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The University of Sydney hosted several schools on Friday, 9 September to compete in three rounds of debates. Students were given half an hour to prepare their arguments and were expected to deliver a speech of five minutes.

The topics:

  1. Schools should actively encourage students to question authority.
  2. Countries with a history of human rights abuses should be banned from hosting sporting events.
  3. The environmental movement should take more radical action in the fight against climate change.

Waverley was represented by two teams, the first comprising Lachlan Miranda, Ewan McDonald, Campbell Porteus, and Charlie Murphy. The second senior team was Harrison Rimmell, Tom Hughes, and Hugh McDonald. 

The students debated with poise and precision, the Year 11 team remaining undefeated, whilst the Year 10 team won two of their three debates. All speakers were complimented on their ability to clearly and persuasively articulate their arguments, whilst successfully rebutting the opposition. 

It was a fantastic experience for all students involved, as they were able to immerse themselves in the academic surrounds of the university, whilst demonstrating their intelligence and rhetorical skills.

Senior Debating at University of Sydney


Ms Melanie Stephens

Senior Debate Coach


Year 9 students, James Peate and Kayden Baker, had their first meeting as part of the ERA for Change National Student Executive Leadership Group on Tuesday, 13 September. They were introduced to the five most common responses to injustice and the best ways to bring about change. James and Kayden represented not only Waverley College but also NSW Edmund Rice Colleges. Student executive leaders attended from across the Edmund Rice Australia network.

This first meeting was an introduction to the ethos of ERA for Change, and a chance for each student leader to discuss the advocacy and activism occurring in their own Colleges. A significant highlight was the recognition by Amy Cutter, ERA for Change Intern and organiser, of Waverley College’s commitment to strengthening our Indigenous connection via our native planting project. This project is to take place in early Term 4 under the guidance of Mr Kevin Heath (Indigenous Coordinator) and Uncle Dean Kelly (Indigenous Elder), in collaboration with our Walawaani students. 

Meetings will take place throughout each term. James and Kayden are looking forward to what they can bring to, as well as learn from, this forum.

For more information about previous campaigns by ERA for Change, view the links below to their social media networks:





Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator


On the weekend of September 10-11, Waverley College students participated in the Sydney round of the World Scholar’s Cup. Held at Queenwood School at Balmoral, the students participated in four main events: collaborative writing, team debate, Scholar’s Bowl, and Scholar’s Challenge. Participating in teams of three, all students demonstrated fantastic collaborative skills and academic rigour. 

Congratulations to the following students:

Mikayl Keshavarz, James Peate, Nick Zanapalis, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock, Campbell Porteus, Ewan McDonald, Charlie Murphy, Ricardo Zanapalis, Tashi Harrison, Jock Edwards, Harrison Rimmell and Jamie Khov.

At the closing ceremony, Waverley students earned several accolades, with all students receiving medals in a variety of categories. Special mention to Campbell, Ewan, and Charlie, who were the first placed senior team of the event. All teams who represented Waverley qualified to attend the global round, to be held overseas. 

Scholars were also invited to participate in a talent show, where Waverley was represented with two performances. James Peate played a moving piece on the acoustic guitar. Afterwards, Campbell, Ricardo, Tashi, and Jock performed a musical and dance number, which successfully blended Queen with Debussy. Both acts were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience and met with deafening applause. 

Thanks to Ms Emma Halpin for organising our participation in the event, and parents for facilitating the students to attend.


Ms Melanie Stephens

English Teacher


The College Choir and Brass Ensemble will be rehearsing for and performing at St Mary’s Cathedral for the Year 12 Graduation Mass. The rehearsal will take place on Tuesday, 20 September and Mass on Wednesday, 21 September.

Students will travel via bus on both days, departing the College at approximately 1:30pm and returning to the College at approximately 4:30pm. Students in Years 10 and 11 may depart directly from St Mary’s Cathedral, if they have a signed letter from a parent/carer.

Lunch will be provided on Tuesday, 20 September, however students must bring their own lunch on Wednesday, 21 September.

Please complete the permission slip below by Monday, 19 September, if your son is in either of these ensembles.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.


Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music


The Australian Government has an initiative for schools for mobile Dental clinic services, such as NSW Dental Care. 

NSW Dental Care is offering free dental screenings to students at Waverley College from 24- 28 October, 2022. 

The dental screening is a free of charge for eligible students aged 2-17 and provides benefits for the child for basic dental services that includes:

This service is provided under the Child Dental Benefits Scheme of the Australian Government. Early detection of decay and other dental disease is vital in preventing bigger, more painful and expensive problems in the future. Left untreated, dental disease is progressive and will result in greater discomfort and is likely lead to permanent problems, such as tooth loss or lasting pain.

>>> Click here to view and complete a consent form if you would like your child to receive a dental consultation.

Please ensure the form is completed by 21 September, 2022. 

This falls under the Medicare – Child Dental Benefits Scheme. Parents will need to provide their child’s Medicare number on the form. Waverley College encourages our students to benefit from this service.

What is the Cost?

