to volunteer to do a presentation, please email me directly at

Term 1 2024 Lunchtime Talk

Term 1 2024 Lunchtime Talk

Drawing Club Inspires New Friendships

The Drawing Club has started! Our avid artists will meet weekly to discuss all things art. Our first session was on Tuesday, 13 February 2024, our theme for the session was getting to know what each student enjoys drawing. The atmosphere in the space was inspiring, and it was evident that new friendships were forming.

Term 1 Drawing Club


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher

Attention Year 11 and 12 scholars! Ignite your intellect in the inaugural Edmund Ignatius Rice Speech and Essay Competition.

Craft your thesis, dive into the details, and illuminate the touchstones that resonate in today’s world.

Discover the competition insights in the link HERE.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 4. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Staff Room
Monday, 19 February 2024
Studies of Religion II 3:30pm – 5pm Cooper/ Stewart E40
Studies of Religion I 3:30pm – 5pm Boumelhem E41
Maths Advanced 7:30am – 8:30am Mountfort E26
Tuesday, 20 February 2024
Visual Arts 3:15pm – 5pm Turnbull C13
Maths Standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am P Cornish E33
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
Maths Advanced 7:30am – 8:30am Riley E23
Maths Extension 2 3:30pm -4:30pm Hall E32
Thursday, 22 February 2024 Society and Culture 3:15pm – 4:45pm Theo W32
Friday, 23 February 2024 Hospitality 7am – 8am B McCarthy TF1

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Martina Cooper

Director of Curriculum

Have you seen Waverley College’s Flickr Page? It allows our College Community to view and download photos after College Events, Sports Fixtures, etc.

Please save the link below which gives you access to our photographs from week to week. The link can also be found on the ‘Links’ button within the Waverley College app.

If you have any questions please contact


Ms Emma Laurence

Marketing and Development Manager

Fixtures, Training Schedules and Maps

Click HERE.

New Tackle Height Rugby Law for 2024

Well done to all players, staff, coaches and parents/carers on a positive first full round last weekend against Barker. Our Year 7 Water Polo Team were outstanding and a three quarters of our Basketball teams all recorded victories over the weekend.

In 2024, Rugby Australia and World Rugby are implementing a specific new rule change around tackle heights in all community rugby, including in schools. The new law is that all contact must be below the bottom of the sternum and this has been successfully implemented in other countries such as New Zealand, that has seen a reduction in concussions by 30%.

We will ensure that all of our rugby coaches, as well as players, are trained and prepared for the season with this new law. For any significant change in a law within a sport there will be a period of adjustment, however, any positive change that will keep players safer around concussion is something that we definitely support. We would also ask that all players and parents/carers in rugby make themselves familiar with this new law.

We will also still follow the Rugby Australia concussion protocols for ALL of our activities. This includes 19 days of no sport or training and medical certificate clearance before returning to any matches or training. If any student suffers a concussion in an external club game it is also imperative the College is informed of this, to ensure student welfare and safety.

1st Rugby V Newington

Summer Activity Photos – Senior School Teams

Next week we are also taking our summer activity photos for the Senior School teams. All students need to be in correct summer playing attire and these photos will be taken on the Birrell Street Basketball courts as per the schedule published.

Please note that Water Polo teams will be in PE attire and the Swimming and Diving squad photos will be taken on the day of the CAS championships on Thursday, 14 March 2024. We will also be sending Years 8 and 11 to the CAS Swimming and Diving championships on this day for compulsory supporters duty.

The College uniform requirements can be found on pages 39-40 of the College Diary.

View the Summer Sports Photos timetable HERE.

2024 House Swimming Carnival

In 2024 we will also hold our House Swimming Carnival at the College and this will be split over two days.

We will send out more information closer to this date.

Best wishes to all activities this weekend.

House Swimming Carnival

House Swimming Carnival in 2023


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Captains of Basketball Report

1sts V

On Saturday, the 1st’s V Basketball team faced off against Barker. Unfortunately, Waverley came up short against Barker, falling 119-97, in a disappointing loss for the players.

The players were led and motivated throughout the game by Eden Byrd’s shooting and scoring ability, which kept them in the game whilst Barker had a lead early. After Barker’s early lead, the 1sts were able to chip away at the score and eventually bring it down to only a 9-point deficit, however as this happened, Barker picked up the intensity on defence, and was able to force a lot of turnovers from Waverley to raise the deficit to 40 points. The boys never stopped fighting however, and managed to cut the lead down to 22 points, in a loss where the offence did very well, however, their defence let them down.

The 1sts record now drops to 2-4 as they hope to bounce back next week against another tough opponent in Knox Grammar.

1st V Basketball V Barker

1st V Basketball V Barker

1st V Basketball V Barker

1st V Basketball V Barker

2nds V

The Waverley 2nds come into the second half of the CAS season with a record of 4-1 and in the fight to win the competition. They faced off against Barker, who they suffered their only loss to last year, and were hoping to get revenge.

The game started with an early lead for Barker, the Waverley boys were unable to match their intensity as they jumped to a 10-point lead. As the game progressed the score went back and forth but remained at the 10-point margin. As the fourth quarter went on, Barker stretched their lead to 15 and things were looking bleak for the Waverley boys.

With the efforts from the likes of Giles Strachan, Hudson Hatchett and Renato Rovacchi, the 2nds were able to reel in the deficit, making the game go down to the wire. Unfortunately, the deficit was too big to come back from, and the 2nds suffered their second loss of the season, 43-41.

The 2nds record now falls to 4-2, and they will have to win the rest of their games this season to have a chance at winning the competition. They hope to work towards this starting next week against Knox Grammar.


The 10As come into this round with an undefeated record of 5-0, and they hope to continue this undefeated streak against a tough Barker opponent. Waverley’s leaders stood up for them this game led by Nico Palacio’s tenacity on defence, Jonte Garvey’s rebounding and finishing, and Francesco Scarpa’s scoring in the post. They were able to beat Barker convincingly with a 43-23 win where defence was the standout for the team.


The 9As played a tough Barker team. The team played a strong game, however Barker was able to outmatch them. They were led by Oli Lau and Malachai Rangan, as they unfortunately lost 51-37. 


The 8As had a close game against Barker, resulting in a 12-point loss that was fought hard until the end by the players. The final result was 44-32 to Barker. Charlie Gibbins’s speed and Max Malley’s defence were able to keep Waverley 8As in the game, but unfortunately, they were unable to pull through with the victory.


Coming into their first game in high school, the 7As played an exceptional game of Basketball, winning by 5 points, with the final result 46-41. Right from the tip-off the players played with all their hearts, diving for every loose ball. Remy Garvey and Lachie Lever helped them get their first win in high school.


Mr Anthony Gibbs

Convenor of Basketball

Weekly Careers Newsletter – Term 1 Week 3 2024

View the Week 3 Careers Newsletter HERE.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Waverley Business Studies Entrepreneurs Bring Car Detailing to You!

Introducing Sam and Oskar, your local car detailers, right here in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.

We are two mates in Year 12 at Waverley College who are passionate and dedicated to our work.

Using our combined experience – two productive years! – we can make your car look brand new in just two hours.

We know your time is precious, so we bring our service to your door.

We save YOUR time with OUR mobile service.

Want to maximise your resale value? Drive your car with pride?

Book Now at: 0408 689 805

Click HERE for pricing.

Click HERE to check out our Instagram page.

Detailing direct poster


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Week 3: Monday, 12 February – Sunday, 18 February 2024


Week 4: Monday, 19 February – Sunday, 25 February 2024


Week 5: Monday, 26 February – Sunday, 3 March 2024


Weeks Ahead


April – August