This service is free for eligible students. Payment of benefits under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule is administered through the Department of Human Services. If your child is eligible there will be no cost to you and no gap fee. 

How Does it Work?

NSW Dental Care will provide these dental services within Waverley College on both the Junior and Senior School campuses. NSW Dental alongside Waverley College will ensure each student’s safety, comfort, and wellbeing.

NSW Dental Care arrives with fully mobile state-of-the-art equipment and follows strict COVID-19 safety regulations, including the staff being fully vaccinated before visiting the school. Once the check-ups are completed, reports will be mailed to parents regarding the outcome. This enables early diagnosis and preventative treatment.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email


Ms Adele Cutbush

Registered Nurse, Waverley College Health Centre


Eastern Suburbs School Leaders for Youth present After the Bell 2022, an evening aimed at parents and carers of students in Years 7-12. It is a combined schools initiative focusing on the safekeeping and wellbeing of our youth.

Date: Thursday, 13 October 2022, 6pm

Location: Brother Lacey Gymnasium, Waverley College, 131 Birrell Street Waverley

Tickets: $10 per person (plus a 50 cent TryBooking fee) with all proceeds donated to Headspace

How to Book Tickets

>>> Click here to book tickets.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing


Weekly Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator



>>> Click here to view the school holiday trading hours.

Service to Country 

The world has seen in the last week, the passing of two significant world leaders in  Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) and Mikhail Gorbachev (1931-2022). Both certainly left their mark on their respective countries and the rest of the world. 

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, was the monarch for 56 nations and 2.5 Billion people. She exemplified devotion to duty and service above self, leading with grace and dignity across her historic seven-decade reign. Queen Elizabeth was steady in the face of constant change. She is credited in bringing stability to the monarch, steering the British Empire to a mostly peaceful orderly end, modernising the monarchy, assisting in the breakdown process of ‘apartheid’, reducing tension between Ireland and the United Kingdom, her tireless service and love for the people within her country and within the Commonwealth, and above all, her significant charity work throughout her life (600 charities). 

Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of the Soviet Union in 1990 – 91 and the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. Gorbachev was the single most important initiator of a series of events in late 1989 and 1990 that transformed the political fabric of Europe and marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War. By the summer of 1990 he had agreed to the reunification of East with West Germany. Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1990.

Year 12 Leadership Term 4 2022 and 2023 

After an extensive Prefect and Captain selection leadership process that included House, peers, and staff, it is my pleasure to announce that the four College Captains for Term 4 2022 and 2023 are:

Each of these students articulated their genuine desire to serve the community and seek improvement across the spiritual, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical dimensions for all students. The College Leadership look forward to working with this new student leadership team. The House Prefects positions will be announced post-Year 11 examinations.

2023 College Captains

2023 College Captains

Archbishop’s Award 

Congratulations, Jay Palm (Year 12), who received the prestigious Archbishop’s Award for Excellence for his service work today (Friday, 9 September). The annual awards were started in 1999 by Cardinal Edward Clancy, to honour leadership qualities and service to school and parish communities.

Congratulations, Jay Palm

Congratulations, Jay Palm

R U OK? Day 

Yesterday was R U OK? Day, a day and cause with an extremely close connection to Waverley College. This year’s theme ‘Ask R U OK? No Qualifications Needed,’ emphasises that everyone regardless of job, qualification, training and position, can play a vital role in supporting the people in each of our worlds with the four simple steps of an R U OK? conversation:

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check-in

Thank you to parents and students who contributed to the R U OK? bake sale with funds being donated to the charity. A focus on R U OK? will continue in next week’s College assembly. 

Parents’ Association Annual General Meeting – Save the Date – Tuesday, 1 November

The next Parents’ Association meeting and AGM will take place on Tuesday, 1 November 2022, where a number of office bearers for 2023 will be elected.

I’m grateful to Jade Stapleton for her tireless work as President for the past two years. She will be stepping down from this role at the AGM. Thank you also to Treasurer, Deb Johnson and Secretary, Stephanie van Dam, who have made sterling contributions to the Parents’ Association for many years, and will also be retiring from their roles.

Consider getting involved in the Parents’ Association, a vital part of the Waverley College community. With our ‘120 Year’ celebrations happening in 2023, there will be numerous exciting events throughout next year, and your ideas and energy are very welcome.

Please submit expressions of interest for the following positions for 2023 and beyond to Ms Emma Laurence – Marketing & Development Manager

National Child Protection Week 2022 – “Every child needs a fair go”

Sunday, 4 September 2022 marked the beginning of National Child Protection Week 2022. As you are aware, National Child Protection Week is an Australia-wide initiative that draws particular attention to the importance of the safeguarding and protection of all children and young people.

The National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) have facilitated National Child Protection Week for over 30 years, and in that time EREA schools and the National Office have worked closely with NAPCAN to promote the safety and wellbeing of children. Most recently, we were fortunate to receive a keynote address from Dr Brenda Dobia at our 2022 Safeguarding Conference regarding respectful relationships, and the work Dr Dobia does with NAPCAN in this important space.

National Child Protection Week culminates on Sunday, 11 September 2022 with Safeguarding Sunday, an initiative of the Australia Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC); further information and resources regarding Safeguarding Sunday can also be found on the EREA public website below.

>>> Click here to view this website.

Farewell to Ms Tina Pasfield on Reception

Farewell to Ms Tina Pasfield, who finished up on Wednesday, 7 September at the College. I would like to thank Tina for 15 years of service to the College in the fast-paced world at the front of College reception. She has assisted parents, carers, staff, students, visitors and contractors. With every possible issue, she has assisted them all with great efficiency and care. 

COVID-19 Update

Last week, National Cabinet announced that the isolation period for positive COVID-19 cases would be reduced from 7 days to 5 days from Friday, 9 September with the following caveats:

All staff, students and visitors who test positive to COVID-19 should continue to follow the NSW Health guidelines.

Thank you for your ongoing understanding.

After the Bell 2022 – Save the Date – Thursday, 13 October, 6pm

Deputy Principals from schools in the Eastern Suburbs meet each term, as we believe there is enormous value and under-utilised potential in schools collaborating, sharing ideas and resources, to support our community and students.

Our key focus is working together to raise awareness and provide parents and carers with strategies to help them manage and influence teenage behaviour.

We believe that it is essential for parents and carers to see that our schools stand united, with shared values on social and emotional issues. 

We have come together to organise a parent event, which Waverley College will host, on Thursday, 13 October. 

Yasmin London is an ex-World Champion athlete, police officer and now Director of ySafe, Australia’s largest provider of online safety education. Yasmin has built a team that empowers over 1 million young Australians and their communities to take control of their digital journey.

Please save the date. Tickets will go on sale soon, with proceeds going to Headspace.

After the Bell - Parent Event

Current COVID-19 Statistics

Total Current Cases 1 (in Years 5-12)
Year 5 0 cases
Year 6 1 case
Year 7 0 cases
Year 8 0 cases
Year 9 0 cases
Year 10 0 cases
Year 11 0 cases
Year 12 0 cases

Term 3, 2022 – Our Lady’s Term

Week 8


Week 9


Week 10




Term 4, 2022 – Advent Term


Term and Holiday Dates 2023

>>> Click here to view the fixtures.

CAS Track & Field Championships

Our College Track & Field team has continued to perform well, leading up the 91st CAS Track and Field Championships on Thursday, 15 September at Homebush. 

In the week of the championships, the whole squad will train on Monday and Tuesday afternoon, with ‘Carbo Night’ also on Tuesday evening. We will then present the whole squad at assembly on Wednesday, 14 September. Following the championships next Thursday, we will then have a presentation evening at the College on Friday evening.

On the day of the championships, the students competing will arrive at school at 9am and head straight to the PAC. Squad reserves and all other students will be in class for Period 1. At 11am the competitors will depart for Homebush, and all students elected for events must have the correct College Athletics attire (singlets and shorts). 

At 1pm, Years 7 and 12 will also depart for their compulsory supporters’ duty at the championships. We will provide students with a packed meal for the carnival. There are canteen facilities at the venue, however, prices are high and the queues are always long.

The event concludes at 8pm and students will be bused back to the College by 9pm or students can sign up to return on one of the two buses that comes back to either Maroubra Junction or Hurstville train station. The sign up sheets are in the Wellbeing Centre, and once these buses are full, we will not be able to add any more students.

Years 7 and 12 must be in full College uniform and all squad members can wear their College tracksuit.

If students are departing the event with parents/carers, they must seek permission from their Head of House or a relevant staff member.

Any parent/carer or spectator is welcome to attend, but must pre-purchase tickets via the link below:

Invitational Carnival

We still have one more invitational carnival this Saturday at ES Marks, and it is not too late for students to still try to make the squad. 

Internal summer trials

On Saturday September 17, our Water Polo, Basketball, Tennis and Touch Football teams will all have their first round of summer trials. It is compulsory for students to attend these trials for selections, and these teams will commence their training with all other activities on the first day of Term 4.

We will publish the fixtures and training schedule on the College website this week.

We have also commenced pre-season training for Cricket, Tennis and Basketball for a number of students. All other activities will commence at the start of Term 4.

Rugby Union, Football, AFL and Rugby League Grand Finals

Finally, congratulations to all of the Waverley College students who took part in a range of Rugby Union, Football, AFL and Rugby League Grand finals over the past two weekends. There were many successes and some disappointments, however, it is a wonderful achievement to see so many Waverley College students successful in their endeavours.


Owen Lloyd-Jones

Special mention also goes to Owen Lloyd-Jones who competed in the NSW Junior Short Course Swimming Champs over the weekend. Some impressive results in some tough U12 events:

Congratulations Owen Lloyd-Jones

Congratulations Owen Lloyd-Jones

Stuart Swinburn (Class of 2019) 

Old Boy Stuart Swinburn, (brother of Scott in Year 11), has been selected to compete in the Australian Dolphins Team at the 16th FINA World Swimming Championships at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre from 13-18 December. This is a brilliant achievement and we send him our best Waverley wishes.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular
